Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1415: The name of Hanyang Xianjun

"Puff puff,"

The Chu family did not know how many people were almost killed by their own saliva.

The master of Chu’s demeanor is actually the eldest brother of the ancestors?

How can this be?

He is still young, how come?

The blood red mountain gate and other people are also stunned.

The highest strength in the field is nothing more than Chu Laozu and Honghu Road, Qingfeng Daojun.

Among the three, Qingfeng Road is slightly inferior, and the other two are almost equally divided.

I thought everyone would be happy and entertained.

Who thought that even the big brother of Chu ancestors appeared out of thin air.


The East is less aggressive.

Where does Chu look for the teacher, so arrogant?

"Quick, get ready for a good banquet."

Chu Laozu’s big hand waved, joy and a little whispered tone: “The best wine in the house is taken out.”

"Yes, yes, yes." The Chu family who sat on the ground rushed to pat the **** and got up and seemed to be arranged.

"The wine is not necessary, your Chu family is not very welcome to me." Zhang Han looked a light.

Before, Zhang Hanfeng's light and faint expression, no one cares, and even some people secretly laughed: What about Nima?

However, now, everyone will see Zhang Han’s plain look.

Suddenly felt unfathomable.

Man, it’s really weird.

When I heard Zhang Han’s words, Chu’s ancestors groaned and looked at the expressions of the Chu family. My heart seemed to understand what was going on. His facial muscles trembled, and anyone could hear the anger and even the mixed A trace of fear, he looked coldly at the Chu family:

"When I was away, did some of you slow down my big brother?"



The Chu family was cold and sweaty. In just a few seconds, the back was wet with sweat. He felt like he was falling into the ice cave.

"Small, do not have to be angry, ignorant is not guilty." Zhang Han waved his hand.

The look is still calm.

However, Chu’s ancestors were pale and their beards shivered:

"Who is slowing down my cold sun? Stand up!"

The most powerful player in the field is Chu's ancestors. Under his anger, his body swayed.

"Da Chengjing!"

Zhang Han’s eyes are slightly stunned.

My heart is a bit weird and unremarkable.

At the beginning, although he was obsessed with Chu Zheng, it would be troublesome if the boy was against the water.

Think about it, Zhang Han said:

"Forget it, the Chu family did not make mistakes, but said to me ‘I match?’, small things, just disrespect in words.”


Chu Laozu’s eyes rolled round and he raised his right hand.


Slap a slap in the face and fly the Chu family.


The Chu family was shocked.

Before they thought that their ancestors were angry, it was only superficial, or to see what the big brother of Hanyang looked at, but now this slap is going down, the skin is open, and it’s half dead. Where is the joke, in their view, the ancestors’ murderous heart Have it!

Still the owner, if it is for someone else, is it not being scrapped?

Not only they, but even the blood red hills and other people were scared.

Qingfeng Daojun licked his mouth and was a little worried.

Honghu Laodao left to look at the right and did not dare to speak.


Zhang Han sighed: "The Chu family is really nothing, just want to shut me down in the wind cliff?"


Chu Laozu was furious: "Come and bring this **** to me to go to Fengfeng Cliff!"

"Old ancestors."

There is a long-term celebrity in the Chu family: "The ancestors can't, the homeowners are conscientious, and..."

"Good, good, good, if you are so loyal, then go with him and shut me down." Chu’s words were very good. After the people around him heard the words, they immediately sang the Chu family and just opened their mouths. People, give away.

At this time, Zhang Han touched his chin:

"The Chu family is really not easy."


Chu family master despair: I beg you not to talk.

"Before I said that if I want to leave, who is the first? The young talent?" Zhang Han looked at the eyes and leaned.

"It is Chu mad wind." Chu tilted his mouth and trembled.

Some people in the confusion also want to laugh.

Master is simply too bad.

"Chu mad wind? Give me out, roll! Go down together!"

Chu Laozu glanced at him, and his temper was finally revealed. In the crowd, he had a good relationship with the Chu family. They all pointed to the past: "You, you, and you, all give me a trip to the breeze cliff!"

This time, almost half of the people have gone.


"Old ancestors!"

Some people are dumbfounded and want to ask for love, but they are pulled by the people around them.

