Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1329: ‘good luck’ is coming

Seven people, not the middle of the **** is the late.

In his previous realm, he saw the seven people who were chasing after him as prey.

At this time, the direction of Zhang Han’s escape seems to be irregular. In fact, he follows a certain trajectory and simultaneously exerts illusion, subtly changing the senses of the seven people.

“The building in front of the building, the reach of the scope.”

Zhang Han flew past without hesitation.

Just when you are ready to do it.




A huge knife flashed past.

Seven people, soldiers.

Even the exclamation has not been issued.

Zhang Han mouth trembled, helpless eyes, looked at the teaching building in front.

In front of a window.

Wearing armor, holding the shield in the left hand, the light dust on the right hand holding the knife, leaking out of the figure.

"The ordinary spiritual knowledge is not detected."

"The air is weak, his armor is a sixth-order Lingbao."

"Ye light dust."

Zhang Han is so angry and funny.

At the last minute, he actually met him.

To simulate the strength of the city, it seems to be a little overhang.

"Being chased so far, I still have a lot of trouble, try to resist, my heart is thoughtful, who are you?"

The leaves were light and faint.

Zhang Han had no words and looked at him calmly.

"not talking?"

Ye Qingchen jumped out from the window and suspended the air, slowly pressing close:

"Your speed is not as good as mine. The strength is very different. Simply put, you can't escape. It's better to talk to me. Maybe I won't choose to do it because I don't have any points."

"Ha ha."

Zhang Han smiled and said nothing.

Because he already felt that this leaf is dusty, there is a murder.


The knife flashed past.

Zhang Han was smashed in the knife.

The body shape slowly dissipated, just like being killed.

"Oh? A lot of points."

The light dust of the leaves is easy, and the next second suddenly wakes up, and the eyes are flashing, and the illusion is broken.

Under his gaze, a figure quickly fled to the side.

"Good illusion!"

The light dust of the leaves was a little shocked, and the foot stepped, as if the air was blasted, and it rushed forward very quickly.

Seeing this speed, many people are amazed.

On the other side, the 20 people responsible for the killing have been forced.

"The trough, the leaves are light and dusty!"



Minutes and seconds to escape in all directions.

The inner panic has reached its peak.

That is the light dust!

But Ye Qingchen did not stare at them.

Zhang Han is chasing after him.

"Your illusion is very powerful, let me recruit three times, not bad."

"Your body is very strong, and I have escaped from my five kills and not died. This is very strong."

"Your secret technique clearly makes me feel very subtle, and fierce, but the strength is not enough, the display can not be shown, the foundation is powerful, and the means are endless."

The rules of leaf dust analysis are:

"I haven't seen you, isn't you a disciple of a family? Or is it a star field? But it's a pity that you met me."

"This game is over."


The armor of the light dust faintly shines, his explosive power, with the mech, instantly broke the ten-fold sound barrier.

The secret law will lock Zhang Han's air machine.

The long knife is waving.

Zhang Hanjun frowned and sighed in his heart:

"There are tigers in front of the wolves, and they can't escape."

He felt that in all directions, there were some people in the distance, watching Ye Liangchen.

Even if you escape the killing tricks of Ye Qingchen, you must face those opponents who are arrogant.


The knife fell off the knife.

Let Zhang Han's figure dissipate.

This time, Ye Qingchen really added points.

And said a sentence: a lot of points.

The commentary outside, with the tone of the whole audience, shouted:

"Ye Qingchen is really powerful. He killed Zhang Hanyang, who is very different and changeable."

"Zhang Hanyang's 160,000 points have become 80,000, and it has fallen to more than 300."

"Ye Liangchen's points are close to 800,000. God, this is the fourth highest score in the history of the Dragon. I don't know if he can break a million points this time!"

"Yeguang is too strong."

"and many more!"

"what's the situation?"

"Is this also possible?"

"God, Zhang Hanyang's luck is too bad?"

The audience was in awe.

what's the situation.


Meng Meng stunned and shouted.

Purple licked his mouth and grabbed his forehead with his right hand. It can be said that the head is as big as a cow.

"Is this luck higher than the lottery ticket?" Yue Wuwei is also a bit embarrassed.

The tallest tower in the city, the tower of the wind.

There is a high platform above.

On the high platform, Ellis, who is ranked second, is sitting there.


Zhang Han’s figure emerged, surrounded by a protective ring, counting down.

When I saw Ellis.

Zhang Han: "..."

A face is speechless.

When the eyes glanced around, there were only small towers.

Zhang Han: "???"

Is this targeted by the system?

Where is this going to escape?


Ellis is also quite strange: "The sky is falling?"

He laughed and took out a huge axe.

Standing next to Zhang Han, squinting and waiting.

When the protection ring dissipates.

The giant axe squats.


Zhang Han’s figure dissipated again.

"God, Zhang Hanyang's luck is too bad."

"The 80,000 points have become 40,000, and the first five hundred have already fallen out."

