Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1161: Road friends can't be bumped

"It's over, it's over! Is it the sea dragon star field, there must be a king who suppresses the chaos?"

"Who else can stop Zhang Hanyang's footsteps?"

"Repenting! I shouldn’t follow the crowd and seize the planet of Yunyingtian. Is it still time to repent?"

"He only used one trick..."

"No!" Qingshi Zong's head gradually brightened: "We haven't lost yet! I haven't lost yet! He is the technology of mine control. In rumors, lightning control, it takes a long time to brew, using treasures to absorb the Thunder. He has just used such a powerful Thunder, hahaha, he can never play a second, afraid that it has been exhausted, now, he is facing counterattack from the five major families, and even the eleven families as a whole It’s not us who are worried, but him! Without the Thunder, what else does he hold against!”

A word to awaken the dreamer!

A gaze, from despair to hope, has become an eager anticipation.

What are you looking forward to?

it goes without saying.

In the silent scene.

It’s not just those who are dumbfounded.

There are also Li Wei and others behind Zhang Han.

"what's the situation?"

Li Wei shook his head with a sigh of relief, and he was confused: "I was just dreaming? Is it true?"

Have doubts about your own vision.

Even the right hand secretly smashed his thigh.



In all major aircraft.

Yue Wuwei’s mouth couldn’t stop shaking, and his heart seemed to be crying: “So strong? Is this kid a pervert? Too sham, God, sir, what do you do for him, what is the law against you? Want to learn."

Let Yue Wuwei fall into a slap, and the degree of shock can be imagined.

"I rely on."

Li Mu screamed: "Zhang predecessors, so powerful! Invincible!"

"Master is a big demon." Mu Xue whispered softly.

"This kid..." Zhang Guangyou took a deep breath and felt that he almost suffered from a heart attack.


With more understanding and contact with Xiu Xianjie, Zi Yan really feels at this time, Zhang Han, who is invincible and invincible, is really handsome.


Meng Meng is also called, and in the big eyes of the clear, it is endless worship.

Nina is also dumbfounded.

I heard that there is a lot of chaos, and to be judged, she is also very panicked, however...

"Not a trial?"

Zhang Han’s face has not changed, as if he had just been killed, it is a few ants on the roadside.

He looked at the silent scene, and he smiled, taunting, this time the trial action.

Just listen to him gently saying:

"Then continue to judge."

"A few days after I left, some of the gates seemed to be very active."


The ancestral people who participated in the competition, such as Qing Shizong, had a white face.

Is this not going to let go of all?

"Qingshizong, Jin Yanzong, Tianhezong... a total of thirty-seven, down the stone, then come to clean up, Li Zhangmen."

"Yes, it is." Li Wei swallowed.

"Immediately began the cleaning operation, all the sects involved, and destroyed." Zhang Hanping said lightly.


When Li Wei said nothing, he nodded and agreed.

In the face of Zhang Han at this time, he has a sense of both eyes.

It seems that when I was very weak, I felt the feeling of the head of Yunyingtian.

"Oh la la!"

This sentence is like a bomb on a quiet lake, raising a big wave.

At this time, the remaining six family members looked at each other.

Also eased from the stunned mentality.

Yes, the kind of lightning control technique, he may not be able to play the second.

There are six major families in the field, but there are ten deities, and there are many forces under the stage. They have just been named, and they all seem to be in them.

There are not some meta-infant late, and there are even several peaks.

Isn't he afraid of attracting a group to attack?

With this person they came.

If you have six big families, ten gods, and drag the other side of the gods, it is estimated that all these people, such as the Lei Wang, will soon be slaughtered.

Just... can he really not play the second move?

They feel that there is a 90% probability that they can't be displayed, but this probability makes them extremely jealous.

At this time, the old man frowned and fell.

There are also several other people who look at each other.

The oldest person in the field, the Hou family who had opened before, represented the Hou wall, and his eyes flashed.

The people of the great family are waiting for him to speak, but he does not care, the survival of the forces in the Sea Dragon Star.

