Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1318: So many treasures

[Two in one, for the supreme if the sky dance brother plus]

The other one.

On the side of the square, Zhang Han sat on a long chair and looked quietly at the front. There were more than a dozen people who were playing skating. They were all eighteen and nine, and there were several teenagers in their twenties. Young, energetic, laughing, and daring to try all kinds of cool handsome movements, not afraid to fall.

Alongside, training equipment, there are many elderly people, and they are smelting their bodies.

Of these old people, there must be several people with identity.

People can't be seen.

There are also badminton on the side, scattered, and a large number.

"Mr. Zhang."

Luo Jiazhu stood on the side and said hello.

"Well, sit down." Zhang Han said with ease.

Luo Jiazhu was sitting next to him, still belonging to the kind of sitting in danger, and looked serious: "Is the person just smashed Mr. Zhang, do you want me?"

"No need, two small shrimps."

Zhang Han said a sentence, took back his eyes and glanced at him: "Is Liu Yong looking for you?"

"Yes, Liu Dong asked me to pass the ditch, hehe..." He waved his back and several bodyguards went farther. He whispered, "I have had several high-level executives. Communication, Luoshan and five others are willing to go out with Liu Dong."

He knows that the so-called go out is to go to a mysterious place, or to do business.

Identity has reached the level of Luoshan. It can be said that the higher his identity, the more jealous things he has. He also knows what the small world is and he has heard of ancient mines.

But he didn't think about it, and he went out to mix with Liu Qingfeng. He left the earth and went to Hailong Star to do business.

Liu Qingfeng hasn't talked to him yet, nor is it a big secret. When Luoshan returns after they go out, he naturally knows.

"Luoshan also goes?" Zhang Han smiled.

The impression of Luoshan is quite good, and the work is orderly, otherwise Liu Qingfeng can't look for it. His goal may be Luoshan.

However, it can be seen that the lack of people in the Tianliu Group is more serious.

"I don't know how long it will take." Zhang Han thought.

After learning about the Zerg’s main nest, the idea of ​​the sixth is personally shot, he said that the impact and fluctuations will be great.

Not to what extent, but also said that he will be reminded of the time.

I can only watch it while walking.

The Luo family owner took a moment to leave and left.

Zhang Han quietly looked at the picture in front of him.

The thoughts in my mind came to the details of cultivation.

The mysterious lord said that the avatar is different from the avatar, which is the true avatar.

Lei body and big devil body.

What do you need to do?

Zhang Han still has no clue, and even how to enter the interior from the falling rain star, from the seven wilderness magic sea eye into the interior to find the body of the big demon, there is no idea.

"You can only look at it later."

Zhang Han sank, and when he was going to go back, he had the same grasp of his physical state, and he started the matter.

It takes a state to be separated and needs to be cultivated. It is not a short time to successfully condense.

It also needs a trace of his soul to be implicated. At that time, one soul and three bodies, the specialization of the industry, and the speed of practice will be much faster.

February 26th.

Meng Meng and others returned to school, returned to school, and did not come to the final exam. However, a few days after the New Year, Mr. Bai Yilin sent the exam questions to them, and it was still so simple.

For the grade list, there are fewer names, especially the three who are in the list, and everyone is not used to it.

Especially a teenager who studies hard.

"I, I am the first?"


The class at the time of returning to school was very lively. Everyone talked a lot about each other. It seems that there are endless topics, which are the experiences and feelings of the winter vacation.

On March 1st, Meng Meng returned to school, Xiao Chenchuan is also, here is a little brother, back to the class is a bully.

"There are still the last half of the semester, you have to go to high school, the high school is more intense, the teacher also hopes that you can hold on, as long as you go to college, it is easy time, fall in love? Entrepreneurship? Leisure, play games? University life has everything."

Use the gimmicks of the university to fool them.

There is great expectation. As a result, the university found that a mountain is higher than a mountain, and there is no end to learning.

With so many people in the class, only Meng Meng is the earliest way to reach the combination of work and rest.

There is no way, after all, the little princess is also excellent.

March 16th.

Half a month of study, it is enough.

