Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1171: Snob

Yue Wuwei is based on a very powerful god.

Zhang Han has relied on years of experience.


Jump out of the subspace again.

The picture that comes into view.

It’s scary.

"Ah! Black hole!" The big, bright eyes of Meng Meng are even bigger.

"Ay Ya I gi!"


The cosmic starry sky ahead.

It has a dense black lacquer.

It's like spinning, but looking at it, it seems to be still.

It is like a hole in the void of the universe.

There are thousands of different sizes, and when you look at them in a blink of an eye.

It is dense, as if entering the dead end in front.

"Devouring the stars."

"You can only fly in."

Yue Wuwei said that he did not wait for Zhang Han’s opening, and immediately said:

"Be careful, some swallowing stars tell the move, not afraid of the big system, I am afraid of the small swallowing star."

Who knows, when the voice falls, it is a bit embarrassing.

"That, Yue predecessors, our destination seems to be behind." Nina whispered.


Yue Wuwei lived.

Turn the bow.

The lens in the distance behind it makes people shine.

It is a vast starry sky, very beautiful.

From this perspective, it seems that the front is heaven and the rear is hell.

"I got the last road sign, running in the direction of the center of the square, and the center of the Jiugong grid," Nina added.

"Nine-squares?" Purple squatted down, remembering the hot pot that he loved.

"The nine squares are a square with nine small squares inside, looking ahead..."

Zhang Guangyou whispered, and everyone stared at the screen research. When the picture was enlarged, when it was zoomed in, it finally found the trace of the shape of the nine squares.

"It's over there!"


Set foot on the voyage again.

Simple flight is more than three days.

Crossing the stars.

The overall environment around it has changed, as if the real film in the eye is moving, moving forward and backward.

Capture the direction of the shape of the nine squares, and move left and right.

Surprisingly, suddenly, their front has turned into a place where various black holes are rampant.

"This... seems to be?" Yue Wuwei looked at Zhang Han with some uncertainties.

"Natural star array."

Zhang Han’s eyes hang on the dignity and said: “The natural star array, and the heaven and earth array are a principle, but the array method is based on the universe star sky. I don’t know how many stars, acting as a line of eyes, releasing the power of the starry sky. In the natural array, before we entered the star array, the images captured around it are not necessarily true. It is not easy to cultivate the fairyland and the place where the star array is involved."

It is easy to imagine the difficulty of saying these three words from Zhang Han’s mouth.

The faces of everyone in the room also changed.

I was shocked. I didn't expect this to happen in the stars.

"The nine squares are also constantly changing. This may be the guide of the Star Road, indicating that this road belongs to a channel." Zhang Han said.

"If it is not in the channel, then... what will happen?" Zhang Guangyou asked slowly.

"It will always be lost in the stars until death." Yue Wuwei directly replied: "Of course, there is another situation, the ability to accidentally trigger the star array, directly killed or lost, or find a trace of life, The energy of the star array is not stable, there is a gap, you can escape, but as far as I know, the probability of this gap is one hundredth of a billion."


Including Zhang Mu, the two veterans of the smoldering fire, could not help but **** a cold breath.

The face of Yihou and others changed even more.

A terrible place.

There is also the existence of a star array in the sky, which is really unheard of.

"Yes, sorry, let everyone be in danger." Nina's face is constantly changing, and some guilty said.

"Haha, nothing."

Zhang Han whispered a smile: "This star array may be a killing for others. For me, even if we are in the middle of the battle, I can bring everyone out."


Yue Wuwei’s pupil shrinks: “How do you do it?”

"Because of this star array, I know." Zhang Hanhehe smiled.

"How did you know?" Yue Wuwei was shocked and unhappy: "How do you know everything?"


Zhang Han raised his right hand at random, gently pinching the cute face ~www.readwn.com~ very important. ”

Yue Wuwei’s heart is dark: What book do you look at? I always read books and read books, and I am mad!

However, with Zhang Han’s words, everyone was relieved.

move on.

Walking forward at the edge of each black hole, the people watching were shocked, afraid of the huge black hole next to them, suddenly moving to this side, swallowing their spaceship, and also worried, in the black hole, suddenly tens of thousands of monsters .

"There is no way ahead, the center of Jiugongge is on the front black hole. What should I do?" Li Mu raised his stiff arm and pointed to the huge black hole in front.

It looks like a **** circle on paper.

"Don't always believe in your own eyes and hit it."

Zhang Han directly ordered.


Is suicide going?

Analyze the data in the picture for a while.

To no avail, eventually hit it.


The outside world is in sight.

This spaceship was swallowed up by the black engulfing star.

In other words, they entered a real destination.

But what everyone doesn’t know is...

As they entered, it seemed as if they had swallowed stars around them and felt what they felt in the dark.




Large and small, all the stars, and tremble at the same time.

The black awns that devour the stars are also getting more and more turbulent.

The vision is repeated.

Unfortunately, no one appreciates this scene.

The Thunder King, when he entered the moment, swallowed the stars, as if they were really swallowed up.

But the scene in front of me is like coming to another world.

This is a huge cave.

