Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 965: There are always people who better than you

[Two in one for the **** dance brother plus]

"He is now in his early thirties, still very young, but it has become the existence that I wait for, but not to mention these, far away from you." Chiang brothers took up their thoughts and smiled and said: "This ruins The number of people is also quite a lot. Be careful when you go in, not just the native creatures in the remains, there are others."

"other people......"

Tang Qingshan glanced at the martial arts masters around him, and he was at the heart, and he nodded heavily.

The two worldly famous martial arts masters face different treatments.

Oh la la!

During the speech, the clouds at the entrance to the ruins swelled.

"The entrance is open!"

Brother Jiang’s face is positive: “When you are ready to go in, is Fu is ready? Remember that the first thing is to gather.”

There are also five people in this group. There is no such thing as Zhang Hanna, but there are ways to know the coordinates of each other.


The closest to the entrance of the warriors have jumped into it, apparently all veterans, have become accustomed to these.

It’s the first time I see it all over the place.

"It’s really stylish."

"I don't know when I can participate in this high-end heritage event like them."

"They went to the ruins to see the scenery. We watched the excitement outside. They all looked at it. How is the gap so big?"


On the north side of the hill, with the opening of the remains, Meng Meng eyes also increased three points.

"Dad, it’s over, are we going?"

After saying that it was not right, change the mouth: "No, no, Dad, you sent me in, I will not fly."

"Ha ha ha, good."

Zhang Han laughed and shook the past with Meng Meng.

At this time, just about to enter the ruins, Yu Guang looked at the eyes, a slight glimpse:

"It's them?"

If you don't see it too much, you will enter the relics, and the picture will change. You can't think too much. The first time to check the surrounding environment, the b-level relics are not laughter. It is not that the martial arts master can go in casually, but that the martial arts master is a pass. Line, it is possible that the guru must face the crisis of life and death.

As for the a-level relics, some exist in the sky, and even the peaks of Tiancheng will be numb.

It is like the world of thunder and lightning that Zhang Han has experienced. I don’t know how many gods are dead. The sect, there is still a huge green bull guardian of the Golden Age.


The two came to the ruins.

"go in."

Zhang Han smiled slightly, and his right hand pressed the sprouting back and pushed forward.

The little guy entered the ruins and Zhang Han smiled.

I want to leave me, how is it possible?

With a bang, the baby boy also entered the relic.

"Open the defense!"

"Little black, black, protect me."

It seems to be on the top of a mountain, Meng Meng did not have time to see the surrounding environment, and rushed to display treasures, suddenly there seems to be a black shadow on the right side, Meng Meng was shocked, called a small black.


The little black sharp teeth show, screaming.


The black shadows made a very horrified sound, and they rushed to run.

Looking at it, it turned out to be six body-white leopards!

"Call... scare me!"

Meng Meng took a picture of her chest, taking a long breath and looking at the surrounding environment:

"Wow, the night sky is so beautiful!"

Look up, as if the whole person is in the universe, the black night sky, there is a big moon, countless stars bloom, and even see the outline of the Milky Way.

Stunned and intoxicated for two minutes, his eyes suddenly flashed a glimpse.

Hands squinting and crying:

"Good black, Dad, I am afraid, where are you? Come out soon..."

Fake crying!

Want to lie to me?

It’s a small slippery head. Unfortunately, the height of the devil is one foot high, and my daughter, you can’t lie to me.

Zhang Han hid in the shadows.

"Oh... Dad, I don't want to play with myself. Are you coming to accompany me?"

Listening to Meng Meng's crying, Zhang Han suddenly felt soft.

Hey, can this be adjusted?

Don't cry for a moment, crying.

Zhang Han's face is tangled.

He is the most eager to cry, although not many times in these years.

Finally, after five seconds, Zhang Han was defeated.

"Okay, don't cry, I am coming out."

Zhang Han appeared in front of Meng Meng, and his tone was helpless.


Meng Meng raised his head and said, "You really followed me! Not saying good, this time I play myself."

"Daughter, the key is not the b-level relic, you are so strong, I can rest assured? Then again, I am behind, you can be when I am not there." Zhang Han said with a smile.

"No, you are behind, I can't be naughty." Meng Meng gave a serious answer.

"What should I do? I have come in and I can't get out."

