Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1495: part time

[2 in 1 for solo dance, ask for more 2]

"What a smirk."

"Happy." Chen Yang laughed and took Ye Xiaomo's hand: "I will send you back to the dormitory."

"Hmm." Ye Xiaomo nodded slightly.

It seems that she is quite happy, and Chen Yang walks forward cheerfully.

When it is time to get to the dormitory.

"I don't want to continue at the student union." Ye Xiaomo said.

Chen Yang heard: "I see it."

"I don't ask what is the reason?" asked Ye Xiaomo.

"That still thinks, it must be me." Chen Yang stinks: "Hey, you are charming."

"Smelly." Ye Xiaomo said: "You are a reason, and there is a busy student union, I want to learn more."

do not know why.

It was very slow to go, and there was no feeling that it was at the door of the dormitory.


Chen Yang Lehe hagged to Ye Xiaomo.


Ye Xiaomo’s face suddenly turned red. Here people come and go, how to be funny.

"Let's go, you go back, wait for you to call."

Ye Xiaomo fled.

Chen Yang touched his chin and smiled and left.

In his heart, the relationship between him and Ye Xiaomo has been determined, and there is only a lack of time to express his confession.

"It seems that I have to study it."

Chen Yang went back on the road, secretly pondering.

As everyone knows, the danger is slowly approaching.

Director Wang has been in Jiaotong University for 16 years.

His wife is doing business and her family is very good.

At this time, a very important company called her, but in the end it was talked by Director Wang.

After some ideological struggle, Director Wang answered the matter.

So the next day.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Meng Meng's class was in physical education.

Many students are playing volleyball, and there are many onlookers. They also stroll around.

Chen Yang is standing in the shade of the trees and smoking a few roommates.

Suddenly his shoulder was taken down heavily.


Chen Yang immediately turned around and found his eyes.

Dong Da!

He actually found the school.

On his face can still see the traces of being smashed.

"What are you doing?"

A roommate asked questions.

"Oh, Chen Yang, let's go, go to the teacher building, Director Wang is waiting for you."

Dong Da sneered.

"When you go, go? Do you know where the teacher building is?" Chen Yang is cold.

Maybe there is an ambush, and you come over to yourself.

"Kid, dare to fight with me, do you know what the cost? I can make you not even learn, and you a few, what eyes? Do you want to be fired? Want to beat people? Come, hit me. ""

Seeing Dong Dazhen’s gesture, Chen Yang’s heart gradually became a bit cold.

"Do you think that Lao Tzu does not dare to do it?"

There is really an impulsive roommate who wants to swear.

"do not move."

Chen Yangli lived with him and said, "You send me to the teacher building."


Dong Daxiao laughed and walked in front of the meteor.

"It’s really going to the teacher building."

Chen Yang saw it, and the inexplicable feeling in his heart was a trace of confusion.

I talked to the little sheep when I called last night.

This Dong Da, the family is very good, it is said that when he was in his freshman year, he often took a ride in the first half of the semester, and he was very busy. When he was a sophomore, he seemed to have played enough and converged a lot. Since Ye Xiaomo joined the student union, he After seeing it, it began to pursue.

It’s really a phone call, I talked for an hour, listening to Chen Yang’s sour, and said that he would buy a luxury car sooner or later, with a little sheep to take a ride.

After understanding the situation, Chen Yang did not worry much, but now, the heart gradually cooled down.

"But it should be no big deal. If you remember it, you will endure it."

Chen Yang was mentally prepared and went to the door of the teacher building. He waved several roommates back first.

All the way to the office of Director Liu, there are three people inside.

In addition to Director Liu, there is a middle-aged man in casual wear, who is the general manager of Aoli Company. This is also the case for him. The other is Dong Da’s mother.

"People are coming."

Dong Da said after entering the room.


Director Liu nodded and looked at Chen Yang. He smiled awkwardly: "Some disputes between your classmates are normal, but you need to be sensible. Chen Yang, I want to know, what is the reason you started last night?"

"I..." Chen Yang was hesitant, or honestly said: "Because he is rude to my girlfriend."

"When am I rude?" Dong Da looked strange: "Chen Chen, you don't want to talk about it, it is like this, Ye Xiaomo is a newcomer to our student union. We met yesterday, many students are here, I have never been If you haven’t said anything rude, anyone who is present at the scene can prove that this incident is obviously because when I sent Ye Xiaomo’s classmates to leave, he was seen, and his heart was moving.

