Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1123: Tiger Tianshan

Li Mu pressed the communicator and said a word:

"Elders waiting for justice, you pay attention to the other side, the tigers have a movement in the royal family. If they come here, look for opportunities to surround them, if there is a chance, bite a piece of meat from them! Hehe." Li Mu's look became fierce.

"They are prepared." Yihou replied.


The atmosphere changed suddenly. Li Mu coughed and said: "Then you still hide. If you can't beat it, we can only retreat. We will do our best to protect it. This is the site of the predecessors and the first. Tasks, don't want to fail."

"You are still mentally prepared, don't be embarrassed." Yi Hou said again, then hang up the communication.

The atmosphere gradually became tense and depressed.

Many people's eyes are sweeping through the dark universe.

As if in a dark place, the shadow of the enemy fleet will appear at any time.

They are hidden in the dark, whether they will come quietly like the dawn of dawn, but this dawn represents cold and chill.

The atmosphere is getting more and more depressed.

The Starfleet Wars, inadvertently, all lost.

Although the chance of escape is large, it is terrible to be prepared for the other party.

"Really! Really enemy!"

"Come on, this scale..."

"God! Tiger is the main force of the royal family."

"It's over, we are finished!"

Many people in the spaceship over the engineering team panicked.

They have no fighting power.

When I saw the void in the distance ahead, there were suddenly more than a hundred fleets.

The tiger's head on the main ship.

It makes people chilling.

"That is the main ship of Tiger Tianshan!"

"It turned out to be him! The **** of killing actually came in person."

Including the main ship on the side of Li Mu, many people could not help but exclaim.

The shadow of the human name tree.

The pressure on Tiger Tianshan is too great.

Even Li Mu’s forehead couldn’t help but shed cold sweat.

Damn, what a joke, here is the lost continent in the fringe area, it is also worth your Tiger Tianshan?

Did they find out that this was built for the predecessors of Zhang and deliberately to retaliate?

No, the news should not be transmitted.

Perhaps they are aware of it.

"150 ships."

"Hu Tianshan."

"Mechanical Corps."

"I am here with the elders of the righteousness, a total of one hundred and eighty ships, and there is no chance."

"Can you beat him off guard?"

Li Mu’s eyes twitched slightly.

The heart measures the winning percentage of this battle.

There are five main ships on the other side.

There are seven ships on your own side.

Don't underestimate the two extra ships. The combat power of the main ship is extremely terrifying.


Li Mu’s fleet raised their protective layers.

The attack device is ready to go.

The same is true of the other party.

The huge fleet is slowly approaching.

Not yet at the distance of the battle!

The investigation aircraft discharged from the Limu side, the self-explosive aircraft, and the signal-interfering aircraft are all arranged.

The war seems to be on the verge of being triggered.

See the alliance forces on the Dahl star, like the ice cave.

"Hu Tianshan brought people, really want to fight, it is too exaggerated."

"Mom, I have already said that Yunyingtian is building a stronghold here and preparing for it."

"Fortunately, it is closer to the lost continent, some distance, we can look at the situation."

In the picture captured by their main ship and reconnaissance ship.

It can be clearly seen that the fleet of the royal family of the tigers is like a mountain, and it is swaying.

"There is a signal connection."

One of his men and Li Mu said quickly.


Li Mu seems to have guessed something, and his heart is nervous, and he feels that his throat is dry.


A picture appeared in front of the picture.

Sure enough, Tiger Tianshan!

He was still so calm, as if the mountain was pressed, it didn't change color.

Looking at Li Mu in a dull manner, he said slowly:

"Li Gongzi, what you built here is Zhang Hanyang?"

"You don't need to know." After seeing Tiger Tianshan, Li Mu's heartbeat seemed to be in the eyes of the blind man, but his face remained flat and he answered slowly.

"Oh." Tiger Tianshan smiled: "There is no need to know, because today will not exist here."

"So, my second question, you know where Zhang Hanyang is going?" Tiger Tianshan asked again.

"I don't know, I don't know if I know." Li Mu reluctantly replied.

