Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1141: Tiger Tianshan is coming

"With the cooperation, I will go to the aerial fortress in front!"

The firepower was too strong to move forward, and Chen Changqing turned to look at Liu’s instructors.


Liu Instructor, Jiang Lanlan, Lao Meng, A Hu, and Xu Yong attacked together and held the mech near the air fort.


Just as the Air Fortress hits a variety of super firepower coverage.

Chen Changqing quietly came to the bottom of the fortress.


"The dragon is snarling."

With the double attack of soul and physics, Jianmang hits from the bottom up.

Collided on the defense of the fortress, flashing for two seconds.


The defense broke.

The fortress bloomed in the air with a large flame.

There are a lot of battles on the battlefield, and the degree of fire is fierce, which is more than the mechanical army.

It is like the kind of cannon that used to fight in the past, in a state of easy to defend and difficult to attack.

With a few people, it is easier to take the nearby aerial fortress.

Li Mu and others, after seeing them in the vicinity, followed suit and placed their targets on the fortress. The results were very good.

The tactics that come with it make them a lot easier.

The battlefield is still very anxious.

The constant reinforcement of the two sides has always been fierce.

An epic war is being played.

One party is ready to attack, the other is just defensive, and the cards are not enough.

So after a period of fighting, the tiger's royal family finally showed its defeat.

What is more surprising is that you can't beat it. The tiger's royal family took the opportunity to make a decision. After a large number of mechanical corps and mechs and aircraft were broken, the sea of ​​people quickly retreated as a trend.

A battle is defeated, as long as you retain your strength, you can make a comeback.

This is also the situation that I don't want to see.

Ordered many spaceships and started a crazy attack.

The fleet battle started again.

The Hufu royal family lost a batch, and the others fled.

Only a few empty cities were left.

For the battle for resource stars, some places are not that important.

Just like the formation of the law, the kind of support is fast, echoing back and forth, the planets belonging to the level, all belong to the heavy land, will not easily give way, the other losses do not matter at all, and then attack again.

It is precisely because of this situation that the war on the second battlefield is not the kind of white-hot battle.

Once again, the victory was won, and the resource star of the Tiger Royal Family was robbed.

Everyone is in a good mood.

Go back to the spaceship.

Mu Xue smiled and ran to Zhang Han and asked:

"Master, how about this time? How many points can we get?"

"This is a real eighty, very good."

Seeing everyone's eyes gathered, Zhang Han drums applause, some praised tone.

"That must be, we are adapting to this kind of war." Liu instructor said with a smile.

Others have leaked a smile.

Only Nanshan Wang, looking a little hesitant, finally said:

"Our Shadows need a break, what time is the next fight? If time is tight, we can only be on the front of the complex edge."

The battle of the Shadows is fierce and can be consumed too much.

Now the overall state is not the best, Nanshan Wang does not want to leave him a light pole commander to go back.

"Okay, next time you have a complicated front line, everyone is working hard. Later, a batch of Ling Herb resources will be distributed. After this break for six hours, we will go to the next target location." Yi Hou said.

"Big black, little black, I brought you some beasts."

Zhang Guangyou laughed and waved a handful of a very complete body of the beast. It was Jin Dan.

"Hey, hey, Hachihachi..."

Dahe jumped out of Meng Meng's bag, smiled on his mouth, and took several palms. The posture seemed to say: old iron, pay attention to it.

Everyone who saw it was funny.

"A bit hungry, let's have some food now? Wait for Dad to take a rest." Zi Yan said to Zhang Han.

"it is good."

"If you want to eat barbecue, it is also good to roast the meat."

"Well, you have to eat some vegetables."


“Is it Korean barbecue?” Nina said suddenly.

Listening to Mo Wen is a little dizzy.

What is Korean barbecue?

"Are we eating here?"

"Would you like to go to the surface? Go back and forth for ten minutes."


I saw that everyone agreed, and he was hesitant, and eventually did not say anything.