"Is it clear in your own heart?" Chen Yang said.

The boss and Chen Mu did not seem to be interested.

Director Wang thought for a moment and said, "Because of some emotional problems, you misunderstood him, and then the brain is hot and the person is moving. Is this the case?"

"Yes, it is his rudeness. I didn't hold back."

"Chen classmates, don't be afraid, the director is here to preside over justice, the purpose is to give the other party a statement." Director Wang said: "How can you talk about it?"

Chen Yang is still too young. He thought that the director would help himself and said:

"I received a call from my girlfriend. He was very rude. I asked someone to pick up my girlfriend in the past. When I saw him pulling in the pull, I just slammed it over and kicked it. I now have a corner. Still green."

"Chen classmates, it is because of your foot." Director Wang said: "The kidneys of Dong’s classmates were brutally wounded. The impact was too serious. The classmates were looking for people to fight, and the behavior was bad. You were the squad leader and did not lead by example. Fighting has a bad influence on the school."

Finally, Director Wang clicked on the mobile phone and ended the recording. The tone gradually became poor:

"So the school decided to expel you from school."

His voice just fell, the boss took out a piece of information and said: "And you have to bear Dongda's medical expenses, mental damages, etc. totaling 536,000 yuan, these are the information, you can take it back Look, if it doesn't, we will appeal."


Chen Yang was so aggressive.

I don't know what to do.

A flustered comparison, left look, right look, only to feel the smile on Dongda's face, very hateful.

Suddenly, he flashed a word in his mind: something to find Meng sister.

This is what Li Munen said.

At this point he was in no way, saying: "I, I will call."

"Yes, this matter would have to inform your parents." Director Wang said indifferently.

"Hey, hello, Meng sister, I am in the office of Director Wang, I may have to be fired, I don't know what to do." Chen Yang said.

He has not experienced the storm, and when he encounters such a thing, it is inevitable that the brain will be blank.

However, Meng Meng’s answer gave him a lot of peace of mind.

"Oh, wait."

Hang up the phone when you are finished.

“Don’t inform the parents?” Director Wang frowned.

"it's me......"

"Forget it, I will call you personally." Director Wang sighed and picked up the landline.

"Don't, director, don't inform the parents first." Chen Yang was anxious.

If your parents hear this news, they will definitely be hit.

"Don't inform you that you can handle it?"

"I can."

"Oh, what do you do with it?" Director Wang shook his head slightly and called: "Hello, is Chen Yang's mother? I am the director of Jiaotong University. I am sorry to inform you that your son is fighting because of fighting. The school is expelled from school, and he will bear more than 500,000 medical expenses. I also invite you to come to the school, otherwise Chen Yang will be sued."

"Director Wang,"


Like a blue sky, I hit Chen Yang’s heart.

His eyes are red, and he knows that his mother must be very uncomfortable there.


His cell phone shook, but he didn't pick it up. He really didn't want to tell the news.

Chen Yang never imagined that he had caused such a big trouble.

"Chen, your phone rang." Dong Da leaked a smile from the winner: "It should be your mother's call, pick it up, things will be dealt with sooner or later."


Chen Yang hated watching Dong Da.

"I advise you to calm down." The general Li said faintly: "Things can still be handled now. If you are impulsive, it may be even more serious. It is inevitable that the prison will be in jeopardy."

During the conversation, he thought to himself: It’s really a young man, he has never seen the world, and he is stupid when he is slightly scared.

When I heard that I was too young, I even felt a little funny.

Worried, the sin of Dong Da, moved the people who can not afford, more than 500,000 plus drop out of school to buy a lesson.

"I still have something."

Dongmu finally opened her mouth. She glanced at Belle’s watch and got up to leave.

at this time.

The door of the office was pushed straight away and no one knocked on the door.

Seeing that two girls came in, Director Wang frowned: "Who are you? Which class? Why not knock?"

"Ha ha."

Meng Meng snorted and saw Chen Yang, whose eyes were red, and she and Yue Xiaoxiao sat directly on the sofa on the side.

Dong Da’s eyes fixed, and his mother also had some doubts. The general Li, watching silently.

Director Wang was a little angry: "Are you?"

"Meng sister, sister, me, was fired." Chen Yang said weakly: "He called my mom."

