Godly Student

Vol 5 Chapter 1203: The thief first smashed the king!

When Cheng Yu’s words came out, everyone suddenly woke up and felt very reasonable. This Kunlun is really not a human being. Originally, they took them to the back. Now, Hong Fei has already turned against the water. He will remove the Feiyun school.

If one day, they are also against the water, then waiting for the name of their name is their name, this is really chilling.

You, in fact, the Chengjia lord said that there is nothing wrong with it. As early as when we started from Kunlun, we found problems at the head. At the beginning, I also talked with the people of Kunlun again and again. We are only for the sake of the elderly. But from the beginning to the end, they are just by the scorpion of the old man. They just want to deal with Cheng Jia.

Therefore, as soon as they came to the world, they first killed the Cheng family. Everyone should wake up and not go to Kunlun. When we are not fools, we don’t want to be someone else’s chess piece. Hong Fei also speaks loudly to everyone.

In fact, for him, even if Kunlun wants to remove the Feiyun faction, there is no threat to him, because his mind has long been planning

Cheng Jiazhu, Hong Fei's strength is not good, but the admiration of Cheng Jiazhu is very admired, I hope that Cheng Jia can allow the monks to join Cheng Jia Hongfei suddenly turned to open to Cheng Yu.

Everyone is in a state of disappointment. I didn’t think that Hong Fei would ask to join Cheng’s family at this time. This is simply a rebellion.

Good Chengjia is the elite who lacks you. You Cheng Cheng accepted this Cheng Yu, and from now on, you are a member of Cheng Jia. As long as you kill the Kunlun disciples, all the resources of the family will open to you. I didn’t think that Hong Fei was so determined. He appreciated this person and knew the time.

Xie Jiahong, Hong Fei, was overjoyed and quickly bowed to Cheng Yu.

He can achieve the current achievements. It can be said that the eyesight is naturally worse than others, Cheng Yu's temperament, and his various rumors in the realm of cultivation. He believes that Cheng Yu is not simple, and then he looks at his generosity. He believes Only follow Cheng Yu like a hero, a hero, a discouraged person can take him to a more powerful glory.

My Hong Fei is now a Cheng family. It is no longer a Feiyun faction. If you want Kunlun to anger to the Feiyun faction, then it will be fine with you, but Kunlun really does this. Kind, I think, just like what my family said, there is no difference between your Kunlun and the old man.

Feifei’s brothers, I can’t help Hongfei. You should pay more attention to Hongfei’s evaluation of Kunlun. The last sentence is to the disciple of the Feiyun school he brought.

At this time, the disciples of Feiyun School were a bitter smile and envy. Hong Fei was their neighboring team and the only master of the early stage.

However, he has now rebelled with the Feiyun faction. They fly the cloud to send a group of dragons without a head, but they do not know how to make a choice.

However, I still want to remind my brothers that the water is flowing low and people are going to the heights. I also hope that you can make the choice that you feel is right. Hong Fei goes on.

Feiyun’s people nodded and didn’t know what to say. They just looked at Cheng Yu.

Hong Fei is now my Cheng family. Since you are the same brother of Hong Fei, I can also give you a chance. You can now choose whether to join my Cheng family. But this time only this time, miss this time, I will not ask Cheng Yu again to miss this opportunity.

This time, I can have a good strength from the realm of comprehension. The worst is also the beginning of distraction. Where can I find such talent resources?

There are more than 2,000 people in their own family, but only a total of more than 200 people have reached the distraction period. This may be a good thing for others. After all, Cheng Jiacai has just been established.

But for Cheng Yu, such strength does not satisfy him. He has too many responsibilities and is too heavy. He must develop the family quickly in a very short period of time.

Moreover, now Cheng Jia is even recruiting, most of them are based on the distraction period, recruiting disciples above the distraction period, unless it is a special talent, after all, the alchemy teacher

Cheng Jiazhu, we are willing to join the Chengjiafeiyun faction to look at each other, they are now even the leader is gone, I feel lost all the heart, they do not know where to go.

Now Hong Fei’s rebellion is equal to a complete break with Kunlun. They are afraid that there is no good end to them. It’s better to join Cheng Fei with Hong Fei.

It’s very good that your arrival will add life to my Cheng family. My Chengjia’s Feiteng is just around the corner. Now you are all Cheng family members. This time, the joint task will be treated like other disciples, and you will fight for five Horcruxes. In addition, all the resources and family tasks of Chengjia will be officially open to you, Cheng Yu laughed.

Cheng Yu, you are too much. At this time, Zhu Hongsheng can't help it.

Originally, he wanted to solve Cheng Yu’s problem with so many sects. He thought that everything was in the hands of Kunlun, but he never thought that Cheng Yu was so embarrassed.

He is not the head of Kunlun. He can't do the Lord in many things. He is even less likely to release such a big temptation like Cheng Yu.

Even more irritating is ~www.ltnovel.com~ Cheng Yu actually recruited people at this time, he brought so many masters, I did not expect that the end was actually for Cheng Yu to do a wedding dress, but instead His Cheng family has enhanced its strength.

He knew that his mission had failed half of this time. If he went back, he would never have a good end. The only thing he can do now is to kill Cheng Yu. Otherwise, Kunlun can't go back.

How are you angry, I tell you, I should cherish the opportunity at this time, because after a while, you have no chance to be angry, everyone is waiting for anything, as long as you have contributed to my family, whether we are not Cheng Yu disciple, Cheng Jia will not forget you. In addition to Kunlun, in exchange for the resources you want to kill me, Cheng Yu has gained some strength, and no longer nonsense, was the first to launch an attack on Kunlun.

It’s just right, the thief first smashed the king, I destroyed you first, see how your family continues. Zhu Hongsheng couldn’t help it anymore. Now I see Cheng Yu’s life and death, and he is attacking him. He is going to directly Cheng Yu’s killing is also a reward for Kunlun’s work.

Really think that you are in the middle of the fit, you can be arrogant in my hometown? You are too naive, Cheng Yu sneered, suddenly, six white light flew out from Cheng Yu, instantly turned into six figures, and killed Zhu Hongsheng

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