Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 514: The script is different

The three people realized this time.

How did the purple cicada say nothing from beginning to end?

And when they were singing in Zhang Han, he sang the phrase "I have fallen in love with her" to Zi Zi.

What they saw was the shining purple eyes, and even the three people felt a sweet question at that moment.

I recalled it at this time.

Thinking hard!

How does it look like a love expression? ? ?

what's the situation?

The eyes of the three men looked at the purple eyes.

"Purple, why don't you evaluate it? His song, but sing for you." Zuodong smiled and said that hesitated here, or some jokes: "His song love. Thick, I see this 'I am very cute', I want to pursue you."


The beauty of Zi Yan quickly swayed and thought about it: "Maybe it is, but I... I am very happy to hear this song, because I feel something different."

During the conversation, Zi Yan looked at Zhang Han again. The long eyelashes were very playful and a few words, adding: "It should be something I can feel."

What is it?

Of course, love, sweetness, and happiness.

"Ha ha ha..." Zuo Dong and Dahua both laughed.

Among them, Zuodong clap his hands and said: "How do I feel like I have a stupid? Did you know before?"

"You guess," Zixiao’s head was slightly on the side, and Ying Ying smiled.

"How can I guess this?" Zuodong shook his head and laughed.

"It seems that you are prepared for the purple sable!"

Dahua also made a rare joke, then looked at Zhang Han and said, "I am very cute, I remember your name."

Zuo Dong looked at Zhang Han again and thought about it. He said: "Although you are coming for a beautiful tutor, you don't have to join her team. You can try the loop, I think your tone and skill. We can work together to make a very good song. If you are interested, you can consider it."

This is the solicitation of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhang Han heard the words lightly.

Choose you?

How is that possible?


At this time, Gu Fan could not help but say a word:

"I have been studying Hua Guofeng's new trend music recently, and I hope that Chinese music will spread more widely in the world, so I hope we can make songs together and sing new Chinese songs."

"They are all pulling people. Then, do I have to say a few words?" Zi Yan’s head squatted slightly and seemed to be thinking about what to say.

"Of course not, I am your person." Zhang Han chuckled, and made a heart for the purple.

This caused the other three instructors to laugh again and again, but there was some laughter.

It seems that the group of Zi Yan has already given birth to a champion candidate.

too strong.

See the scene develop into a chat mode.

The director Cheng Xu finally couldn’t help but remind him:


Zuodong came back and nodded: "Okay, then the next one, I am looking forward to the next performance of ‘I am very cute’.”

"Thank you."

Zhang Han nodded and left the stage.

At this time, the next student is preparing to enter the stadium, and a low host tone is also heard on the stage.

Just as Gu Fan looked at the tablet in his hand and prepared to know the information of the next student, his hand suddenly broke:

"Hey? Have you noticed one thing?"

"What?" asked Zuodong.

"The song that I just sang very cute is the original, he is the creator!" Gu Fan said.

"Yes, this is very powerful." Zuo Dong and Dahua both bowed their heads.

"He came for the purple sergeant!" Gu Fan reminded him again.

"Yeah, I already knew it." Zuodong replied.

"I remember that the album of "The Long Time" of the Purple Medal Master is particularly hot. The songwriters in it are all from one person." During the talk, Gu Fan slowly turned his head and looked at the purple, laughing: " I have a big guess now."


Zuo Dong and Dahua heard a big change in their faces and couldn’t help but stand up.

"This is this..." Dahua’s palm trembled slightly: "Purple, is he really?"

"My Scorpio, Gu Fan, this reminder, the more I feel more like, the more I really want him, then it is too horrible. With his strength, it can completely replace any of us!" Zuo Dong's eyes Also staring at the purple eyes.

The expression of the purple eyes is a big one, and the big eyes are screaming.

I saw three instructors who had a ‘you don’t say I won’t look back’ posture.

She thought about it, and she replied with a stupid answer:

"How can I not understand what you are talking about?"

"How can you not understand." Zuodong sighed and smiled: "Now, who knows the name of Hanyang? He only gave you the song of the whole album. Now you come to the show, suddenly there is a dark horse, he The song that I just sang is completely a boutique. This quality doesn't seem to be written casually. Oh, it's not true. It's really his words, I just wrote it out."

"Is it right? You can tell us secretly." Gu Fan couldn't help but gossip in his heart and whispered a sentence.

"Amount..." Zi Yan sank, and suddenly pointed to the student standing on the stage, said; "He has stood for a minute, are we going to check him first?"

Khan, you finally saw me!

The male student is somewhat crying.

My own sense of existence is low.

However, he was not because of the sense of existence, but because the last student sang too much, it can be said who is singing next to him, who is unlucky.

However, this unlucky person is obviously himself!


Hearing the transfer topic of Zi Yan, the other three people laughed and shook their heads, but did not ask again.

Everything has a degree, they have a good grasp, and it’s not good to have a joke.