There is a faint glow around it that illuminates the scene.

It can be seen that in the space of the huge cave, a dark black, like a fish-like thing, whizzes past.

What is strange is that these things can penetrate the spaceship and even flutter around everyone's body, just like a ghost.

"What is this?"

Liu instructor said dumbly.

Yue Wuwei moved his lips, his eyes also looked at Zhang Han, his heart was confused: I don’t know anything.

Zhang Han was slightly frowning, carefully observed, silent and half-sounding, shaking his head:

"It's a kind of energy body that only exists in front of us, but there are different spaces. What is it? No one knows through the space."

“Is it in front of my eyes but there is a lot of space?”

This conclusion shocked everyone.


Meng Meng suddenly hugged Zhang Han's arm: "Here, how is it like a pipe?"

"Pipeline? I feel like a blood vessel." Mu Xue is not afraid, looking around and said: "Look around the hole, I have observed it for so long, it seems to have a slight contraction, there are many other small holes, with the meridians? What the **** is this, I have never seen such a passage."

"Meridians, you really dare to think." Covered with a funny saying: "If such a large area is a meridian, then the giant can not catch a huge planet?"

"The giants will not be so big." Yue Wuwei laughed: "The height of 100 meters is very large, but in the case of their spellcasting, they can present higher images. The meridians are nonsense. Here is A strange passage, at the end of the passage, should be the destination. It is the other world, the world hidden in the chaos."

"I don't know what it will be."

Everyone is curious:

“Like the remains of our planet?”

"It's almost that meaning." Yue Wuwei sinks and slowly nods.


Suddenly, from the sides of the cave, some small holes, flying into pieces of creatures, like a zombie.

See them.

Zhang Han’s eyes are narrow:

"The funeral demon."

Without waiting for someone to ask, Zhang Han went on to say:

"The belongings of the Mozu creatures, the system of good soil and the law of corrosion, this kind of creature is rare."

"A group of Jindan-level burial land devils is not enough." Yue Wuwei waved his hand.

Thousands of burial monsters flying out of the two sides were annihilated.

"The funeral demon..."

Li Mu, Nina, Yi Hou, Dong Chen, etc., are shocked and cannot themselves.

"How do I feel that I have entered the Xiuxian world? Those who have known before are useless here." Li Mu said bitterly.

Some rules and insights of the Hailong Star Field cannot be used here.

"This is a special place, the land of the mystery in the universe, it has been normal to see it." Zhang Han said.

"Yeah! How did the burial monsters recover?"

Zhou Fei looked at the side screen and opened his mouth, very shocked.

"The burial land is not good to kill. If you want to really annihilate them, you need the blood of your life. You won't be paid for it, so you usually come across the funeral demon. It's good to break it." Yue Wuwei explained the sound and squinted at Zhang Han. .

Hey, kid, I know a lot of things.

Zhang Han’s mouth moved and he said nothing.

In this way, continue to move forward.

On the road, I encountered seven burial demons. The most, there were tens of thousands.

There have also been a lot of funeral demons at the initial level of Yuan Ying.

However, this is a small meaning for Yue Wuwei.

After the explosion, go ahead.

at last.

Everyone suddenly opened up in front of their eyes.

"Capture the surrounding picture."

"It is in a cave with a diameter of 10,000 meters."

The system made a sound.

"There are two directions, which side to go?" Zhang Mu said.

"There must be a place where the dark energy flows." Yue Wuwei pointed out that there is no black awn that flows through this space on the front side.

"That goes right."

Command the spacecraft to move on.

About two hours.

Suddenly saw the bodies of some fish.

Each fish looks different, some are like piranhas, some are like baby fish, some have horns and horns, some are dead bones, some remind hundreds of meters, and some are only half a meter.

"these are......?"

Yue Wu is staring, thinking about the origins of these things.

"Deep sea beast."

Zhang Han spit out these words directly.

"you sure?"

Yue Wuwei licked his mouth.

what happened?

I haven't thought about it yet, you just said it.

This kid is too bad to go.

However, at this time, it is not the time to count these things, Yue Wuwei said:

"Deep sea beast, like the sea planet, is also a kind of starry sky and beast, belonging to the dark creatures, or the demon creatures, living in groups, there are deep sea beasts, there must be several sea lords."

"So, are we going to have trouble?" Zhou Fei's face was awkward, and she was afraid of these things in the deep sea behemoth.

"The trouble is not that the number of these deep-sea beasts is not much. There are at least a million deep-sea beasts around the Beastmaster." Zhang Han said: "And they are greedy, do not like the action of not harvesting, even if you Passing through their territories, they may not be reasonable. Like the situation in front of them, these deep-sea beasts should be the ones that are placed, and there are no beasts. Excuse me, of course, we are far from those who follow. It’s not far away, and the smell of these beasts happened two hours ago.”

Yue Wuwei: "..."

The analysis is well-founded, good, very good, I have to look at it, how much do you know.

Yue Wuwei suddenly did not like to speak.

Because he sometimes can't give an accurate answer.

"Two hours ago? It should be the daughter of Nina's mother." Chen Changqing said: "Do we want to speed up and catch up?"

