Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 528: Little guy's choice

"Today is your birthday."

Zhang Han looked very excited about the cake, and couldn't help but smile. He reached out and squeezed the tiny face of Meng Meng, and smiled at the same time:

"This is the first time Dad has given you a birthday. The cake is also specially made for you by Dad. You can eat more today, and I wish you a happy birthday!"

"Baby happy birthday!" Zi Yan also smiled and said a voice.

"Meng Meng happy birthday." Ziqiang and Xu Xinyu also said.


Meng Meng suddenly stunned, and her eyes were not blind.

After two seconds, the little guy reacted, and the big eyes brushed up.

"Is my birthday? Is it a cute birthday?"

"Yeah, it is your birthday." Zhang Han smiled.

"It's a cute birthday!"

"It's my birthday!"

"Oh! It’s my birthday! It’s giggling."

"I have a birthday, there is a cake to eat..."

Meng Meng suddenly had a lot of fun, and the little face smiled.

See this scene.

The eyes of the purple eyes are suddenly red.

The heart is sour.

Only she knows how hard it all is.

At this time, she has a feeling of crying.

But she did not let the tears flow out, licking her red lips and quickly moving her eyes.

After calming down the mood, she touched the cute little brain:

"We have to put a candle first, then make a wish, blow a candle, and eat a cake."

"I know Ma Ma, then let's put in a candle." Meng Meng can't wait to say.


Zhang Han took the candle from the small table on the side and inserted it in front of the castle cake.

“It’s four years old, we’re going to plug in four candles.”

After Zhang Han inserted the candle, he lit it with a lighter.

"Okay, make a wish." Zi Yan whispered.


"I want to make a wish."

The cute little palms merged together, closing their big, shiny eyes and muttering:

"I want that..... Wish, hey, hey, hemp..."

"Cough, wishing to say silently in my heart." Purple can not help but reminded.

Meng Meng suddenly reacted and closed her mouth. After about twenty seconds, she opened her eyes and said beautifully;

"I am finished, I want to blow the candle, call... Hey, can you eat the cake now?"

"Of course." Zhang Han took the cake knife from the side and said while cutting: "I want to give the little princess who has a birthday today, cut a big cake."

"I want to eat that piece, round house." Meng Meng pointed to the upper side of the castle.

Zhang Han listened to the command and cut a big cake.

"So big, it’s good."

Meng Meng took a small fork and began to eat cake.

After eating a few mouthfuls, the little guy discovered the abnormality and raised the little brain:

"Hemp, grandparents, why don't you eat?"

"We will wait to eat again, Meng Meng is hungry, eat a small piece first, then we go to the back mountain, let the flowers." Zhang Han smiled and replied.


Meng Meng snorted, eating cakes a lot faster.

After eating a large piece of cake, Meng Meng patted her belly and jumped off the chair and said:

"I finished eating, let's go see the fireworks?"

"Go! Go see the fireworks!"

Zhang Han smiled and got up and walked away.

"set off!"

The family walked out of the castle and followed the path between the grass on the back side of the castle, crossed the Leiyang tree and came to the back mountain.

At this moment.

There are many people hiding in the back hills.

Zhao Feng, Zhou Fei, Zhang Li, Wang Ming, Wang Ya, Rong Jiaxin, Liang Hao, Liang Mengqi, etc. are all prepared in various places.

It’s already dark, but there are no mosquitoes here, otherwise they have to suffer.

In addition to these familiar people, there are people from the security group and the Wang family.

Zhao Feng was quite vigilant looking at the side of the castle.

After seeing Zhang Han’s family come out, he quickly picked up the walkie-talkie:

"Come here, everyone pays attention, wait for me to count down, then start straight!"

Zhao Feng reminded him while paying attention to the few people who came over.

"Three, two, one!"

Zhao Feng’s voice just fell.

The **** and black around him couldn’t stand it and shouted loudly.

It seems that this is the beginning of the show.



The voices of the two guys are cheerful, as if they are calling:

Happy birthday to the little owner!