Take the aircraft and come to the urban area. Only one unit of Yiwu searches here, no one.

Coming to the top floor of a building, the view is not bad.

In the direction of the front sun, there is a stretch of mountains.

The back is where the war has been experienced before, the corpses are everywhere, and there are countless holes.

Of course, you should look at the scenery when you eat.

Soon, the grills and the like were all put on, and some people went down to take the table and chairs, and the wine was also prepared by Li Mu.

"Master, how much more can you do if you participate in the battle?"

When I was eating and drinking, Mu Xue suddenly asked.

The scene is quiet.

The look is a bit curious.

Today, Zhang Han’s realm is in the middle of Yuan Ying, but his combat power can’t be considered with realm.

In the middle of a Yuan Ying, they all looked terrible on the battlefield. The fierce edge made Li Mu and others dare not touch.

Zhang Han, the combat power is very strong, and there will be many large-scale group secrets.

"My father is definitely the best."

Meng Meng ate a small mouthful of barbecue, which is of course said.

"Zhang predecessors are definitely amazing." Li Mu began to hold his stinky feet again: "If Zhang’s predecessors participated in the war, the protagonist must be him."


Zhang Guangyou also leaked a smile. Zhang Yue is more powerful. He is more proud. He touched the wine glass with the cover and said: "The combat power of Xiao Han, participating in the war, it is estimated that we will win half an hour earlier."

"I think so too." He took a swig of wine: "Since I started knowing Xiaohan, I knew he was not ordinary, I didn't expect..."

Unexpectedly, in just a few years, he grew to such a degree that he would not leave a living path for others.

People are more popular than people, but some people can't compare each other.

"He shot, can sweep half of the battlefield." Yue Wuwei's voice suddenly came.


"I rub."


Everyone was shocked.

How terrible this battlefield is, everyone has seen it.

Sweeping half of the battlefield, is that too exaggerated?

"I also believe that Master can." Mu Xue suddenly remembered the previous picture.

Through special means, when Zhang Han did not pay attention, the picture was obtained, in which the corpse was a million, and Mu Xue still remembered that there were many exaggerated spirit beasts in the picture.

Is that a beast?

Definitely in the ranks of the beasts, even the ancient animals!

Even the battle of that level, the Master is like a big demon coming to the world, sweeping the enemy.

This kind of war, that must be OK.

"Dad is the most powerful, super strong, super cow!"

There is still a piece of meat in Meng Meng's mouth, which is ambiguous.

Whenever and wherever, no matter how exaggerated, Meng Meng must be like a decent.

It’s really a small cotton jacket.

In fact, in the hearts of many daughters, Dad is also the most powerful. Perhaps when he grows up, the degree of power changes because of the environment, but the emotion has not changed.

"Can you really swept half of the battlefield?" Zhou Fei said with amazement.

"Not necessarily."

Zhang Han shook his head slightly and did not give an exact answer.

Yue Wuwei is not saying anything.

Because he is looking at the combat power of the gods and turning the gods into reality, in this battlefield, the power can be great.

What about Zhang Han?

His strength...

Yue Wuwei is also inaccurate, and simply depends on the realism.

It’s a terrible person.

This kind of person is in the cultivation of the world, playing pigs and eating tigers is too powerful.

It looks like a Yuan Ying, and an outbreak is astounding.

After learning this sentence from the mouth of Yue Wuwei.

Many people have begun to ponder.

Why can Zhang Han use the golden dragon peak to kill the late Yuan Ying?

How did he do that?

It sounds very good, it can be compared to the next Zhang Han, or the difference is not the same.

In the final analysis, it is not good enough.

As for how to do better?

It is a very profound question.

Break through Yuan Ying and it won't take long.

Because the environment is unfamiliar, many people will not directly carry out the process of solid cultivation after the breakthrough, and will be stabilized by some fighting or longer time.

As at this time, Ye Longyuan, Su Beimu and Yan Chen.

