Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1518: Haotianxingzun

The trend is unstoppable.

The people of Akasaka, like a broken bamboo, are like sharp edges and go straight.


"Flee away!"

"Can't stop, we can't stop it!"

The minds of countless people in Chi Xia Zong burst, and they turned and fled, leaving some deacons, and how to guard the law did not shout.

In fact, many law-abiding and elders also turned and fled.

And this time.

Yue Wuwei took his pen and wrote another word: "Feng!"

Oh la la!

The vast amount of spiritual power in his body, combined with the yin and yang pen, formed a secret technique, a huge enchantment, and resisted the retreat of the team of the Akateki.

Yue Wuwei is old and fine, he blocked a direction, from both sides, there are still exits to leave.

You have to flee to the sides, you have to overcome the difficulties, fearing that the death and injury are heavy.

But there is a chance, they will choose to escape, instead of no life, choose to fight, this can also avoid the death and injury of the three alliances.

"Oh, how? I am a good black and white pen." Yue Wuwei laughed and said to Zhang Han.

"Is this not a yin and yang pen?" Zhang Han was a bit strange.

"The same, it is just a name." Yue Wuwei touched his beard with his left hand: "This Xuanbao I have been holding for two hundred years, and I have only recently finished it and used it."

"It's okay, the power is not so high." Zhang Han looked calm and shook his head slightly: "With Xuanbao, you have to stimulate your own secret surgery. In my opinion, it seems to be like a fart from a pair of pants. It is more than one."

"What?" Yue Wuwei squatted.

My heart was a little dissatisfied.

But his look is also a bit suspicious. How do you look at Zhang Han’s indifferent eyes, is it a bit wrong?


The purple scorpion couldn't help it, and the corners of his mouth raised a smile.


Zhang Han coughed and couldn't hold it anymore. He blinked a few times and said: "This yin and yang pen looks good, Yue Lao, let's discuss it, you borrowed me to play."

"Haha, you kid, want this? Impossible." Yue Wuwei laughed directly, and shouted in his heart: Shu Tan!

"The key, this yin and yang pen is in your hands, can't play it out. Isn't this a jade and a dusty dust? You can't bear to see such a good treasure, can't play the gods that it should have?" Zhang Han guided.

Yue Wuwei: "Be patient."

Zhang Han: "..."

The two men bickered here, Lisa and Zi Yan looked around, with a smile.

"This Xuanbao is really good. To play its power, you have to use the right method." Zhang Han said: "It has been separated from the ordinary means of attack, involving the robbery, more inscrutable, you should know Let's go."

"Nine characters secret, know that the soldiers are arrayed in front." Yue Wuwei nodded.

"There are different kinds of nine-character secrets, but generally only if you have more than seven orders, you can understand what is right for you. I just know that a set is more suitable for yin and yang pens, teach you?" Zhang Han said with a smile.

Nowadays, he is a very masculine body. He will soon absorb the origin of the extremely yin land and open the road of smelting. He does not know what it will condense into, but after condensing, it has not become another stage. This yin and yang pen is also very suitable. he.

Zhang Han saw that it was inevitable that it was itchy.

Did not say too much, some correct guidance, Yue Wuwei was hooked.

He snorted: "Do you show me a show?"

"it is good."

Zhang Hanhe smiled, took the yin and yang pen, floated in the palm of his hand, stared at the next, Zhang Hanyu suddenly flashed a glimmer of light.

"This is among the fairy tales."

"The character of the nine-character secret is relatively strong, to prevent accidental injury, or to use individual means."

Zhang Han looks at the front, the idea controls the yin and yang pen, and writes a word in the void:



In the area where the front is dozens of miles away, the fog is suddenly falling.

The battlefield was instantly messed up.

"I can't see it."

"God can't detect it, what is it?"

The people of Akasaka are more flustered, and the three alliances are somewhat confused.


Zhang Han wrote another word.

Endless fog, suddenly condensed into water droplets.

"With a clear heart print."

Zhang Han controls the yin and yang pens. At this time, the pen seems to have come alive, hehe!

Draw an imprint that is not complicated.


In the perception of Yue Wuwei, with the appearance of the cyan mark on this side, each water droplet also has a faint mark.

Oh la la!

It seems to be raining, and the water droplets are concentrated in the ranks of the three alliances.

"It can make them clearer and better to observe the situation."

Zhang Han’s right hand, the yin and yang pen disappeared, he looked forward and said: “This is the rank of fairy tales. I can use the yin and yang pen to play some power. When this is over, I will give you a few sets of nine-character secrets. When it’s okay. You can comprehend one or two."

"it is good."

Yue Wuwei smiled twice, then he suddenly turned his head: "My yin and yang pen?"

Zhang Han looked suspicious: "What yin and yang pen? Is there? Wife, have you seen it?"

"Hey, what? We haven't been chatting here all the time?" The look of Zi Yan is in place, the temperament is pinched and dead, and even some naughty blinks.

"You two, isn't this a rush?" Lisa laughed and teased.

She can understand Yue Wuwei very well.