"Hey! Big black, black and black!" Meng Meng was very pleased.

Vaguely seeing, the two guys ran from a distance.

It is at this moment.


I saw a glimmer of fireworks.

This is not an ordinary fireworks, but a kind of magical fireworks specially made by Zhang Han. It does not require a salute. The release is also very simple. Like a grenade, I will take off the line and I will take off.

There are a total of four very rough lights.

Oh la la!

At the low altitude, a large round of large fireworks blooms.

At this moment, the fireworks illuminate the entire Crescent Moon.

Even the many passers-by in Xinyuewan are clearly visible. When they saw this scene, they all fell down and immediately took pictures and talked about it:

"There was another gift, and the last fireworks covered the entire Crescent Bay. This time it was put over again. When did the flowers bloom so casually?"

"You can't put it up, it doesn't mean that others can't put it down, brother, but this fireworks looks so beautiful, why is the color so brilliant?"

"A beautiful fireworks, the shape is very good."



The fireworks continued to rise, bloom, then take off, bloom again, and so on, lasting for ten minutes.

At the end of the fireworks.

Zhang Han picked up Meng Meng, kissed her face and said with a smile:

"Today is a cute birthday, and Dad has specially prepared a program for you."

"What is the show?" Meng Meng's bright eyes brightened.

Even the sables are smashed.

What about the show? Why didn't you tell me?

Then Zhang Han will sprout to the arms of Ziqiang:

"You first let the grandfather hold for a while, and Dad will show you the performance."

Zhang Han smiled. Under the eyes of everyone, he moved and walked for more than ten steps. He looked up and looked at the moon hanging in the sky.

He crouched down and took his left hand in the grass, and a very ordinary three-footed sword was taken out.


Zhang Han extended his right hand and slowly pulled out the long sword and sent a low sword.

At this time, the fireworks are still at the end, illuminating the Crescent Moon Mountain.

On the long sword, it reflects the light from the fireworks and the moon.


Daddy, Zhang Han moved.

The sword slammed to the side, then lifted up, swept horizontally, and swung back.

A sword flower is revealed.

Then, Zhang Han began to have an action.


The speed of the sword is getting faster and faster, the sword light is shining, and the beauty is beautiful.

This is a sword that applies visual senses to the extreme.

It can also be said that it is invisible.

But Zhang Han is just to give Meng Meng a look.

The effect is obvious.

"Wow, I am so handsome and handsome, so beautiful..." Meng Meng's face is a little worship.

Seeing the expression of the little guy, Zi Yan bit his lip and snorted:


Other people, standing around, Ziqiang, Rong Jiaxin, Wang Zhanzong, Wang Zhanpeng, and even Liu Qingfeng, and other people watching Zhang Han, there is only one word in their minds:


Indeed, Zhang Han is considered to be a sword of flowers, how can it not be handsome.

Soon, a minute later, Zhang Han’s sword was taken back, put back to the scabbard, and the body was placed in the grass, but it was retracted into the space ring.

"It’s amazing!"

Meng Meng repeatedly patted his little hand.

Zhang Han’s mouth raised his smile and walked over.

Just arrived recently.

Suddenly some bright light blooms on the far side.

Everyone looked and saw dozens of people ran over, several of them holding a few gleaming characters in their hands:

Happy birthday!

There are also some small lighting fixtures that look like a lot of flowers, trees and so on.

Today is the birthday of Meng Meng, it can be said that the birthday of the little master of Han Xiange.

It is worth celebrating, but at the same time, for the Wang family and the security team to stay here, to celebrate together.

So almost everyone is here.

Zhang Han was surrounded here.

Suddenly I saw so many people.


Meng Meng was a little shy, and got together in Zhang Han’s arms, and the small brain was hidden in the neck of her neck.

But after five seconds.

Meng Meng raised her head and waved her little hand, the sound is crisp and sweet:

"Thank you all... Hey, give Meng Meng a birthday."

"Ha ha ha."

A cute sentence made everyone laugh.

"Okay, we should go eat."

