Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1348: Meng Meng's suitor

"My Missy is the daughter of the family, called Chu Qing."

"At that time, the name given to me was the big lady. Chu Chuanyi, the pour and the sunny are homophonic, and Yihe is a homonym, which means let me take care of Missy."

Speaking of this, Zhang Han lifted his right hand and interrupted: "You are already a disciple of Zhang Hanyang, there is no need to call other people Miss, let alone a Chu family."

Zhang Han didn't know much, but it was clear that one of her sisters who lived together day and night was ultimately a dead person.

Chu leaned against the face, and the heart was happy, very sweet.

This is to accept yourself.

"I have accompanied the big from childhood... Accompanying Chu Qing to learn some spiritual knowledge, Chu Qing is more fun, I can only stay with you, our results are average, I will have a lot, but every assessment, According to the instructions of the lady's maid, it is much lower than Chu Qing."

"When I was 12 or 3 years old, my homeowner Chu Aolong took me as a righteous woman. At that time, my qualifications were not bad."

"I practiced together with Chu Qing, and our strength has also improved. By the time I was sixteen, Chu Qing liked a young Tianjiao at that time and was very famous in the gray map area."

"In the beginning, we always participated in the provincial capital between the juniors. Later, the Tianjiao came to the Chu family to raise relatives, but the goal of the relatives was me."

"Chu Qing and I broke, I did not agree, but the owner agreed to come down and said that when I was 20, I got married. I went to find my righteous father. Not only did I get support, but I was severely reprimanded. The relationship between Chu Qing and my relationship is more The worse she came, the less her attitude towards me."

"Until the age of seventeen, we were in danger in a secret situation. Chu Qing was in danger of life. In order to save her, she was in danger. She did not pull me. Just like that, I silently watched me being swallowed up by the darkness."

"So many years, my experience in the Chu family, the owed people, save Chu Qing a life, clear."

Speaking of these things, Chu’s face is slightly more complicated.

That is where she grew up, but not her home.

"So, what is the status of the Chu family in your heart?" Zhang Han asked.

In fact, it has been guessed almost, or is known.

But he wants to talk about it, and this is the decision of Chu.

Wen Yan, Chu leaned silent for two seconds, said:

"Cut constantly, it is still chaotic."

"For me, are you willing to go back to the place that makes your mind complicated?" Zhang Han asked.

"Master is my life-saving benefactor, I have to inherit the teacher, in order to come to the present, originally intended to repay, but after these times, I also like the new moon mountain." Chu said.

"Hey." Zhang Han sighed.

"Master respects you... I am impressed, in the inheritance, your figure, and the momentum, it seems to be particularly powerful." Chu tilted his eyes and couldn't help but ask.

"You have the inheritance." Zhang Han thought, and said: "It should be my greatness, or the cave house left when the second order of the robbery."


Chu leaned on his eyes and solidified, and some were in a daze.

"You will be me, it used to be very powerful, and I know more." Zhang Han said simply.

"Master, then what are you, how is the realm going low?" Chu said with curiosity.

"Because I am chasing your teacher, she is particularly difficult to chase. I have exhausted my life and I have found her." When Zhang Han spoke, he finally had a smile. The unique gentleness in the smile was exclusive to the purple. .

"The teacher is really happy." Chu has a hint of envy.

"Don't think too much, you will meet good people in the future." Zhang Han said: "What is the strength of the Chu family?"

The owner is not necessarily the person in charge, and Zhang Han refers to the one with the strongest strength.

“Chu’s master Chu Aolong, in the early stage of the fit.” Chu Tingyi said: “It is said that an ancestor of the Chu family has the strength of a combination of peaks and the heads of the four major sects. It’s just that he travels all the year round. I came back more than fifty years ago."

"Alright." Zhang Han nodded.

On the bright side, the realm of those who are clouded and so on, are not very accurate, saying that it is the peak of fit, perhaps in the middle and late stages of Dacheng.

Like the heads of the four great gates of Haotianxing, almost in the middle and the middle of the Dacheng period, but the legends outside, many are the peaks of the fit, or do not know, not sure, after all, the head of the dragon is not seen at the end, ordinary people are hard to see To.

At present, in the early stage of the fit, there is still no pressure on Zhang Han.

The wound of his soul has been stabilized.

In theory, he can do his best with one hand, and it won't have much impact. In fact, Zhang Han knows that once a hand, a wound of the soul, and a flaw in the avenue, it will be a serious one. It will be difficult to recover the injury in the future. Improved.

But now I can only look at my eyes, even if I don't care about the shots, there are always ways to stay in the control.

This is equivalent to Zhang Han wants to shoot, you must first pick up the medicine, eat the full blood, you can break out a skill, then half-residual, once again picking up medicine...

It’s very troublesome, but with this injury, it’s a good result to resist the attack of the demon god.

At least Zhang Han thinks this way.

"At the Chu family, do things according to your ideas, don't waste time."

