Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1400: turmoil

The energy of the great magic body is constantly gathering.

After condensing into a stable energy group, Zhang Han’s mission is completed, and the soul can return to the body.

Similarly, he also felt that the five elements did not die and changed again.

This is a real body repair.

But his mind is not here, there are fewer people outside, and the platform is empty.

Where did they go?

Who can give an answer?


It can be said that Zhang Han at this time has a lot of negative emotions.

That suffocating can no longer be suppressed.

After this revision, it is more invisible, and it is complementary to the gas phase.

Indirectly influenced Zhang Han’s killing.

More decisive, simply.

Can be used for his emotional geometry, and can not avoid this thing.

Only if you want to solve the problem, you have to do it.

It is at this time.

Outside the hall, a glimpse of the shadow hidden in the corner gave a very low evil laugh:

"The lord left, the horror dissipated, the corpse was in front of him, he wanted to take the fruit, asked me?"


A black streamer flashed away.


Standing on the platform, only three people are left.

There are two people in the time of God, and one of them is Chu.

She discovered the black energy, and suddenly she was shocked. The swordsman appeared, but only a dozen meters, it slowly dissipated.

Looking at the eyes, the black streamer did not enter the mountain in front.


She wants to shout loudly.

These two words can not be exported, they are suppressed by an amazing energy.

Inside the big magic.

"It's so comfortable."

The devil is in the body of the law, and refreshed: "The devil is my!"


He flew very quickly to the center of energy convergence.

It is like an energy storm in the body of the law, and the heart is the center of the storm.

He feels the soul of the person above, and is also at the heart, fully assimilated the body energy.


After all, the demon is the first person in the Mozu for thousands of years. It is infinitely close to the first stage of the robbery, and even has some skills, has entered the cross-robbery.

At this time, he hides his body and is silent.

I have passed through Zhang Han, who is full of concentration.

He carefully flew all the way and finally came to the back of Zhang Han.

The soul idea can't be seen, but in the eyes of the demon god, it shows the unreal soul of Zhang Han. He faces the heart and controls everything.

"Not the best time."

The demon **** is very sophisticated, observing the situation, he decided to wait for the best time, a blow will kill.

"Soul stereo, assimilation energy, refining the body?"

The demon **** indulged: "When he succeeds, the soul will kill him when he is relaxed. Just assimilation of the body, I can also directly devour energy and become a demon god, hehe..."

He is observing in the dark.

If Yue Wuwei is here, then he will certainly find out that it is possible to even kill the demon **** by waving his hand.

If Yue Wuwei is no longer there, then Zhang Han will also lay down various defenses.

It’s a pity.

Zhang Han did not notice that there will be hidden demon gods in the seven wild areas.



"to make!"

Zhang Han made the final manipulation.

The energy in the endless magical body gathers into a group, forming a new heart of the demon corpse, as if it can beat.

But the big magic body, the other body, turned into a rock.

Only a mass of energy in the heart, the halo flows, the big magic Yuan Ying is inside, also split and reorganize.

Like the falling stars, the avatar will form here.


Zhang Han’s spirit is a bit tired.

This is also a big project.

At this point, his soul is about to return to the body.

What he thinks is the way and the way to find someone to go home.

The moment when the soul is relaxed.

A touch of light, suddenly on the back, with a cold smile:

"Oh, die!"


I saw a darkness coming, turned into a sharp sword, and came from the top down.


Zhang Han’s soul is annihilated by powerful energy.

The devil's shadow, slowly emerged, he looked disdain:

"This kind of little person, dare to try to contaminate the great demon corpse?"

"The devil is, it will only belong to the devil."

"When the devil is returning to the world..."

Some excited words, the demon **** whispered while talking to the energy gathering place.

He wants to open a new era, he will pick up the fruit in front of him.

I haven't finished talking yet.


There was a sudden sound behind him:

"Lost, hide, one, mouse."

The black energy is constantly gathering, and Zhang Han’s soul appears. It is just a lot of illusion. At the same time, there is a trace on the forehead. His face is very gloomy. It seems to be natural. His eyes are dark and even his lips are black. At this time, he said lowly:

"It’s counted by you, but you can’t kill me after all.”

"Why are you? Didn't die?" The demon god's shadow was shrinking, and some were dumbfounded, but the heart was extremely vigilant.

Preparations for the next offensive plan have begun.

But after all, he has no chance to shoot.


"What do you ask?"


Zhang Han’s figure panicked and came to the front of the demon god’s shadow.