Zhang Han smiled and took the lead to the big restaurant in Hanxian Pavilion.

But when I crossed the castle.

Meng Meng stunned, seeing still moving forward, the little guy said a little anxious:

"Oh, no, the cake is still there."

"The cake has already been taken." Zhang Han smiled and pinched the cute face.

Soft pink face, Zhang Han is quite happy to pinch.

"Oh, take it."

Meng Meng is only assured.

When I came to the big restaurant, one side was the main entrance. This side is normal glass. The other three sides are integrated floor-to-ceiling windows. The color is very good, and I can see the adjacent pond.

At the top of the gate, the brand has been hung up:

A cute casual restaurant.

Although the address was changed, the name is also very memorable, and there will be dozens of member diners soon.

The hot pot is ready for dinner.

But this time, Wang Long deliberately prepared an exclusive dip.

It is divided into several rows, placed on the side of the cabinet, and a variety of snacks, as well as cold salad and fruit on the mountain, are also placed on one side.

The fruit produced in the Hanxiange Orchard has conquered too many people's mouths in a short period of time.

Even people who don't like fruit can't resist this kind of deliciousness.

At the beginning, the fruit got the company restaurant, and ordinary members can also buy it.

But it only took three days.

Good guy.

Supply is in short supply.

Scared Zhao Feng to stop and included the food of the members.

But even if it is a member, there is a mandatory requirement.

Eating fruit is not allowed to be wasted. If there is a waste, then the next time the member is refused to eat fruit again.

The diners at the restaurant, regardless of their identity, are honest.

If you want to eat anything, you will take less and not eat it. This is a way to eat buffet.

The dinner for this day is quite rich.

Even if you eat every bite, you can have a normal person who eats a small amount of food.

Then a fragrant hot pot ate.

After eating almost, Meng Meng took another piece of cake and distributed the other cake to others.

"It’s a birthday, this is a gift from Aunt Fifi."

"Aunt Lily also has a gift."

"This is a small gift that Aunt Meng Qi specially prepared for you."

In the past, Liang Mengqi claimed to be a young lady, but now...proactively said the aunt, may also have some relationship with Zhao Feng.

After all, Meng Meng called him a wind uncle.


So everyone started to send their own gifts.

This makes Meng Meng very happy and feels that she is very concerned.

"Thank you, Aunt Fifi, Aunt Lily, Meng Qida... Auntie, Uncle Feng..."

Meng Meng is very polite and thankful.

There are many people and there are many gifts.

However, Zhao Feng had already prepared, got a stroller, put a delicate gift box inside, and put a gift to push the castle to the castle, let Meng Meng remove the gift at night.

Dinner ends in an incomparably lively atmosphere.

Zhang Han's family, Ziqiang and Xu Xinyu and Wang Ming's family all followed Zhang Han to the castle.

"Mother and Dad also have gifts for you."

After everyone sat down on the sofa in the lobby on the first floor, Zi Zi smiled and took out five gift boxes from the side.

There are big and small, on the ground side.

The sable and the cute squirt open the colored ties and open the boxes.

In the largest box, there is an electric car that can be opened. The box next to it is a crystal flower sculpture. It is from the hands of Zhang Han. The flowers are beautiful, making people look even more and more, and make Meng Meng quite happy.

On the right side is a rectangular box. After opening, there is a long, short sword in the calm. The sword is wooden, very light, but very beautiful, whether it is the hilt or the blade. Suitable for sprouting.

Open this box, Zi Yan could not help but look at Zhang Han.

Just being a show for so long will definitely affect Meng Meng.

On the right is a toy gun, and the last one is a beautiful doll.

"Meng Meng, these five gifts, you can only choose one, which one do you want?" Zi Yan said with wide eyes.

She and Zhang Han discussed it and decided to have a gift. I chose a few more. Later, Zhang Han had an idea and decided these gifts.

Looking at what Meng Meng chooses, Zhang Han will consider the time of contact and practice after the cute guy chooses, as well as the way of practice.

