Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1270: Constantly frustrated

"No, it is to be a friend, to know each other, to say that people have just come to Xiangjiang and want a peer to take him here to play." Li Muen replied.

"Which prince?" Nina asked with a smile.

"The prince of Wenlai, oh, no matter who he is, tomorrow we are also on holiday, cute, little trouble, do you accompany me to go? If it is boring, let us deal with it casually, then go out and play by yourself?" Said in an uncertain tone.

"Oh, then go there, I don't seem to have seen any princes, look at the long scorpion, is there any more eyes." Meng Meng said happily.

"I know that you are the best for me." Li Munen laughed.

"Get out of the way, who is good to you." Meng Meng snorted and made a look of idiot: "Hey, people, just want to know the prince, that is the prince."

"I don't know what I want." Farina stunned her eyes: "You dare to fall in love with a prince. He dared to disappear the next day. Do you know if your dad is fierce?"

"Hey, I said that you are such a person, how is it so disappointing?" Meng Meng glanced, and suddenly thought of a move.


The cola in the hands of Farina suddenly squirted out and ran her face.


Filina was shocked, her mind was rushing to defense, and Coke paused, and then controlled to take back the bottle. She said, "This little means is useless to me."

"Wait, after two years, it will be useful to you."

Meng Meng is very confident in his own practice.

In two years, she felt that she could tie the gap between the current and the strength of Farina, even if it didn't catch up, the gap would not be too big.

Play and play until the middle of the night, only to rest.

Meng Meng was pulled by Li Muen to sleep on her princess bed. Yue Xiaoyun and Nina were in a room. Filina had her own house and was kept in the bedroom of Li Wei and Li Muen’s mother.

The next day, nine o'clock in the morning.

"Ah! It’s going to be late!"

Li Muen cried with his hair: "Meng Meng, we got up quickly and made an appointment at the Had Entertainment Club at nine o'clock."


Meng Meng lazy to get up and stretched out.

Washing and cleaning up, the breakfast is all saved.

This is the case when they arrive at the Hard Entertainment Club.

It is already half past ten.

In the rest area, there are several suit bodyguards standing around, there are two maids, next to them.

When I saw Li Muen, one of the women greeted us:

"Hello, is it Ms. Li Muen?"

A lady, let Li Munen feel very strange.

People are still a little girl.

"It's me." Li Muen replied.

"Please come here." The woman smiled a little, but her eyes were full of deep meaning, let her prince wait for so long... She should give some face, and I can see that the prince is a little excited and embarrassed. But without a little bit of blame, she understood, so the smile is more cordial.

Inside the rest area, a quiet corner.

Prince Dulle is sitting there, when he sees Li Munen coming with Meng Meng.

He was happy in his heart and got up and said:


"Ah, sorry, we, the traffic jam on the road is late." Li Munen said with some embarrassment.

"Are you not the person who was yesterday?" Yue Xiaofan looked at his eyes and sat down and said.

"Yes, it's a coincidence. I didn't expect you to have a relationship." Dulle's Chinese is very fluent and laughs: "I came to Xiangjiang for the first time, and I don't know much. I also want to go to some special features. The place, just the elders and Mr. Li Wei know that he has a daughter of my age, I will ask Mr. Li Wei to meet his daughter."

"Oo, this is the case." Li Muen nodded, and then some gossip, smiled and said: "You are a prince, I said that the person who saw you yesterday will not pursue those things."

"Yes? Yesterday was an unpleasant thing? I don't know yet." Dulle naturally talked about some common topics as an embedding point.

"Yesterday, our friend, and the blond man is a little bit of a contradiction, and there is nothing big about it." Li Muen said what he said to be embarrassing.

Upon seeing it, Dulle did not say anything deeply. He smiled and asked: "What are these?"

"It's all my good sisters, I will introduce you to you." Li Muen said: "She is what I have known since I was a child. I am small, called Zhang Yumeng. It’s not right. It should be said that she is very much every day. Zhang Yumeng, who is chasing people, um, she is called Yue Xiaofan, the classmate of our class, the face, she is Ferina, not talking, she is Nina, Farina and Nina are sisters."

"Oh, Zhang Yumeng, a very nice name, Yue Xiaofan, class amateur, sister Farina, Nina." Dulle nodded.

I did not deliberately look at Meng Meng, nor did I deliberately say something.

Instead, I talked about some interesting things, but this look, as if it doesn't work, basically a few words, it is necessary to look at Meng Meng.

"Do you play golf? It's almost noon, are we going to eat first, or go golfing, or other activities?" Dulle asked.

Where I used to go, basically it was his decision on the outside, and now I have to ask for it.

"Or else we have lunch first?" Li Muen said.

"Well, I have already set a position in the upstairs restaurant."

Dulle took the lead and walked upstairs.

For this prince, Meng Meng and Yue Xiao had a few eyes on them, and there was nothing to be interested in.

Without personality, speaking is always the same...just like the official.

It seems like a person has lost himself.

However, they are not clear. Dulle, who really wants to give a good impression, is now dare to reveal his personality. I don't know who she likes and who she hates.

