Godly Student

Vol 4 Chapter 1009: sneak into!

"I don't know, but I saw a thousand elders with a little girl from Biyunfeng a few days ago. I don't know if you are looking for a little girl!" said the maid.

“Where is Biyunfeng?” Cheng Yu asked.

"It's the second peak over there, the biggest one!" the maid said to a giant peak in the south.

"What kind of powerful person can there be on the Biyun Peak?" Cheng Yu looked at the huge peak on the pavilion pavilion everywhere, and knew that it was not prepared for ordinary disciples.

"Biyun Peak is the main peak of the Millennium Elders. In addition to the elders of the Millennium, several of his disciples are there."

"What strength is his disciples?" Cheng Yu asked.

The millennium is a master of the Mahayana period. His disciples must not be too low, just like the elders of the Promise Palace. In addition to the Qing Dynasty, other elders have many disciples.

And the strength is also uneven, like the heart of the river they are three generations of disciples, but only the strength of the distraction period. However, there are some true disciples among the three generations of disciples. In addition to his master Qing Zizi, Qing Yuanzi have true disciples.

These true disciples are all talented, like the first true disciple of Qing Yuanzi, and now it is the repair of the late stage. When Qing Yuanzi was not in the Promise Palace, he was dealing with the martial art. It can be said that he is likely to become the next head of the Promise Palace.

"The millennial elders have a total of five true-time disciples of the fit period, and the rest are also distracted." The maid does not know what strength Cheng Yu is, but the disciples of the millennial elders are absolutely for them. Unreachable.

"They are all in that Biyunfeng?" Cheng Yu frowned, five fit periods plus a group of distraction period, this battle is a bit big for him, with his strength, barely able to resist A few distractions.

"No, those true disciples have their own hills. There are only some distracted disciples on Biyun Peak. The rest are all four generations of disciples!" The maid wanted the identity of those disciples, and the eyes were full of envy. .

Although they are also four generations of disciples, but they are genuine insider disciples, and their refining disciples are a foreign disciple who can only do tea in the martial art, all kinds of herbs and the like. Things.

Such a Cheng Yu is a loose heart, there is no true disciple of the coincidence period on the Biyun Peak, I think it is easier to save the Xiner.

Knowing these news, Cheng Yu is going to Biyunfeng to find Xiner, but the two people Cheng Yu will not let them go!

"I can say what I can say, I beg you not to kill us!" The woman saw Cheng Yu staring at the two people did not speak, and my heart was tight, it would not be that the other party wanted to kill people.

Cheng Yu did not intend to kill the two people. I thought about taking two palms to shoot the past, stunned the two people, and pulled them to a corner, and then went to Biyunfeng.

Like the Xuantian Peak, Biyun Peak is one of the main peaks of Xuantianzong. It is lush and lush, with beautiful scenery and celestial clouds.

No process is not here to enjoy the beauty. In addition to the beautiful scenery, there are many Taoist buildings, and there are often disciples going back and forth. Cheng Yu does not know how to sneak into it to find Xiner.

Just when Cheng Yu was in a dilemma, a Xuan Tianzong disciple came from the foot of the mountain to see that he was only a golden Dan, and he must have been the four generations of disciples that the maid said.

Cheng Yu also refused to take care of it. One person rushed out and the man did not expect to be attacked at Biyunfeng. His eyes were stunned and he was just preparing to speak. The whole person was soft and there was no sound.

For the current Cheng Yu, Jin Dan is really too low, pulling the body into the grass, putting his disciple on himself, and then taking out the Rong Rong Dan who was refining outside the relics.

The change of the body and the appearance of the body on the ground is actually the same. Cheng Yu is somewhat grateful for his foresight. Fortunately, he has produced so many Yi Rong Dan at the beginning, or else there is still time to go to alchemy at this time?

I used an illusion on myself, making others seem to be only Jin Dan. After all, he didn't know if the kid had an acquaintance. If an acquaintance saw that his realm was wrong, it would inevitably cause suspicion.

This illusion is different from the realm of repression. For the average person, you can still fool around. If you are facing a real master, it is ineffective.

However, now that time is tight, everything will be found first, and then others will not be able to take care of it.

With a change of appearance, he does not have to hide from the left and hide, and the light is moving toward Biyunfeng.

However, when coming to Biyunfeng Chengyu, he was dumbfounded. Biyunfeng is not much smaller than Xuantianfeng. The big dojo, Xianqiao is overhanging, and there are pavilions everywhere. Where should I find it?

But even if you don't understand it, Cheng Yu knows that Wu Xiner will never be locked in the big main palace. It must be in the wing of which courtyard, and it must be a woman's wing, because this is no matter which one. This is true of the martial art.

Just looking for a maid to ask the direction of the woman's wing, they went straight, the maid saw the other four generations of disciples, in addition to envy in the eyes, but did not give birth to suspicion.

It is not appropriate for a man to enter a woman's wing. There is no way, Cheng Yu can only sneak up again. Ugh! I knew that I would become a woman, Cheng Yu sighed.

However, this is just a casual thought. It is not so easy to be a woman.

Cheng Yu didn't dare to let go of the mind, because it was easy to be discovered by the master, so he could only find one.

Cheng Yu, the sneaky thing in the women's room, was the first time~www.ltnovel.com~ This gave him the feeling of stealing the jade, but the fact is that it was just a little girl.

Carefully looked at one and another room, some were resting, some were meditating, some were playing, and even more that Cheng Yu couldn’t stand, some even bathed, let Cheng Yu almost spurt Out.

Almost found hundreds of rooms, Cheng Yu found a small courtyard, saw a lady retired from the house, so secretly followed up.

When he came to an uninhabited place, Cheng Yu suddenly rushed over and grabbed the other's mouth. The maid was obviously a little scared, but I didn’t expect it to go out!

"Do not scream, or take your life!" Cheng Yu said coldly in the other's ear.

The maid listened to this and nodded!

"I asked you, do you know where the little girl who was brought in a few months ago lived?" Cheng Yu let go of the other side and said with a sullen look.

"Do you mean Xiner?" The maid looked at the other with some fear, said the trembling voice. Reading network

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