Godly Student

Vol 5 Chapter 1028: Back to China!

What's more, the population of China is so much. If the government does not support it, and the Chinese people let the country raise their laziness, if there are economic problems, the consequences of China cannot be imagined.

"Then how can we help these people?" Xinhe and others nodded and felt that Cheng Yu said that it is not unreasonable.

I believe that everyone wants to wear a shirt to reach out and eat a meal. But if everyone really becomes like this, then the country has no hope, because no one wants to fight any more, and the whole country naturally has no Forward momentum.

"You can rest assured that as long as you have this heart, I will give you this opportunity. I once established a medical foundation in the world. Although I can't directly distribute money to these poor people, we can let these people have one. Healthy body.

China has a large population, and these people are ordinary people. For these ordinary people, many diseases are incurable. And for such a disease, not only will it cost a lot of treatment fees, but in the end it may be both human and financial.

Many times, just because of a sickness, a happy family is destroyed. Some families have not been rich enough. If the only economic pillar of the whole family has fallen because of illness, then the whole family will be destroyed.

So I set up a pharmaceutical company in the world, and also established a medical foundation to develop some new drugs, and also provide medical expenses for the poor who can not afford huge medical expenses. Cheng Yu said.

Yang Ruo Xue Lan Ya, they know all this, and they were also partners in Tianyi Pharmaceutical, but Yao Na didn’t know that after Cheng Yu had such a lofty ambition, the beauty was even more affectionate. I care about the people around me, and I care about the people in China.

At this moment, Cheng Yu’s image is very tall in the hearts of everyone. Especially in the hearts of several women who love him, they feel warm in their hearts, because what they like is a flesh and blood, affectionate and interested in the people of the world. the man.

"Yu Shidi, I really want to look at you with amazement. I didn't expect you to have such a big heart!" Xinhe and others all admire Cheng Yu.

"Oh, that is of course, saving the whole people in the water and fire has always been the goal of my struggle!" Cheng Yu saw the eyes of everyone admire, it is inevitably somewhat proud.

"That brother, what can we help, we will not be able to make a medicinal system, and there is no Huaxia coin!" Xinhai said something tickle.

"In fact, it is very simple, only you can do this kind of thing, others can't really do it!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"What is it?" Everyone was bright, as if they had already realized the joy of helping others, and they were anxious in their hearts.

"I have already said that in the secular world, there are too many diseases that are incurable. This kind of money not only needs to spend a lot of money, but also does not necessarily save people in the end. This is for an ordinary family. It is no different from a huge blow.

However, these diseases are not too big a problem for us monks, but they only need to spend some energy. So if you really want to contribute, then I will help you to contact a hospital, and you will be able to solve the incurable diseases that the secular doctors can't solve! Cheng Yu smiled.

"This is simple, isn't it costing some energy? At most, it takes more than a few days to rest!" Xinhe and others nodded.

"If this is the case, then it will be fixed. I will arrange it for you at that time!" Cheng Yu is also a little happy.

Although his Tianjiu Pharmaceutical has begun to formulate some good therapeutic medicinal herbs, these medicinal drugs are not refining themselves. The effect is far less than that of his refining remedies, because these drugs are not made with aura.

And even if he does his own refining, it is impossible to bring people back to life, or there are still many illnesses that cannot be cured unless he personally treats these patients.

Reiki is a good thing. If everyone in China can cultivate aura, although not everyone can live forever, at least there will be no more pain.

For example, cancer, if there is aura in the body, how can those cells produce lesions and cancer? This is the root cause of the pain.

You must know that even if it is hurt by the monk's spiritual strength or strength, Aura can restore it, but this recovery will be slow, and some of the internal organs will be counted.

Anyway, Yao Na has a curved mirror. They are not afraid of being discovered. It is necessary to avoid it. It takes more than ten hours to fly from Africa to China, but at their current speed, Three hours of things.

Because of the jet lag, it was late in the afternoon in Africa, and it was late at night when it arrived in China.

After entering China, Cheng Yu’s brow was wrinkled. He found that there were quite a few monks flying in the sky.

"There are so many monks, so Huaxia is not all messed up!" Yang Ruoxue was deeply worried.

Seeing a Jindan monk flying, Cheng Yu gloomy face, grabbed it. The Jindan monk saw that he had no rebellious ability in front of this group of people. He knew that the cultivation of this group of people was far beyond his imagination, and suddenly his face was pale, and he quickly squatted in front of Cheng Yu and others.

"The predecessors were forgiving. I don't know where the minors offended some of their predecessors, but also asked the predecessors to forgive them!" said the monk Jin Dan.

"You get up! I have something to ask you!" Cheng Yu cold channel.

"Predecessors please say!"

"Why are you all flying in the sky~www.ltnovel.com~ Don't you know that you can't fly when you are in the world?" Cheng Yu said with a sullen face.

"Please ask the seniors to spare their lives. This is set by the Qin elders of the Promise Palace. In the evening, when they do not affect the secular people, they can fly. Only during the day, unless there is anything particularly urgent, they will be forbidden!" This Jindan monk was shocked by Cheng Yu’s momentum and quickly said.

"Oh? It turns out that! Then you said that the current secular is still safe, the monks in the comprehension world can be chaotic in the world!" I heard that this is the rule set by Qin Zhengyuan, and my heart is loose, and it is banned during the day. Fly, only fly at night, and nodded and felt more reasonable.

If it is not flying at all, it is really not very convenient. If there is really something to do, it is still necessary to deal with it specially. As long as it does not disturb the secular order, there is not much problem.

"Basically still stable, but occasionally some monks will still make something!" Jin Dan Taoist did not understand the identity of these people, but did not dare to make it, honestly replied.

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