Godly Student

Vol 5 Chapter 1038: Will not refine the refining hall disciple!

At this moment, no one is opposed to whether Cheng Yu is a Jianzong Gate or a family. In the past, everyone always expected Cheng Yu to send them some good things.

However, Cheng Yu distributes things all by looking at the mood. It is difficult for everyone to know when Cheng Yu will send something to everyone. Moreover, it is not realistic for Cheng Yu to send things to more than a thousand people at the same time.

If you always send something to your close cronies, then others will naturally have ideas, and Cheng Yu will have other opinions.

But now it's not the same, all things are all transparent, and they don't have to wait for Cheng Yu to feel good. As long as they contribute to the family, they can switch to what they want, which is really great.

In fact, in many martial arts, there will be a real exchange system, but there is absolutely no such fierceness as Cheng Yu, and there is no such rich reward mechanism.

Most of these sects are voluntary. Sometimes the martial art needs something, it will let the disciples get it, and then exchange some things of the same value they want, and not the accumulation system.

Especially those disciples who are lower, like what can they get? What can I get back for something that is worthless? I can't say that this thing is counted, and I will count it with other things in the future. There is no such thing.

Of course, this is still the practice of the big sects. Like those small sects, they can't afford so many resources, so all resources are obtained by themselves.

For example, if you want a Horcrux, you say you want to get something to change the Lingshi, and then go to the auction floor to buy. You are probably exhausted and can't change the soul stone of a Horcrux.

And when you have enough Lingshi, you don't necessarily have the Horcrux you want. What's more, on the auction floor, even three times the price may not be able to change to a Horcrux.

But Cheng Yu is different here. Everything is based on contribution, and all the contributions are accumulated. Even if you want to change a Horcrux, every time you make a contribution, you will one day be able to change a Horcrux.

Of course, if you really want to make a little contribution, you may not be able to change it for a lifetime, but I believe that no one really wants to use the Horcrux and does not make efforts to contribute.

So no matter what kind of disciple you are practicing, even if you are weaker, you can get family contributions according to your own ability, in exchange for the good things you want.

And Cheng Yu also said that as long as the contribution of one month is the most, it is very likely that you can get a reward for a Horcrux without spending any contribution. What an attractive reward, especially those who are low-educated, I am afraid that I will be crazy to contribute!

Cheng Yu does not mean that he has endless resources, but he also hopes that this way not only has experienced disciples, but also allowed them to grow and provide a steady source of resources for the family.

Because there are many resources in his hand, but the total is still limited. If you don't want to form a virtuous circle now, when the resources in his hands are all used up, it will be too late.

"Young Master, I have some expectations of the day when the family was founded!" Bai Xie said excitedly.

"But before this, I still need to recruit some talents of alchemy refining equipment to come in, the best scattered repair, as long as the people who can refine the medicinal Dan and the medicinal herbs into the family will reward the Chinese soul sect. The person who refines the best spirits also rewards the Chinese soul machine!" Cheng Yu said.

The talents of the alchemy refining equipment are really important, and the alchemy master who can refine the baby is already above the distraction period. Such a master and alchemy teacher is definitely worth the price.

However, the people of the refining device are hard to find, because the soul device can not be rehearsed by anyone, even if it is the Qingzizi, it can barely refine the production of the next soul device.

Therefore, Cheng Yu does not expect these people to refine the Horcruxes. It is enough to refine the best spirits. Moreover, such a refiner can still attract him with the Chinese soul device. If everyone can refine the Horcrux, you can use the Horcrux to recruit people, and people can not look at it.

"Hey, my brother, or else I will be your family's refiner!" At this time, Xinluo said with a smile, he heard that there was a Chinese soul device, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Brother, can you refine the best spirit?" Cheng Yu smiled and looked at the other side.

"Hey, the best spirits are still so lost, but I may still be able to try the best treasures!" Xinluo said with a smile.

"In this case, you can't get the Chinese soul device!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"The next soul sorcerer can also be!" Xin Luo eyes brightened.

"Well, then, brother, you will be the honorary elder of my family. As for the next product, the green sword in your hand is not what I gave you? We will be even, and I will give you a few days. An elder token!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"What? Master, you are too pitted, this soul device was sent by you before, how can you squat in the pool now?" Xinluo hurried.

"Senior brother, don't fool me. As far as I know, even if it is the best treasure, you may not be able to refine it. Last time, I said that the fryer is?" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"Cough! Master, this kind of thing should not be said in front of so many people, how much!" Xinluo's face is red, and I am embarrassed to go with Cheng Yu.

"Ha ha!" Everyone laughed when they heard the words of Xinluo.

Although Qingzizi is the elder of the refining hall, Xinhe is also a disciple of the refining hall, but their refining level is really not very good. At most, it is a soy sauce.

Otherwise, of course, Qingzi will not call them to help Cheng Yu~www.ltnovel.com~ Those excellent refining disciples can still be the door refiners in the refining hall.

Of course, Xinluo also fortunate that their level of refining equipment is not high, or else they will become a sect of the iron pie, and the daily refining equipment is not as good as it is now!

However, compared with the heart of the river, Cheng Yu is even more shameful, but he is a rumored disciple of the refining hall elders, but Cheng Yu this guy has no heart.

At the beginning of the Qing dynasty, but the land-level refining technology and his refining experience in these years were handed over to Cheng Yu, but Cheng Yu this guy is not a pick-up is to enhance the strength, there is no time to study the refiner.

Fortunately, although Qingzizi is an elder of the refining hall, he does not care about Cheng Yu’s talent in refining. After all, it’s not the talent of Cheng Yu’s refining, but the talent of cultivation. .

What's more, Cheng Yu is now an enemy everywhere, and Qing Zizi does not want him to spend his time on the refiner.

Therefore, if Cheng Yu says that he is a person in the refining hall, he will only be more shameful than Xinluo!

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