Do you dare to speak at this time?

In the eyes of other people, the Chu family masters collaborated with a large number of people and were taken to the breeze cliff.

"Chu brother, today is a big day, or else, we and the brother to talk about it, forget it for the time being? Will it be fined tomorrow?" Qingfeng Dao couldn't help but persuade.

"What counts, what a big day? If you don't do it today, you said it's useless. Today I have to treat the big brother of Hanyang well. No one else will do it." The temper of Chu's ancestors came up.

Don't give face at all.

Qingfeng Daojun smiled and shook his head.

Similarly, they are more curious about the identity of the person in a wheelchair.

Have relatives with Chu Laozu?

For example, the East Shaozhu, the blood red mountain gate, and the remaining Chu family executives, no one dared to speak at this time.

Even the face of Qingfeng Daojun is not given, who else is good?

"Cold and big brother, please come to the seat."

Chu Laozu also did not want to waste time on others, and he jumped into the hall and waved his hand: "You are on the side, I am pushing the big brother of Hanyang."

"Old ancestors, Master is not used to let others push." ​​Chu said in a low voice.

"This way?" Chu ancestors looked back and forth on Zhang Han and Chu Tingyi, and suddenly realized: "Well, I am doing a lot of things, then you push, we go there."

Look at his expression, I definitely think that Chu is a woman of Zhang Han.

Zhang Han sighed and was pushed to the main seat by Chu. The old ancestor Chu sat down next to him and looked forward. He said: "Other people have dispersed, and prepare for the banquet."


Who is this other person?

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, the Chu family are leaving for the first time, no one dares to stay here, even the Chu family have been detained, they must be other people.

Blood Red Mountain, in addition to the head, East Shaozhu, Qingfeng Daojun, others have also withdrawn.

When everyone left.

Honghu Road feels that the timing is almost the same, sitting aside, laughing and asking:

"I don't know, hey, this big brother is?"

From the outside, the age of Honghu Road is older than that of Zhangmu.

Calling it up is still a bit weird.

"Hah, grand introduction, this is my, um... Enlightenment teacher, Hanyang Xianjun."

This statement is out.


Honghu’s old eyes were round and round, and his body was numb. He was sitting in danger, but he seemed to feel less respectful, and he quickly stood up and stood up honestly, with a look of arrogance.

"Hey, cough, cough..."

Qingfeng Daojun, the blood red mountain door sprayed a mouthful of water, coughing two sounds will not dare to make a sound, and his face turned red.

"Xian Xianxian, Xianjun?"

The Honghu Road said: "The big brother of Hanyang, Xiaohong is polite."

He has a good relationship with Chu Laozu. He has heard it many times in the mouth of Chu's ancestors. He once had a special teacher who was adept at the heavens. When he talked about the enlightenment teacher, the eyes of Chu Laozu always revered and yearn for.

There is a saying: I have been practicing immortal for 1,200 years, less than one percent of the teacher.

What kind of horrible qualifications and strengths is that?

And it can be called Xianjun, at least four or more.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if the first stage of the robbery, it is already invincible here.

Not to mention the fourth order of the robbery.

Crossing the ninth order, each level of improvement, the combat power can not only double.

"Qingfeng saw Xianjun, and there was a sin before, but also hoped that Xianjun Haihan." Qingfeng Dao trembled and said.

It’s not scary.

"The path has seen the celestial adult." Blood Red Mountain said with respect and respect.

"I have seen adults."

The East Less Master responded and immediately said hello.

"You also offended my cold-blood brother?" Chu Laozu suddenly looked at Qingfeng Daojun.

"This..." Qingfeng Daojun forced.

He can hear the sound of his heartbeat, and he is very nervous.

The characters who are high above Xianjun are moody, and the Haotianxing world occasionally has Xianjun passing by.

Some people have gotten a chance to go against the sky, being pointed to one or two, and achieving unlimited results.

Some people are offended, even one or two words, people are uncomfortable, and the fingers are both killing, no one can stop.

There are even a few large sects that have fallen into the hands of some of the tyrants.

How strong is that?

Therefore, Qingfeng Daojun was somewhat afraid at this time.

