Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1188: The devil is coming

The picture in front of you, as if the rainbow has become a meridian, the black energy body is following the route and is in circulation.

At this moment, Zhang Han was indeed shocked.

"what happened?"

The purple cicada suddenly found the same, and the brain was close to Zhang Han’s concern.

With the words of Zi Yan, the eyes of several people around him also looked at Zhang Han.

"It's nothing."

Zhang Han shook his head slightly, but then asked: "What shape do you see over there? Dynamic shape?"

"Where?" Purple said: "There is no shape, only the rainbow, and the energy that we have encountered. Well... How do you say it? It’s like a fly, in a mess. Flying."

"Flying in the air?"

This result made Zhang Han stunned.

"Yeah." Meng Meng also said: "I looked like that, the rainbow is a cake, and then a lot of bugs want to eat cakes, very beautiful at first, now messy."

"But these have not affected the rainbow."

A few people around the world also said a sentence.


Zhang Han shook his head and closed his eyes for two seconds. He blinked and looked at it. The picture was different from the one just now. It seemed to be the kind of messy scene that everyone said, and the black energy body fluttered.

You can look at it carefully.

Like the moving pattern, the picture changes gradually.

The black energy body is like a gathering of rivers, all the rainbows, the light changes, the patterns that converge into the meridians, and the cycle starts again.

"Oh, it’s interesting."

Zhang Han suddenly smiled and looked straight ahead.

This is different according to what everyone thinks, and the difference is different? Or is it different?

This vision made Zhang Han unable to understand.

If you don't understand for a while, wait for the next change.

Zhang Han is not a dead man.

Looking at it, it seems that there has been a change. Many black energy bodies are gathered into various shapes and are intermittent. What are they showing to Zhang Han?

‘The change of the undead king! ’

Zhang Han looked more carefully, as if he had left the world, only this pattern was in front of him.

‘My way, the magical power of the undead king, the fusion of the original attributes, and then feedback to the body, comprehend a path of physical repair. ’

‘This picture... is the trajectory of the normal operation of the undead king? No, no, is it the opposite? Intermittent, can't see anything. ’

‘This place is a enchantment of enlightenment? ’

‘Or to say, I am a heavenly person? ’

After seeing a half-sound, there is change, but I don’t know if it is energy or what is not, and it does not present a better picture.

Everything is weird.


A three-meter-long, thick-armed energy body flies out of the magical sea eye area.


Tens of thousands of people have shaken:


"it has started!"

"This energy body seems to be very large and the energy is pure."

"To start competing, the four-winged green bats are leaving, and the wind prince is also going to grab."

"The ridiculous people have gone up, the giant scorpion, the three-tailed fox, the giant python, all robbed!"

"The soul is a hand, you will win!"

"Chaotic, completely messed up."

In many eyes.

These people have a big fight.

The good life is fierce.

The sound of discussion is more like a wave, one after another, exclaiming again and again.

"My God, the wind prince did not even hit the giant demon?"

"It’s not that I haven’t played it. It’s time to retreat. Look at the other side, the giant tiger is next to the shadow tiger. It seems to be eyeing the wind prince.”

"Yu Jun is so strong, it hurts to be ridiculous, it is really amazing!"

"Well, the mysterious turtle is close to the energy body, ah! Its defense is perverted, ignoring other people's attacks, no, no, the first energy body is obtained by the black turtle."

"The demon temple, hehe..."

The people who saw this news were uncomfortable for a while, and some of them were screaming and screaming.

In the past, which time wasn’t the Mozu won the leader?

This time the Mozu came late, I thought that the Terran could get the first energy body. Who knows that his demon temple is still a demon temple, and there is no shortage of young power.

"A good fierce battle."

Mu Xue spit out his tongue, and some surprised said: "I thought they were guarding their own area. I didn't expect that thing to appear. They all rushed to grab it. If they were careless, they would be injured and fallen."

"Their means are overwhelming, and so far away, they can clearly feel the pressure." Liu instructor looked at the heart.

Li Mu scratched his head: "I rubbed, still thinking about whether we can participate in the edge, look at this posture, let alone the edge, it is estimated that in the middle of the sea, it will be affected."

"Master, if you try your best, can you participate in this kind of competition?" Mu Xue suddenly curiously asked.


Included on the side of Julie, all eyes looked over.

Very curious, everyone knows that Zhang Han’s realm cannot be compared, but can he participate in the realm of his late Yuan Ying?

Zhang Hanwen said with a funny voice: "There is no theoretical participation."


"I can't participate anymore." Zhang Han said casually.

Everyone: "..."

"When I am waiting for my father, I will hang them casually." Meng Meng said with a sigh.