When Zhang Han said something, he closed his eyes and leaned against the sofa, like a small donkey.

Chu’s lips moved and wanted to say something. In the end, she did not bother Zhang Han, sitting on one side, looking at the front and walking away.

In fact, she doesn't like to advocate things, like to follow, but also a little lazy.

But for the sake of the Master, these can be overcome.

After thinking for a while, Chu turned to close his eyes and began to practice, and he knew the secrets of the new learning in the sea.

Every move can be used as a means of pressing the bottom of the box.

Some let the Chu turn to be shocked.

In the ocean of learning, time passes faster.

Hao Tianxing, Chi Xia Zong, Lan Lingfeng.

"Zhang Shidi, go, drink some." The **** played the bear wind, under the eyes of the crowd, went to the Mengmeng dressed as a men's clothing played by Zhang Hanyang.

"This kid, come to our Zhang Shidi to drink."

"Zhang Shidi can't learn from him."

"Xiong Fengran is not good, and Zhang Shidi can never contact the opposite sex. It is not good enough to be cheap. I have time to play in the room of my sister."

"Sister!" A squeaky voice appeared, only the teenage two ponytail girls ran over, angered and looked around, and looked at Meng Meng: "Zhang Shidi, don't be afraid, there is a small sister. Covering you, and Xiong Fengran, you have to dare to bring Zhang Shidi to find your little sister, don't blame me for going to Yufengfeng to kill you."

"Oh, I know." Dahei said with annoyance.

"Cough." Meng Meng is a dumbfounded, coughing a little, said: "That, don't worry, I and Dan Xiong brother to explore Dandao."

"go quickly."

"Go early and go back early."

The two fled like a wilderness and left Lan Lingfeng.

On the way to the Beast Peak, in a mountain forest.

"Little master, little sister, seems to like you more and more." Big black scratched his head.

"Hey." Meng Meng sighed deeply, very tired and said: "How can Dad not pick me up? I am now the most powerful disciple of Lan Lingfeng. I am so attracted. So, go on, sooner or later, you should show the stuffing."

"I want to be a master too, I don't want to be like this, I want to change back to my body." Big black looked aggrieved.

"I think my daddy." Meng Meng looked down.

Sitting there, with his head down, his big eyes flickering and flashing, there is a layer of light, and he is sore and sore.

"Little master, or else, I become the master's look, have a little fun for the little master?" The **** face is charming.

If they look to outsiders, they must think that there is a problem with Xiong Fengran and Zhang Hanyang.

"Get out of the way."

Meng Meng glanced at it and rubbed his eyes again: "Big black, we are in Xinyueshan, there are two of us, you said, where is the mother? Grandpa? Aunt? Where are they? Is it safe? ?"

"The meeting will be, the hostess has the third child, the hostess is so smart, certainly safe, the master is so powerful, will soon come to pick up the trick."

"Hao Tianxing is so big, Chih-Hsong is so big, I don't know if Dad can find me, no, I have to make Zhang Hanyang even more famous. I have to work hard to study Dan Dao." Meng Meng said very firmly: "Even if Find out that I am a girl, then make a story."

"Sure enough, the more beautiful the woman will lie." The **** bar screamed: "The little master, I want to eat the barbecue. The last time I finished eating, I was beaten by the two silly peaks. Now I don't want to go." Caught."

"Whoever lets you eat buffaloes all the time, you can't have a sheep with wool." Meng Meng turned a blank eye.

After playing outside for two days, Meng Meng returned to Lan Lingfeng.

Whenever I go to learn Dandao knowledge, there will always be the little sister next to me.

Oh, sad.

Meng Meng feels that she is not light, she is so deep that she likes it, and she can adjust it later.

and many more!

Meng Meng was shocked.

I look like myself now, and I have a similar score to my father when I was young.

Will not come to a beautiful misunderstanding in the future, I found a small rival for my mother?

"It seems that I still have to find a chance to refuse."

Meng Meng is very decisive. After the class is over, the younger sister follows him.

"Cough, little sister, I am only for Dandao, that..."

"Don't say it, I understand." The younger sister's face was red and shy. "I am the daughter of the peak. You have pressure. I know, if you have achieved something, you can... Hey!"

Run away while squatting.


Meng Meng was staring at her back and was tired.

"This little sister is too embarrassed."

Meng Meng is helpless.

The little girl has been stunned for so long, and she hasn’t been crazy about it, and she can’t stand it.

Learning to practice in this way is not the same thing.

"Hurry up and study Dan Dao, wait for Dad to find me, and let me fly in the world!"

Meng Meng thinks about Zhang Han and Zi Yan several times a day.

Just like them, they also remember each other every day.

The edge of the sea line in the sea.

A force called the Crescent Moon has grown rapidly.

For the enemy, they burned and plundered, and they ignored the irrelevant forces.

They are very strict, with a generation of empresses, hiring the battlefield.

Numerous spiritual resources, purely merit-based rewards.

Like a virus, it began to erode the tip of the iceberg of the sea.

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