Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 932: 仗侠仗义

After getting up from the little girl, Zhang Han also got up and started making breakfast.

Until the Meng Meng practiced for more than half an hour, Zhang Han opened the restaurant window and said on the third floor:

"Having a meal, Meng Meng."

"Come on." Meng Meng jumped off the chair of the gazebo and ran to Chen Chuan's body and patted him on the shoulder: "Little Chen Chuan, see my sister flying one."

After all, Meng Meng stretched out his hands.

Zhang Han smiled and smiled, and the spirits moved, controlling Meng Meng to fly over the lawn.


Chen Chuan suddenly stopped, rushed back to his villa, and shouted as soon as he entered the gate:

"Dad, Dad, my cute sister will fly, when will you teach me to fly, I want to fly too..."

It is definitely fun to fly.

Meng Meng feels that surrounded by soft energy, surrounded by soft energy, more comfortable, just a little sleep.

"I don't know when I can fly."

On the balcony, Meng Meng saved Zhang Han’s hand, and said:

"Father, can you let me fly faster?"

"No, you have to practice yourself." Zhang Han replied ridiculously: "There is a truth in saying something, going against the water, going backwards, and practicing is also true. As long as you practice seriously, you can fly into the sky soon."

"Then I will take you to fly."

Meng Meng laughed and said.

“Without a mother?” said Zi Zi, who was sitting at the restaurant and smiling.

"Bring, who makes mom the boss of the family, can't do it without listening to you." Meng Meng shouted.

It caused the purple eyes to turn a blind eye.

"You, don't say this when you go out, it's like a mother is very arrogant, isn't it just about eating snacks?" Purple snorted.

"Oh, how can I say it to others?"

Meng Meng washed her hands and sat in a chair to start eating breakfast.

Everyday and the purple skin is peeled, and after breakfast, go out and practice fireball.

In general, Zhang Han cleaned up the tableware and the purple scorpion used to accompany Meng Meng.

Like the flame of a small fingernail, it gradually becomes the size of the thumb, then becomes the scale of the fist, finally...



A football-sized fireball formed from the sprouting palm, took a shot forward, flew more than 20 meters away, and squatted on the pond.

Oh la la!

Unexpectedly, this small fireball caused a lot of fluctuations, and raised more than 20 meters of waves. The pond directly blew a few meters deep depression, and the fish were killed by dozens.


Meng Meng sweet smiled, looking at Zhang Han and Zi Yan next to him: "How? I am not good?"

"it is this."

Zhang Han gave a thumbs up: "In such a short time, the achievement is so great, it is really my daughter, it is amazing."

"This has been used for more than a month. Meng Meng, you should not forget, I will report to the first middle school tomorrow." Zi Yan said with a smile.

"It’s only forty days, so the little flames have become so big." Meng Meng is very proud.

"Meng Meng, go, Snow Aunt takes you out to play."

Mu Xue, who was in black, walked straight and said it to the near future.

"Dad, let's go out to play?" Meng Meng looked at Zhang Han.


Mu Xue led Meng Meng to go out to play, Zhang Han and Zi Yan looked at each other and smiled.

This month, Mu Xue’s sneak peeks and sorrows are a different kind of experience. Zhang Han followed it twice. Seeing that they both specifically asked for some troubles for the bad guys, they also let them play.

Mu Xue is also idle, and teaches some cute means of sprouting, such as taking a space to take things, removing a faint energy cloud from the palm of a hand, and some other small moves, and Meng Meng’s exhilaration. I also played very well, as if I opened up the new world on the practice, and I felt that the things around me have changed.

In particular, Xiao Shantou heard that Lu Xiong is also a master, let Mu Xue take her to discuss.

It turned out that Meng Meng had a fist-sized fireball in the world, and Lu Xiong was shocked.

Don't look at this fireball is relatively small, but the energy contained in it is pure, but it makes him a little dumb. It can be imagined that when this move is in a certain heat, it will definitely be a great secret of power, even more than many Zongmen. The top secrets that have passed are even stronger.

It’s just that she only learned the fur.

Lu Xiong knows the horror of Zhang Han, and she teaches Meng Meng something, certainly not a common thing.

Compared with Jiang Lanlan, she... Liu’s instructor conquered Jiang’s head two years ago, and Ahu and Liu Jiayu were also nailed on the board. They had to hold a wedding earlier, and Ahu’s sister waited. Liu’s instructor is planning to hold a wedding on October 1st, and it’s a good thing.

Therefore, Jiang Lanlan and Liu instructors have been playing in the land of China. For her, in fact, Meng Meng is more willing to play with the more weird Mu Xue.

In addition to the Zhang Han family, this girl is not used to it, no matter whether it is practice or wrangling, it is quite powerful, and it is fun to play with Meng Meng.

"Snow, that person is robbed, how do we deal with him?"

