Godly Student

Vol 5 Chapter 1198: Which one is Kunlun?

The middle-aged man was cold and sweaty, standing in front of the five "senior old people" and watching the repairs.

Feeling the breath again, what puzzled him was that the five people’s breaths were all the same. He was more and more shocked, and the more he looked, the more he was afraid. After seeing it for a long time, even the five people could not see any difference. Not to mention who is the old man.

"I can see it!" Zhu Hongsheng, who stood behind, had already waited impatiently and shouted loudly.

The middle-aged man was even more nervous. The last face was helpless and trembled: "Small....small can't recognize it!"

"Waste, go and go!" Zhu Hongsheng came up to kick him to the ground, and then turned around around the five identical people.

However, the more he looks, the more strange he is. For the five people, they are all in the early days. He thinks it is still normal. After all, Cheng Yu wants to make a few fakes. Of course, he will find the same person as the realm of the old man. Is it not a slap in the face?

But logically speaking, the breath of these five people should definitely not be the same, but today, these five people are not only in the same realm, but even the breath is exactly the same, which is a bit strange.

It is absolutely impossible for two people in the world to have the same breath, even if they are twins, although similar, they are different.

But the five people in front of us are clearly the same, and there is no difference in distinction. This is too much.

"Don't these five people use Yirong Dan? Or how could it change even with the breath?" Zhu Hongsheng thought.

"Don't die, I didn't die to roll over to me!" Zhu Hongsheng, who had no way, shouted at the man lying on the floor.

"Zhu Elder!" The man was excited and quickly climbed up to Zhu Hongsheng.

"You come to listen to his voice and see who is the voice of the old man!" Zhu Hongsheng thought about it.

"Who are you?" Zhu Hongsheng asked the first person, but this person did not answer him!

Zhu Hongsheng looked back at Cheng Yu, Cheng Yu shrugged and helplessly gave the man a wink.

"I am an old man!" the man said calmly.

"Right right! It is this voice. The person who came here two months ago is him!" The middle-aged man who carefully raised his ears and heard the sound, suddenly excited, and said affirmatively.

However, Zhu Hongsheng did not pay attention to him, but looked at the second person and asked: "Who are you?"

"I am the old man!" The same voice, the same calm, is not quite different from the person in front.

"This..." Hearing this familiar voice, the middle-aged man suddenly stopped, how could it be the same voice!

"Who are you?" Zhu Hongsheng will ask the rest of the three people again. As a result, the voices of the three people are the same. The answer is also the words "I am the old man".

Can't find the answer, Zhu Hongsheng's face is a bit of iron, he clasped his hands and looked out, how angry he was at this time.

"Cheng Yu, you don't want to play tricks in front of me, I hope to hand over the real old man!" Zhu Hongsheng finally snorted and shouted at Cheng Yu.

"I heard that your surname is Zhu?" Cheng Yu did not answer him, but asked with a smile.

"Yes!" Zhu Hongsheng did not understand what the other party meant, but he nodded.

"No wonder, but you are very right about this name. Everyone present is clear. I have reminded you again and again. I don’t have any old people here. Just a code name, I can call the old man, you can, even him and him, can be called the old man.

You said that you only need to paint people. I will find out the people on the painting now. You ask me to be an old man. Now these five people claim to be old people, but you still have to surrender. The old man, I really want to ask, are you a pig? Cheng Yu showed his face of dissatisfaction, faintly with a bit of grievances and anger, people looked at it and felt that Cheng Yu was too poor.

"Cheng Yu, don't be arrogant, do you think we can't see that this is your ghost? You can't have two people in the world. The atmosphere is exactly the same. Now these five people are simply deliberately arranged to confuse us. I am sure that these five people are not really old people!" Zhu Hongsheng said.

He really can't see who is the old man. As for the true old man, he is not mixed with it. He can't confirm it. The reason why he said this is to try to test Cheng Yu.

"As you say it, anyway, I want to find someone who is your own. I have already called you out. As for what you are looking for, it is not my business!" It doesn't matter, it doesn't give the other party any chance.

"In this case, I will take away these five people!" Zhu Hongsheng said.

"If they are willing, I don't care, but I hate the hardships of others. If they don't want to, then I can only say sorry!" Cheng Yu said faintly.

"I don't think you have the final say. The old man is the head of all evil. We can let him live in the world. Since these five people all claim to be old people, then we can only bring them back!" Tightly stared at Cheng Yu.

"You have to arrest the wicked. I really don't object, but there is always a problem in my heart. I am very curious. Do you know if the pig elder can explain to Cheng?" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"What problem?" Zhu Hongsheng did not believe that Cheng Yu was so good at talking. He looked at him like this. He was afraid that he would think of something else and he had to be careful.

"In fact, this question is very simple, I just want to ask ~www.ltnovel.com~ Which Kunlun is you in the end? Can you explain it?" Cheng Yu asked with a puzzled look.

"Haha!" I heard that Cheng Yu was so serious about asking such a question, everyone couldn't help it, and suddenly laughed loudly, and laughter spread throughout the cloud.


"You listen, this laugh seems to have been uploaded from Yunshoufeng! Isn't that they want to fight? How can they laugh so happy?" Yunshoufeng came up halfway up the mountain, and today Chengjia did not ban others from going up the mountain. Many people who came to see the sound of the clouds on the first peak of the cloud suddenly became curious.

"Are they reconciled?" someone said in confusion.

"How is this possible? Cheng Yu and Kunlun are in the same situation. How can they reconcile? We are still going up the mountain. We seem to have missed too many good shows!"

"This is not to blame you, say it early to come early, the result is only now!" Someone complained!

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