For lunch, the dishes are not big, but there are many types and they are more luxurious.

There are a few sisters who can be present. Li Muen is also a rich second generation. I have seen it, and I have no feeling.

This gave Dulle a preliminary affirmation that these conditions are very good.

“Would you like to play golf?” Dulle asked.

"Oh, I won't." Li Munen replied.

"Go play for a while." Meng Meng looked at Felina: "What are you gambling?"

"Are you sure?" Filina questioned.

"Definitely add affirmation." Meng Meng responded.

"What do you want to gamble."

Meng Meng has indulged: "Let's do it, wait for me to win, you call a few cute sisters to listen."

"Oh, you can't win."

"Oh, hehe."

When I saw it, Dulle didn't understand it. It took a while to react.

Little goddess likes to gamble?

Also like golf?

what's the situation?

Walk into the golf course and be inside the venue.


Dulle played a goal, a dozen meters from the hole, and played very well.

"In fact, playing golf is very simple. I can teach you when I wait." Dulle said to Li Munen and looked at Meng Meng. He smiled and said: "Zhang Yumeng, Farina, are you coming first?"

"come on."

Meng Meng took over the club that Dulle handed over, and Filina took one herself.

"No fun."

Before the beginning, Meng Meng said something.

The meaning is that it is not allowed to use spiritual power.


With the control of the power, the precise distance from the eyesight, plus a little wind speed and so on.


The two played a shot at the same time.


The ball is falling.

One after the other, it fell into the hole with precision.

"Is this too simple?" Filina said.

When they talk, the two play another shot.

Another shot into the hole.

Dulle: "???"

Something is so aggressive and confused.

What is the situation?

Third shot, fourth shot...

After a dozen or so, they are all poles.

I was dumbfounded to Prince Dulle.

"In this way, the trick can be used."

Meng Meng said.

So, in the induction of Yue Xiao and Nina.

Meng Meng and Philipna, fighting the skill of the spirit.

This Meng Meng did not use the holy Wuxing Orb, under the control of Jin Dan.

Because Felina is relatively strong, Meng Meng's control is better.

Gradually, Filina found that she couldn’t do it, she put down the club:

"Not playing."

"You still have to lose? Should this be considered a loss?" Meng Meng smiled.

"This kind of game is boring." Filina muttered: "So I can play you, or wait for a duel in the game bin."

"Yes, this is what you said."

During the conversation, Li Muen gently patted Dulle's arm: "That... do you want to teach me to play golf?"



Dürer’s numbness shook his head:

"No, no, we don't play golf."

Feeling the heart is bleeding.

God, I wanted to show my superb golf skills in front of Meng Meng. After all, I was only seventeen years old. The result... oh...

"Today's weather is good, it is suitable for surfing, do we want to play?" Dulle said.

It doesn't matter, I have some more proficient games.

Surfing is one of them.

Because the weather was hot, at four o'clock, all the talents went out to sea.

When surfing.

Dulle has just prepared.

"Oh oh!"


Nina, they were very happy, and they rushed straight.

Meng Meng looked behind her eyes:

"The waves are too small, bigger!"

Energy operation.

Oh, la la la.

The five-meter-high wave suddenly came, causing tourists from many nearby ships to scream: "A big wave."


They sprouted four of them and danced in this wave.

Dulle: "???"

'When I meet a huge wave of five meters high, I swear, I felt desperate at that moment. The power of nature is really terrible and I can’t control it. I admit that I am very embarrassed and I am thrown into the sea. Didn't make a meter, oh, God, why did I choose to surf? ’

After the landing, Dürer seemed to be hit, and fell into a sluggish state.

"Today, um, thank you..."

After saying a bunch of words, they fled.

Also let people send Li Muen and Meng Meng to go home.

On the night, Li Munen called and said that Prince Dulle had asked them to go out to play the next day.

Just sit back and have nothing to do, then go out and squat.

After meeting in the morning.

"My friend has a song to record, it sounds very good, let's go and see the excitement?" Dulle said with a smile.

At first glance, it is the kind of reinvigoration, and it is another good place to attract Meng Meng.

Arrived in the music shed.

Dulle's friend was a singer. When he recorded, he came over and talked with Dulle a little. Dulle took a guitar.

"I recently learned a Chinese song and gave it to you, calling the moon to represent my heart."

"You ask me how deep I love you, I love you a little, my love is true, my love is true..."

Very nice, one song ended, Li Muen admired some applause: "Wow, listen."

"Alright, music is my usual hobby, huh? Zhang Yumeng, I listen to your voice is very good, do you usually like to sing?" Dulle asked.


Without waiting for Meng Meng to answer, Li Muen said: "Meng Meng's mother was originally a big singer, Meng Meng singing is particularly nice, right, show you this video, it was a long time, it was Meng Meng singing."

The amount of video playback is tens of millions, just take a look.

"Hey, why should I come to sing."

Dulle cried in his heart.

Stayed for a while.

In the face of this open song, he served.

Run away from the desert and leave the music shed.

“Do you like extreme sports? For example, bungee jumping?”

Grandma’s, you have to play and play!

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