Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1157: Thunder tree

The neutral alliance has a lot of power, plus the other alliance forces of Yunyingtian, and the sporadic minority forces, which are now redistributed, and the Hailong Star Field has returned to its former appearance.

The difference is that the reputation of Yunyingtian is the ultimate.

On the contrary, many people do not know much about Liu Qingfeng and the company he founded.

Because of all kinds of interests, many Zongmen forces seem to be somewhat hostile.

More power is also watching the situation of the Hailong Star.

They feel that if Yunyingtian can't explain to the chaotic land, there may be variables.

Because Guangjia has sent people to go to a cloud, I don’t know what to talk about.

Since the departure of those in the Tianlongxing province, the chaos seems to have begun to take some action.

Is it tempting?

After shooting for two days on the planet, I finally finished shooting some of the previous scenes.

When you are about to return home.

"Do you forget anything about your kid?" Yue Wuwei said to Zhang Han.

"what's up?"

Zhang Han squatted and said, "Is it the Thunderbolt on the Thunder Star?"

"Do you still know?" Yue Wuwei said with no anger: "I thought you forgot, you can practice Leifa, how can you miss the Thunderbolt tree? The Thunder planet, on the planet full of chaos You can't get close under the gods, but in your case, there should be no problem in the past. How can you not care about your own practice?"

"It's not not my heart." Zhang Han couldn't help but laugh: "I don't have time yet. It is difficult to absorb the origin of the Leihuan tree. The place where the Leihuan tree grows is integrated with the planet and cannot be taken away."

"You know so clearly?" Yue Wuwei stunned and looked worried.

Is this kid too special?

Do you know that?

Yue Wuwei thought that he had tried to get the thunder ring tree, and he couldn’t get it.

If you have to use brute force, you can still destroy it directly, but if you think about it, don't do it, you will stay and know all the places.

At this point, he said, to get this answer, Yue Wuwei was shocked again ~www.readwn.com~ is very important. ”

Zhang Han smiled and thought about it and said, "Let's go straight."

Too sham, it will be practiced for a while every day, and it won't take too long.

With regard to the understanding of Lei Fa, especially the thunder crocodile on the first floor of Leizun Tower, it is now almost the same.

Absorbing the energy of the Thunderbolt tree will definitely make Zhang Han's strength stronger.

However, Zhang Han’s preparation is to trigger comprehension through the Leihuan tree when comprehending the sacred thunder to a certain extent.

This is the best result. The Thunder and Thunder is too subtle. Zhang Han hasn't touched the sincerity, and he is also a little scared. This is the middle of the Yuan Ying, and he also realized the fur.

Is this the fairy law?

After Zhang Han and Yue Wuwei finished speaking, this entered the aircraft.

When the filming was completed, Meng Meng just took the aircraft to go to Li Mu and turned around, and then returned to pick up Zhang Han.

"We have to go to the chaos of the land, about a week back and forth, Zhao Feng, you inform the next Liu Shu, let our people pay attention to the recent point, what is the wind and the grass, to their own safety." Zhang Han said.


Zhao Feng immediately went to the notice.

"What are we going to in the chaos?" Zhou Fei asked.

"Go back when you get the same thing," Zhang Han replied.

"Is it dangerous to be in a mess? Isn't there a family of eleven?" Chen Changqing said.

"The place we went to is far from the area where those people are." Yue Wuwei laughed: "The horizontal area of ​​the chaotic land is about half the size of the sea dragon star field. Not all places are in crisis, the eleven Family, the location is relatively safe and relatively safe, as for the vertical area, it is very broad."

"Oh, where are we going to be in dangerous areas? What are the places in the chaotic land?" asked Ahu.

"The main reason is the harsh environment. If you are lucky, you will encounter stars and animals." Yue Wuwei answered.

"The chaos..."

Li Mu's face is miniature, and he knows the horror of that place.

"We are going there, then I have to tell my father."

Said that he took out the communicator and went to the side to connect.

Zhao Feng also went to inform Liu Qingfeng.

