Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1316: Who is he?

When Liu Qingfeng left.

The atmosphere on the court was alleviated.

"General Wu." Lu Ziyang just wanted to speak.

"Lu Zong." The general manager Wu was pale: "Ziyue Entertainment does not understand the status of Xiangjiang. If you say it to us, if you hear it, you will laugh at you. How much is your price? You are ten times, you can't buy the shares of Ziyue Entertainment. It is tantamount to idiots dreaming. You can find me here. It seems that your relationship with the boss is also general. I advise you not to have any thoughts, depending on you? Not enough."

Say he left the stride of the stride.

The fear and the fire in my heart are all vented and comfortable.

"It’s really a bad time to go out and forget to take medicine."

Several other CEOs seem to find venting goals as well:

"I want to invest in Ziyue Entertainment, a joke, we only dare to ask the deputy general to help, you will go back to this value."


Lu Ziyang looked awkward.

I am being smashed?

He and the fat-faced man left in confusion.

"Hello, sir, a total of 173,600 yuan."

"I," Lu Ziyang was speechless.

Lu Ziyang, who is not convinced, seems to be carrying out a series of trips.

No one cares about him.

Even two meetings were invited, and Zi Yan did not come again.

This wave of class reunion is not very interesting.

Five days later.

The Crescent Moon has once again bloomed with magical fireworks.

The sky is full of dazzling flowers.

"New Year."

"It’s another year, I’m ten years old, Nina sister, I’ll be jealous of you in a few years.” Chen Chuan shouted Nina’s hand.

Get Nina a big red face.

"I am fifteen years old, Dad." Meng Meng's light is shining, and the magical fireworks in the air are reflected in the pupil.

"New Year." Zhang Mu murmured.

"Happy and happy over the New Year." Zhang Guangyou laughed.

"Last New Year."


This night, it is beautiful, belongs to the celebration of the Chinese, in all parts of the country, hot, fragrant dumplings, tempting rice cakes, etc.

The big years that are delicious and reunited are often filled with laughter and laughter.

The martial arts world is different from the ordinary society in terms of strength and strength, but emotionally, it is the same.

There are many great fathers and great mothers in the world. When they were children, they grew up under the care. Many advices are often not heard, but as they grow older, they repeat with the next generation what their parents said. Reincarnation.

In the cultivation of immortals, for the perception of the state of mind, everyone on the earth must be much stronger.

In other words, if you successfully reach the realm of Dacheng, you want to enter the robbery, the level of the mood, the success rate will be much higher.

But the premise is that you can reach Dachengjing, there are some mental comprehensions, and it does not mean that the qualifications for practice are very high.

Nowadays, the qualification status of Xinyueshan gradually reveals the gap.

Zhang Hanyi rides the dust, and the speed of growth is desperate in some respects.

Yue Wuwei is always strong, except for two people, that is, the most cute and vibrating in the battle, the purple is the same, she is the most relaxed, no practice.

Others, all efforts, the gap is still growing.

In this regard, many people in the security group have occasionally suppressed.

February 15th.

A few days of leisure, Meng Meng squad and Li Muen and a few students gathered together and played around.

Or they went to two b-level vestiges.

The treasures in the remains still make Nina and Filina secretly swear.

On earth, everywhere is a treasure!

When they are relaxing.

Tianlongxing Province.

The Longbang battle is also in a state of readiness.

A ship flying to the Chu family planet.

"The Dragon List is open, there is no suspense, except that the sister can beat the sluts, others are embarrassed, I hope I can enter the top 100, at the very least, I can't let the witches Mu Xue and Jiang Lanlan compare." Ye Longyuan is powerless. Muttering.

"No, how many times have you said this sentence, can you have a little confidence in yourself?" said the dust.

"I also want to have confidence, say brother, if you meet Zhang Hanyang, can you win?"

"Can't win."

"Then what are you talking about here?"

"If you hit it, you will lose it. So many people, the lottery can draw him, how good luck?" said the dust.

"Also, if you can't get him, you can still fight, don't touch the realm of the gods, even if the Yuan Yingfeng peak, I also have the power of a battle, can't do it, recently have to go shopping, dig a few tombs, get some Baby self-defense." Ye Longyuan muttered.

"Don't say this, the province is taught by the Chu master." Su Beimu reminded the sentence, and Nunu mouth.

In front of the lounge, on a petal basket, Chu leans back and leans on it, or a loose dress, licking the calf, the white ankle is very ornamental.

Her hand holds an ancient book, her eyes condensed on it, but she did not turn pages for two hours.

She is walking and thinking about other things.

"The sisters didn't pay attention to us here." Ye Longyuan was a little excited: "The teacher is very serious when reading books."

"Less nonsense."

Chu turned his brows and wrinkled and said a sentence.