"Meng Meng, Xiao Chen was bullied, how to say is also a younger brother." Yue Xiao said loudly: "Xiao Chen, look at you like this is not good, quickly wipe your eyes, your sister must be in the first place, 啥Nothing, don't worry about you."


Chen Yang stunned, still do not quite understand.

Director Wang’s face is black: “What are you doing?”

"To shut up."

Yue Xiao took a look.

Director Wang felt inexplicably feeling scared and no longer spoken.

At this time, Meng Meng also had an action. She looked up slightly and looked at Director Wang and said, "Call the principal and let him come."

"The principal is not at school, are you?" Director Wang began to hesitate.

Is there anything in the other side?

"Yes, you don't hit me."

Meng Meng took out the mobile phone: "Hey? Do you know the principal of Jiaotong University? You let him come to the office of Director Wang."

"The tone is not small."

Director Wang suddenly smiled.

If she is in a polite manner, please ask others to do things, then he can still believe that a gentle and gentle tone seems to be like talking to his men. His director Wang does not believe it.

"I heard that you are very good."

Meng Meng looked at Dong Da three: "Which company are you?"

"Oh, the deaf person Aoli company Li Cai." Li said with a smile.


It’s another phone call: “Hey? Wind is uncle, do we have a branch in Xijing? Yes, then you let the person in charge come to my school. Well, I have a younger brother at school, this is not Bullying, the opposite is wide, what is the company of Aoli, afraid, giggling.....what are you doing? You are not as good as me now, then, let me know soon."

Meng Meng and Zhao Feng talk, smile and look like, more casual, after all, are watching her grow up.

After two calls, Meng Meng said: "Okay, let's wait a moment, Meng sister will find you a place."

Said that she patted Chen Yang's shoulder.

"Thank you, Meng sister."

Chen Yang nodded and was very moved.

Really worthy of being an expensive person in my life.


The phone continues to vibrate.

"Hurry up and pick it up." Yue Xiao said.


Chen Yang also went out, he picked up the phone and made the accent normal: "Mom, what's wrong? I have been calling, I am in class, ah? What was expelled? It is also said that Director Wang, I am! Scam That is a sand sculpture liar. Don't believe this kind of phone call, I am good at school."

Hate said, Chen Yangping regained his mood, vented it, feeling more cool, he smiled: "Mom, I am still in class, can't call, hang up first."

The phone hangs up.

Director Wang is dark.

Dong Da’s eyes were not good and he said, “I see what tricks you can play!”

His mother sat back again.

Li is always on the side, and his left leg is on the right leg.

"It seems that there are two more people in the list of expulsions."

Director Wang sneered.

Didn't wait long.

Twenty minutes later.

The headmaster rushed in with a sweat.

"President?" Director Wang was shocked.

However, the principal did not take care of it. The sweaty face hangs a gentle smile: "Which is Ms. Zhang."

Meng Meng's face is black: "I am a student."


Where to dare to be the real student.


Meng Meng said to the front: "A little thing to expel the student, the director of the director Wang is a big official. The person sitting in front of the company said that they don't care if I don't believe it. I don't know how many gifts the director Wang received. To be able to do this."

"I do not have!"

Director Wang immediately got up and defended.

At this moment, Dong Da was a bit dumbfounded, and Dong’s eyes were inconspicuous, and Li was also a bit uncomfortable.

Can you really find the principal, who is the other person?

"You sit down for me!"

The headmaster suddenly screamed.

The director of the scared king squatted and sat back.

"This matter..." The principal said with discretion.


Spitting a word in the mouth.

"So I sent a notice?"

"No, I can check it out." Meng Meng also made a phone call: "Mr. Ma, you have to check the director of Jiaotong University, if there is any problem, be more detailed."

ten minutes later.


The reminder of the email, Ma’s caller said the matter.

Meng Meng has a strange look at Director Wang, she said:

"You have nothing to do with the problem. It's just that some schools cooperate, use relationships, your wife's problems, I can't manage it. The principal, how do you handle it?"

When I spoke, I sent my mobile phone over.

The headmaster looked through and said two words: "Dismissal."

Oh, la la la.

Director Wang was cold and sweaty, and he did not even dare to say anything.

Dong Da’s three are somewhat aggressive, including Chen Yang.

Look dizzy.