They don't open their mouths, and the Qingshizong heads and other people are even more afraid to speak. They also know how to shoot the birds.

However, when Zhang Han said another sentence, finally, the people of the six major families could not sit still.

"The last trial, since it is the five major family unions."

Zhang Han opened his mouth and his tone was dull: "Then destroy their five big families and warn the world."

Oh, la la la.

This statement came out, the audience was shocked!

Even Li Mu was scared.

The heart is twitching.


Killed the five major families?

For thousands of years, this may be the first time someone has to destroy the chaos!

"You can't talk nonsense!"

Hou wall face changes slightly.

Is this the majesty of provocative land?

He is a big courage.

Does he still have a card?

Suddenly, Houhou’s words were still peaceful, and they took a few steps forward and said:

"Zhang Daoyou can't be slammed."


Zhang Hanwei bowed his head and looked at the talking person with a light gaze.

Hou Wall opened his mouth, and other family members looked at each other and the atmosphere suddenly became a bit strange.

"Ha ha."

The mountain family represents a middle-aged man with a sword, arched his hand and smiled:

"Daoyou listened to me, in the Hailongxing domain, the transformation of the gods, the rules of the gods, the Ma family, the Guang family, the Xuan family, the Bai family, the Lin family, have already died, this group of great gods, Nowadays, Zhang Dao is very big. You can talk about the extremely chaotic land. Even if you just said those forces, you can talk about it. Why do you have to work hard to kill each other?


A white-shirted old man with a faint green awning around his body walked two steps forward and said: "Zhang Daoyou was only a battle, and he has proved his strength. He also entered the supreme circle of Hailongxing, and by virtue of his prestige, You can make a threat to the world. You have just laid down the country. At this time, you need to be gentle, so that you can make many forces feel good, recognize you, and take it to you."

Someone helped to talk!

Qing Shizong’s head is in full swing and his mood is rising.

They have a family and have not given up on themselves.

As for the thoughts of the six major family eyes, no one knows.

The six family members have opened their mouths:

"Zhang Daoyou, now you are a god, the sea dragon star field has experienced war, has fallen into countless yuan infants, and even just turned out to be a lot of gods, and can no longer afford more consumption, raise your hands."

"Their five families have lost so much, and there are so many gods, and there is no threat to Yunyingtian and you, not to mention that every family has a large squad, it is extremely difficult to attack, and there is no known knowledge. The Taoist friend said so easily, why is this?"

"Yes, the Taoist friends let go of these forces in the Hailong Star Field, and take back the words of the five major families, which can make the Hailong Star Field calm, and can also gain the admiration of many people, and do so in one fell swoop."

The six families actually persuaded them at the same time.

Get people to spare and forgive.

Demonstrate the power of the gods.

Do not bully other sects without reason.

If you kill the killer, you will find more hostility.

The five major families are deeply rooted, and if he insists on attacking, he will certainly fail, and even the danger of life.

There are many voices, and there are no threats.

Its meaning is nothing more than this time, you have to sit down with us and have to compromise.

If you are obsessed with it, the eleven families will join hands and you can't stop it.

The six families have spoken.

Zhang Han still sat in the chair, did not mean to go down, and even a strange smile in the corner of his mouth.

The next level of the stage.

Qingshi Zongzhangmen and others also deliberately made their own voice:

"The big people said that there is reason. On Judgment Day, there has already been a result. Since Zhang Daren is also a godland, the forces under his hands are initially established in the Hailongxing domain. What is needed is stability. If the forces are not yet settled, they will fight and kill. what?"

"To the power of the gods, in the sea dragon star domain, this is not a strong style."

"I heard that the white family has a middle-aged ancestor sitting in the middle of the town, and there are stars and animals as the guardian of the mountain beasts, the millennium can not stand down, want to go to fight them, Zhang Daren may not have this ability."

"Well, if he is obsessed with it, he has to shoot a lot of forces in the Hailong Star Field, so that the ancestors of the major families will not sit idly by."

There are not some buzz in the crowd.

Vaguely, those sects who robbed the site, followed the rhythm of the six families.

