Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1327: Dazzling Chu

"The speed of the points rises very quickly. The second place is long. The female warrior moves in a fierce manner. After the move, it is very difficult to prevent."

"The third place Ellis, the speed is also very exaggerated, hey? It turned out to be overtaken."

"The talents of this year's Dragon List are numerous, and there are countless days of arrogance. The difference between the top 20 points is not big!"

The commentary focuses on the top 30 ranking changes and will also explain some of their battle details.

But some people have different concerns.

"Zhang Hanyang, more than a hundred people? Just a dozen or so, is he planning to start killing on the last day?" The mountain chief touched his beard and thought it was a little fun of Zhang Han in the virtual city. Play in the middle.

Yue Wuwei is here.

"Oh, Dad is two hundred." Meng Meng looked at the glimpse, the speed of ranking is a bit faster.

"This way, it will be half a day, it will fall out of the top five." Yue Xiao said.

"Zhang Shu should be followed up to catch up." Nina said.

"I just didn't see a picture." Yue Wuwei said: "In the camera, Zhang Han is very relaxed. His performance has just begun. You will put your heart in your stomach. How can you beat him in this small scene? What?"

With Yue Wuwei, everyone also let go of their hearts.

In the virtual city's amusement park.

Ye Longyuan and Yan Chen met together.

"We can be careful."

Ye Longyuan whispered: "I just tried it and dig it down in the virtual city. I can only dig a hundred meters or so and I can't dig it."

"You even dig the virtual ones?" The words smashed and shrank, and some were scared.

"I will try." Ye Longyuan smiled and said seriously: "We are not the upper level here. We need to be careful. There are several leaves, such as the light dust, long, very powerful, and my sister, I met. She is fine, the most serious is Zhang Hanyang. When he meets him, he may kill us with a look."

"It’s not so evil, it’s all coming out of the earth. It should be able to give a face.” The voice coughed.

"Don't make a face with the monk, it doesn't matter." Ye Longyuan said: "I owe him a spar. Nothing, you are different. If you come across Zhang Hanyang, I will hack you first. After all, the fertilizer is not An extraterrestrial field."

"I don't want to be with you a little." The dust touched his forehead and his tone was helpless: "Not just them, they are the most eye-catching, and there are many people. It is estimated that there are thousands of people. Killing us, we want to advance to the next round, we still have to observe in advance."

"Let's go, let's go, get it up."

The two quietly marched forward.

In this virtual city, there are only a few powerful people who can sway the streets and smash the first batch of strange animals.

The first batch of different animals has the largest number, and it can last for about three days. Then the beasts will continue to decrease, and the killing between players will gradually increase.

Of course, there are also a few strong ones who are too lazy to move at first, find a safe room to rest, and wait for the next two days to start brushing points.


Zhang Han is in a commercial building.

He heard a huge roar from the street ahead, and he passed away.

I saw a man in armor underneath, holding a shield on the left, holding a knife on the right, facing more than five hundred different animals, not afraid, and slowly pressing forward.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Han slightly blinked, he did not know who the man below, but looked at the standings.

With the increase in killing of different animals, the one with the rising rate is flat.

It is exactly --- leaf light dust!

"The first place in the standings."

"The move is OK, it is not bad to reach this level under the age of forty."

Zhang Han nodded slightly.

Ye Qingchen, not to mention that he is the first, the strength can indeed be placed in the astral, but also on the table.

"In my current state, I will take a photo with him. I should not be able to support it for a minute."

Zhang Han thought about it and turned and left.

Obviously, this area has already had the thorn of Ye Chenchen, and he intends to temporarily avoid the edge.

"Three hundred and eighty."

"First kill some strange animals, and you can't let them watch the fear."

Zhang Han smiled.

If he is unconcerned, he is too lazy to kill the beast.

There is still a ticket person outside watching it.

The virtual city is large in size.

It is not easy to see opponents frequently, and you can't meet one in an hour.

Zhang Han began to kill the beasts, the move is simple, the action is ordinary, but it is very efficient.

I killed three streets all the way and found two other players.

They are cautiously lurking.

Zhang Han did not move them.

There are not many points now.

In this way, after three days, Zhang Han’s ranking was maintained at five hundred.

This is to let Yan Biao over there, there are several other deacons in Zhenlongmen said:

"Yan Bo, the Zhang Hanyang you said, the score is 489, the shot is captured five or six times, the performance is ordinary, you are sure that he is a refining virtual environment?"

"I also have some doubts. If it is a refining environment, it will always be in the top three, or it will not be shot. It seems a bit strange like him."

"It is the light dust of the leaves, the performance is good, the physical repair has been very powerful, but also wearing armor, thoughtful, early detection of five waves of ambush, anti-kill three waves, means powerful."

