Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 581: New Year's Eve

"Yes Yes Yes......"

Ahu’s heart was happy and nodded.

Although Liu Dong seems to be very strict, in fact he has promised to let the two be able to socialize.

At this time, even the little spirit sitting on the side grinned.

"Hey." Liu Jia snorted: "Dad, since you promised me and Ahu, then I can promise you to find me a little mom. I think Xiaoling is good."


Xiao Ling’s face was rosy in an instant, and he bowed his head and was ashamed.

These are all Liu Jiaxuan’s understanding of the past few days. She thought that if she was with Ahu, if she was married, then the father would be too lonely. In fact, for many things, she is somewhat Understand, but seem to understand.

Liu Qingfeng heard a slight tremor in his mouth, saying nothing:

"Okay, don't worry about me, take care of yourself and drive back."

He said that he had a sigh of the driver on the front side. The driver hurriedly took out the intercom and said that the team slowly left the airport.

It was Liu Qingfeng’s personal guarding Tian San, who looked at the eye and coughed:

"Liu Dong, in fact, I think Ahu is also very good, temper is very straight, do not play virtual."

It’s not just that Tian San prefers Ahu’s character. At the same time, he is more shocked by the speed of his growth. Before he can hang him casually, now he can hang himself, such a son-in-law, Liu Dong, you are still hesitating. It!

But he did not understand after all, his father’s disappointment with his daughter, he was still good, even if he was on the plane, he thought about how to face such a thing if he grew up in the future. With his degree of urinaryness, Liu Qingfeng felt that he was not dead or disabled.

For Ahu and his daughter, he is very angry, very annoyed, very angry, but also know that Ahu is a good choice, Ahu has great potential, backed by Zhang Han, can protect Liu Jiaxuan, don't worry in the future But he is more worried about whether two people can go to the last question.

‘Hey, forget it, emotional things, she’s going through it. ’

Liu Qingfeng sighed in his heart, and this promised this matter.

The team traveled halfway, along the way, Ahu carefully and Liu Qingfeng chatted with the sky, Liu Qingfeng has not been very reasonable, he is also looking for the topic as always, he can be a little bit, worry about others.

Liu Jiaxuan’s heart is also somewhat complicated, so it only occasionally echoes two times.

After entering the city.

Liu Qingfeng looked at Ahu, and he smiled slightly and asked:

"Don't you go home in the New Year? Today is the New Year's Eve, how can you stay in the sea?"

This is to ask the family situation.

"I, when I was 13 years old, I didn't have any parents. I went to my hometown and went to many cities. I finally went to Xiangjiang and became a gangster. I didn't take long to follow the wind brother. I also have some of my own situations under the wind brother. Tell the truth. They are very playful, but the bottom of my heart is not bad, so I have been walking together now, and I am a member of the Mengmeng security team." Ahu nodded and answered.

"This is the case." Liu Qingfeng sighed and sighed slowly; "Life and death are human nature, accept and not accept, the results can not be changed, then you will have dinner with us tonight, we It’s also lively and lively.”

"Okay!" Ahu’s eyes lit up and hesitated. He said, "That, Liu Dong, if you want to be busy, I have a total of seven people who have stayed in the sea."

In fact, facing Liu Qingfeng alone, Ahu’s leg is still a little trembling.

"They don't have to accompany Xiaohan? Oh, right, they are going to the Rong family for the New Year, and they are not used to accompany them. Then you will come them all." Liu Qingfeng nodded.

So this is the case.

On the other hand, Zhang Han and his party ate a lot of special snacks at noon and drove to Zhujiajiao in the afternoon.

Rong Rong was more excited along the way, introduced to you to introduce, but also specially took a lot of photos with Zi Yan.

Zhujiajiao is known as the northern foot of the nine peaks, the name of the lakeside of the lake, and a small town of 47 square kilometers in the shape of a fan. It is inlaid in the mountains and lakes. Some people compare her to Venice in Shanghai. Some people compare her to Dianshan. A pearl on the lakeside, one of the four famous cultural towns in the sea.

The town lanes in the town are vertical and horizontal. The buildings of the Ming and Qing Dynasties are standing by the water. There are 36 ancient stone bridges, and there are many places of interest. It is also a fun place to play.

A group of people took a boat and strolled around the ancient town. They felt the leisure of leisure.

I have been playing until 5:00 in the afternoon, and everyone will go home.

After a simple dinner at a restaurant, Zhang Han and Meng Meng returned to the Peninsula Hotel. Rong Sheng and others returned to Rongjia. They were the first generation of their family to be present, but they stayed. Rong Han, accompanied by Zhang Han, waited until 10 o'clock here. After the program was finished, Zi Yan returned to Rongjia.

Back in the hotel room, in the living room, Meng Meng sat on the sofa, Zhang Han opened her TV, and found an animated cartoon.