He also doesn't know what the relationship between Chu and Yiyang is. If he is a woman, he should be a big brother in front of others. He still said a few words proudly. If he is offended, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Not offended, just a few words of normal." Zhang Han shook his head slightly.

My heart is also slightly weird.

If Meng Meng and Zi Yan are around, it is estimated that Zhang Han will laugh and even talk about some interesting words.

But now, at this time, Zhang Han has no thoughts.

Chu Laozu may have seen some, said:

"You go out to rest first, and I have something to say to Hanyang."

"Okay, you talk, Hanyang brother meets." Honghu Laodao said with a smile.

"Chenyang brother, I will punish myself at the third place, and I will punished myself for saying something wrong before." Qingfeng Daojun said.

They greeted each other and they walked outside the hall.

During the period, the East Shaozhu was stupid and subconsciously looked at his eyes.

Life is really full of time.

Chu leaned to find a fairy to be a master.

Is it a simple master, or is it a ‘something’ ‘nothing’ teacher?

The East Lord does not know what is going on.

There will always be one or two dirty pictures in my mind.


Chu Laozu looked at Chu and looked at it.

The dissatisfied expression is saying: Why are you still not going out?

There is no meaning of pity and jade, as if at this time in the eyes of Chu Laozu, only his cold-yang brother.


Zhang Han said.

With the meeting of some 'old friends', he returned from the ninth order of the robbery, and the little secret between this and the sable is almost public.

Chu did not know this, but when she heard the words of Chu’s ancestors, she was on the spot.

"Cold and big brother."

I saw that the old ancestors of Chu had a respectful face, and there were still some doubts and fears. They said:

"When the big brother robbed the ninth-order, you had to rob the heavens, and attracted the legendary Jiu-Shen Shen Lei. Thousands of tyrants of the tyrannical self-watched, listened, heard that it was not past?"

"Ha ha."

Zhang Han smiled a little, slightly sighed: "It really didn't go past, so now it's half-destroyed, maybe you can kill me with one finger."


Chu Laozu **** the cool air: "Don't, you can't make a joke about the big brother of Hanyang. I dare to shoot the big brother."

"The impact of Jiuyi Shenlei on me is very big." Zhang Han sighed: "But it is a wonderful influence.

He is born again, with a family, with purple eyes, with Meng Meng, parents, sisters, etc., life is good, happy, happy.

Thanks a lot to Jiu Shen Shen Lei.

Otherwise, he is lonely for a lifetime, and there is fun in life.

He thinks like this, can be heard in the ears of Chu Laozu, has become another look: What! The big brother of Hanyang used to be so powerful, now the impact is more wonderful? That qualification must not be horrible several times?

Really scared.

But I am also very happy. I am happy to say: "Congratulations to the big brother of Hanyang, hahaha, this time, if you encounter the Jiu Shen Shen Lei, you will hit the explosion! Invincible!"

Zhang Han was silent.

It seems to be a beautiful misunderstanding.

"I am not so strong now, you can understand that it is still recovering." Zhang Han said.

"Understand, understand, Jiu Shen Shen Lei is so terrible, it must be restored for some years." Chu Laozu smiled and said: "Chen Yang big brother, your strength has not recovered, temporarily Chu family now? Hugh what I want to go out for you, When you are hurt, I think... I’m also going to see the world with my big brother, Hanyang. I haven’t been to the Central Star River yet.”

The expression of Chu’s ancestors was slightly embarrassing.

Seeing Chu is a bit chilly.

"Right, big brother, Hanyang, something is very strange."

Chu Laozu said: "The news about you is that Ning Zhangmen told me that he has come back several times. He said that the entire Xiuxian world has no myth of Hanyang Xianjun."

"I asked him what he meant. He said that many people don't know Hanyang Xianjun, and they haven't even heard of it. This is strange, because many strong people are watching the robbery with their own eyes. Ten years later, I realized that those who had been in contact with you and who were slightly familiar with it remembered you. Others did not know, as if the deeds of Hanyang Xianjun were erased in those people’s memories, Thinking is terrifying, people are scared.” Chu ancestors said: “What kind of ability can influence the cultivation of the immortal world?”