"Dad, when are we going back to college?" Meng Meng often ran over and asked: "Maybe the dragon list will start, I have to go to war."

"Haha, is this still anxious?" Zhang Han said with a smile: "Then we will leave tomorrow."

"Going tomorrow? Good."

The reason why I stayed for so long is because I am waiting for Liu Qingfeng.

After several layers of screening, together with the investigation of the security team personnel, after all the customs clearance, Liu Qingfeng will personally go out and persuade, Shanghai Longxing domain to do business.

The Tianliu Group is too large. How can we recruit some talents to make up for the vacancies?

The result is also very impressive.

Liu Qingfeng sat on the plane and ran around the world, and she found two hundred and thirty-six people.

It involves all walks of life.

There are several companies that have been squandered by Liu Qingfeng.

This night.

The Crescent Moon is quite lively.

A grand dinner was held.

Ziqiang, Xu Xinyu, is also a state of reluctance.

"We only went to the master of Qi Jin, waiting for two years, also went out to see." Ziqiang said.

He is not in a hurry, first practiced here, and then said, on the Crescent Moon, Zhang Han, their family went out, the security group was not there, he had to look after the property.

It was celebrated for a long time, until the middle of the night, everyone sat on the aircraft.

Dozens of aircraft were lifted off together, hiding their bodies, and approaching the endless coast of the ancient mines.

Many of the Shadows, and some of the sects, have successively boarded the spaceship.


Seeing the huge spaceship, more than two hundred people who were brought in by Liu Qingfeng were shocked.

“I feel this is a commercial sci-fi blockbuster?”

“It’s like dreaming.”

"Really a spaceship."


They only realized at this time that Liu Dong’s saying that he went to other worlds to do business was originally the meaning.

The spacecraft starts.

"Meng Meng, are you coming to open the way?" Yue Wuwei said with a smile.

"No." Meng Meng shook her head and said, "You want me to do this boring thing."


Yue Wuwei directed the direction.

Endless sea, silver sea, clear water flow, screen waterfall.

The spectacle is always very eye-catching.

"Right, son, come."

Zhang Guangyou waved his hand.

Zhang Han heard the words and got up, and Zi Yan walked over and sat down next to the round sofa.

"I found a strange thing." Zhang Guangyou said: "Our aircraft seems to be a bit problematic, is the level not high enough? When I went to the moon with your mother, and then when I opened it at a distance, it was not far, the alarm sounded. It rang, obviously nothing, but it was like the most advanced warning, as if the spacecraft was squeezed around, it was almost broken."

"Alarm? Is it squeezed?" Zhang Hanwen screamed; "No, it may be a vain flow of empty energy."

"I thought about it at the beginning. It was strange that I couldn't see anything. Later, I tried it with two aircrafts. The result was still the same. In five directions, after a certain distance beyond the Earth, I began to alert." Zhang Guangyou Said.

"Five directions?" Zhang Han was silent.

Others are also somewhat curious, their own guesses.

"If it is in five directions, it is a bit strange." Yue Wuwei touched his beard.

“There may be special environmental factors.”

In the end, Zhang Han shook his head and said that he did not look at it personally. He did not know what the situation was.

"The space is actually very complicated and crises." Zhang Han said: "But most of the crises can be detected, such as the blue sand winds, the squalls inside, dozens of kilometers a second, accompanied by fine sand, ordinary The Jindan monks may not be able to live in them. This is a space crisis, and there are extremely chaotic places that can be detected. There are also hidden natures, relatively rare, and the degree of crisis is different. Powerful, some power is small."

After the explanation, everyone was curious. What happened to Zhang Guangyou?

In this regard, Zhang Guangyou is also strange.

The situation is invisible, undetectable, and I don't know what the environment is, but the aircraft always alerts.

Even being crushed, it is also a level one alarm, a very serious situation.

If it is an aircraft, it may be a malfunction, but several aircraft are like this, it is not necessarily a malfunction.

"Look back next time, if there is, then there are some problems."

Yue Wuwei touched his beard.

I feel that if there are special circumstances, it may be because of the lord.