At this time, Rong Han took two bottles of cola and a small bag of milk. He came over and sat next to Zhang Han. He didn’t look at the cartoons, but his eyes fixed on Zhang Han.

Finally, in a few minutes, Zhang Han chuckled:

"What? Is there a flower on my face?"

Rong Han heard a grin and said: "No, I am curious cousin. How did you chase the purple scorpion?"

"Amount..." Zhang Hanluo sank and replied casually: "It is very hard to catch up with the hand."

If it is not a small accident of Meng Meng, it can be regarded as Zhang Han all the way to pursue the offensive, and finally show a grand courtship in front of the company, but the two also experienced a lot, plus the incident of Jolo Luo, it can be said that Twists and turns, the purple scorpion at that time did not know much about himself, and that happened. If she changed her present, she would not be convinced if she showed her a hundred photos.

"That cousin, you talk about it." Rong Han said.

"This is still waiting for the purple to tell you." Zhang Han shook his head slightly: "It is you, now have a boyfriend?"

During the talk, Zhang Han also looked at the glory, single eyelids, melon face, not the kind of stunner, but also a relatively attractive little girl.

"I don't have it yet. I had one at the university and then broke up after graduation." Rong Han replied.

"Then you work now?" Zhang Han asked casually.

"Yes, I am a clerk in the department manager of the company." Rong Han snorted: "It is also very hard, and I have not taken the back door. The uncle is not taking care of us. I am still step by step from the grassroots to the current clerk. Location."

A small clerk must climb and climb. It seems that the mother's pulse is not very popular in the status of Rongjia.

"Your uncle is the lord of the lord?" Zhang Han said.

"Yeah." Rong Han nodded, but I felt a little weird. My uncle, isn't he the uncle?

"Cousin, you don't know this, I will tell you." Rong Han's body sat a little longer and said: "Now the old generation of the family, only three grandfathers, he is Rong Changjiang, and several Uncle always practiced martial arts together, almost regardless of the family's affairs, except that he is the revitalization of Dabo Rong, the current owner, the size of the family is his decision, in charge of Rongtai commerce company, and Erbo Rongzheng also Very powerful, is the traffic chief."

"They are brothers, grandfathers, the second grandfather has three men and two women, many people, but there are three Bo Rongfan, he is a major in the army, they have his veins, others It is also very popular. It is a high-rise in the family business. As for the grandfather of the three grandfathers, the young uncle Rongjin is very business-minded. He has opened two big companies and is a subsidiary of the family group, but they are all A pulse of people is in charge, and there are three grandfathers, they are the most popular."

"There are four grandfathers, five grandfathers and my father, which is relatively flat."

In the end, Rong Han spit out his tongue: "Of course, I am listening to the adults at home."

From the number of people, Rongjia is also a big family. Listening to it, the pulse of the family has one official and one business. There is one major and one major. There is a major, and the third is a business. The rest is far from the core. These are the most immediate relatives, not including their wives or husbands, children, and other relatives.

"There is still a young generation, the competition is more intense, but we don't have much cultivation." Rong Han said the family's affairs.

Although I just met, but because of the purple and sprouting, it quickly closes the distance in the heart of Rong Han.

In this way, they watched the cartoon while chatting, until 10:30, in fact, Meng Meng was a little confused.

But Zhang Han played the program of the Linhai New Year Party.

When the purple enamel wears a crystal skirt like a fairy, the little guy is spiritual again:

"Wow, it’s Ma Ma! Ma Ma is on the stage, I want to perform singing."

"The scorpion is so beautiful." Rong Han’s face was amazed.

Zhang Han is holding a smile in his mouth.

"I heard that Snow White is running away, Little Red Riding Hood is worried about the wolf, I heard that the Mad Hatter likes Alice, the ugly duckling will become a white swan..."

The purple eyes are like the sound of the sound of the sky, accompanied by a variety of beautiful anime on the back screen.

Zhang Han has been sitting here, and after the song is finished, he gets up:

"Let's pick her up."

Going out to drive the Mercedes-Benz, I arrived at the TV station in ten minutes, and waited ten minutes downstairs. Zi Yan and Zhou Fei and Rong Jiaxin walked down from the side door.

Zi Yan went to Zhang Han's car, and Zhou Fei and Rong Jiaxin went to the Mercedes in the parking lot and went to Rongjia together.

At this time, Rongjia is also a brightly lit, and the New Year is very lively in the big family.

Rongjia’s house is located in the center of Linhai City, about a 20-minute drive from Liu Qingfeng’s villa.

The area of ​​the house is not very large. It was the house that was left in the Republic of China. It is usually the residence of the generation who lived in the family. Many of the older generation lived in the high-rise residential area not far from the next.

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