They are a front line, from all angles, either soft or hard advice, or directly threatening.

Tell Zhang Hanyang a reason:

You are a god, very strong, this thing can also be talked about, but you can't be unscrupulous, there are big ancestors in the sea dragon star field, not you have the final say.

There are also six senior family members with senior qualifications.

Such as Hou Wall, on the surface seems to be a good attitude for Zhang Han, in fact, hidden murder in the words.

The audience was sensational.

Zhang Han still can sit still.

Li Lanke is a little uneasy.

"Zhang Han."

He whispered something and seemed to remind him.

But the words have not yet fallen, Zhang Han will raise his right hand, interrupted, and looked down, like a smile:

"What do you mean... let go of the forces that are vying for chaos, and even sit down and talk to them?"

"Zhang Daoyou said that it is absolutely absolute. Some forces are not arguing for chaos. That is theirs, and it is better to do it now. Is it better?" Hou Wall said with a wink.

Everyone else nodded.

Another welcoming sound, the most brilliant sounds:

"Yes, I am not robbing, but taking back the planet that belonged to us before."

"It's ours, why come and **** it?"


Very chaotic scenes, let Yue Wuwei and others in the aircraft, silent.

Some frowning, the face is not happy, and some are watching Zhang Han, his attitude, it determines everything.

Like Li Wei, some fearful, now the trial, has reversed, the strong Zhang Han, let the six families in the room have some compromises.

"What do you mean, I can't attack the five big families?"

Zhang Han seems to be watching the show enough. The smile on the corner of his mouth gradually converges, and his eyes are once again indifferent.

Seeing this gaze, Li Wei suddenly found that there seemed to be some things to be finalized.

"Zhang Daoyou's initial contact with Hailong Star, you know, sometimes it is more important to serve people with morality."

The Hou wall touched his beard and still led the rhythm, as a predecessor taught him.

Other people agree:

"Five hundred years ago, in the late stage of a god, in the face of the three associations of Bai Jia, they did not dare to shoot. The Taoist friends had to think clearly, and some words could not be said."

"The Taoist friend is still young, consider things as cautious."

"If I want to attack the five major families?" Zhang Han leaned forward slightly, looking directly at the six family members.

"That Taoist friend is the will of the great rebellion." Hou wall squinted and said slowly: "It seems to be a prestige, but the final result is resisted by the entire sea dragon star domain, although you are strong, there are Another person who is a great helper, but your number is too small."

The other three people beside him, his face was solemn and he said:

"Zhang Daoyou just said, it is not wise, you just hit a small half of the Hailongxing domain, many rules still do not understand it, remember, playing the world and knowing the world, is two things."


Another person sighed: "Now if you use the method of Huairou, you will not be able to stand firm in the Hailongxing domain for a year or two."

"Even if you are a **** of power, you can't cross the entire sea dragon star field, and you can't reverse the rules of the **** circle."


Zhang Han seemed to have heard the funny things and even chuckled.


Hundreds of thousands of people present, think that Zhang Hanyang will compromise in the next second.

"Strength is strength, means is the means, want to stand firm in the Hailongxing domain, thinking that it is only to lay down the ground, destroying several sects, can it be? Compared with the predecessors of the chaos, Zhang Hanyang is still too tender It is."

Many people think of it.

Sometimes, the gap between imagination and reality is always great.

"The circle of gods?"

"Reverse the rules?"

"Competing with the chaos?"

In the eyes of Zhang Hanmu, there is a layer of coldness: "Is it your own self-righteous thing?"


The face of Hou Jia and others became incomparably ugly.

Looking up at the air Zhang Han.

Hou Wall finally couldn’t hold his face, and the family three slowly lifted off. He asked coldly:

"Don't say a word! Zhang Daoyou, don't make a mistake."

Accompanied by his voice, there are two other five families, and he did not hesitate to take off.

A total of fifteen people are the most active people who have just spoken.

The other three families are silent.

Let them say that they are okay, go up and confront each other, and do not want to be in the heart, because the strength of the people they sent from the three families is not enough.