Others have been talking about it:

"It’s going to go to a messy place so soon."

"Nina, have you been to a messy place?" Meng Meng also said.

"I haven't been there. I heard that the environment is very easy to engulf the spaceship." Nina replied, and she was deep in the middle, and it was a bit bleak.

"What about the Thunder King?"

"It's the same."


Did not return to Longji Star.

After they all informed, Lei Wang jumped directly into the subspace and went to the chaotic land.

Li Mu also brought back a message:

"Zhang predecessor, the ancestors of the tiger's royal family called Hu Yu, he knows this. He is the elder of the Ma family. The people who have a relationship with my father have informed me that the Majia has sent people in a mess. Investigating the situation of the Hailong Star Field, I learned that after the seniors left, they seemed to be preparing for some action, and they were ready to contact other families to negotiate the matter."


In this regard, Zhang Han just replied in response.

Do not care about the attitude, let Li Muxin admire.

The face of a strong enemy does not change color. This calmness is something that ordinary people cannot have.

Two days later, everyone reached a place of chaos.

"Alarm, the front will leave the subspace security zone, whether it is now out of the subspace."

"Continue." Yue Wuwei said faintly.


Li Mu, Nina instantly sucked in the cool air.

Leaving the safe area still travels in the subspace?

If you encounter a place like the blue sand winds, the spacecraft will be swallowed up in an instant.

But what they don't know is.

On the periphery of the Lei Wang, there has been a layer of solid energy.

Still marching in the subspace.

What makes Yue Wuwei somewhat unexpected is that there is no harsh environment on the road.

"Jump out of the subspace."

In the chaos, just five hours away, I left the subspace.


When jumping out of the moment.

The scene ahead, people suddenly jumped.

I saw the universe in front of the void, a golden cloud of clouds across the front.

Take a closer look, this is where the clouds are, it turns out to be the quicksand of the stars.

Like a storm, covering the front of the line of sight, shocking people.

Even the Asian space is affected.

"Starry quicksand, this thing is even more powerful than the blue sand winds."

Yue Wuwei said one sentence.

The spacecraft then flew forward.

It was very fast, and when it came to the edge, it seemed to hear a vague hum.

I don't know how deep it is.

"Alarms, detecting violent energy, unable to defend."

Lei Wang sent an electronic tone, but it was a compromise.

The spaceship is in the universe and cannot be rampant.

When I encountered such a planet, it was like a car on the earth, and I encountered a strong earthquake while driving.

"go ahead."

Yue Wuwei’s voice is gentle.

Go ahead and come to the edge.

A layer of Jinmang covered the spacecraft and directly slammed into the quicksand.

Closed, depressed.

Where the gaze passes, it is like quicksand, as if it is swallowed, people are not comfortable.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the time, about ten minutes, to fly at full speed.

After crossing the quicksand, the scene in front of him was wide open.

"What a nice view!"

The front is like a world.

In the very close range, there are dozens of planets, not far from each other, in the middle.

Everyone saw a planet without dark clouds but all over the Thunder.


Yue Wuwei said.

"What planet are we going to?"

"It's not very clear, it's a bit dazzling, the frequency of thunder flashing is too strong, it seems to be the sun in this small universe."


In the voice of the crowd, the spacecraft galloped away.

Flying for more than an hour, finally approaching.

The size of the planet is a little unexpected. I didn't expect it to be so big, even twice as fast as the Eagle Wing.

The Lei Wang, in front of this planet, has become extremely small, like an ant.


Just keep moving forward and getting ready to approach.

Suddenly a few sound waves accompanying the wild and cold, swept through.

Let the system on the spacecraft keep alerting.

"What is it?"

Everyone has a glimpse.

The lens was turned around, and finally, in the left rear, everyone saw that a group of dozens of two-winged black wolves are approaching this fast.

Stars and animals, they use the spacecraft as a prey!

"Double-winged demon wolf." Yue Wuwei glanced at it: "The heads of possession of the power of the gods, they are eyeing the prey, and will not give up easily."