God, how amazing is the origin of Meng Meng?


The knock on the door sounded.


When a young man pushed in.

After seeing his appearance, General Li changed his face and immediately rose up and said with respect and respect: "Liu is good."

However, the young man did not pay attention to him. He smiled and arched his hand. His attitude was respectful:



General Li squatted, sitting on the sofa, and picked up the waves in his heart: What happened?

The branch of the Liu Group, which has great power in Xijing, is the force they need to look up to. The legendary Liu is personally present and cannot be imagined.


Seeing no one talking, Meng Meng hesitated and said: "What are the things going on?"

"He, they want that, I want to pay fifty-three thousand six thousand." Chen Yang said dryly.

"Oh, then punish and go back, I am this person, very similar to my father, are the most reasonable people." Meng Meng said seriously.

Yue Xiaofan heard the forehead: Do you say so swearing?

"Aoli is a small company. I can break their cooperation chain in one sentence. If the cooperation chain is disconnected, it will cause some losses. It is expected that the financial resources will shrink by 40%. If their company goes bankrupt, it will take about seven days." Liu said.

"What do you want to do?" Meng Meng asked Chen Yang.


Chen Yang was immersed in meditation: "There are people who are spared and spared. I feel that we have some atmosphere, or else, the cooperation chain is broken?"


Seeing his cautious look, Meng Meng and Yue Xiaoxiao both laughed.

The two got up and left.

"Wait for me."

Chen Yang first was a glimpse, then ran and followed.

Leaving a face like a gray, Li, and so on.

Dong Da was paralyzed again.

I was hung up and played for a long time, this time I really lived in the hospital.

Committed to revenge, the result is still cool.

Chen Yang also finally realized.

Meng Meng, the sisters are powerful.

"It’s more exaggerated than I thought. It’s amazing.”

"Two sisters, you are my model, my savior, my noble."

"The younger brother will be the only one in the future."

"You let me go east, I will never go west."

"My Chen Yang..."

"Get out of the way, don't ink." Yue Xiao said with impatience.

"Oh, okay."

Chen Yang ran away and ran away.

"This is a funny ratio." Yue Xiao snorted.

"It's also a partner anyway." Meng Meng said: "You can't be bullied."

"Yeah." Yue Xiao nodded. "The kid is really abominable. If you fight, you will fight. If you haven’t played, you won’t be finished. You have to find someone, you have to fire someone, you are not a man. You really can’t see it. used."

"Calm, calm down, your voice is too big, you can't see anyone else glaring at you." Meng Meng lowered his voice.

At this time, it was just the time of rest during the class. Some afternoon classes ended, and there were many people on the road.

Suddenly a senior saw two people and walked with a smile.

"Zhang Yumeng, I have been paying attention to you for many days. There are a lot of words I want to talk to you. I don't know if we can know and become friends."

Meng Meng heard a sweet smile: "Well, I also want to chat."

"Great, then let's find a place to have some coffee and have an afternoon tea?"

"Now, it's not as good as it is at night." Meng Meng said that she ran a wink, and after turning around, her face returned to normal, and Yue Xiaoxiao left.

I stayed with a dazed man. After dinner, he ran to the side of the river and waited for a night...

I took another two-day class.

Friday, no class in the afternoon, two and a half days of rest.

In the cute dormitory.


Zheng Dan climbed into the bed and lay lazily: "You have to rest well, and you have to go to Versace for a day tomorrow."

"What are you doing?" Yue Xiao curious.

"I am going to help my sister to take the class and earn some extra money." Zheng Dan said: "When you go to Versace as a shopping guide, it is a luxury."

As he said, Zheng Dan looked curious: "There are some rich people who can go there to buy things."

"This, ah, it should be." Yue Xiao said a sentence.

She didn't think about anything, and those were really luxury.

But for her and Meng Meng, how much money is not important, the important thing is to look good.

Like Meng Meng many clothes, Zheng Dan does not know, because they are all small high-end brands, more fashionable, but the reputation is not so big, a dress is about a thousand.

More cute and lively labo, there are some sprouts.

Lu Zihan heard his mouth move and thought: Meng Meng and his sister are gods.

"Let's do, dormitory, although the conditions are limited, but the skin is also good, Meng Meng and the sister can be more, fine skin tender meat, it seems that I am hardworking hands." Zheng Dan mourned: "Heavenly unfair !"