"Then I really cried?" Meng Meng blinked: "Dad, next time we are together, you have promised, man and man, can't talk without saying anything."

Listening to Meng Meng's words, Zhang Han is really angry and funny.

"Don't cry, I promised."

In the end, Zhang Han still nodded.

"Hey, Dad is the best." Meng Meng suddenly smiled and smiled, said from his own self: "Remains can not go out with treasures, b-level relics do not affect anything, there are many treasures, Xiaohei, you have to get a treasure back, then my father will go out and wait for us."

"Ah?" Zhang Han looked stiff.

How do you know this little girl?

"Wang Wang."

Xiaohei was very normal and called.

It is usually called awkward.


Going out very quickly, then Meng Meng and Zhang Han walked on the top of the mountain, watching the night sky and enjoying this unparalleled beauty.

Less than half an hour.


Xiaohei came back, holding a grass in his mouth and getting in front of Zhang Han.

"Well, I am going out."

Zhang Han sighed.

But I don’t panic in my heart. If I go out, I can still come in. He wants to find Meng Meng, or it is easy.

"Dad, you swear, wait for me at the door after going out."

Zhang Han’s whole person was a bit bad.

There are always people who better than you?

Do you have to plant it in the hands of a little girl?

Zhang Han was speechless, and in the bright and shining eyes, he helplessly raised his hand: "Well, I swear, go out and be sure to be honest at the door, sly, motionless, and so on." ”

"Wow, Dad, you are so handsome!"

Meng Meng dawned brightly, this time completely let go of the heart.

"Dad, go out and wait for me, I will go out here for a while." Meng Meng urged.

"This is going out, how can you still be awkward?"

Zhang Han shook his head slightly, took the shoulders of Meng Meng, and was an elite streamer, drowning in the cute clothes buckle.


Zhang Han picked up the treasure, the energy worked, and the whole person disappeared and left the ruins.

"Hey, black, big black, little, I will take you on a trip this time!"

Meng Meng is eager to go forward.


"Hey? Evergreen, you will come over soon, the remains of Zhuhai, secretly protect Meng Meng..."

After the call, Zhang Han leaked a smug smile.

As a small sample, I am honestly waiting for you, so that others can not follow you!

Twenty minutes later, Chen Changqing flew quickly.

Get the treasures that Zhang Han gave and enter the ruins.

Among the b-level relics, it has always been the night sky, where the cuteness is sitting. In the continuous mountains, the peaks are soaring and cloudy. It is very steep. You can see a layer of clouds from both sides, which is very dense.

Walking on the top of the mountain to see the scenery is more pleasant.

I could walk for an hour and found that the mountaintop had nothing but a few beasts.

"The treasures have not seen one. Are we going to the wrong place?"

Some cute words seem to look like:

"Oh, this is not the place we just came in? Why are you coming back?"

Meng Meng was shocked and immediately scorned:

"Hey, is there someone to deal with us?"

"White six-inch three-flag."

Meng Meng took out a white flag from the space bracelet, running energy and throwing it forward.


A faint golden mist emerged around and returned to calm after two seconds.

"Look at the environment!"

Meng Meng left to look at the right and found that the scenery is still the scenery, there is no change at all.

"What happened? You can see a good place, but how can we not go out?"

Said Meng Meng.

Looking around from here, looking at the boundless mountains, you can walk for just an hour and return to the original point, so weird.


The little black head moved to the clouds.

"Will you go from below?"

Meng Meng hesitate to ask.

"Hey." Little black nodded.

"The treasure you just got is also taken from there?" Meng Meng asked.

"Hey." Xiaohe nodded again.

"Then we will go from there."

Meng Meng carrying a bag, followed by the black down.

The terrain is very steep, but this is not too difficult for Meng Meng.

With a light leap, he jumped 30 meters from a steep **** of seventy degrees and landed on a big tree.

Jumping repeatedly, after ten minutes, come to the top of the clouds.

"Little black, black is not black?"

Meng Meng suddenly stopped walking.

It’s dark now, the clouds are still so thick, and the following are not reaching out?

Thinking about the environment, Meng Meng made a shock.

It seems a little scared.


Xiao He shook his head and then kneeled next to Meng Meng, indicating that Meng Meng was sitting on the back.

