Godly Student

Vol 4 Chapter 1021: wake up!

Cheng Yu quietly lying in bed, did not feel the worry of the woman around. At this time, Cheng Yu only felt that he was drifting in nothingness.

Floating in the air, a golden hall suddenly appeared in front.

"How come I am here again!" Cheng Yu set foot on this huge and majestic grand palace, pushed open the huge palace gate, looked at the magnificent decoration inside, and had some doubts in his heart.

He remembered coming here in the last time, but why did he appear here again?

"This is the place that belongs to you!" There was a sudden old voice in the empty hall, and it was unclear whether it was a man or a woman.

"Who is it? Come out!" Cheng Yu shouted.

But the entire hall, in addition to Cheng Yu's voice and echo, no other sound! Looking at the gorgeous crown above the main hall, Cheng Yu remembers very clearly that the last time he almost died under the crown.

Cheng Yu looked at the crown cautiously but never dared to touch it again, but when Cheng Yu stared at the crown, he felt that he seemed to be caught in a whirlpool. Cheng Yu was shocked. Quickly bring together your own knowledge.

call! Cheng Yu suddenly sat up from the bed, gasping in his mouth, sweating all over his body, soaking his clothes, his face was also a panic, it was terrible than a nightmare.

"What the **** is going on?" Cheng Yu was shocked. Why did he always appear in that place?

"Cheng Yu! You finally woke up, it's great!" Yao Na was still worried that Cheng Yu didn't know when to wake up, but Cheng Yu suddenly sat up, his face full of joy.

"Nana!" Cheng Yu looked at Yao Na, and she settled a lot in her heart, but her smile was a little stubborn.

"What's wrong with you? Where is it uncomfortable?" Yao Na saw that Cheng Yu was not right, and asked with a nervous face.

"Nothing, just have a nightmare!" Cheng Yu tried to relax himself and said with a smile.

"That's good, these days can worry about dying everyone!" Yao Na sees Cheng Yu's expression is normal, and did not think much.

"How is the Master?" Cheng Yu saw the warmth of several women's concerns, but his heart was most worried about his master.

I remembered that the Qingzizi was in front of the attack of the master of the robbery period, and let him be moved infinitely. He could have such a master. This world is not white!

"If they are taking care of Master, they haven't woken up yet, but the head of the uncle said that there is nothing wrong with it, just a little weakness!" Yao Na said.

"Well, take me to see it!" Cheng Yu nodded, but did not see the virtual son, the heart is always not practical!

After Yao Na and Han Xue’s help came down to the room of Qing Xuzi, several women saw Cheng Yu woke up, and suddenly he was delighted.

Cheng Yu holds the hand of Qing Zizi, and his heart is full of emotions. Once he happened to meet the Qing Dynasty, he was fascinated to worship him as a teacher, but he did not expect that it was the luckiest thing he had ever done.

If there is no clear son, it may have died in Kunlun in the early days. Compared with the family members of the secular, in addition to the aunts of Yunhai, to tell the truth, it is also the closest to him.

After all, Cheng Yu only borrowed the body of this person. If he had not lived in his aunt's house, he might not have much to do with this family.

"Cheng Yu, you don't have to worry, Master Zhihong has already treated Master, I believe that like you, just wake up after a few days of rest!" Seeing the worry on Cheng Yu's face, several women comforted.

They already know everything that happened in Xuantianzong, and they know that Master is trying to protect Cheng Yucai from being hurt. Everyone is also moved.

"Well! This time, it is really thanks to Master Zhihong!" Cheng Yu listened to several women who said that he was comatose. He was very grateful to the old monk. If he didn't, he was afraid that it was really planted. In Xuantian Zong.

"Right, is Xiner still in your mountain river map?" Yang Ruoxue looked at Coco, suddenly said.

"I almost forgot, there is Xiner!" Looking at the cocoa in front of him, Cheng Yu suddenly remembered Xiner and quickly released her.

Xiner wore a small robe and a priestly head. It looked very cute. When a few women saw such a cute little girl, they suddenly felt that their motherly love was flooding and wanted to hug a sweetheart.

But Xiner saw that there were so many people at once, and there was some fear in her heart. She quickly hid in Cheng Yu’s arms.

"Don't be afraid of Xiner, these are the teachers, quickly called the teacher!" Cheng Yu said with a small shoulder of Xiner.

"Shi Niang!" Xin Er looked at a few women, said awkward, her character is somewhat introverted, some are afraid of life, not as lively as cocoa.

"Brother, hug!" Coco saw his brother's arms being taken away, obviously dissatisfied, and quickly ran to Cheng Yu with a small hand.

"You little girl, come, brother hug!" Cheng Yu shook his head and held Coco in his arms.

The two little girls hid in the arms of Cheng Yu and looked at each other curiously.

"I think Cheng Yu should not be recognized as a younger sister. How good is it to be a daughter? You see that the two little guys are almost a whole generation of Cheng Yu!" Han Xue laughed at two little girls. .

"That is, such a lovely daughter, I also want one!" Yang Ruoxue looked at the two little girls, both eyes full of maternal love.

"Oh, this is not easy. In the future, we will have more exchanges at night, and we will ensure that everyone is satisfied with the wishes of being a mother!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"Hey! I didn't say that I want to be born!" Yang Ruoxue took a look at Cheng Yu.

"Don't you know that a woman is a real woman only if she has a child?" Cheng Yu smiled.

"We still don't know the embarrassing thoughts in your heart~www.ltnovel.com~ I don't want to be born!"

"This is easy, let them have a few for you!" Cheng Yu joked.

"Hey, Master is still here, you actually said something bad!" Yang Ruoxue said dissatisfied.

Cheng Yu shook his head and didn't talk anymore!

"Master, I want mom and dad!" Perhaps it was because I saw these beautiful women like my mother, but Xiner was crying at Cheng Yu’s stomach at this time.

"Xiner does not cry, wait for us to rest here for a few days and take you back to find Mom and Dad!" Seeing the sadness of Xiner, Cheng Yu's heart was also uncomfortable, and quickly wiped her tears.

"Come, Xiner, let the teacher hug!" Yang Ruoxue saw the poor appearance of the little aunt, and he could not mention how uncomfortable he was, and quickly hugged Xiner.

"Cheng Yu, do we really want to go back?" Several women looked forward to Cheng Yu!

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