At this time, Meng Meng and Mu Xue stood on the top of a six-story building and looked at the street. It was like a tattooed man drinking alcohol. He rode an electric car and grabbed a lady’s bag on the roadside. He drove forward quickly. travel.

Meng Meng saw the spirit:

"Do you want me to blow up the fireball to blow him?"

"You can't fire the fireball, you can kill him." Mu Xue held his chin and meditated.

"Is the power too high? It still doesn't require fireball." Meng Meng muttered.

"Oh, yes."

Mu Xue honed for two seconds and grinned:

"Snow knows a small move, it is called a ghost hit the wall, is a small move that affects people's troubles, watching."

During the conversation, Mu Xue’s right finger flicked a little, and a little energy lingered around the rider’s body. I saw that he was riding faster and faster, and the woman chasing him was more eager.

After ten seconds of driving, the man seemed to be in a hurry, saw a door on the right and turned straight in.

Mu Xue dissipates energy.

The man looked up and forced, police station.


Meng Meng suddenly laughed.

"It’s fun, snowy, how do you get it? I want to learn." Meng Meng came again with interest.

"This will teach you."

Mu Xue Ying Ying smiled.

The reason why she wants to ponder it is because she is thinking about what kind of small moves can deal with the following people and can also let Meng Meng learn.

A little ghost hits the wall and can still play.

"It's very simple. Use energy to influence his perception. For example, the two roadsides are black. There is a sudden bright light in front. He will involuntarily go to the bright place. I will pass you on the way.... ."

Mu Xue right finger pressed in the Meng Meng brain, passed to her to display the method.

"Your dad taught you a fireball technique. You see that you have taught you so many days in the snow, just know that you know the snow sorcerer, tell you that the little girl, the snow owl is called the witch outside, after you are Little witch, this is the track number, how?"

Mu Xue was very interested in asking.

"What is my father?" Meng Meng asked.

"Your dad, he is a big devil, the most powerful one in the sky. The things he teaches are too esoteric. You can see that your fireball technique can be learned in a few days, with the practice of Xueyan, Xuexue will teach Give you lots of fun things."

Mu Xue thief's persuasion, although the real teacher will not, but the little master can do it.

"Snow, you are getting worse."

Meng Meng drums up and drums: "You are my father's disciple. I can usually teach me. If I am your disciple, still teach me, aren't they all the same? You want to fool people, hey, I am not a kid." , Snow, you still go to Xiao Chenchuan."

"Hey? You stink, how can I be a fool?" Mu Xue retorted: "I just want to have the apprentice's addiction."

"I will start school tomorrow, no time." Meng Meng also began to play sloppy eyes.

"How come this is like a deja vu, your dad always said this." Mu Xue thought for a moment and found out that his master Zhang Han did not always say this, and the time of the outsiders was urgent, for Meng Meng and Shi Niang, Sitting and watching the scenery is very common.

"Let's go, let's try it, see if you can't learn fast."

Mu Xue took the cute little hand and strolled around Xinyue Bay, which can be said to be funny.

In just half a day, Meng Meng mastered the small trick of ghost wall.

Go back to Xinyue Mountain and continue to practice fireball. Just after practicing, I will run over with a little bit, and my mouth will open and spit out a large flame.

Good guy.

Meng Meng went straight to the past, and it was awkward and sloppy.

Isn't this irritating?

Eight o'clock the next day.

Meng Meng wearing a white letter jacket, black tight pants and white sneakers, cloudless, sunny, wearing a cap.

"We are going to high school today, Meng Meng, although I have to practice in peacetime, but don't forget to study, your achievements should be..."

A three-European sitting on a small panda car, Zi Yan and Meng Meng in the back seat, just want to remind the sound, if the words have not finished, Meng Meng will answer:

"I know my mother, I listened carefully to class, and I definitely did it. If I have a good test, I have a reward. I can't learn because of my practice."

"I understand everything." Zi Yan smiled slightly, very gentle touched the sprouting brain, the little girl grew up after all.

"Of course, I am not a kid." Meng Meng shook her legs.

Demeanor and tone made Zhang Han laugh again and again.

Generally, the little boy will say this.

"This time, parents can't go in. They can only send you to the school gate. You have forty classes in the first day. You and Li Munen are assigned to eight classes, eighteen classes, twenty-eight classes, and thirty-eight classes. It is a key class, a class of more than 40 people, a total of more than a thousand people in the first day, we went to the school gate and wait for Li Muen, you two together." Zi Yan said.

The reminder is very meticulous, Zi Yan is of course very concerned about Meng Meng, usually in Xinyue Mountain, or go out to play with Mu Xue, she is more assured, can sprout oneself, some are not at ease.

"I know, we didn't go to the first middle school, and we won't lose it." Meng Meng swayed her legs and was tired of lying in her arms.

"You, you are growing up, so beautiful, how can mother not worry." Zixiao smiled slightly.

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