"Let's go, let's go see the scenery first, if it's not good, come back."

Meng Meng sits on the back of the black, on both sides of the back, the small black release probability of soft power, will be sprouted fixed.


The speed is much faster than the Meng Meng jump, but for Xiao Hei, it is a slow leisurely stroll.

Falling into the clouds, sure enough, the surrounding is dark.

But what makes Meng Meng very unexpected is.

Crossing the clouds, the following is a sunny day.

"Oh, is it so bright?"

Meng Meng quickly grabbed his eyes with both hands.

The sun is in front of the distance, next to the clouds, releasing glare and illuminating the land.

Looking from here, I found out that the scenery in front of me is also very charming.

The mountain standing by itself seems to be a semi-circle. The left side is the endless forest, the right side is a desert, the ground is dark, and even the sand is light black, as if it is a dead land.

In the distance, you can also see the towering mountains, like a dragon.

"A good world."

Meng Meng is very excited, extending his right finger to the front:

"Go! Let's go to the battlefield!"


Xiao He suddenly snarled in the sky.

For a time, in the forest below them, the sounds of various beasts began, and countless birds flew quickly.

At first glance, a lot of spirit beasts are running away from both sides.

A roar, all give way.

Here is the power of the Beastmaster.

Black dog king!

Many of the beastmasters in the ancient mines call it this way. There are even a few wolf kings. Once upon a time, the black dog, the black dog, is sharper than the old one, and it is terrible.

All gave way, Xiaohe all the way down the mountain, did not touch the spirit beast, even the ants, spiders and insects are hidden.

"Little black, next time you can't call, we can't see anything, huh? Is the blue flower over there a treasure?"

Meng Meng muttered and suddenly found a blue flower on a three-meter-high boulders on the right side.


Xiao Hei shook his head and his face was pretending to be very scared.

"Ah? Is it poisonous? Then we don't want it."

Years of cp combination, so Meng Meng often said: Xiao black you ass, I know what is the fart.

And Zhang Han learned.

I know each other very well and I know that Meng Meng wants treasure.


The little black nose moved and suddenly ran to the right, as fast as lightning.

In just twenty seconds, I came to a stream and saw a patch of grass.

"What level is this? I feel it."

Meng Meng stretched out the palm of his hand, according to Zhang Hanjiao's method: "Hey? It is a third-order treasure, put it up, first fill my Qiankun bracelet, go out and let my father startle, oh."

So the little black was sprouting and harvested in the jungle.

In just three hours, the space bracelet is almost the same.

"Oh, it doesn't mean anything."

Meng Meng feels bored, it feels like it is in the treasure.

"Let's go out, it's not been down for a long time."

Meng Meng turned her head and found that human beings were too small compared to this mountain.

"If this mountain is outside, it is the best in the world."

Muttering, once again on the road, Xiao Hei showed its demon speed, running fast in the jungle.

For a whole hour, I ran out of some gatherings. There were also mountain peaks of different sizes in the forest. It was alive and well. After a long walk, the little black ears moved.

Have fighting volatility and watch the fun?

I want to go, the little master is feeling boring, and there is a lot of excitement, of course.

So the little black turned in the direction and ran for ten minutes.

"Ah, a little noise, it seems like someone is fighting."

When you are close enough, you can see a lake in the distance. On the water, a man is fighting with a golden turtle. The fluctuation is fierce. Obviously, the Jin Xuan turtle is also the land of the master.


Jin Xuan turtle suddenly felt the sigh of release of Xiao Hei.

The small eyes were stunned and slammed into the water and disappeared.

"Call... It’s really hard."

The man is a group of Tang Qingshan, wearing a white shirt, is a disciple of Guangming Cliff.

"Hey? Anyone?"

He suddenly saw the sprout on the shore, sitting on a big dog, with a demon, his heart vigilant, arched his hand, and asked far away:

"I don't know who you are?"

"You are asking me?" Meng Meng's crisp voice came, very nice, and inadvertently dissipated a little hostility in his heart.


"Oh, I am... the president of Yunying Society." Meng Meng waved and replied.

"Yun Yingshe?" The man snorted and thought for two seconds without thinking about it. He asked: "I’m sorry, I’m seeing it in the bottom, I don’t know which small world is Yunying?”