"Are you sure you are hardworking hands?" Meng Meng said.

"Specifically, it is the hand to earn extra money, haha, almost anyway, I have been working for a while after high school graduation." Zheng Dan said.

"I am going, you are enough." Meng Meng said with some surprise: "What is the job?"

"Mystery, the kind of black silk that has nothing to seduce the secret of leadership." Zheng Dan's colleague put a more seductive posture.

"What?" Meng Meng suddenly stopped.

Yue Xiao screamed and said: "God, you Zheng Dan is the head of a big sister."

"Just kidding, I am giving me a small jingle to follow the class." Zheng Dan lay back and said: "He opened a field, I used to look at other people to work."

"Oh." Lu Zihan nodded: "Scare me."

"How do you say anything?" Zheng Dan said with a smile: "If you make more money anyway, then you want to buy what to buy."

"This one......"

Meng Meng hesitated.

When I have been a roommate for so long, Lu Zihan and Zheng Dan are also quite good, and there is absolutely nothing to help a group.

It’s just a feeling of subconsciousness. Don’t let the roommates change their taste. After all, there are still several years.

Girls and boys are different. Chen Fan is fine. If it is Zheng Dan and Lu Zihan, I am afraid that there will be changes.

After thinking about it, Meng Meng gave up the idea again. It will last for a long time. Let me talk about it later. She chats casually:

"If you say this, if you work, I have never had it once."

"You two are families that don't lack money." Zheng Dan said: "My words, like spending money, I know what my dreams are."


"There is still money to lie down." Zheng Dan said with a gaze, said again and again: "Not that kind, don't understand wrong, just find a reliable man, I am lying at home watching TV, but nothing. If I go out shopping, I think Chen Yang is good, and I am working hard."

"You may have looked away." Yue Xiaoliu said casually.

"Oh, unfortunately, the grass was taken away. He has been closer to the small sheep of the University of Science and Technology in the past few days." Zheng Dan looked like a gossip: "Maybe it is a certain relationship, Zihan, he does not seem to want Slag you."

"No, the squad leader... The squad leader is a good person." Lu Zihan said.

"What a good man, he was absolutely ambition to you at first, if I changed to be me, I would have let him fall down under the pomegranate skirt."

"I am convinced that Miss Zheng Da is." Meng Meng muttered.

"Don't say it, I have to go and see the sales information, I am prepared to be a qualified guide." Zheng Dan took out his mobile phone and began to look at the information of the internal group.

"Small trouble, we haven't gone out to work yet, do we have to try it?" Meng Meng is eager to try.

It doesn't matter if you don't work, mainly because you want to take a photo in the past and give Zhang Han a look.

"I don't go, I am lazy, go to yourself, I can take care of your business." Yue Xiaoyun said.

"Don't pull it down." Meng Meng snorted.

"Meng Meng, are you going?" Zheng Dan suddenly sat up and became very interested: "Exactly, let's go together? I will go to the truth and have a snack."

"Hey, you can go in without any training?" Meng Meng smashed.

"Hey, this is not an acquaintance, say it again, with your face value, the store manager promised, or would I ask first?" Zheng Dan said.

"Let's do it." Meng Meng nodded.

Zheng Dan mobile phone operation: "I sent your photo, promised to promise, now, it is a time to look at the face, where the beautiful looks are all points, you see, directly agreed, really happy, She said, let us go together."

"um hum."

"She asked you to wear large clothes and prepare us for work clothes." Zheng Dan asked.

After that, Zheng Dan came again with interest:

"I heard my sister say that this line of water is also very deep. Generally, it is easy to bully when I go to part-time jobs. But we are fine. My sister and the manager have a good relationship and will take care of us. Part-time two hundred dollars a day. Also do a lot of work, sales, finishing, handling, etc., Meng Meng, you are not afraid of tired, if you are tired, I will do more." Zheng Dan said.

"I'm fine, I'm still quite big." Meng Meng said: "I just went to play, mainly to take a photo, give my dad a look, his girl also went out to work as a part-time worker, see what he said, 嘻Hey."

"What else can you say? Directly play the money?" Yue Xiao said.

"That won't, it's not Li Shushu." Meng Meng said: "Mu, her dad is also interesting, and he will fight for nothing."

Look at the update time, the update volume is concerned with the public number list Wang Zhang.

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