Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1314: Home nursery

The topic center is always on the side of Ziyan, ignoring the other people present, and letting many people react and start asking about other people's situations.

"Oh, you are now the music director of Shengsa Entertainment. Only after five years in office, you have reached this level. It is very powerful and the future is limitless."

"Fortunately, I usually work very busy, and thanks to the cultivation of my superiors, I can't compare with my sister. I heard that my sister started the company at the beginning. It is Ziyue Entertainment. It is very famous in Xiangjiang. Our boss also said If 99% of entertainment companies can offend, then one percent is not offended by Ziyue Entertainment."

"Oh! So great? Yes."

Everyone just wanted to hold a stinky foot, and the woman smiled and said:

"At that time, Ziyue Entertainment was in a strong position and won many awards. Later, when her sister retired, the company went downhill. Unfortunately, I still feel that my sister can take Oscar for a long time."

"Over the prize." Zi Yan said with a smile.

The meaning of her sentence is nothing more than that the purple scorpion was very brilliant at the beginning, but unfortunately, after retreating, fame and fortune were lost too much, and the value was reduced too much.

It belongs to the kind of brightening and descending.

On the surface, it is actually telling others about this 'fact.'

"Ziyue Entertainment, I am quite understanding, the Caribbean, Star Wars, it is all hot global." Someone said.

This is what I really want.

"Yes, the box office is too high, and the money earned is enough for a lifetime."

The situation is really a bit strange, many people hold it, and some people are sour and say:

"I can really make a lot of money. Fortunately, my sister founded the company. Otherwise, the company has earned it in other places. The power of capital is too strong."

“Yes, shareholder dividends, capital flows, etc., the business situation is changing rapidly and cannot be predicted.”

Someone said with a sigh of emotion, not for whom, to see his a bit of a lonely look, I know that business has lost money.

During the period, Lu Ziyang had to look at the purple eyes every time he said a word, and was attracted to it.

The original purple sable, like a pure little beauty, nowadays purple, from the appearance, in his heart is the perfect goddess.

I want to ask some words, but he feels that it is a bit awkward to say it directly, and there are still some fears of getting what you don't want to hear. Most importantly, the anger in his heart is simply unstoppable.

"To my capital today." Lu Ziyang thought: "Even if it is Ziyue Entertainment, a company with a high market value, I also have the qualifications and ability to own you."

The heart of the turmoil made him want to talk for a few times. Since he met, it means that there is a fate. He wants to know some of her situation.

Lu Ziyang is still very patient. After three trips, he smiles and looks at Zi Yan:

"Most of our classmates have become married. Do you know if you have a family?"

Without waiting for Zi Yan to speak, Mu Yan smiled and said: "The goddess is married early, and the marriage is happy."

Oh la la!

Lu Ziyang’s heart was suddenly blocked.

Hey, I didn’t catch up at the beginning. After leaving the college, there was no chance.

Nowadays, he is full-fledged, even if he is married, he will not delay the 'friends', and there is nothing wrong with continuing the front.

Self-hypnosis is also psychological comfort. Lu Ziyang calmed down and smiled. "It’s really good to be married. I don’t know what kind of man can conquer the mountain."

"It's not a mountain." Zi Yan shook his head slightly: "It's the fate."

I heard the answer from Zi Yan, there were two men present, and the fat body was sitting next to Lu Ziyang. An Sheng sighed and said:

"It’s a pity, when Yang Ge had the best chance to catch up with the goddess, but unfortunately missed it. Just saw the goddess come, I thought I could continue the frontier and become a beautiful talk. Who knows how to get married, but it seems It doesn't matter, there is a husband, and there is no contradiction with a friend of the opposite sex."

Some puns.

It is testing the attitude of Zi Yan.

It is a pity that Zi Yan did not take care of him and responded to the words of a woman next to him.

The fat-faced man who is one meter tall is not happy. The big star is looking down on people? Do not take care of it?

So he said another sentence: "Goddess, I am very curious about what men are catching up with, you don't have to think about it, it must be the boss of which company, or the man on the Forbes list."

At this time, there was a woman who evenly echoed: "Yes, talk about it, sister-in-law, meet our gossip."

Several people have started to squat.

The sable is not pretending to be heard, and I look at everyone.

Lu Ziyang smiled and leaned back against the back of the chair, a very laid-back expression.

Most of the eyes of others are full of curiosity.

There are only three or two people who are sore in the market, or the fat-faced man who is more careful.

Most of the rest are just pure gossip and there are not many ideas.

After thinking about it, Zi Yan smiled and said: "very rich, very powerful, very handsome, very man, very gentle and considerate, also do music, film, entertainment, whatever I like, he will support."


