Godly Student

Vol 5 Chapter 1205: faux pas!

The battle between Cheng Jia and Kunlun officially started. Others, including the major sects who came with Kunlun, quickly retired, fearing that they would be drawn into the battlefield.

However, these people have begun to hesitate and entangled. Cheng Yu has already said very clearly. As long as they can help Cheng Jia to kill Kunlun disciples, they can also get the contribution of Cheng Jia.

After all, unlike other sects, Cheng Jia’s contributions are real. They can be exchanged for resources and saved, and they will be exchanged for more important resources when needed.

As a monk, no matter which realm they are in, resources are vital, and different realms have different needs.

They saw those who had just joined the Feiyun School of Cheng Jia, and they joined the battle one by one. Only a few of them were very brave, and they immediately killed several Kunlun disciples.

You know, this time, the Kunlun coalition had a total of less than 300 people, more than two hundred people, and Kunlun accounted for half of the number, but only a hundred.

However, Cheng Yu has more than two hundred periods of distraction here. This Kunlun still has a disadvantage in terms of number.


"Liu brother, do we want to take it now?" Mazi stood in the crowd and saw the rise of everyone killing. He also felt that he was boiling, and some could not wait to say.

Moreover, I saw that the heads of Kunlun have been killed by others, especially the monks in the early days of distraction, and they are anxious in their hearts. They are all resources!

In fact, it is them. Now the entire Chengjia disciple sees Kunlun as if he saw resources. He has no fear of any enemy. There is only one belief in their hearts, that is, killing and killing all the people in Kunlun.

The influence of Kunlun in the realm of comprehension can be said to be quite large. They used to never do this to Kunlun. But now it is different. They joined the Cheng family. There are people like Cheng Yu who lead them. They still have something to fear. They just keep killing. There are not many opportunities.

But what excites them even more is that their homeowners have already said that it is a matter of temper to solve them and kill them. Only such a family owner dares to do such crazy things.

But life can not be crazy, can do such a crazy thing, life is worth it!

"I think I can shoot, or else those who distracted them will kill them in the early days, and we will have a hard time getting them!" Liu Yuan said.

"Do you mean to help Cheng Yu kill Kunlun people?" Tian Zhi said.

"This is also used to say, is it necessary to help Kunlun kill Cheng Yu people? There is no benefit!" Ma Zinan said.

"Yes, we have to hurry up. If this time we can kill all of Kunlun, we may be able to join the Cheng family as we wish!" Liu Yuan said.

"How do you say that?" asked the two puzzled.

"You think about it. Just now Cheng Yu has already said that Kunlun invaded the 36 peaks this time. He naturally wants to kill Kunlun in the coming days. But now the strength of the Cheng family, it is still too weak to kill Kunlun. It is.

What is the most lacking at this time? Of course, it is a master, what kind of talent is a master. People above the fit period can be considered real masters.

However, a master of the fit period, Cheng Yu even wants to recruit, it is very difficult, but not everyone is as easy as Hong Fei. That being the case, then our half-step fit period is the best person they can recruit.

As long as we have the opportunity, we can break through to the beginning of the fit at any time. Maybe Cheng Yu will kill us more in order to get to Kunlun earlier. Maybe we will provide more resources for us to break through to the beginning of the fit. This is not a wonderful thing! Liu Yuan smiled.

“Is there really such a possibility?” The two also heard the light, and they were very excited.

In the early days of the fit, it was the realm of how many people dreamed of, and the masters of the fits on the battlefield now, those distracted periods are simply not enough to watch, and they are easily killed!

“Why not? I think it is very possible!”

"In this case, what are we waiting for? Directly into Kunlun!" Tian Zhi said excitedly.

"But Kunlun has two masters in the middle of the fit? Will we be able to kill ourselves if we do this? Can Cheng Yu really kill them?" Ma Zinan said with some concern.

"You see it clearly, have you seen it? Although the people of Chengjia are just the beginning of the fit, but they can resist the middle of a fit in the early days of the two or three, do you think Kunlun wants to go back alive this time?" Yuan smiled and said.

"Sure enough!" The two looked at it carefully, and they saw that Zhu Hongsheng and Wu Hongcai were intercepted by the masters of the previous five fits. Fortunately, this time Kunlun did not put all the eggs in one basket. In addition to the two mid-fits, they also sent four early masters.

It is a pity that their two mid-skilled masters have been stopped by the early five fits. At the beginning of the four complexes, they had to face the initial six fits of the Cheng family. As a result, they did not even have the same number of masters in the fit period.

If the big men of Kunlun are present at this time, they will be vomiting blood. Because they have already inquired very clearly. In the family of Cheng Yu, a Hu Sihai was the beginning of the combination, and none of the others entered the period of integration.

Therefore, they sent so many masters of the fit period, it seems to them a lot more, and the reason why they have to send so much is entirely just in case.

However, they never thought of ~www.ltnovel.com~Qin Zhengyuan. They had already broken through a month ago with the help of Cheng Yu, but they rarely showed up.

What they didn't even think about was that Shi Ji, who used to be around Cheng Yu, broke through to the beginning of the fit, not to mention the four people who came quietly.

However, the most failed is not only this, but their wishful thinking by Kunlun, wanting to pull so many sects into the water. The result was smashed by Cheng Yuzhen.

The reason why they responded to Kunlun’s call was because of two points. One was to fear the strength of Kunlun, and the other was to get help from Kunlun and get benefits.

However, Cheng Yu sent these people in a few words, because these people are just small people in the martial art, not the head of a martial art.

They can't consider the interests of the entire sect like the head. They just need to consider their own interests. Now Cheng Yu has released such a signal, but it is a real resource, they still manage so much? It’s true that you got it yourself.

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