For example, choosing flowers, Zhang Han will consider some illusion education, choose a gun, is a spell that can be attacked remotely, choose a sword, this is Zhang Han's life weapon, Zhang Han can teach more, choose a puppet, Zhang Han can teach some techniques to control sputum, choose a car, then Zhang Han will consider optimizing the magical technique, the feeling of controlling speed.

Of course, this is only based on Meng Meng's personal preference, and the interest he likes is even greater.

Meng Meng is now four years old. It will always be very fast after the time has passed. When Meng Meng is ten years old, or in two or three years, she always has to contact with the practice. Therefore, in the past few years, Zhang Han is planning to be based on Meng Meng’s hobby. , plan well, or optimize the way that is most suitable for sprouting.

Parents always want to leave the best to their children.

Because Meng Meng has never seen a dance sword, Zhang Han has been in the show before, or it may be that he prefers the sword in his heart.

"How can I choose one? Meng Meng wants it."

Meng Meng heard the words of Zi Yan and then rose his mouth and looked at Zhang Han with his eyes.

When Zhang Han saw it, he almost said: "That's all."

But after thinking about it, he still said:

"If you sprout, choose one of your favorite ones, and then the other ones will be sent to Meng Meng?"

"Hey, then I will choose one of my favorites first."

Meng Meng sneaked into the gift, first walked to the car.


Meng Meng stretched out the small hand and touched the front of the car, and went to the next one:

"A nice flower, it is a crystal flower."

"This is the thing that you just used."

"Toy gun..."

There was no hesitation in Meng Meng, and I hugged the last doll directly with joy.

"Lovely doll, I like it."

"Meng Meng, do you like this doll?" Zi Yan said with a smile.

"Well, I like it." Meng Meng nodded so cleverly.


Zixiao smiled and looked at Zhang Han.

Hey, people are little girls, of course they like puppets.

But the next moment.

Meng Meng put down the doll:

"Then I can only choose one, I don't want to choose it, I have a lot of dolls."

Meng Meng is a bit reluctant, like self-consolation.

After putting the puppet down, Meng Meng’s **** went to the side of the short sword and grabbed the hilt and raised it:

"I like this too, I want to be like you, oh yeah, play with you."

"Ha ha ha."

Zhang Han laughed at once and said: "Yes, that dad will play with you later."

"Hey, what's this?" Meng Meng looked at her hand a little confused.

"It's ah."

Zhang Han’s eyes are a little floating, and a word is slowly spit out in his mouth:


Sword, open double blade straight pointed, horizontal and vertical can hurt people, stab can penetrate the nail. The sinister anomaly, born to kill, is the king of the soldiers, known as the king of the hundred soldiers.

All kinds of, endless weapons, like a slap in the air, have their own characteristics and the ability to belong to it.

There are too many types to measure, but some weapons are born with a strong spirit.

The sword is one of the best.

Even in the cultivation of the fairy world, the practitioners who use the sword are the most.

The sword has a long sword and a short sword. The attributes are various, and the power is based on its own order.

Seeing Meng Meng's choice, Zhang Han was dumbfounded.

Out of the girl's heart, she likes the puppet toy, but because of the embarrassment, she chooses the sword.

This makes Zhang Han feel that in the future, when Meng Meng tries to practice, he first focuses on various spells and secrets.

I saw the cute little waving sword in my hand.

Zi Yan smiled and shook his head.

Children's choices, interests, personalities, etc., are also related to parents.

"That, Meng Meng is finished, and several other gifts are also cute."

Zi Yan smiled and touched the sprouting little brain.


The little guy cheered happily.

Put the little sword on the car, put the crystal flower behind the car, hang the gun aside, hold the puppet, drive the car around the hall.

Everyone sat for a moment.

Ziqiang and Xu Xinyu went back to the house to rest.

Zhang Han took the cart full of gifts and went to the third floor bedroom.

It’s time for a family to open a gift.

Meng Meng is very interested.

This day, this birthday.

It is destined to be unforgettable.

PS: The new January begins. Everyone has a monthly ticket to send it, what?

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