Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1246: Colosseum

"Ah? What do you mean? Sorry, I didn't understand." Stephen's father replied.

His heart is more like a sky and a wave.

I am now a congenital peak, facing the person in front of me, can not afford a trace of blood.

"I said, how did you come out of the earth." Yue Wuwei's tone is not good, his eyes are also leaking cold.

Stephen and his son were shocked.



The two were caught by Yue Wuwei.


Yue Wuwei took a deep breath and had some fire in his heart.

Where is the sanctuary, and what happened to the three people like Nanqinghai?

As the great steward of Saint Wuxing, he cares a lot about the earth. The more he is in a small situation, the more he is annoyed.

"Don't worry, listen to what he said." Zhang Han said.

Stephen's father also went to Mount Xinyue twice. It was a gathering of Mengmeng classmates. He talked about a gentleman. When Zhang Han saw that he and Stephen were members of the blood family, it was a good blood but not strong.

I did not expect to be able to meet them in this place.

With Zhang Han opening, Steven's father took a deep breath and felt the pressure on his body dissipated. He smiled and said:

"I just followed your team. It was the first time you got the ticket. Nearly a year ago, I bought the ticket. We are going to come out and see it. I didn't expect that I met a senior of my blood family in Daxing. He is very powerful. At that time, from the Hailuxing domain, back to the Mercury side, through Dahl, and then brought us here."

Stephen is also a storyteller. When I first went to Xiangjiang, I was trying to escape the disaster.

After being chased and killed, fled to the Kunlun fairyland, and occasionally heard the tickets, then followed the big team to the ancient mine, almost used all the spar on the body, only bought three tickets, did not expect this, will not return Going, to the Mercury, and also by the elders, now the strength is still very fast.

When he saw Zhang Han, he was a bitter smile.

For Xiangjiang Zhang Hanyang, he later learned that, after a while, listening to a sensational news.

How can he not know that Zhang Han is a monk in front of him, don't look at talking with people is a smile, the coldness in the bones, if the show is exposed, it is still scary.

Stephen's father, Zhang Han's understanding is not too much, knowing that it is almost invincible on the earth, mixed in the sea dragon star field, can come and go like this, it is terrible, I did not expect to go to the Tianlongxing province.

Hearing him, Yue Wuwei relaxed a lot, his face eased, nodded:

"Since you are coming by a spaceship, it's fine. Let's talk to an acquaintance."

After he finished sitting, he looked at the scenery.

"Please sit down."

Zhang Han pointed to the empty space next to him.

"Okay thank you."

The father smiled. He made a long blond hair, and his skin was pleated. He looked at Zhang Han and said: "Mr. Zhang, we have not seen it for many years. It is a fate to meet here."

"It is very clever." Zhang Han nodded.

The two chatted casually.

For the good friend of the day, after meeting at this time, Meng Meng and Steven were chatting with each other.

Stephen is now more cheerful, and looks like a two or three years older than Meng Meng, who is already a young man.

"He is a friend of my kindergarten, Steven."

Meng Meng gave Nina, Yue Xiaoyun, they introduced each other.

"Do you usually drink blood?" Yue Xiao asked him when he came up.

She has less knowledge of the blood family, and she is curious as she sees it for the first time.

"Drink." Stephen replied: "The main thing is to eat some blood of the beast."

"Steven, have you been here all the time?" Meng Meng asked.

"Yes, we live in Poishi, where is the Melni blood," said Stephen.

During this time, Stephen's father also introduced the downhill stone city and the Myrney family.

Poishi City is a large city on the Mercury. The theme is composed of broken flowers and rocks. It is one of the main cities on the Mercury.

The Myrni family has always lived in Poishi City. The number of people in the family is hundreds of people. The core staff is only forty or fifty people. Most of the core personnel are Yuan Yingjing, and there are five gods. The most powerful of them is the late Myron, Roco.

"It is the owner of Luo Ke who brought us here." Stephen's father smiled and said: "Because we have nothing to worry about on the earth, we are not worried about it. If we consider it, we will come here. After all, it is a big world. I want to practice in the future." The road will go a lot, but I didn't expect it. It was not long before I came here. It was a few months ago. I met an ancient animal. It is said to be terrible. Many people on the planet fled to the rear. If there were not those big guards, we might all To suffer..."

After talking, Stephen’s father flashed a trace of fear.

He also said that some of the characteristics and general forces of Poishi City, the Myrney family in Poishi City is a small and famous family, roughly speaking, it belongs to the second-line forces, because the strength of the homeowners is not bad, but also mixed here, of course This is in the feeling of the father.

"Meng Meng, I have been practicing in the Myrni family all the time. The recent terrible monsters have stabilized. My father and I have come out and turned around. It is also the first time to come to the sunset capital." Steven also talked over there. With.