After they broke through, they only practiced for more than three hours. After hearing the words of Ye Longyuan outside, the two opened their eyes and got up and left the room to enter the hospital.

"Sister, sister, I am hungry, go out and find a restaurant to eat something?"

Ye Longyuan shouted at the courtyard next door.


Chu’s plain voice came.

"If we are bullied, I will report the name of the teacher." Ye Longyuan screamed again.

Did not get any reply.

That is the default?

"Go, hungry, go eat a big meal."

Ye Longyuan waved his hand and the three walked out of the yard.

There are no people in this neighborhood, after all, it is not too far from the battlefield.

On the main street, there is a straight road leading to the giant city, where there are gates that can be guarded by several people.


Dust and light cough.

This situation is unclear, really want to enter the city? The wind is tight!

In case the woman has a bad temper, they will finish playing.

"Speaking brother, how do you cough? Is it a trauma when it was broken?" Ye Longyuan looked suspicious.

Voice: "..."

Can't help but want to blast his meal.

But think about the tough woman, stop it, or bear it.

His eyes glanced around and waved a soundproof cover and whispered:

"Ye Shidi, are you really stupid or fake? We have already broken through and got a lot of benefits. When will we not wait?"

"Yes." Su Beimu immediately said: "It is too dangerous here. In the city of the royal family, there is also a strong woman. The strength is definitely very strong. Even if we break through, it is not an opponent. She is happy today, in case tomorrow. Not happy? You really took her as a sister?"

"What do you say in your ancestors, who would believe in the words of fooling people?" The voice saw Ye Longyuan leaking his disdainful eyes. He smiled and taunted: "How come your heart and treasures come from?" What she knows, we are really dangerous."

"You two are really interesting." Ye Longyuan sneered: "When you say a lie, you have a life. I just dare to gamble? All that is said is true. I found the tomb in my hometown, and this. The ring is not ordinary, I can sense it, I am passed down, I am recognized, huh, huh."

"Don't you go?" The dust brows slightly wrinkled.

I am still hesitant, what should I do?

Although the strength of the voice is strong, but the decision, it is still slightly worse.

It was at this time.

A whispered tone, passed into the ears of three people, scared their faces changed:

"If you want to go, I can send you a ride."


Can you hear it with a soundproof cover?

What is the situation of this female aunt?

"No, no, don't go." Subei Mugan said.

"Yes, what are you going to do, the sisters want to kill them, they have already started, and the strength of the two of you, the sister can be too lazy to take care of you, huh, rest assured, with my relationship with the sister, will not move us, sister, that We went to the advanced city and ate something."

Ye Longyuan also felt that his heart was thumping, very nervous.

Who can think of it, you can hear the soundproof cover.

This only shows one point.

The strength of Chu’s dependence is much higher than that of them.

I don't know what the realm is.

Chu refused to return.

Ye Longyuan knew that this was acquiescence.

"Don't say those that are useless, go, eat and drink, and don't expect to worry about it." Ye Longyuan said.

It made a lot of noise and Su Beimu.


May fall into the wolf's nest, or a mother wolf.

The three men walked straight in the direction of the gate.

At this time, the Chu squatting in the yard was leaking a little smile.

Looking at the sky, whispered softly:

"Master, you are so serious, the person who passed on you, but not so serious, I do not know what expression you will see after seeing him, where are you going?"

Get an unknown big backer.

Ye Longyuan is somewhat pleasantly surprised. This is his own air transport.

Furious like him, suddenly found that he has a foothold in the sea dragon star.

Oh, this air transport, who can have it? Only I Ye Longyuan also.

"What are you guys?"

One of the guards at the gate asked.

"I am the younger brother of Chu Daren."

Ye Longyuan is proud of his face, and his tone is indifferent.

"Chu Daren?"

Several guards have changed slightly.

They came out from the house there and really had a relationship with the grown-up.

Looking at each other, they handed over their hands and opened the door.