"It is the society of my middle school."

"What do you say?"

The white man has wide eyes.

What the hell!

But if you look at the age of the other person, you may be a middle school student.

Middle school students come to the ruins? Is it a master of martial arts?

This world is weird.

"I finished, who are you? Which is the sect?" Meng Meng asked.

Ha ha.

The white man had just been picked up, and he thought about it and replied:

"In the next surname Wang, the king of the king of the world, the name of the world, the sigh of observation, Wang Guanzhi is also, what is your name?"

Meng Meng slightly glimpsed, then scorn:

“The horizontal and vertical cross-hooks are horizontal and vertical.”

"What the hell?"

The white man’s eyes are wide.

"My surname is Zhang, the one that is popular in the world."

Meng Meng faint answer.

The height of the magic is one foot high, and you only dare to play in front of me.

"Well, you are amazing."

Wang Guan stopped laughing twice, and he bowed his hand and arched his hand: "Zhang... girl, hello."

"Wang Xiaogou, how have you just played with a Wang Ba for so long?" Meng Meng said strangely.

"Ah? That's Jin Xuan turtle, you can get the turtle shell to refine the treasure."

Wang Guan’s facial vibrations are a few times: “It’s a pity that although my strength can be overwhelmed by it, its defense is amazing and there is no way.”

"That's what you can't beat."



Do you want to tell the truth?

Wang Guanzhi has not wanted to talk, and he can't talk about it this day. He subconsciously looked at his wrist and didn't have a watch. He coughed:

"I want to join the same door, Zhang girl, don't ever."

Originally, I wanted to call Zhang Shutou, but I thought about it, or forget it. For this little girl, he is not worried, but the black dog under her body can’t understand, can’t see through, can tame the beast, obviously it’s not from the origin. simple.

What cloud shadow agency, huh, huh, that is all flickering.

Wang Guanzhi naturally does not believe.

"Do you know what fun place is nearby?" Meng Meng asked.

"Good... play?"

Wang Guanzhi really didn't want to talk. He went all the way to the place of Jiang's brother. He encountered many ferocious beasts. For example, he just had the Jinxuan turtle. He didn't have any idea. He just passed by and was desecrated. Naturally, he had to fight back. The results are still not beaten.

"There is no fun place. I am coming from the mountainside in the east. I am going south now. This ruin is very large. Some resources are mostly in this forest. As for the black sand, there should be some rare treasures. But it is dangerous, fearing more."

Wang Guanzhi is still kind, seeing each other's young age and taking the initiative to say something about the experience:

"Like the outside world, don't look like nothing. In fact, there are no dark waves. Maybe there are poisonous scorpions that can hide the body shape, or poisonous snakes, some beasts hidden in the sand, quicksand, etc. It is better to be there than to go there. Forest, of course, if you want to go, I suggest you find some temporary team."

"Well, then go ahead, be careful on the road." Meng Meng waved his hand.

This made Wang Guan laugh and ran to the south.

"Little black, where are we going to play?"

Some Meng Meng also don't know where it is. This is a relatively large lake, surrounded by forests. Looking at the mountains in the distance, there is a sense of direction.

"Southeast and northwest."

Meng Meng suddenly looked at the sun: "He thinks this sun is in the east? If it is in the west, let's go forward, first stroll in the forest, then go to the black sand to hunt for treasure."

So Xiao He took Meng Meng again, and ran for a while, Meng Meng felt bored:

"Little black, stop and stop, you let me down, I run for a while."

The power dissipated, Meng Meng jumped and ran across the jungle.

After a while, she was very puzzled watching Xiao Hei:

"How come I didn't encounter the beasts along the way, I want to kill the enemy, is it you?"

"Hey." Xiao He even shook his head and looked at Meng Meng's bag.


Meng Meng took the bag off, opened it, and found out that the **** is snoring inside, the little does not rely on the mouse like, sleep on the **** belly.

"Big black! Little is not!"

Meng Meng’s hand reached into a mad catch:

"You two are very sweet, and the smell of the body is collected, and the beasts are scared away by you."


Big black opened his eyes and looked awkward.

Where am I?

How do small masters become so big?

More than six o'clock and one more two in one, everyone pays more attention to the public number, update time, several chapters will have, and there are extra stories.

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