Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1268: get together


"I heard that the little princess is cute, and I like it very much. Tianluo College is a very lively place."

"Well, indeed." Zhang Han smiled helplessly, watching the mountain director said: "My daughter will go to Tianluo College in the future, I can consider being a temporary substitute teacher."


The mountain chief almost shouted.

The first step was finally successful.

"Ha ha ha ha."

The mountain monk grew up and looked at Dong Chen and handed over a look:

Oh, hard work pays off.

However, he felt that Zhang Hanyang would not be determined and planned to take a long-term view.

Ever since, the mountain dean has lived in Xinyueshan.

I plan to do more homework for Zhang Han.

Then, if you have time, take a stroll around the land and walk around the world to see the changes in the past 800 years.

This is a road to refining the heart.

Today is just Saturday, the next day, Meng Meng, Yue Xiao, Nina, Farina, looking for a few students Li Mengen and Bekinan, went out to play crazy.

On the night of the night, when the meal was over, the mountain dean sat on one side and looked at Zhang Han with his eyes.

The look of the child, the resentment and so on, the eyes that make up the purple eyes feel awkward.

What is the situation?

Zi Yan cast his eyes and provoked Zhang Han to laugh and cry.

"Mountain Dean, are you not going to go out?" Zhang Han asked helplessly.

"I plan to go out in the middle of the night and in the morning, go out to the world, come back at noon, um, I have been disturbing recently, oh yeah, Zhang Hanyang, I see you are pleasing to the eye, you may not know, the feeling in my heart is like It is the same as love."

"Stop and stop!" Zhang Han's face changed slightly: "You are saying this, I can swear."

The pretty face of Zi Yan is a smile.

It feels very interesting.

A big man, or a father, said to Zhang Han that he felt like a love.

This is simply weird.

"Okay, I am just making an analogy. Mrs. Zhang can't mind." Shan Dean laughed and said: "The main thing is that I love this talent, it is a bit heavy. I saw Zhang Hanyang, this is a demon, it is really exciting. No."

"Is he so powerful?" Zi Yan said with a smile.

The color in her beauty is clearly saying: You can praise my husband.

Of course, the mountain dean did not let Ziyan speak.

Successive sighs:

"It was shocking to be a man of heaven. I was shocked to be a man of heaven. I was the first to see Dan Dao as such. If I practice Dan Dao, I definitely want to apprentice."

If you are nice, everyone will be happy to listen.

Others are really praising Zhang Han, and Zi Yan feels very proud.

Especially my husband is still so good.

In fact, compared with the kind of Prince Charming in the past, I don’t know how much stronger.

Zi Yan never dreamed that the original time, I got the real life, so happy life.

After dinner, the next day, Zhou Fei will take Ziyan to go shopping, and there are a few other generations who come to the class, such as Zi Shiya and Wang Ya. They must also go out for a trip, do a spa, drink coffee, go shopping, shop. , buy a package and so on.

Meng Meng and Yue Xiaoxiao, they went to class on Monday.

The midterm exam has been started on Thursday for two days.

In the past few days, Zhang Han has been refining Dan on the Crescent Moon Mountain. The first two days were good medicinal herbs for his own people. Because the materials passed through, they were almost top grades, and there were a few stoves that felt good and refined the best Dan. The medicine, compared to Zhang Han's accident, is that there is a potion of medicinal herbs, which feels almost like a middle-class product, but suddenly, like an epiphany, it enters the ethereal realm and actually produces a magical medicine.

Although it is a fifth-order, but the two characters of the gods, its function and effect, almost seven orders of immortality, the value is very high.

For the best and the medicinal herbs, Zhang Han will stay for the time being. Later, in the astral, or in a wider place, these are more valuable. When they are auctioned, they can get a good price.

In the next few days, alchemy was in large quantities, ranging from 30 to 70 in a furnace, which was used by Liu Qingfeng.

The auction of Fuxi and Dan Medicine was too hot in the Hailong Star Field.

A lot of spar has been gathered, but the total amount is still relatively small. Through the efforts of several branches, we can support the opening of the bank.

The huge capital flow has been gradually opened by Liu Qingfeng.

This day, Friday afternoon at three o'clock.


The sound of several sports cars, from the bottom of the mountain, gradually narrowed and entered the underground parking lot on the castle side.



Meng Meng ran and jumped, and soon came to the near.

"How is the test?" Zhang Hanxiao asked.

"Must be necessary, the first is no problem." Meng Meng made a face to Zhang Han and said: "Ah, it is possible that second, Nina is learning too well, and it is going to surpass me."

"Oh, it shouldn't be. After I just released the standard answer, I have a few questions that are negligent, and there are deductions for the composition." Nina said with a smile.

"It's too difficult, it's too difficult." Yue Xiao said: "Zhang Shu, this exam question can be difficult, and the two of them are still so powerful, a few wrong."