This evaluation, together with Zi Yan’s smile on Zhang Han’s, made Lu Ziyang’s heart seem to have missed a shot.

Finished! Looks like a chance.

This woman who is completely in love is like a hedgehog, and she has no way to start.

However, as long as the effort is deep, the iron shovel is ground into a needle.

Opportunity is not without.

Lu Ziyang was silent, and he did not plan to be close to him. He wanted to observe three points.

Listening to the comments of several people around:

"Is there such a man in this world? Gao Fushuai, gentle and considerate, doing music, film and television, entertainment, supporting your hobbies, hey, I am envious."

"He should be a business tycoon, what is it called, sister, you talk about it."

In the face of this question, Zi Yan shook his head slightly: "He has not touched the business, he is managed by others."

"Hey, you just went to pick up your sister? Have you seen your sister's husband?"

"I came by myself." Zi Yan directly answered.

"I didn't send you this kind of occasion, it's really... rest assured."

"Don't come." A woman's heart was sour, saying: "The classmates are not so happy when they bring family members, and they know that Ziyang brother was very close to her sister-in-law. If it is jealous."

"Don't stop, don't say that." Lu Ziyang waved his hand: "It's just a good friend, like us, not a good friend."

Lu Ziyang opened the door, and the woman said: "We are very powerful, and we are the best in overseas. I heard that this time I am going to buy a few sons?"

Speaking of this, several other people have joined, especially the fat-faced man:

"The total value of Lu is worth 10 billion yuan. What do you think he has done overseas in the past few years, but he is truly a leader."

Lu Ziyang was a door-to-door son-in-law at first, but she was sleek and knows how to be forbearing. Gradually, playing and playing, the opponents have lost, inheriting tens of billions of assets, and the whole family has only some idlers.

"Just kidding." Lu Ziyang hurriedly waved his hand, while Yu Guang was also paying attention to the purple.

The tens of billions of dollars does not seem to make her have any extra expression.

This made Lu Ziyang blink a little.

Until 8:20, Zi Yan almost time to leave.

"Then let's end, go to the next one, sing and sing, drink some, now it's still early, it shouldn't matter if you play later?" Lu Ziyang said.

"Nothing to do tomorrow, how many nights you can play today."

"You must continue, you can see it once."

"Purple, do you want to be together?" A female classmate invited.

"I won't go, my husband will pick me up."

"Call your husband together." The fat-faced man clap his hands and said: "It just happens to let us see and see, people are golden houses, how come you are really gold house Tibetans."

"I have to go home to see my children learn." Zi Yan smiled and refused.


"Do you even have children?" Lu Ziyang was shocked.

"My sister's children are all fifteen years old, can't see it, the body and skin are very good." Mu Yan said with a smile.

"God, it’s fifteen years old."

"It’s very early to get married.”


The people said a few words.

No one seems to find that Lu Ziyang has been silent.

It feels bad to be affected at once.

Even the children are fifteen years old, I really can't imagine.

"If this is the case..." Lu Ziyang pondered, and there seemed to be any thought in his heart.

Soon, everyone came to the parking spot next to the street.

There are three Alpha, which are specially designed to pick up people.

"Purple, go play together, do you let your husband go straight in the past?" said the fat man.

Zi Yan stood by the street and looked around.

Seems not coming?

She licked her beautiful big eyes.

At this time, she felt a breath behind her.

It's him.

Turning around, I saw Zhang Han walking over a dozen meters.

"Husband." Zi Yan smiled and screamed.


Everyone didn't get on the bus, and all eyes were gathered.

"It is really handsome."

Several women were amazed: "There are many young and handsome people."

"I also want to have such a man."

"Don't be crazy about you."

The men in the field are silent.


Zhang Han walked to the front and smiled. Zi Yan took his arm and was very close.


Lu Ziyang came a few people, and Lu Ziyang and the fat-faced man smiled a little.

"Purple, your mysterious husband is coming." The fat-faced man looked at Lu Ziyang's gaze, sank, and took the initiative to reach out and said: "It's a handsome young man. I don't know which company is high. I can pursue purple." Oh, this is definitely not normal."

The voice is very polite, and the performance is perfect, as if you are joking.

But he is facing an old blame.

"Oh, hello, hello." Zhang Han quickly extended his right hand and shook his hand. He said humblely: "No company, mainly at home, I am responsible for housework, my lover is responsible." Make money, you... can be understood as a door-to-door son-in-law."


Zi Yan immediately laughed.

I didn't get a good look.

It’s quite like it’s loaded, it’s really boring.

This is to make a few people feel a little confused.

"Hello, my name is Lu Ziyang."

"Oh." Zhang Han nodded and shook hands with the other.

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