This immediately lowered the chat.

After two hours, the spacecraft arrived at the Chu family planet.

"The Chu family is also a big family." Su Beimu said: "I didn't expect the sister to come here."

"With the strength of the sisters, they can be compared with the ancestors of the ancestors." Ye Longyuan said with great confidence.


Several people took the aircraft and passed the space station to the surface.

"Miss, you are back."

What surprised Ye Longyuan and others was that the Chu family had a big battle.

The Chu family owners all respected a Missy.

Many elders are welcoming, and it seems that Chu is the most distinguished person in the presence.

I later understood it.

The Chu family, where Chu is dependent, comes from the Haotianxing world. She is the big princess of the Chu family.

The Chu family in the province of Tianlongxing was only the family that the younger generation of Chu family came to experience and gradually developed.

In terms of identity, Chu is naturally incomparable.

"Thank you Miss Da can come to point to the middle of the family, I am grateful."

The old Chu family said.


Chu leaned slightly and nodded, his look was dull.

"I brought Missy in the past?" The Chu family led the way in front of them. Others greeted each other and waited in the same place.

Chu Deyi, Ye Longyuan three, followed the Chu family to the side of the Chu family hall, a different courtyard.

More than a dozen people, such as Chu Chang'an, are practicing illusion.

"Chu Changan, you stop first, Missy to point you out, not coming over?" Chu family said.


"Go to my sister."

"Missy." Chu Changan ran over and said hello.

"How are you practicing illusion?" Chu said.

Last time she taught everyone a set of tactics, according to time, two years should also be practiced.

"I was at Tianluo College, and I was planning to learn the tactics and mix the credits. I didn't expect that Missy, my mentor is particularly powerful, and the mysterious tower is cleared. It is still a hundred layers." Said the face excitedly.

"Oh?" Chu was also surprised by his gaze, but there was not much reaction. The device of the mysterious tower, in the astral world, is a hundred-layer customs clearance. There is nothing rare, but the eight-story, it is a bit powerful. There are very few people who can be reached in the astral world.

"Is it very powerful? Which character is it?" Ye Longyuan asked.

With what level of people, you can see what scenes, followed by Chu, and see a lot of big people in the province.

Ye Longyuan is aware of it.

The answer he got, he had never heard of it, but Chu’s face suddenly changed.

"I am called Debaodao, and now I am the dean of the alchemy." Chu Changan said.

"What do you say!" Chu leaned to breathe a cluster.


The Chu family’s face changed slightly, and the voice was subconsciously lower. He said, “It’s a Debao person. He is very powerful. It’s the mountain dean who is looking for the past.”

"Are you sure he is called Debao Taoist?" Chu turned his head and turned his head, staring at the Chu family.


Ye Longyuan suddenly reacted, and he was a bit dumbfounded: "Who? God, Debao people?"

He remembered that when the Chu master and he said that her master is the devil!


The Chu family masters are somewhat puzzled, but seeing the look of Chu’s leaning, he knows that the Debao Taoist must be the target of Chu’s retreat, or how the Queen of the Chu family, the Queen of the Stars, will stay in the province of Tianlongxing. Long time.

"Where is he? Tianluo College?" Chu asked quickly.

The feeling of giving people seems to be very anxious.

In fact, it is indeed very urgent. For many years, Chu Tiyi is waiting to see the Master.

Finally she was waiting.

"Before I was at the college, but something happened later." Chu Changan said: "It will take only two months to come back. Give us a comprehensive training video. I have nothing to do in the college these days. I will come back to practice. ""

Chu confessed to the words, took a deep breath, and silenced for a few seconds.

After calming her mood, she licked her lips and asked: "Is the Deborah person old?"

"It doesn't seem to be big." Chu Changan thought about it.

"What kind of clothes do you usually wear?" Chu asked and asked.

"Wear casual clothes." Chu Changan said: "The appearance is very handsome, that is peaceful, but the fire is coming, it is extremely scary. We saw him on fire that day."

"Is it hot?" Chu turned his brows and wrinkled.

"Yes, someone bullied his daughter, so after he passed, he directly killed three department heads and three tutors, and the dean was beaten." Chu Changan answered the question.

"Bullying his daughter?" Ye Longyuan groaned, and the terrible combination sounded inexplicably in his mind.

"This, Missy, I don't know who you are looking for, but the province of Tianlongxing is also very big. The name of the track is very normal. Otherwise, I will investigate it first, then look at it?" Road.

"Without investigation, I asked the mountain dean."

Chu Deyi directly communicated with the president of the mountain.

In the face of this existence, the mountain dean can not be ignored, and soon connected.

"Who is the person who is from Debao? Where does it come from?" Chu leaned to see the mountain road.

After that, she was silent, and the heart was like a deer, very nervous, and even sweating.

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