Godly Student

Vol 4 Chapter 1013: Life and death 1 line!

Although Cheng Yu has tried very hard to prevent himself from colliding with the fit period, Cheng Yu is still only a distraction. The gap with the fit period is really too big. Many times he is already involuntarily. .

Just like this, the other side swooped, even the air felt to be drawn by the other party. Such a fierce attack, Cheng Yu wants to hide is not possible at all, the only thing that can be done is to try to resolve the other side's strength.

"Shuanglong went out to sea!" Cheng Yu broke out the power of the three gods, and the strength of the body under his body reached the limit. The two dragon shadows roared out of his body.

Roar! Roar! The dragon shadow roared out and rushed toward Yi Lin’s fist.

At that moment, the two dragon shadows were scattered by Yilin, but he wanted to continue to kill Cheng Yu. It was impossible to retreat.

Cheng Yu looked at the other's powerful body, and his body was cold and sweaty again. The soul of the fit period merged with the soul. This flesh is not easily destroyed by him, so even if he faces such a powerful attack, the other side will be physically The strong hard pick up.

However, what Cheng Yu didn't know was that Yilin himself was shocked by Cheng Yu's move. He said that his body is now strong and not fake, but it is not completely invincible.

In the face of Cheng Yu's attack, he also had to feel the strength of Cheng Yu. It is hard to imagine that this would be a force that broke out from the early monks.

"Who are you?" Yilin is now curious about Cheng Yu's identity. In fact, his heart is even more curious. He doesn't understand why Cheng Yu and the woman will break into Xuantianzong to catch Yimei. Is it Yimei? Enemy?

But this guts is too big, right? Even now, he does not dare to break into the top genre such as Xuan Tianzong to assassinate a person. This is simply dead and dead!

"Tell you who I am, can you let me go?" Cheng Yu saw that the other party did not continue to attack, and his heart was relieved. Now it is possible to drag and drag for a while.

"No!" Yilin shook his head, and the other party broke into the Xuantian Zongben is a death sin. Although he admired Cheng Yu's guts, he would never let such a person go.

"As long as you can let me go, I will never hurt your sister!" Cheng Yu said without hesitation.

"Yi Lin, don't talk nonsense with him, hurry to kill him!" At this time, the men in the watching period of the watching period said impatiently.

"Private my Xuan Tianzong, just wait to die!" Yilin nodded, although he felt curious about Cheng Yu's identity, but now he is not the final say, even if he is willing to let go of Cheng Yu, These two brothers will not agree.

This time, Yilin did not seem to have the meaning of staying away. It was like a landslide, a magnificent temper, and a burst of air in the air, which made people feel very uneasy.

Cheng Yu came to this world for the first time and felt so powerless. In the original relics, although their strengths were very strong, they did not exert their full strength and did not have a real killer for Cheng Yu.

However, now Yilin, a strong person in the fit period, has died on Cheng Yu. Even if Cheng Yu can surpass, he also feels unable to resist this blow.

"The Promise Covers the Hand!" Just when Cheng Yu felt a little desperate, a huge palm was blocked in front of him and the opponent's fist was swept out.

What is even more shocking is that Yilin, who had taken advantage of the original advantage, was swept away by this palm.

"Master!" Seeing the figure falling in front of him, it turned out to be a clear son, Cheng Yu was really moved by a mess.

A little later, I really said goodbye to the world. I don’t know if I can wear another world for a lifetime.

"You are too courageous, this Xuan Tianzong can be casually chaotic!" Qing Zizi looked at his reprimand.

Fortunately, I heard the fighting sounds come over in time, or I was really unbearable.

"Oh, I am not too anxious to find a new child?" Cheng Yu smiled.

"Found it!"

"Found, I have hidden her in the mountain river map!" Cheng Yu nodded.

"That's good! Since people have already gotten their hands, then we will go out now!" Qing Zizi nodded with satisfaction, although Cheng Yu's move was somewhat reckless, but people found that everything was solved.

"Master, you help Shi Ji first, she can't resist it!" Cheng Yu saw that Shi Ji had some weaknesses, and quickly rescued the Qingzi.

Qing Zizi did not say anything, a punch will repel all, let Shi Ji take off and return to Cheng Yu!

"The Promise of the Promise Palace Qing Emperor?" Yi Quan saw the coming, obviously surprised, do not understand how the Qingzizi will appear here.

Of course, he knows that Qing Yuanzi and Qing Zizi came to Xuantianzong, but he did not understand why Qingzizi would shoot them. Is this kid actually a Promise!

"You are Cheng Yu?" At this time, the fitted monk who stood by and watched the battle seemed to understand everything.

Nowadays, Xuan Tianzong’s enthusiasm is the thing of Cheng Yu and Wu Xiner. The goal of Qian Yu and the Promise Palace is to break the head for the two people.

However, they never thought that this person was Cheng Yu, but did not even think that the other party would come to Xuantianzong to arrest people at this time.

"Several teachers, everything is a misunderstanding, I hope that a few will stop here!" Qing Xuzi knows that now thousands of feathers are all contained by Master Zhihong.

The disciples under the door still don't know what happened between the two factions. Qingzi wants to take the opportunity to go out with Cheng Yu, which can save a lot of trouble.

"This..." The three brothers and brothers are hesitant~www.ltnovel.com~ They don't understand how such a big thing happened on Biyun Peak, why neither the head nor the master did. appear.

But now Qingzizi has appeared, but the high-level of their Xuantianzong did not appear, which made them feel a little uneasy, and felt that something was not quite right.

"Predecessors, since it is a misunderstanding, then please let the disciples let my sister!" Yi Lin said first.

Qing Xuzi looked puzzled at Cheng Yu, this kid actually caught someone else's sister?

"Oh, I originally wanted to grasp the personal quality and retreat. Who knows that these six people do not recognize it, this hostage is very difficult to catch!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"If this is the case, then let it go! The people who caught Xuan Tianzong are not good for us!" Qing Zizi nodded.

Although he appeared to be very tempered when he was in front of the elders of Xuantianzong, he did hope that the two factions could solve this problem peacefully.

Now that Cheng Yu is fine, Xiner has already been saved. He has no reason to arrest Xuantianzong again, or the problem will only get worse and worse! Reading network

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