At a close distance, I saw Zhang Han’s strange face.

The devil's virtual shadow suddenly panicked.

He heard, the fearful voice:

"Because, here, I have the final say."


Countless light black energy appeared, and the demon **** was suddenly out of control.

"No no no no!"

The devil finally found out.

The most terrible thing is that he is in front of him!

"Since you like the demon corpse so much."

"Then let you, experience."


Zhang Han sent a smile of evil spirits.

Under the control of mind.

The illusion of the demon is suddenly close to the energy group, when in contact.


The demon **** is devastated, and the energy in his body is assimilated.

"I want to be eaten?"

This is the last thought of the devil.

He can't resist.

Looking at myself with my eyes, I was slowly swallowed up.

The big magic body disappeared, and here in the energy group, the calm was restored again.

"If not here."

Zhang Han whispered in a low voice.

Did not continue to say.

If it wasn’t in the seven wilderness areas, he would have died just after that.

Unfortunately, there is no, only the result!

As a result, he succeeded in refining the big devil.

But... the soul is damaged too much.

When he floated back to the deity.

The body of the soul, constantly flashing, like a flashing candle, flickering.


The soul is home.

He felt that the five elements are not dead, more solid, and still growing.

The perfect form of the five elements is not dead, and finally, it began its crazy growth.

Zhang Han slowly raised a hand.

"How come, can't control?"

He stood up for three seconds and took a hard step.

Actions are a lot more clumsy than zombies.

Two steps in one step.

He stood on the mountain, walked to the edge of the cliff and looked down.

There is only one figure left in the entire palace.

Chu leans down.

Are they gone?

Zhang Han’s soul is awkward.

The body swayed and fell down.

In the emptiness of the sky, the constant decline, the acceleration of gravity, let his body break the sound barrier.


Chu turned his face and changed his face, trying to catch him.

The repression effect of the demon **** is not over yet.

In her eager gaze.


A huge sound rang in the hall.

Zhang Han’s body fell on the ground and there was no sound.


"Master respect you wake up!"

Chu screamed.

But to no avail.

A few tens of meters apart, I can't feel anything, even without breathing.

Finally, Chu leaned and waited for a full moment.

She can move.

I came to Zhang Han’s side.

Observed the state, slightly relieved.

The heartbeat is slow, but strong, and there is nothing wrong with the body.

She naturally does not see the wound of the soul.

Thinking about it, she waved her own basket of petals.

Controlling Zhang Han's body, floating in the petals of the basket, lying, like a sleep.

Chu leaned on the side, not moving for a long time.


When the great magic is assimilated.

A full eleven days.

The outside world, the entire seven wasteland areas, all fell into the darkness, reaching out to five fingers.

The wind whispers, the earth shakes, like the world is going to be destroyed.

Fortunately, on the twelfth day, it calmed down and the sun re-illuminated the earth.

People see hope and hope for survival.

Similarly, the Mozu, the Terran, and the Beasts gradually spread a recognized thing. They called these eleven days the Dark Ages.

Eleven days ruled by the darkness.

There is also a place full of despair.

It is the tip of the iceberg in the blue sand winds.


The unicorn white horse and other ancient animals are here.

But the pieces disappeared.

Until the end, no one was left behind.

"The Zerg's main nest."

Oh la la!

A huge illusion stood on the continent.

The sixth day of the mind, the deity comes.

This is what happened after he gave Zhang Han a voice.


The violent muffled sounds are circulated in all directions.

A wall of crystal that spans the entire continent has been smashed by a fifth.


"My deity, you can kill you by waving."

The old six-faced look is proud, and the light and shadow are constantly flashing: "Today, I am going to kill you completely in the blue sand winds."


The crystal wall collapsed, and numerous zerg army troops swept across.

If Yue Wuwei is there, he will surely find that every Zerg soldier has a medium-term strength.

Thousands, dense and horrible.

When the Zerg army came, it was a shining light, as if it were a newborn sun, the light covered the picture of the heavens and the earth.

Endless Zerg, fallen under the light.



The whole continent is broken.

Here, it is gathered by a large array of stars.

The entire star map, thousands of main stars, this moment, all exploded.

These thousands of main stars, covering all parts of the province of Tianlongxing, after the explosion, the energy of the endless space chaos began to sweep.

Many close to the planet, the people above, disappeared in units of continental area.

Poor luck, directly swallowed by the turbulent flow of space, good luck, transmitted to other areas, better luck, and transmitted to more distant places.

But these effects are just beginning.

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