"The beasts flying in the void." Li Mu looked a little confused.

In the years he was born, he has never seen a star or sky.

The Hailong Star Field, which seems to be very large, is actually as small as the predecessors said.

"Several dozens dare to come and fight."

Zhang Han smiled.

In his eyes, these devil wolves are like the little ones.

Continue to move forward.

The devil wolf is getting closer and closer, and some even leaked sharp fangs. The headed demon wolf, the wings are white, and they are watching the spaceship.

It’s hard to come across foreign objects, it seems that they are not going to let go.

"Hey, hey!"

Xiaoxiao suddenly called two times and flew out of Meng Meng’s bag.

It’s like a child who wakes up and can’t sleep.

It looked around and ran to the edge and entered the door in front of the hallway. The wings fanned a few times, as if to open the door, but the door did not open, and the little one looked at the front and fell into meditation.

How does this thing open?

"Small do not want to go out?" Meng Meng smashed.

"It seems to be." Zi Yan looked at Zhang Han: "How does it go out?"

"Feel the atmosphere of the strange animals outside and want to go out for activities." Zhang Han laughed and looked a little different: "Let it go out."

"Isn't it a small point?" Meng Meng is not at ease: "What if I ran out and lost it?"

"Can't lose it."

Zhang Han laughed: "It belongs to the starry sky, and you can't always sleep in your little bag."

"Oh, that's okay, little, you have to be careful when you go out." Meng Meng ran over and patted the little head.

"Hey, hey."


In the small call, the corridor door opens, and the small door does not follow the corridor to the outer door.


At the moment of opening, the little one seems to have been sucked out.

The penguin's appearance, there is no resistance, and everyone watching is a bit weird.


Those two-winged wolves suddenly saw a small point, and their body shape turned into a streamer, and they rushed over very quickly.

Because they feel the breath of life, in the process of traveling, the cold eyes of bloodthirsty are leaking.

"little guy!"

In the shot, see dozens of demon wolves that are close to the little ones.

When the distance was near, it was discovered that the shape of these demon wolves, each height is more than ten meters, especially the white-winged wolf king, more than twenty meters high.

Little is not in front of them, it is too small.

Meng Meng scared and screamed.

The sable is also nervously holding his hands: "It hasn't changed its body yet, it's okay."


Li Mu doubts.

When you are blasphemy.


Someone in the place heard an extremely ethereal cry.

Oh la la!

A black mist haunted.

Under the eyes of everyone.

Little does not suddenly change.

Instantly, it turned into a nearly 50-meter-long, very large, big guy with a slightly shorter wing.


Li Muwan was ashamed of the blue sky.

I rub, what is this?

The tail and wings of the small dots have a crystal blue.

The body is surrounded by black mist.

The eyes are very spiritual, looking at the front of the demon wolf, it actually leaked the look of the straight hook that looks like food.


Little did not open his mouth and screamed.

A double wing shocked.


Extremely fast forward.

Such a huge body did not have any clumsiness and slowness.

Devil Wolf: "???"

Dozens of devil wolves, feel the terrible smell of ancient curses.

The body can't stop shaking, a sudden brake, want to back off and flee.

But it is too late.


The eyes of the little ones are blooming, and the black eyes are blooming.

The fog is filled with the arrogance of the clown of the demon king, covering dozens of demon wolves.

When the black fog dissipated, these demon wolves disappeared.


Li Mu swallowed, feeling that the scorpion was so dry, and said with surprise:

"This, small is not a **** beast?"

"What kind of beast, small is not an ancient curse, do not understand you?" Yue Xiao turned a blind eye.

"The ancient curse?" Li Mu smashed.

I don't know the specific meaning, but he knows that this thing is a terrible existence in the legend.

It is the kind of giant who can arbitrarily navigate the celestial world.


"Can this be called a little bit?"

Li Mu’s defeated look: “It’s terrible.”

"Small is not big and big." Zi Yan was relieved at this time, holding Zhang Han's arm and whispering: "Is it now a god?"