He took out the yin and yang pens, not only to show off, but also to see Zhang Han’s pure physique, which is a very suitable spiritual treasure for him.

They are all themselves, they are acquaintances, and everything is silent.

However, Yue Wuwei will not take it on his mouth. He snorted: "Yin and Yang pens will borrow you to play. When you fight, I have to learn what you teach me. When you can't use it later, I am using it."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Zhang Han smiled and nodded.

And Yue Wuwei shook his head: "You kid, oh? Right, you can't shoot?"

Before he wanted to see the picture of Zhang Han playing the Red King, the result was not shot at the end, he only endured the Red King blowing for so long.

"I just didn't figure out my hand, just guiding the Yin and Yang pen." Zhang Han explained.


Yue Wuwei has nothing to say.

He used to make a yin and yang pen. He is often called a black and white pen. The result is not knowing how to use it. It is really a jade and a dust.

"I will learn to use it later." Yue Wuwei thought.

Undoubtedly, in his view, the yin and yang pens are only a rare treasure in the past period of Zhang and Han realms. As his strength improves, Lingbao will eventually change.

At that time, he could also use a yin and yang pen.

Yue Wuwei prefers this kind of force.

"Xianshu, my distance does not seem too far away."

Yue Wuwei has some expectations.

On the battlefield, the people of Chixia Zong were diverted into two batches, one of which fled to the left and the other to the right.

Without the expectation of Yue Wuwei, they left a living path and their first thought was to escape.

It can be said that it is a rush, and there are even many people who start with their own people.

Others run slower and run faster, and the people behind can also fight for time.

Chaos, completely messed up.

The Chihshang sect is in a mess, not a place at all.

This is the real one-sided


"Red King is dead."

The first elder of Chihshangzong stood in the same place and was very confused: "Why is the death of Chih-Hsong, how can it be the demise of the Akasaka? I should have suggested it, do not destroy the other three, karma, Akasaka, perish, hehehehe ......"

He smirked low.

Looked at the cold dragon and so on.

"You can't kill me, you can't kill me forever!"

The first old anger screamed, his entire body, blooming, forming a powerful and powerful shock wave, shocked in all directions.

"The first old is dead!"

Many of the elders and guardians of Akasaka are desperate.

The first elders, under the eyes of the public, resolutely chose to blew themselves.

This is another heart attack on the team of Caoxi.

The defeat of the army is like a mountain.

Chi Xia Zong, who almost dominated the huge sect of Hao Tianxing, even said that he had never asked the world, did not dispute, and concealed strength. It was the best sect of the four major sects, and eventually went to extinction.

The elders and the corps are almost degraded.

The right fog makes a roaring roar:

"I am not willing!"

Then there is a burning light.

He was under siege, saw no hope of escape, and chose to blew himself.

And along the narrow passages on both sides, there are very few people fleeing, almost just some ordinary disciples who are very close.

Gradually, the wind stopped and the sun shone on everyone's face.

The disciples of the three leagues all missed a smile. They were relaxed and happy.

The change of the Haotianxing is over, and the pattern changes again.

“Thanks to the seniors for their help.”

Han Long and others have been paying tribute to Yue Wuwei.

It seems that in a few seconds, it will become hundreds of millions of people to pray together.

"You are welcome, I am not your predecessor, I am just Zhang Yumeng's elders." Yue Wuwei said faintly.

This sentence made them a little addicted.

Everyone has their own thoughts.

But they seem to want to decide what.

"Teaching, you are the light of our swords, it is a respect." Han Long immediately said: "I think, we can finalize the date today, carry out a gift, to tell the whole astrology, you are our Ling Haijian Zong's teaching!"

"Chenlong, you said this is not true." Zhenwuzong said that the elders shook their heads: "Zhangjiao is the master of our three alliances. I don't know the meaning of Tianzhuzong, but I know that We are really Wuzong, and some of the most disciples of today’s arrogance are Zhang Yumeng’s people, so it’s not good for you to be alone.”

Meng Meng in the crowd seems to be completely fragrant.

I don’t even have to think about it. There are such big backers, and the life and death are mixed together. The team is also able to get together. He is really dead, and when he doesn’t hold his thighs, what time is it?

The elders of Tianzhu Zongju and others looked at each other and finally gave Xu Xiao a gun.

"That, my generation is not taught properly. If there is anything, Chrysanthemum is still for you, I can't be a teacher." Xu Xiaogun shook his head again and again.

Said that when the teaching is too wrong.

Under a lot of eyes, Chrysanthemum smiled and said:

"Hao Tianxing, the four major sects, has changed. We have experienced life and death, experienced everything, and three alliances. I think we can remove the previous three. We can become a whole. Just as the Red King thought, Hao Tianxing became A force."

During the speech, the chrysanthemum elders swept in all directions:

"And this power, the future will hit a higher goal, Yinlong Xinghe, I believe that under the leadership of Zhang Yumeng, this power will go further, this is a new chapter of Haotianxing, Zhang Rain Meng will also become the lord of Haotianxing!"

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