Zhang Han heard the words, his eyes were slightly condensed, and he was silent for a while. He said: "Maybe it is caused by the law of Jiuyi Shenlei. It is not the summoning of me. I feel it. I feel it, the only thing in the world. It is not difficult to follow certain rules, or to change some rules. It is not difficult for the world to know me, not to know or to do anything."

"The big brother of Hanyang is still so free and easy." Chu Laozu smiled and said: "If you change to me, you will definitely not reach this state of mind. I don't know why the big brother of Hanyang came to Chu this time because of what?"

"It's a little trivial. I am not very convenient to run around now. I decided to come to the Chu family and I didn't expect to see your kid." Zhang Han said.

"Too surprise, hahahaha." Chu ancestors laughed: "Fortunately, big brother, you are coming, or I will have too many teenagers to see you."

The implication is that when I wait for Zhang Han to rob, I heard that I can meet each other.

"I am afraid that my eldest brother forgot me." Chu Laozu said with a smile: "In the past few years, I have experienced life and death many times. Whenever I am at a critical juncture, I can always float a picture in my mind. I said: There are no dead bodies in the world."

"This sentence has a great impact on me. As the saying goes, nine lives and deaths, even if the crisis is alive, I have worked hard. Finally, in several secrets, I found a way to live. Now I am in Dacheng, I use a thousand. Two hundred years, it is also very good, cough, this aspect, can't you?"

Chu Laozu looked forward to Zhang Han.

Seems to want to get some praise.

There are some worries about Chu’s leaning.

She would not understand how much the influence of the young man would be on the young man when Zhang Han was robbed.

That is almost in the bones.

What's more, Zhang Han also traveled with Chu Zheng for some days.

The teacher of the enlightenment is not talking about it.

"You are now a great talent, and you are a wizard."

Zhang Han nodded and his tone seemed to be a bit stubborn.

Chu is very suspicious: Is this a boast?

Unexpectedly, Chu Laozu directly laughed: "Take the care of the big brother of Hanyang, or I will not be able to set foot in the life of the immortal."

Chu Zheng, there was no qualification for practice in the past, and there was still a mortal mortal.

He was a doorman in a restaurant. Because of this, Zhang Han was somewhat interested and took him to travel, eventually transforming the broken constitution.

It is now a big reality.

Chu Laozu knows the hardships, and he has always been Zhang Han as a valuable person.

If there is no enlightenment at the beginning, then how can there be other opportunities?

"Cold and big brother, this time you are here with me, live for some time." Chu Laozu sincerely invited.

"I came here mainly to do things." Zhang Han said.

"Yes." Chu ancestors took a forehead: "What is the big brother, although he said that as long as Xiaozheng can do it, he will go to the fire and not leave."

"Not that serious."

Zhang Hanwen said that he had lost his smile and thought about it. He said: "After I failed the disaster, I began to rebuild and become a family. There are many people who follow me. There were dozens of people who went out last time. There was an accident, and they were swallowed up by space. He, so I came to the Haotianxing world, to find them, listen to the saying that the Chu family still has a face in the astral world..."

"Just looking for someone?"

Chu Laozu did not wait for Zhang Han to finish, he took a picture of his chest: "Big brother, you can rest assured, this matter is handed over to me, I personally contact some old friends and launch all the power to find the big brother family."

I couldn't help but ask my mouth: "What kind of space are you engulfed by Big Brother? Where were you before?"

"Dragon Star Province."


Chu Laozu heard the words and sucked the air.

He couldn't think of what kind of space power could pass such far-reaching people here?

"Ning Zhangmen, the white elders, if they heard that their older brother is still alive, they must be very happy, but they are no longer in the vast world." Chu Laozu smiled.

"Where did they go?" Zhang Han asked.

"The last time I met was in Hai's Stars. Ning's head was really amazing. I started to refine my heart a hundred years ago and I am ready to cross the border. Now I may be a strong tycoon."

"Yes? In a hundred years, it should be almost the same." Zhang Han blinked slightly.

Ning Zhangmen, Bai Elder, etc., is one of Zhang Han’s few old friends.

Nowadays, in the cultivation of the fairyland, is it also the wind and water?

I haven't seen you for a long time, I don't know what to meet again.

Yes, it is a familiar chapter, because the two-in-one, the number of words, so the use of more and more vertical and horizontal coins, at night to give a big chapter to the **** dance brother.

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