In fact, Zhang Han is also the idea. The entire Hailongxing domain is under the control of the mysterious master. In the seven wild areas, the rain stars, who knows where there is more mysterious and powerful.

"Come on, lost the mainland, here is our first headquarters."

When the spacecraft left the Asian space and came to the lost continent, Liu Qingfeng looked at hundreds of people in the back and said with a smile:

"Then you will work here, whether it is the environment or other facilities, it is the top of the sea dragon domain. Similarly, the whole continent has a large array of world and high-tech defense, even if it is the last time of the ancient animal. Invasion, we also have time to flee quickly."

The last time the ancient animal was rampant, it sounded the alarm for Liu Qingfeng. He regarded the security issues such as base defense and evacuation routes very seriously. The safety factor of the planet controlled by Tianliu Group was very high. At a great cost, the resident population also provided some repatriation funds, especially the lost continent and the dragon base star. The dragon base star is in the domain of the sea dragon star, and the lost continent is the headquarters. The equipment is of course very high.

"Everyone who is not a high-ranking person has a Yuan Ying, a team of ten Jin Dan bodyguards. The safety of their travel is the responsibility of them. At present, we are out of the Tianliu Group and there is no enemy in the Hailong Star."

"Where do you live, have fun, eat, drink, and play, see the distant planet? Dahling, an entertainment planet of Tianliu Group, has begun to improve, which represents the largest scale of the entire Hailongxing domain. The most popular and top-level entertainment planet is the boss who deliberately built it for Meng Meng."

This sentence is an export.

The hundreds of people are stunned.

"God, the boss built the entire planet into an entertainment venue?"

"Great handwriting!"


The exclamation sounded one after another.

Meng Meng heard, but also a look of pride, smiling next to him.

"Your next days are here. We have a lot of regional divisions. The branch office where you are located, I will issue the entry form later. I will take the aircraft first and someone will take you to the residential area."

"Liu Dong, are you not with us?" someone asked.

"I want to go back to Longjixing. Longjixing is the most important strategic base, but the technology here is very developed. We can open virtual meetings, and the projected images are face to face in peacetime." Liu Qingfeng answered: "If we compare our group to adults, then the lost continent is the brain. You are here to manage work, give up tasks, etc., the first two months, give you familiar time, so it is still very easy."

After some answers, everyone took the aircraft and led the staff to the lost continent.

Then everyone started again.

Lost mainland and New Moon City, have not lived yet, and I plan to play here after the completion of the construction of Dahl Star.

So everyone stepped on the journey again and came to Longji Star.

Liu Qingfeng and the shadow family have a lot of votes, and they have stayed here.

"Do we want to go down and see?" Chen Changqing came to Zhang Han and asked.

"No need to go any further."

Zhang Han shook his head: "Go directly to the rain planet."

"Ha? Go to Lori's home?" Yue Xiao stunned.

"Yes, go there and see." Zhang Han smiled.

"Dad, are you going to take us out to play?" Meng Meng muttered.

"Go there and see, there is something wrong." Zhang Han responded.

Without further elaboration, even he did not know the specific situation there, but according to his ideas, the core of the Thunder should be to find a way in the rain lake.

"Stop to the blue sand winds and tell them." Zhang Han said again.

Then the journey of everyone was confirmed.

Two days later, I came to the blue sand winds.

"Think of the way?"

The one-horned white horse looks happy.

"Yes, there is a way." Zhang Han nodded. "The wall is very strong. They can't get out of it for a while. These can be sure. The shot, I don't know the specific method, but you are safe for the time being."

"This is indeed a good news, we can rest assured a lot." Unicorn White Horse sighed, and smiled bitterly: "Listen to this intensive sound every day, without stopping, uninterrupted, feeling the demon must be driven crazy, It’s safe for the time being, we’ll live farther away, and the heart can’t stand it.”

It can be said that recently they lived near the crystal wall and lived in fear.

But I want to stay here and observe. If there is a gap in the crystal wall, they will resist for the first time. Even if they can't beat it, they can't stretch their necks and let the opposite side kill.