"Sure, the master is the strongest in the sky." Mu Xue echoed.

Zhang Guangyou also laughed: "How old is my son? In his early thirties, he has not practiced for many years. Although the strength is not as good as it is now, in a few years, nothing is a thing."

"Yes, Xiaohan is the best." Rong Jiali also laughed.

In these words, Zhang Han was a little bit smirking.

It is said that participation is not possible, and the result is still a bit of praise.

Julie looked at her eyes and had a concept of Zhang Han’s strength:

‘It seems that his strength is still some distance away from those in front. I think that the husband of Ziyue will be very strong. The facts are much weaker than I imagined. ’

However, Julie is not very concerned about the strength of this aspect, see her body shape will know.

After a few glances, my eyes recovered, and I looked back again. I thought about it or said something:

"That is a pity. These energy bodies can be temporarily sealed. After being absorbed, it is said that the benefits are quite big. Jin Dan, Yuan Ying, Hua Shen, the benefits will be very high."

"Since it is a good thing, then my dad woke up and let him grab it." Yue Xiaoyun said very casually.

"This is a good idea."

"Can this be?"

"No, no!" Julie was shocked and said quickly: "No, although you are not here, but also belong to the Terran, if the members of the older generation do it, it will definitely lead to the demon temple, the upper class of the Mozu. If the war is brought out, it will be ruined."

"The front is some pure attribute energy."

Zhang Han said: "The effect will be good, but it will not be robbed. With the strength of Yue Lao, the past is bullying children."

Julie heard a word, her mouth moved, and she finally said nothing.

I feel weird in my heart.

In her opinion, Zhang Han does not have much strength, but said that the big guys in front are children.

"That is, there is no strength to grab anything." Mu Xue snorted: "When we have the strength to go up, you can come and participate in person."

"Ha ha ha, yeah." Chen Changqing laughed loudly: "Only you can participate, it is the most comfortable."

"There is so much energy coming out, what is the following?" Lao Meng's eyes stared at the direction of the devil's eye, dark and could not see anything.

"There is nothing in the eyes of the magic sea. As for what exists below, it will be difficult to see it." Zhang Han shook his head. "The light is so suffocating, you can stop someone at the place. It should be said that besides Yue Lao, he should be able to go down." Explore it."


A word of discourse, listening to the feeling of Filina changes.

It seems that these people are much more powerful than they think.

Only she did not pay attention to this, waiting for the arrival of Tijuya.


Already very close!


Julie suddenly stunned: "At the same time, there are eight energy bodies. This time, the Terran will definitely get some, so fast. I heard that every time I have to be separated by ten minutes each time, this is only a few times? More than a dozen breaths, this time. The magic sea eye is going to have a bumper harvest!"

There is no doubt that the Mozu people have not come yet, and now it is the battle between the demon temple and the Terran.

Although the big head may take the demon temple, the energy body obtained by the human race is definitely more than ever.


The forefront of the battle is frequent.

The demon temple, there are about 3,000 or so, and the Terran is about seven or eight hundred.

But the most popular of them is the wind prince, the soul of the hand, the sorcerer, the sorcerer, the Qingze and the dozens of people. They are in the crowd, like a starburst, sparkling, no one can block their light.

The eight energy bodies that appeared this time.

Only the wind prince, 溱君, 茱青泽 three people grabbed.

The other five, all fell into the hands of the demon temple.

"This is just the beginning, there are nine energy bodies. Is this the outbreak of the magic sea eye the strongest ever?"

In this regard, many people have talked about it.

"Come, come!"

Nina’s arm suddenly trembled.

"What is it?"

"My mother, very close, very close, she is coming." Nina said quickly, because of the excitement, even the tone was a little trembling.


Suddenly a wave of volatility came from afar.

As if in the sea, a mudslide rushed quickly.

See this scene.

The tens of thousands of people present have shaken:

"The Mozu, the Mozu is coming!"

"The high-intensity competition is about to begin."

"I don't know if the wind princes can tear a piece of meat in the hands of the Mozu."

Including the Seven Islands near the Devil's Eye and everyone in the air, the eyes also looked over.

"Deep sea beast! It is a deep sea beast, a huge team, and there are hundreds of thousands!"

"It’s coming."


Some people present, the first time I saw the Mozu, all of them were stunned.

Zhang Han is better here. On the way, he also saw the deep sea beast.

It’s just a surprise to the size and teamwork.

There is no doubt that they all have a high degree of discipline.

Floating on the sea, densely packed, came to the front, occupying a small half of the sea.

Even the monsters in the sea of ​​the demon temple, at this time have also given way to avoid the edge.

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