“There are some nice buildings in Poishi, and there seems to be a Colosseum.” Meng Meng said: “We are planning to go there in the second stop. Are you playing here for a few days? Do you want to be with us?”

"Ah? This..." Stephen looked at his father, and he didn't dare to be the master of this kind of thing.

The father also hesitated and said: "We are going to play for three or four days, then go back, my wife is about to go out."

"We also play for about three days." Zi Yan said with a smile: "If you have nothing, let us go with you, just go to Po Shicheng, and you can take us to the special places and serve as the host."

Meng Meng saw that Stephen was quite happy, and Zi Yan said it.

The father thought about it and nodded.

Come out to play, the hometown is known, and the mood is not bad.

Thinking of the Po Shicheng, I am entertaining them well.

On the evening of the same day, I went to the sunset restaurant.

The place is the largest and the most famous, and it is said to be the most delicious place.

On the third floor of the big bag.

"The tiger head squid needs three."

Zhao Feng ordered it next to him: "There are five ways to eat? Then there are three for each, and the salmon sashimi is also five. How big is the abalone in the mountain? Oh, then come first, the other specials. , each of them is three."


Upon seeing it, Steven's father swallowed his mouth subconsciously, feeling that the throat was dry.

He came here with Stephen, and he also wanted to taste the lower plate of the mountain, he also knows that Panshan Bao's head is smaller and more delicious, but the more expensive, I thought it would be a little bigger, taste it, and the result will follow. The big team came over... He wants to ask: Do you not look at the price?

The receptionist said that Panshan abalone, half a meter, the price of 1,500 crystals, ten is only one thousand five, five species of tiger head squid, all come three, fifteen, tens of thousands of spar, salmon Sashimi and so on, this is just a hundred thousand, twenty thousand tens of thousands of crystals.

"It's too expensive, how can people generally eat it?"

Stephen’s father was filled with emotion.

If you let him spend, it is estimated that he is not willing.


"Oh, really sweet."

Stephen's father repeatedly gave a thumbs up:

"The world is delicious."

“It tastes great.”

"I feel the hospitality of Mr. Zhang and his wife."


Ever since, the feelings and thoughts of the Father have become: a penny of goods, expensive makes sense.

For the restaurant, it is also common practice, this level of food, not to mention every day, there will be a banquet of this size.

There are also many spar veins in the province of Tianlongxing. Every year, some are found. The total number of spar is huge, and there are not a few rich.

The capital of the setting sun.

The most beautiful is the twilight time.

The sun sets on the horizontal line, and the soft light gives the sky and the earth a golden layer. This is the characteristic of the sunset capital.

Looking at the scenery often makes people feel good.

It was very comfortable for three days, not only tasted the local characteristics, but also ate some street food.

The fish here is relatively common and cheap, but some vegetables are going to be a lot. After all, things are rare.

"Go to Poishi City."

Everyone took the plane and went to Po Shicheng.

The flight takes five hours to reach the destination.

Originally Steven's father, invited everyone, can go to the Myrney family room to rest.

Zhang Hanjun refused, and he did not insist.

A small detail, it can be seen that Steven's father is not in a high position in the Myrney family.

When I first arrived, how could I particularly enjoy the fragrance?

Po Shicheng.

There are many stone roads, one of the few land cities on the Mercury.

In the city, there are also many rivers, and there are not many green plants. The stone buildings are full of characteristics.

"Po Shicheng also has a very strong young talent."

After everyone found a good place to live, it was also a manor, and they went out and walked on the street, and they traveled, and Stephen’s father said:

"The Loren family is the first family in Poishi. In addition to the local Zongmen Xingxuan forces, the Loren family is the most powerful. Even the two sides have cooperation. In the local area, the Loren family is equivalent to semi-official. The power, there is a young man, who seems to be twenty-five years old, called Lorenze. He broke into the realm of the gods not long ago. His strength is very strong. Soon he will go to Xingyixuan to protect the law, straighten up the law, and the future. Not limited."

Feelings are full, but when it comes out, the Father found that these people are not around, and they have no interest.

This topic was terminated.

At the same time, I am also curious in my heart. It seems that Mr. Zhang is a better mix of them. There is a big company in Hailongxing, and there are many Zongmen forces involved. It also competes with the top forces of Hailong Star. It is one of the main characters in Star Wars. .

In the end, I have seen people in the big world. It’s not like me. When I first came, I heard the enchanting youth, and I was shocked for a long time.

The father of the father secretly shook his head, or his own knowledge was short.

"The most famous is the Colosseum, where there are large and small, there are more than one hundred venues, the largest, can provide the battle of the spirits of the gods, the surrounding business circle is developed, there is a place to eat and drink. Let's go there first?"

Stephen's father served as a tour guide.

When everyone came to play, there was no clear goal, and they nodded.

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