"But it's okay, it's 530. It's five hours from the end of the game. With his strength, it should be able to kill it."

"Ellis did not intend to move. It was because of this incident that he went down to the tower of the storm. The direction of the trip was the place where the leaves were light and dusty. Could it be said that there was a big battle between the two?"

The huge lens gave two people to see the two people getting closer and closer.

I am looking forward to it.

As for Zhang Hanyang?

Who is concerned about the five hundred before falling?

The king is defeated.

Not even the picture is gone.

Only two large lenses were given to Ye Qingchen and Ellis.

No way, the two are leading the way.

Ellis was only killed by Chu, and now Chu is leaning around and not shooting, even the camera is gone.

On-site commentary, the control lens can certainly be wonderful.

Mountain Dean here:

"what happened?"

He frowned, some did not understand, Zhang Han’s strength, and so on! Is his real realm far lower than his strength?

The mountain dean instantly woke up.

"This is really..."

Then he smiled bitterly.

Listening to everyone around me saying: "Duke Debao is so powerful, how was he killed twice?"

"No, ah, Dean, can you tell me what is the situation?"

In this regard, the mountain dean did not say so.

At the other end, Yan beat was laughed at several times.

"This is Zhang Hanyang that you praised?"

"It’s so good, it’s been killed twice.”

"The original shape is revealed. Under the Dragon List, those false masters will reveal the true form."

For these words, Yanba is silent and puzzling.

Zhang Han is resurrected again.

It was safe this time, in a clean room.

It seems that the system has ignored him.

In the back house, six people are resting.

Zhang Han remained silent, and he was too stunned to shake his head: "It was cut twice, it is really... great."

When the protection circle dissipated, he added a short sword in his right hand, threw out dozens of vertices, turned into a fascia, and simultaneously displayed the illusion, killing the flying sword and harvesting the lives of six people.

+12000 points.

"Five thousand two hundred and nine hundred points, ranking four hundred and fifty."

"There are still five hours to kill points."

Moved again.

The score of this segment is still very easy to change.

Under the sweep of Zhang Han.

The points soon came to 70,000 and more than 300.

It seems that luck can't get along with him.

"Zhang Hanyang."

In Zhang Han just killed two people, points 76,000, ready to close.

In the distance behind him, there was a woman’s indifference.

Turn your head and look.

A few kilometers away, a sword-bearing woman in a red dress is flying fast.

"Chu is leaning?"

Zhang Han touched his chin and silently looked at the points, more than 76,300.

Deducted half, and an hour, can you get it?

Can not help but feel bad luck.

If he is alone in the face of the light dust, he can escape, but the number of people watching the battle is increasing, because of the limitations of strength, can not jump.

If Ellis is on the open space, he can escape more easily, but he can be resurrected on the tower, next to others...

Now, in the face of Chu’s confession, the dean of the mountain once said that it is the peak of the gods, and it may break through the smelting of the virtual world.

In the simulated city, the system suppresses the variables very small, and many of the six-order treasures cannot be simulated. It is almost pure hard power, and it is cool in the early stage of his transformation.

In the face of this situation, I am sorry, first run into the realm.

Zhang Han simultaneously displayed three layers of illusion, six secret methods, and five body methods to quickly escape.

I can try it for ten minutes and I can't open it.

Looked at the time, sooner or later to be caught up, it is better not to escape, even if killed, his points are more than 30,000, ambush others still have the opportunity to enter the top five hundred.

Can't waste time.

Zhang Hanton lived in shape.

Chu leaned forward and looked at him coldly: "In just one day, if you are killed twice, you can dare to call it a Debao Taoist person? I have been looking for you for three days."

"You are looking for me to ask the number of things?" Zhang Han is a bit strange.

"if not?"

There are very few Chu confession in normal times. At this time, I have said a few more words. I only said that he said coldly: "I went to Tianluo College. You dare not see me. I have given you a chance."

"Do you know Deborah? What is the origin?" Zhang Han blinked slightly.

Yun Nihua fell to the sword, this sword method comes from the flower fall, the Zongmen on the center of the Star River, but unfortunately, the Zongmen was destroyed at that time, except for a very small number of disciples and him, very few people know, add her attention Debaodao people.

Zhang Han seems to understand what.

Could it be that she got a hole in her own house?

"I know the Debao Taoist, he is very powerful, but not you." Chu dumped a long sword in his right hand: "When I am looking for you, you are not seen, Zhang Hanyang, rumored that your strength is very strong, but only 70,000 More points, your strength does not match your reputation."

Chu Tingyi also thought about a few possibilities. Zhang Hanyang’s realm is lower, his combat power is high, or when he kills the Peacock King, the sea dragon star strongman secretly shot, this possibility is relatively low, there is another kind, his treasure A lot, gain a lot of combat power, in the virtual city, only a few of the sixth-order Lingbao can simulate, he lost the card, the score naturally deteriorated.

There are other possibilities, and I have thought about it.

But she did not say that she saw Zhang Hanyang, who would have taught him to be a sneer.


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