"It is this thing, let's go first." Zhang Han said.

"Thank you." One-horned white horse thank you.

After greeting, Zhang Han and Yue Wuwei turned and left, returned to the king ship not far away, flew for a few hours in the blue sand winds, reached the calm universe, and jumped into the subspace for a few seconds. Rain stars.

When it reached the area where the signal was covered by the island of Tianlongxing, the spacecraft stopped and contacted Luoshanwu to tell the incident.

When Zhang Hanyang came to Luojia as a guest, they welcomed it too late, and they began to prepare wine and good food. They all got a countertop.

It is not an exaggeration to say that they are invited to Zhang Han and they have a table of more than 100,000 crystals.

The specifications are almost the highest.

Even Luo's ancestors thought that Zhang Hanyang was unfathomable, and the previous views were underestimated.

The mysterious tower of light is cleared by eight lists, which is something that many people cannot compare.

A few days later, I arrived at the Rain Star.

"Ha ha ha ha, Zhang Hanyang, Yue Lao, Meng Meng..." Luoshan Wu played a string of greetings, laughing: "Welcome to welcome, I like you to have time to come to visit."

"I have to bother you again." Zi Yan said with a smile.

"This is not an interruption, if you say this, you will have a penalty for yourself!" Luo Shanwu laughed.

"Sweet, little trouble..." Lori also came over and chatted with a few little girls.

Xiao Chenchuan is beside him, and his fart is fart.

Big black and little do not sleep in Meng Meng's bag, Xiao He yawned, lazy to follow Meng Meng, waiting for the place to sleep.

Their evolutionary path is sometimes slow.

Falling rain planet, time is at dusk.

The afterglow of the great sun is filled with heaven and earth.

I arrived at the Luojia main house.

The banquet started.

Many Luojia juniors are in the distance, watching this, there are many arguments:

"It’s Zhang Hanyang, they are coming."

"I really admire, I also want to attend this dinner, but the qualification is not enough, only my father can go."

"Don't look at Zhang Hanyang. They are coming from the sea dragon star field. I know a lot more things. He is very bullish and super powerful. Even our ancestors are three-pointed and claim to be not opponents."


Being able to drink with the big guys at the same table symbolizes strength and status for many people.

Just like that sentence, all the roads lead to Rome, but some people will speak out in Rome, looking at the opposite strength of Chen Chuan, Yue Xiao, Meng Meng, Zhou Fei, etc., there are many juniors present. This feeling.

The wine has passed three patrols and has five flavors.

Everyone started chatting.

When they were almost the same, everyone returned to their rooms to rest.

Zhang Han and Luo Shanwu are outside.

Obviously there is something to say, Luoshanwu's expression is a bit serious.

Can do things for Zhang Hanyang, this person has a relationship.

"Zhang Xiong, what is it?" Luo Shanwu tried to call a more intimate title.

Zhang Hanwen smiled and said, "Luo brother, this thing, um, I am going to go to the rain lake, there are things I can use."

"Is it mine?" Luo Shanwu said.

"Yes, it is mine. If I succeed, it will have some impact on the falling rain star, so I want to buy you a falling rain star. In addition to spar, I can also provide you with hundreds of six-level Lingbao. Thousands of fifth-order Lingbao, and thousands of third-order fourth-order Lingbao." Zhang Han said slowly.

If it is an enemy, it is directly grabbed. The Kolo family and they now have a very good relationship.

The core of the Thunder is extremely precious. It is something left by the mysterious master. It is conceivable that it is not the same as Lingbao.

Therefore, Zhang Han is willing to pay some price. In the past few years, on the earth, the Zongmen of the small world, the Zongmen headed by the valley of Kunlun fairyland, and other people who want to come out, need to provide resources for the sect, this is still What Dong Chen wanted to come up with, plus the fixed resources of Wang Jing, so that in just a few years, Zhang Han took control of a large number of spiritual resources, and it was easier to come up with these.

But others don't know.


Luoshan Wuwen can't help but **** the cold air.

"so much?"


"Do you have so many treasures?"

Luoshan Wusong eyes wide, a look of horror.

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