“What good restaurant is there?” Ye Longyuan asked again: “Give me a tour guide.”

"Adult, is the guide?"

"Let's lead the way, we have to eat some meat."


The man who opened the door took the initiative to lead the way and walked into the city from the gate.

Outside the war, the sky was peaceful.

Pedestrians on the streets are very rare.

At this time, the guard said:

"Now we are fighting with Yunyingtian. The people in the city are basically fighting. Many people have gone to Lianxingcheng. There are not many people here. As for the place to eat, there is the most inside."

When I talk, my heart is somewhat wrong.

The situation is severe enough to this point, even looking for a restaurant to eat?

The whole city seems to be a place, or a restaurant that specializes in preparing medicated diets for those who are seriously injured.

Always go inward.

Both Yan and Su Beimu also asked about some basic situations.

After learning the scale of the war, the three were shocked.

It turns out that these resource stars are not just in the Sea Dragon Stars, there are still many battles.

Even the interstellar thieves have come over and compete for resources.

Described in one sentence, it can be said that the sea dragon star domain has become a pot of porridge.

"Some good wine and good meat."

When I arrived at the restaurant, Ye Longyuan gave an order.

"who are you?"

The hostage of the restaurant asked.

It is known from the guardian mouth of the road that it is the younger brother of Chu Daren, and he can be shocked.

Hurry to get ready for the wine.

"I am still here for the first time."

Ye Longyuan waved to the guard and said, "I don't know the situation of my sister Chu here. Come and talk to me."

This began to inquire.

"How can a villain talk about Chu Daren."

The guard shook his head again and again, and some panicked expressions.


Ye Longyuan took a table and blinked:

"Let you say you say it!"

The guard was scared by this momentum.

At the same time, there are a few people who are quietly dining here. The body is full of chaos, obviously Yuan Yuan’s monk who has retreated from the front.

I don’t want to lift my head.

Chu's younger brother?

No one dares to say anything.


The guard said with a look of tears:

"I really don't know anything. I came to the royal family for five years. Adults, let me go."


Ye Longyuan waved: "Get out."

"Yes Yes Yes."

The guards ran out and climbed out.


Ye Longyuan’s gaze glanced at the other people present and asked aloud: “He doesn’t know, you should always know?”

The arrogance is mad.

But none of these people cares.

Da da da......

They are all violently simmering rice, and they flash when they finish eating.

Just ten breaths of time.

There were only three of them in the entire restaurant, and even the person in charge of the restaurant slipped into the kitchen.

"What is the situation? Is the teacher's sister famous?" Ye Longyuan muttered in confusion.

This sister is calling more and more flustered.

Yan Chen and Su Beimu looked at each other and their eyes were a little dignified.

It seems that this Chu is reliant and fierce.

Since I can't ask anything, I don't ask, wait a while, a table of meat is delivered.

To drink meat, it’s all about wine and meat.

Eat a savory meal.

There is no interesting place in the city. The key is no one, and I don’t know what news.

If you think about it, go back and consolidate it.

Just when they are leaving.




A group of people, flying out of the building not far from the side, a little bypassed by Ye Longyuan three people, they look excited, full of excitement.

"what happened?"

Ye Longyuan grabbed a Jin Danjing monk and asked, "What is it?"

"you are?"

"I am the younger brother of Chu Daren!"

The man heard a slight change in his face and quickly said: "It is the tiger Tianshan who came, he wants to solve the battlefield here."

"Hu Tianshan?"

The three men looked at each other, the name of Hu Tianshan, they also heard that it is the representative of the tiger's royal family, the most sharp spear!

"How can Tiger Tianshan come to win?" asked Ye Longyuan.

For the name of his direct call to Tiger Tianshan, the man screamed and said:

"Hu Tianshan adults are invincible. He has so far shot 17 times, all of which have crushed the enemy. Tiger Tianshan is the invincible commander in the war. When he comes here, we will win. Tiger Tianshan’s shot will be Victory!"

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