What the hell?

Will you go out here?

Sincerely let me not be a task, right?

"You are very calm."

The mouth of Hu Tianshan hangs a little bit of fun, saying: "Is it because you have a hundred old, and the mouse that is hidden in the dark?"


In an instant, Li Mu's face is fusion.

I did not expect him to even say this.

Lying in the trough!

"Here is Zhang Hanyang let you build."

Tiger Tianshan seems to have become a prophet, and he said:

"Oh, can you say that his subordinate arrangement, spent 500 million crystals? To build a place in the Hailongxing domain?"

"Zhang Hanyang teaches you a lot of secrets in Yunyingtian. He really is a family with you."

"Unfortunately, he can't see the destruction of Yunyingtian with his own eyes."

"Now, what do you think?"

In the face of the question of Tiger Tianshan.

Li Mu said nothing in one sentence.

The whole person feels cold throughout, such as the coldness of the ice cave.

How does he know everything?


Cold sweat runs down Li Mu’s cheeks.

I feel like I am going to suffer.

"Ha ha."

Tiger Tianshan faint smiles, pending communication facilities.

"Alarm! Space turbulence, temporarily unable to enter the subspace."

"Alarm! The enemy ship enters the edge of the theater."

"Alarm! Energy ahead..."

The alarm sounds of one machine after another pulled Li Mu back to reality.

"Get ready to escape."

Li Mudao sounded, and immediately took out the communicator to contact Yiwu.


Don't go wrong!

Li Mu was impatient, after the sixth sound.

Communicator connection.

"Elders waiting for you, how is your situation?"

"What is the situation?"

Give Li Mu a whole glimpse.

"Don't Tiger Tianshan not attack you?" Li Mu was in doubt.

The communicator was in silence, and two seconds later, the voice of the righteous was heard:

"I just didn't, now it's coming, one hundred and sixty ships are really big, Li Gongzi, abandon here, we love and star, Li Gongzi, come back!"


The communicator is disconnected.

Li Mu’s face was paler and his eyes were confused.

"Signal capture..."

He looked at the fleet of Tiger Tianshan ahead and was slightly lost.

"Hu Tianshan."

"You are terrible!"

Li Mu suddenly found out.

The words that have just been utterly uttered by Tiger Tianshan may be swindling themselves, in order to capture the signal of his connection.


Signal capture, isn't the function that Wang Ship has?

Is the Tiger Royal Family breaking this technology?

"Alerts, alarms..."

In the face of various alarms, Li Muzhen laughed:

"Come here! Give me a fight! Fight back, Mom, I am not a vegetarian!"

"The defense is fully open."

"The energy cannon is charging."

"The charge is complete."

"The magnetic gun is charging."

"The cracked gun is charging."

"The main gun is charging."

"carry out,"

"carry out......"

The next battle was handed over to the commander.

At this time, the commander, standing next to Li Mu, was sweating.

The strength gap is too wide.



It seems as if the fireworks are blooming.

After reaching the range, the two fleets played countless firepower.

Various aircraft, colliding with each other and bombing.

It seems as if to ignite this universe.

The star of Dahl was stunned.

"Is this up?"

"Oh, my god, really hit!"

"The war between the royal family and the cloud shadows is coming, and this will affect the entire sea dragon field!"

"Hailong Star has to face a new round of shuffling. What should we do?"

"Li Gongzi is not an opponent at all. You said that after the game, the royal family will finish the cloud shadow day. Will it come to beat us? It is Tiger Tianshan. If you come over, you can't prevent it."

Both sides of the war, the nerves are pressing.

On the side of the star, it is equally tense.

What does this mean?

It is a battle of the world.

The scope of the spread is too powerful!

"Old, boss!"

One of the men suddenly looked at the communicator and screamed:

"Played up! Really fight!"

"I don't worry!" The leader responded with a cold voice.

"No, not here."

The man trembled and said:

"Zhennanxing, the southern star of the tiger's royal family was attacked by Yunyingtian, and the garrison on the top was completely destroyed! More than 100,000 deaths and injuries!"

