Godly Student

Vol 4 Chapter 1002: News circulating in the world of comprehension!

"No, since they named me to go, you used to have no use in the past. Anyway, everyone is in danger. You are here, if I really have an accident, at least you can still avenge me in the future!" Cheng Yuxiao Said.

"Teacher brother, it’s all this time, why are you still laughing out!" Xinluo said with great concern.

"Don't you laugh, do you still cry? What's more, people have sent the tokens over. Our masters are probably still in the hands of others. Can I not go? They just become like this for me, so no matter How, even if this is really a trap, I have to go!" Cheng Yu said helplessly.

"What about the plan just now? Are we going to build momentum?" said Xin Hai.

"Want! Why not go! The more you do, the more you should spread the news earlier and make the momentum bigger!" Cheng Yu said.

"That's good, let's go now!" Xinhe nodded, and walked with heart and heart.

"Cheng Yu!" Several women looked at Cheng Yu, and everyone’s faces were full of worried colors.

"You take care of yourself, remember, don't run around, just wait for me to come back here! If I can't see you when I come back, I will be crazy!" Cheng Yu said to a few women.

"Then you have to promise us, don't go wrong, be sure to come back alive!" Lin Yuxi first could not help but cry in the arms of Cheng Yu.

"Do not worry! My life is long? A little Xuan Tianzong can help me, you have to help me take care of cocoa!" Cheng Yu looked at the cocoa in Yang Ruoxue's arms.

"Brother, where are you going, cocoa also wants to go!" Seeing a few women crying, Cocoa cried toward Cheng Yu and cried.

"Cocoa, my brother is going to bring you a sister back. If you want to listen to your sister at home, do you know?" Cheng Yu’s heart is also a little sad. After all, it’s difficult to get through this time.

In the disappointment and sadness of all, Cheng Yu left alone with the disciple of Xuan Tianzong.

"Sister, we can't watch Cheng Yu alone to die, where is Xuantianzong, let's go together!" After Cheng Yu left, all the women were immersed in the pain of sorrow, and Han Xue suddenly stood up and said.

"But Cheng Yu said....." said the rhyme with some concern.

"Sister, we are not going to make trouble, we will be at the entrance of Xuantianzong. At least let us get closer to Cheng Yu. If something goes wrong, we can catch up in time. These masters are not already Let us be very worried, now Cheng Yu is gone, what is the significance of our here?" Han Xue insisted.

"But..." The heart was hesitant.

"Oh! Sister, you don't have to, we promise not to show up in front of Xuantianzong people, we just have to wait for Cheng Yu!" Han Xuela said with a rhyme.

"What do you think?" The rhyme is a person who can't make up his mind and look at several other women.

"I agree!" Lanya stood up and said.

"I agree!"

"I agree!" Finally, several women thought about it and all agreed.

"I have to go, I have to go!" Just at this time, even Cocoa is clamoring to go!

"This....." Everyone is hesitating. After all, cocoa is still a child. Although it has the strength of distraction, but if something happens, they are afraid of being incapable of taking care of cocoa.

"Coco, you are playing here well, my sisters are back in a few days!" Xin Yun looked at Coco.

"No! I don't want to! I have to go to my brother!" Coco said, shaking his head.

"Hey! Forget it, take her with you! We don't show up anyway! If something really happens, everyone will die together!" Han Xue said indifferently.

"What are you talking about? Do you have such a speech?" The people looked at Han Xue with dissatisfaction.

"Oh, I just talked casually!" Han Xue smiled with a sly smile.

Ever since, Cheng Yu has just left, a group of women have followed the Promise Palace, but Yao Na has a curved mirror, but she is not afraid of being discovered by Cheng Yu.


In other words, although the realm of comprehension is large, but for three days, a whole big news has been circulated throughout the realm of comprehension. And all the people who heard this news are talking about it.

"Hey! Have you heard of it? The people of Xuantianzong were killed by Cheng Yu of the Promise Palace a few months ago. This is the revenge of Xuantianzong!"

"Of course, now almost the whole world of revision is talking about this!"

"But who is this Cheng Yu? How do I feel a little familiar?"

"You don't know this? Have you heard about the Kunlun Lushan Gate?"

"Oh! I remembered, is this Cheng Yu the one in the Kunlun Mountain Gate?" The man suddenly realized.

"That is nature. Who else is this Chengwu in addition to this Promise?"

"But this Promise Palace and Xuantianzong are the four hidden sects, and it is not our business. We are just watching the fun!"

"Yes, this **** is fighting for us who can't care! But the two sects are the first of the right path, the other is the head of the evil road. They fight, and we can't be better with these fish." The man is worried. Said.

"This is also true! But this news is not necessarily credible. After all, these two sects are shaking in the realm of comprehension, and the realm of repairing will be overwhelming. They will fight so easily."

"That can be difficult to say, you may not know. This time, Xuantianzong people arrested Cheng Yu’s apprentice for revenge, and the apprentice was only a five- or six-year-old doll, Xuan Tianzong’s person took it. Does this doll threaten Cheng Yu?"

"Yes? Is there such a thing? But this Cheng Yu may not be threatened by Xuan Tianzong for a child!" The man shook his head.

"How come? I heard that this Cheng Yu has gone alone to Xuan Tianzong~www.ltnovel.com~ I am afraid that this time he is in jeopardy!"

"This Cheng Yu went to Xuan Tianzong for a little doll alone?" Some people did not believe.

"How can it be impossible? When this Cheng Yu was killed in Kunlun, wasn't it for a woman of her own? Now, for his own apprentice to go to Xuantianzong alone, I think this is in line with his character. This is a real man. "The man praised Cheng Yu's courage."

"This courage is really admirable, but I heard that Cheng Yu is very important to the high-level palace. Is it such a big thing, the master of the Promise Palace will not come out?"

"I guess they will definitely come out. After all, Cheng Yu was almost killed in Kunlun, but the masters of the Promise Palace were all dispatched. The momentum, the scene, I think of it now, I still feel the blood in my heart!"

"In this case, or do we also go to Xuantian Zong?" This person was tickle by the other party, and would like to see such a big scene!

However, such things are happening everywhere now. Many people have heard that Cheng Yu has gone to Xuan Tianzong alone, and many people have already left! Reading network

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