"The ancient beasts can't use the pure realm of immortality to express their strength." Zhang Han thought to say: "The little bit is now awakened a few times, the combat power should be a sacred state, the key is that it may not be able to control well, the previous The awakening is intermittent, and it begins to grow, and it will be even worse afterwards."

"Oh, oh." Zi Yan tapped his forehead and looked at the curse outside, and his mouth raised a smile.

My own spiritual pet, I did not expect it to become so fast.

Even practice is like yourself. What should you do in peacetime?

Just when can you be more powerful?

Purple eyes are pondering.

It seems that repairing this aspect, I can't control it.

"Almost, boy, let's go, do you want me to lead you?"

Yue Wuwei suddenly looked at Zhang Han with a little bit of gas.


Zhang Han has a slight glimpse.

Seeing that it was a bit sour, I couldn’t help but laugh.

The ancient curse, Lian Yue Wuwei is red.


Zhang Han smiled and said: "Wife, Meng Meng, parents, I will go first, about three or four days, the other planets here look pretty good, if you are bored, you can go around."

"You don't need a guardian?"

Yue Wuwei squatted.

"Yeah, look at this planet, all of them are thunder, weird, or let Yue Lao accompany you?" Rong Jiali is not at ease.

"Oh, okay, this is a small scene."

Zhang Han smiled.


It is not necessary. Zhang Han has been in the Xiuxian world for many years. He has never had a guardian, and he has experienced it more than a hundred times.

He can deal with oneself on the one hand, others don't worry and it is another.

Children are worried about thousands of miles.

Not only Rong Jiali, Zhang Mu, Zhang Guangyou, Zi Yan, Meng Meng, but also do not intend to go to other places to play.

"Dad, we are here waiting for you, you have to pay attention to safety." Meng Meng's expression.

The purple eyes that I watched were laughing, and I didn’t have to say anything myself.

"it is good."

Zhang Han smiled softly and touched the sprouting brain. He also walked into the doorway and walked into the void of the universe, turning into a streamer. Under the eyes of everyone, he fell into the thunder.

Here is a planet full of oceans and seas.

It can even be said that this is a planet full of water, there is only one thing: the Leihuan tree.

When you come over the ocean, feel the thunder of the surrounding.


Thunder of different sizes, born out of thin air, and even some directly on Zhang Han's body.


No discomfort, but very refreshing.

"I haven't felt this atmosphere for a long time."

Zhang Han stretched out.

The Thunder hit the body and there was a feeling of itching.

But every thunder will have a weak energy and be absorbed by the thunder.

Taiyimu thunder, now also began to demonstrate the power.

In the cultivation of the celestial world, the art of mine control, there are also some sects know, powerful, and displayed, it is also like a fancy rhythm.

But there are very few people who are practicing Leifa, unless they have a big chance.

When Zhang Han got the illusion of the Thunder, he knew that such a thunder, the entire Xiu Xianjie, may not have a second.

Many secret techniques and exercises have upper limits. When they reach a certain level, they need to change the practice method. The two exercises practiced by Zhang Han are not clear to him.

Perhaps the mysterious lord is the one who knows the truth.



Zhang Han walked in the air, moving forward, slowly looking up, looking at the sky, whispering:


"Not control, but self."

"Thunder is natural."

"Too vain, thunder and sorrow, there is nothing in it."

"The collection of the adult body, scattered into the thunder, the volume is invisible, the Shuzhi and the like, the illusion of thunder and the magic in the Lingtai, knowing the law..."

Too virtual thunder, very mysterious exercises.

Let Zhang Han feel a little confused.

When you reach a certain level and comprehend your ascension, you grow up.

The time is ripe.

Zhang Han Yu Taixu Lei Jing's path of comprehension.

It is moving slowly.

Just like a hacker, the computer in front of him, flashing various codes, looks dizzy to outsiders.

Now in front of Zhang Han, the thunder of the road is like a myriad of code, a place that can't be understood for a long time.

In this world of Thunder, we began to break through.

It is like a sunny day after the rain.

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