"Xuan Haizong was attacked by Yunyingtian, and fled and fled, giving up the mysterious starfish, killing more than 500,000!"

"The Cloud Shadow Alliance Alliance Shuramen dispatched the fleet, and the Alliance's broken peaks, which attacked the Tigers' royal family, have already occupied two planets."

"The Tigers of the Royal Family Alliance, Bing Xinzong, Yan Hongmen, and An Yazong jointly attacked the planet of Yunyingtian in the Haibei Star Area and killed 200,000 people!"

"The Shalu star of the Tiger Royal Family at the edge of the Haibei Star Area was destroyed by the Cloud Shadows, the surface of the planet was destroyed, and 300,000 people were killed. No one in Shalu Star!"

"Chaotic, really messy, a lot of news, can't see it, all fight!"

"This is crazy!"

"The sea dragon star field is in chaos!"

"The battle area is as high as 50%, the sea dragon star field, half of the place is in the big battle, the battle zone is still increasing, and many forces are not spared."

"Roland Star...Roland star no one, Elf King led the tribe to escape to Yunyingtian."

"The seven-hole star of the tiger's royal family was captured."


The leader of the Dahl Star, the body is awkward.

Looking at the rear of the Dahl star, there is no past fleet, and even if there is, it is leaving quickly.


"This sea dragon star domain, can't wait, go, go!"

"When they finish playing, let's talk."

"The notice goes on, ready to evacuate, and go to the Seven Miles to avoid the limelight."

A command was issued.

Then their eyes looked at the screen.

It is casting the battle ahead.

All kinds of firepower collide with each other in the void.


Colorful, confused people's eyes.

It is a pity that the firepower of the tiger's royal family is too strong.

Li Mu couldn’t stop it here, and a large piece of fire poured out.

The second round of attack interception.

The third round...

If the opponent's attack is only one round, then it will be destroyed if it is not near.

But if only if, on the side of Tiger Tianshan, it will soon hit the second round, the third round, the fourth round of attacks...

Can't help it!


The attack is on the daemon layer.

The energy drops sharply.

"Alarms, energy is still seventy-seven."

"Alarm, the energy compartment pressure is too high."


One by one, listening to the upset.

"Li Gongzi, can't do this. Only use energy on the defense, fly away quickly, and leave the disturbed place to jump into the subspace to escape." The captain said: "We must at least give up 20 frigates to drag each other."

"Twenty?" Li Mu's face is pale and hard to see.

Not because of the spacecraft, but by tens of thousands of people.

He is very disgusted with this feeling of powerlessness.

He does not want to decide the life and death of others.

Today, dozens of frigates, some of them, some die, in his mind.

"Connected on the 42nd."

On the screen of Fu, a middle-aged man appeared on the screen. He was the captain of the 47th frigate. His face was calm and he said:

"The forty-seventh to sixty-fourth frigates, after the request was broken, we have already dispersed the aircraft, they have to flee to the lost mainland, there may be life, I...we, people, hehehehe."

The middle-aged man said with a smile, his eyes seemed to look through the screen and looked at Li Mu. He said softly and slowly:

"Li Gongzi, do you still remember the Aotian team? The life of our team of 130 people is saved by Li Gongzi. I have always remembered it. From the 42nd to the 64th, the captain is proud. We are all here, we are all grateful."

During the speech, the middle-aged man made a fist in his right hand and tilted his chest. He smiled:

"This is our choice. I hope that Li Gongzi respects our decision. If...no, if we can follow Li Gongzi, I have always been honored, Li Gongzi, thank you."


The signal is disconnected.

On the way to retreat, more than 20 frigates left the team.

Turned over the bow and confronted the Tiger Tianshan Fleet.

Li Mu’s eyes are red.


The wind blew Li Gongzi, and roared at this time.

Wo Hu, grievances, sadness, filled with Li Mu’s heart.

Everyone is silent.

Including the captain next to Li Mu, slowly raised his right hand, a very solemn gesture.

The proud team is also the team that Li Mu once experienced.

Played for a long time.