"Long is also okay, only twenty-three years old, in the late stage of the gods, the points are more than a lot of peaks."

"Overall, this year's Dragon List is also very surprising. The Xuanlong List has Han counter, and the Dragon List has a light dust. These two people are all our efforts to win."

"It’s only three days, just look at it." Yan beats a mysterious smile.

There were some dissatisfied people in the heart who swept a few eyes on the side of the two old men.

Damn, lean old and sell old!

Yan is relatively young, and he is the chief commander in Tianlongxing Province. In fact, there are pressures. For example, the two old people are very polite on the surface and will pick up some problems in the dark.

Just like it was just right, Yan beat the number of times to go to Tianluo College to find Zhang Han, and he ate the door. He was not dissatisfied, but he could not represent the thoughts of others.

What is the existence of Zhenlongmen? If you come from a star in your district, you dare to close your door.

So when I saw this picture, they couldn't help but say a few words.

I didn’t say anything about death. In the unlikely event that people are working hard in the next few days.

"Three days, the points should be a bit."

In the cafe of a shopping mall, Zhang Han sat on the sofa, slowly got up, holding a long sword and jumping forward, drifting from the fifth floor.

When I arrived at the third floor.


The long sword slammed back and turned into a streamer, taking away a player inside the hiding room.

+1033 points.


Zhang Han fell to the ground and quickly passed to the side.

When he arrived at the office building next door, he seemed to be a ghost, drifting to the tenth floor, and his body was close to the wall.

In the window of the tenth floor, there is still a chat.

"We have been ambushing for six hours. How come nobody has come?"

"Don't worry, someone must be hooked."

Hey, hey, hey!

Three slight sounds took away the lives of three people.

+2130 points.

+1365 points.

+1689 points.

On the assassination, Zhang Han’s means are also quite powerful.

"The rankings of the standings have changed slowly."

The commentary is loudly analyzed:

"The reason for the slowness is that there are fewer animals. Today may be a stationary period. Maybe the night will come, and there will be earth-shattering changes in the rankings."

"First place, Ye Qingchen, 400,000 points, far more than the second place Ellis, Ellis's points of 180,000."

"Ye Qingchen is simply terrible. He is a point harvester."

"The third place has an integral of 120,000."

"The gap is getting bigger and bigger in the future. The score of the 100th is only about 50,000."

"The tenth to the first hundred, the difference between the points is not big, the tenth is nearly 70,000 points. If the person here, in the hands of the fallen, the points will change faster, and even some people can quickly advance to the top three."

"Of course, Ye Liangchen will also target other players, and today's standings are not stable."


Their eyes are always on the top three, and the lowest is the top 100.

But there are also some people who are staring at the top five hundred.

What's more, look at a few separate names.

The mountain dean glanced around a large circle and saw Zhang Hanyang, from nearly five hundred, suddenly jumped to four hundred, and the points were still increasing rapidly.

He leaked a smile: "Is it finally started?"

The dean of the mountain always believed that Zhang Han was almost the first place, and now this is just the beginning.

"Query Chu is dependent."

The mountain dean inquired on the website.

Chu leans on: points 0.

"I really can't sit still."

The voice just fell.

Chu has: 23,600 points, ranked two hundred and six.


The mountain director couldn't help but **** the cold air.

So fast, it seems that she should have killed more than 40,000 players with nearly 50,000 points?


Explain the hurry to control the lens:

"The hundredth place of Su Tianshuo was killed by a woman in a long skirt. She didn't even have a chance to react. She is very good! Her sword is so fast, what is her name? Chu Tiyi, currently ranked two hundred Zero six."

"She is also eyeing a goal, it is actually the second-ranked Ellis, his strength is obvious to all. Is it true that Chu is only amazed for a moment, will you send points to others?"

"Hit up, fight up! God, Ellis turned into a downwind instantly?"

"How does the sword of Chu turn to give me a feeling of overwhelming, too intensive attack, impeccable, Ellis can't help it, he can't help it, die! He is dead! Lost 80,000 points Chu Chuyi is now ranked 10th, with a total of 100,5,300 points. It is so horrible, Chu is leaning, let us remember this name, she is a **** horse of this year's Dragon List!"

"Unfortunately, we can't see the specific realm. Except for the Xuanlong list, the Tianlongbang and the Dilong list can't see the realm of the players. I am very curious. This Chu is dependent on whether it is the peak of the gods or the refinement of the realm."

"If you refine the virtual world, it would be too terrible."

"In just two hours, Chu refused to enter the top three. According to her speed, can she let Ye Qingchen fall to the altar?"


Pay attention to the public number Zhang Zhang, see the real-time status

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