But they are not clear. Sometimes, silence can save lives.

"If you are obsessed with it, you can't say it, I will wait..."

Hou Wall is magnificent, just like pressing people.

But his words have not been finished yet.

"Jumping the clown."

Zhang Han mouth faintly spit out these four words.


The words that make people breathe in the cool air, it turns out that he has been the following people, is the jumping clown?

Under a lot of eyes.

Zhang Han flashed two thunders.

Just that style of magic: Lei Liu.

I used half of the energy in the mine, and after a few minutes of running the virtual thunder, it has recovered 80%.

At this time, waved the first type of Leifa magic: Thunder crocodile.


I saw a glimpse of Le Mans flashing through, gathered into a horrible thing, a huge thunder crocodile, opened a big mouth.

Hou Wall and others immediately defended, but they completely underestimated the power of the crocodile.


Thunder predators, appear, devour, dissipate.

He took away the figure of fifteen people including the Hou wall.

The moment is dead.

Even the remaining three family members have become extremely pale, even the body is shaking, such as the cold like an ice cave.

After a few seconds, Zhang Han was whispered:

"I am acting with Zhang Hanyang. When is it your turn to point your finger?"


Many people breathe in the air.

The scalp is numb.

"Dead? Are they dead?"

Li Xiao’s eyes almost came out and said incredibly.

Facing his horror.

Zhang Han shook his head:

"I wanted to show a trick and teach them what they are. Who knows that they are vulnerable."

"The myth of the sea dragon star is really too weak."


There are only a total of twelve people in the three major families.

Most of them feel that the scorpion is very dry and swallows.

Is it too weak to be a god? Can't be vulnerable?

What level is he?

How to control the thunder, how many thunders did he come from?

"I ask you, which three families are just three?"

Zhang Han looked directly at a black robe old man.

His face changed dramatically.

After a long time, you don’t even know who they are, and they kill.

Why is he asking?

Is it...

He is going to fight the eight major families in the chaos?


How to open this mouth?

But don't open it, with the above-mentioned temper, will you shoot?

Is his thunder exhausted?

It should be used almost!

Just as he hesitated.

The edge of the three major families.

Standing next to the Hou family.

At this point, I feel like I want to be cold.

The face was ugly and took a few steps forward, biting his teeth and said:

"Zhang Hanyang, Hou Chang Lao, they just want to talk to you, why do you kill them? Hou elders have always been sympathetic, just on the matter, there are other dozens of people, did not say anything, you will kill, please give I have an explanation! I will die if I die,"

He is just a peak of Yuan Ying, just a slow step.

"And I want to explain? What are you counting?"

Zhang Han's brow was slightly picked, and he waved his hand and covered it with a black complex mark.


The Hou family fell straight to the ground.

Zhang Han looked around and looked around:

"I am killing, need to explain to you?"

This statement came out, including the remaining three families, no one dared to speak.

Hundreds of thousands of people, my heart is cold.

Zhang Hanyang's strength is beyond everyone's expectations.

"it is good."

Zhang Han suddenly said:

"Since you want to explain, then I am Zhang Hanyang, I will give you an explanation."

"Li Zhangmen!"

Li Wei: "At!"

"Point out all the forces involved in the looting."


Qing Shizong’s head was leaking a beat.

At this moment, his thoughts in his heart turned out to be like this:

Hou family, are you? You want a fart explanation!

Oh la la!

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of thousands of people have moved.


Stay away from the forces that are involved in the snatch.

Almost everyone, the heart is very tremble.

This is to kill the killer!

God, is Zhang Hanyang a demon king?

In the blink of an eye, dozens of forces in the middle of the open space appeared on the field.

"It seems like they are all."

Li Wei wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

Aunt, scared to death.

I feel like a heartbeat like a deer.


The three family members, including the two gods, also bowed their heads and dared not look at them.

"So, it is a matter of course."

Zhang Han even shot a few palms.


Qingshi Zong head, pawn.


I didn't even say a word.

Those high-level forces on the scene were cold.

Pay attention to the public number Wang Zhang, know the update time, what?

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