Everyone in the backbone, he remembers.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, they took the initiative to stand up.

The sorcerer died for the confidant.

Under the eyes of Li Mu and others.

Twenty ships are fully fired, and energy is not consumed.

They know that if they take a minute or two, they can complete the task.

There are not many people on the spaceship, and countless aircraft are falling and flying to the lost continent.

Even this picture is clearly captured by the Dar Star forces.

The sight of almost everyone is placed at the battle.

I thought that the Hufu royal family would eat these 20 frigates, which was also a big victory.

But the truth is always unexpected.


Suddenly a wave of volatility, formed from the local main ship, saw a red streamer, and quickly flew to the 20 ships.

What is the streamer?

Just as the various attacks launched by the 20 spaceships have to arrive near.


That red streamer suddenly became bigger.

In a moment, it became a hundred-foot scale... mech!

"It is the armor of Tiger Tianshan!"

"He shot!"

Everyone in the field changed his face.

At the same time, more than 100 fleets in Hu Tianshan directly chased Li Mu.

Tiger Tianshan, is this want to eat?


All the firepower, all hit on the red mech.

It blooms in the sky.

But everyone knows that these firepower cannot cause trouble for Tiger Tianshan.


Sure enough, in the flame of burning, the red streamer suddenly appeared, quickly approaching, he did not use the mechanical army, and a long knife suddenly appeared in his right hand.

Before the nearest spaceship, he slowly raised his long knife, as if to complain that he was going to kill.


A dazzling ray of light appeared, turned into a thousand knives, and fell down.


The defense of the frigate did not withstand the knife of the Tiger Tianshan and directly exploded.

This seems to be a one-sided slaughter.

In just two seconds, Tiger Tianshan was close to the second.

A knife fell, followed by the third, fourth...

When Li Mu saw it, the whole person was a little numb.

"The son! The enemy ship has chased it."

The captain said quickly.

"I can't escape, how much can I go."

Li Mu has given up his resistance.

At this time, the resistance is death.

The energy of the spacecraft is mostly used on the propellers. As long as it jumps into the subspace, it is temporarily safe.

The fleet of Hu Tianshan continued to bombard.

Each of their several main ships, each rounded out and bombarded on a frigate, the defense could not stand the violent energy.

One by one, a spark in the back of Li Mu.

In this way, two minutes later, Li Mu's fleet is about to jump.

He turned his gaze and looked at the void in the back universe.

Found that the fleet is not in pursuit.

The road knives flickered past, and the aircraft that fell to the lost continent were cut and exploded in pieces.

The new space station is the biggest explosion point in the audience.

Under the flame of the group is the scrapped metal.

It can also be seen that hundreds of streamers are rapidly sweeping over the buildings on the lost continent.

this moment.

Li Mu’s eyes gradually became cold, his fists clenched, and his eyes stared at the red mech.

Tiger Tianshan!

"There will be a winged wing..."


The Tiger Tianshan in the distance slowly raised the long knife in his hand. The point is that the main ship where Li Mu is located.

He seems to be telling that this battle has just begun.

You cloud shadow, in my eyes, the royal family, what is it?

"Tiger Tianshan, too strong."

The people on the Dahl star are shuddering:

"One person has picked up so many ships."

"In the fleet battle, he played the fighting power, licking the peak of the US dollar."

"No, all gone. Yunyingtian has been here for nearly two months. In just these few minutes, it was destroyed. This is war. This is war."

In the voice of these people's arguments.


The little spaceship left by Li Mu, jumping into the subspace, disappeared.

"Do you see how many spaceships are left in the cloud?"

"It seems to be about thirty?"

"Awful, being halved, this battle is too strong, and Yunyingtian suffered heavy losses."

"The war has begun."

"Yeah, all are fighting."

"Hey, Hu Tianshan, their fleet, are we flying here?"

"Fast, fast!"

Some book friends doubted why the tigers and the royal family knew that Yue Wuwei had to do it, and they all came out with mixed cards. Regarding the plot, you can pay attention to the public singular Wang Zhang, from time to time.

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