During this time, the conversations and expressions of several instructors were all seen in the eyes of the preparation room.

Hearing that speculation, in addition to Sun Dongheng, there is nothing wrong with it:

"The trough! Really fake? Is it cold sun?"

"His song is really invincible, think about it, it is really possible!"

"This will not be a big move from the program group? There are four mentor on the bright face. In fact, there is a cold **** in the dark. When he appears, he will form a CP combination with the purple sergeant."


I heard a paragraph of discussion, in the first row of the leftmost TQ, my heart is inexplicably unhappy.

He is also preparing to sing this song with Zi Yan! But it was especially preemptive, and it still took the limelight!

This made him feel like eating a fly.

Hearing these words at this time, he could not help but rebut:

"Don't guess, how could it be? If it is, then it will be a direct tutor, and will come to participate in the election. It is quite good to sing, but because a song is considered to be cold, this is ridiculous. ""

His words made the argument on the field lower by three points.

Then, Zhang Han walked in through the door, which suddenly made the scene quiet.

All eyes are gathered on Zhang Han.

It is different from before.

The previous gaze was contempt, curiosity, suspicion, and the encouragement of those three or two.

but now.

Surprise, admire, worship, and the three or two dignity.

This shows that their attitude has already had a 180-degree contrast.


Just in this atmosphere.

The assessment of the students on the stage is over.

Even many people have not reacted:

"Has he just sang?"

The conclusion reached is to sing!

Most people only see one vote pending.

Even the four instructors listened to some...no words.

The song just got too good, and the next one is indeed a bit disadvantageous.

Singing in the middle of the rules, there are some small mistakes, but the tone is not bad, Zi Yan finally gave a chance, did not press the voter.

After the male student exited.

About a dozen students came to the stage, most of them sing in general, may be nervous or what, many people have made a mistake.

This led to a somewhat low pass rate, with only eight people passing by eighteen people, and the second three votes passed.

It is Tong Jiajia.

Although she is also nervous, she is indeed stable and even plays supernormally. The result is also beautiful.

"The fifty-first assessment students below, from the singer TQ of the dark tribal media, once had a super high click rate of 30 million for the single layer of love gods, let us have TQ to play!"

Under the low presiding tone, the TQ wearing a white hat, wearing a white casual jacket, black jeans and white shoes was on the stage.

"ye, every tutor is good, I am TQ."

TQ greeted him after he took office.

"TQ, I have heard of you, I have seen your MV, can sing and dance, is a versatile singer, very good." Zuodong said with a smile.

"Popularity is indeed quite good. Is there any pressure to participate in such a program?" Dahua asked with a microphone.

"There is no pressure, because I am coming to this show, I want to show myself." TQ answered gently.

Hearing his words, some students shook their heads.

Only those who really have two brushes will have such a steady state of mind.

"I have seen your MV a few days ago." Zixiao smiled and made two moves with his right hand, then said: "The dance of the song is very new, I hope you cheer."

"Okay, thank you, and I also have a sentence to say to the Purple Tutor."

TQ's eyes stared at Zi Yan and said:

"Actually, I like you too, and I have prepared songs. It is a "most beautiful" that has been adapted a little, but it seems to have been robbed by others, but it doesn't matter. I will use my songs to make this stage more explosive!"

After he finished looking directly at the console, he said:


Just three seconds after he turned his head.

I didn’t notice it at all. The expression that Zizi originally had some interest in has already faded!

At this time, her mind is like this:

She is a mentor, not a person who can make fun of the students!

This makes the score of Ziyan's first impression on TQ plummet.

The words of TQ made many students in the preparation room snorted and wanted to see the songs he prepared, whether they could be fried.

"You are the most beautiful in my eyes, and every smile makes me intoxicated."

So TQ began to sing in front of Zi Yan, which can be described as a sentimental pulse.

Although it has been adapted, the scope of the change is relatively small, and the personality is not very sufficient and not special.

"Your bad is good for you, when you lose your temper, your mouth is licking~"

Singing is very entertaining, but the purple cicada heard it here and it was uncomfortable.


The sable has pressed the button directly.

The electronic screen above is actually eliminating two words.

This gives TQ a glimpse.

There is some confusion in my heart.

How is it different from the one just?

When the student just sang...

Zi Yan her expression and eyes are very enjoyable!

So his next lyrics suddenly slowed down two beats, although he found it in the second sentence.

But Gu Fan still pressed the elimination button.

Two votes were eliminated, which made Gu Fan's face red, and his heart was more chaotic!

He is a TQ, and he will have a vote to be confirmed.

Unconsciously, his beats were somewhat unstable, and his heart was chaotic, and the song was difficult.

Dahua and Zuodong looked at each other.

In the end, Dahua pressed the elimination button.

Three votes eliminated!


TQ stopped singing, his head was a bit of paste, and his heart was a little bit hot.

How is the script different?

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