"Then speed up some speed, there is only one passage here, it doesn't matter." Zhang Han said.

The speed of the spacecraft has increased a lot.

Ten minutes is a very calm journey.

Suddenly I saw a little deep sea beast.

"That thing is scary."

Chen Chuan looked at the head very distorted, and the beasts with broken arms and broken legs were somewhat scared.

"The body here is more."

"Wait, are we not in the cave? How can these bodies float in the air instead of falling on the ground?"

"This is still the void of the universe." Zhang Han thought and said: "The destination is still unknown, it should be related to the dark planet, or the demon creature."

"Nina, the person who left you a message, Filina." Yi Hou suddenly said: "There are a few dark elves, there are still a few people, I see them are very impressive, especially a middle-aged, it seems It’s also very powerful. Does she tell you the identity of those people?”

"No, just leave a signpost." Nina shook her head slightly.

"No matter who you see, you will know."


During the speech, in the perspective of each lens, the huge caves seem to be invisible, but the light on the stone walls is changing from time to time. The energy of the space is still shuttled, as if guiding the people.

Finally, an hour later.


Yue Wuwei’s gaze: “When you come to the kingship, it may be someone from the Tianlongxing province.”

"Dragon Star Province?" Yi Hou and Li Mu looked at each other.

In the past, the giant family or the large sect of the province of Tianlongxing, in their eyes, was the same as the legend. Since seeing the Luo family, it seems to be the mysterious veil of the layer.

After the contact, it is not so mysterious.

They are all cultivators, but the strength there is stronger.

It was originally this kind of mentality that came here, and they discovered that people in the high-end and low-end stars have different insights.

In the shot, everyone saw that there were three people fighting in the vicinity of the small king ship. One woman and two men were younger, but their moves were extremely fierce.

Easy to harvest the deep sea beasts around.

"They are all gods?"

Liu’s instructor subconsciously lowered his voice.

After breaking through the Yuan Ying Kingdom at first, I thought I could travel in the Hailong Star Field. Who thought, followed by the big forces, and now they are all in contact with the gods.

Every time I just got a little smug, I was beaten by reality.

"Well, the beginning of the three gods." Zhang Han nodded.

"They found us."

"The spacecraft stopped, are you waiting for us?"

In the eyes of everyone, the small king ship in front stopped slowly.

Three people fighting the beast outside the king ship.

Among them, the woman who said that she did not have a good tone for Filina.

"Li Wei, I am coming back."

The two men, one high and one short, are more than one meter tall and short, but only one meter six.

Observing the rear situation, the tall man said:

"That is the Lei Wanghao? The most famous spaceship in the Hailongxing domain, from the Snowfall Alliance, is said to be in the Hailongxing domain. At present, there is only one Zhang Hanyang. The Elf Nina, which Filina is looking for, will follow Zhang Hanyang. Are they catching up?"

"Oh, can you really catch up?" Li Yan turned and looked at her eyes and scorned: "There is nothing to catch up with, just some small-handed pies that can be prestige in the Hailong Star."

"That's right." The short man smiled and said: "I don't know why Ferina wants to find the elf. Is it something to give?"

"They both have a mother, one is a dark elf, one is an elemental elf, hahaha..." The tall man smashed a beast and said, "Will they meet up?"

"This is not a very normal thing, what is good." The short man said: "Hey? Our spacecraft stopped."

"Is Gu Yi adults waiting for them?" Li Wei put away his sword.

The other two cleaned up the last few beasts.

Standing in the void, turned to look at the Lei Wang.

They didn't return to the kingship until they got close.

"Create communication signals."

"Communication is connected."


The scene of the main control room on the king ship is revealed, a total of a dozen people.

There aren't a few night elves, and they are all young. It is Farina who sits at the forefront.

Next to Felina, Gu Yi, his face was dull, drinking tea from his own eyes, and even the eyelids were not lifted, as if they were not interested in these Hailongxing domain.

"You are Nina?" Farina's gaze glanced around and settled on Nina, seemingly looking.

"I am, where is my mother?" Nina bit her lip and asked.

"You don't need to know, you come to us first, I have something to give you," said Filinna.

"Good." Nina nodded.

Just when the communication is going to hang up.

The woman Li Wei said:

"Let's come to people, don't give us the chaos of the spaceship."


Turn off the signal.

Farina’s brow slightly wrinkled.

"Ha ha."

Lizzie laughed, carrying a glass of wine next to her, and drank a sip.

In this regard, no one said anything at the scene, including Gu Yi.

Many other people, looking at Li Wei’s eyes, are also full of envy.

why? Only because of Li Xiao’s little sister, is the little lady of Gu Yi. These years are in the stage of being favored, and Gu Yi has a natural care for Li Wei.

On the Lei Wang.

"What's the matter?" Mu Xue said coldly: "It's arrogant."

"The dog's eyes are low, so I don't need to pay attention to it." Zhang Guangyou said that he found his trouser legs bitten.

Looking down, isn’t this a little black?

Zhang Guangyou: "..."

There is a dog next to you, and you have to pay attention to it.

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