"Yes? Then you have to take time to learn." Zhang Han laughed.

"I have a good test, and the third is no problem." Farina took a look at Yue Xiao.

"Cut." Yue Xiao sneered.

Isn't it learning?

Oh, I just don't like to learn.

"Dad, that, we will go to Muen to play for a while, no one at home in the evening, we went to her house?" asked Meng Meng.

Zhang Han heard that there was a sudden vigilance in his eyes: "Is there a male student?"

"No, we are five, um, when we came back to Mu Enjia at night, we were five. In the afternoon, we had more than a dozen people. We were going out to play, and we had three days off." Meng Meng said with a sigh.

"Cough, keep a distance from the male classmates, you have the same little girl." Zhang Han light coughed.

"Then, do I want to tell my mother?" Meng Meng's big eyes screamed, looking at the direction of the castle.

"No, I will tell her later, let's play." Zhang Han laughed.

"Well, I am going to change clothes."

Meng Meng flashed back to the third floor bedroom.

Yue Xiao, Nina and Farina also returned to their villas.

For a moment, the fresh and beautiful little girls who wore them came together. They didn’t drive this time and walked straight down the hill.

Looking at Meng Meng's back, Zhang Han sighed and smiled and shook his head.

"soy Mujer."

"If you are older, you will always be happy to go out and play."

As the saying goes: no home.

This is a process of growing up. When I was young, I was so sticky, I grew up, and I like to go out and play with my peers.

Like Meng Meng, who has not left Zhang Han, is still a minority.

It’s said that Yue Xiaoxiao, I can’t see Yue Wuwei and Lisa all day, and don’t forget, two or three days to make a phone call or meet for a meal, that’s it.

Just arrived near Crescent Bay.

"What car do we take this time? Is it the subway?" Nina asked.

"Yeah, let's do the 13th bus first, take the subway to the North Ring, and then the Longcheng District." Meng Meng replied.

I have already studied the way out.

Waited for ten minutes at the site.

"These little girls,"

Look at the clothes and shoes, as well as the bags on the back.

The eyes of the girls who are next to two or twenty are bright.

"It's all famous brands."

"Is it true?"

The two whispered:

"Should it be true? Seeing that they look so good, it is certainly not something that ordinary people can give birth to."

"Is it really so come to take the bus? Such a person should not go out and there is a driver to drive."

"Who knows, maybe it is sneaking out to play."


Every time I go out, I can encounter this situation.

In fact, for Meng Meng, the brand does not seem to have any concept, good-looking, like, you can.

Take the bus, change to the subway, and arrive in Longcheng District in more than an hour.

After arriving at the destination.

On the street, Li Munen and Bei Jinnan are looking around.

"I'm coming."

"Meng Meng! Xiao Nian, Nina, Farina." Li Muen ran over, his face filled with a happy smile, said: "Today, I am so welcome."

"Well," Meng Meng responded.

"Go, let's go to Xiangminge for dinner, and the location is set."

Li Munen took the lead and walked forward: "It will take about five minutes to go, and Xiaowu is waiting there."

There are a dozen people in total.

Eat in Xiangmingge, thousands of people per capita, the main Xiangming abalone, famous far and near.

"Or else, change somewhere to eat? It's too expensive." A male student whispered, his look was a bit worried.

I was afraid to get there, I was too expensive to eat, and I couldn’t pay for it. As a result, Li Muen couldn’t pay for it. If they even spread it, there would be few words in the pocket.

"Hey, you can rest assured, I have said to my dad, the place is my dad ordered, hey, my dad heard that Meng Meng dinner, especially take the initiative, gave me a credit card, can brush One million." Li Munen said with a smile.

Between the words, she expressed her family's emphasis on Meng Meng.

"I still think that Meng Meng's restaurant is the best in the world, but you always eat it, this time we change the taste, go to eat abalone, I don't understand, the classic dishes are my dad told How can I order it?"

When the meal is ordered.

Looking at the thick menu, Li Munen is also a bit confused.

"Xiangming's best abalone is ten, big abalone, and oxtail, meat crab, wild big yellow croaker, these two must be two, other, dessert, what you want to see."

Li Muen is Luo Luo.

Looking at the price on the menu, several students were secretly swearing.

The result is after the dish comes up.

Tasting it, sprouting them and feeling a bit like that.

In the stream of Mercury tasted a large abalone and a lot of specialty fish, it is the category of the beast, the taste is indeed much better than the ordinary.

It is mainly interesting to have a party.

At the beginning, I played a lottery game and drank a drink. As a result, I was not very lucky. I drank two bottles of cola.

If you haven't eaten yet, you will start to fight.

There is also a small project to sing, it is a play.

Eat and drink almost, the students continue to go to the bathroom.

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