Godly Student

Vol 5 Chapter 1207: 1 side down!

Zhu Hongsheng saw that Cheng Yu had taken a punch and he was shocked and angry. This is just hitting his face!

"I see how long you can hold on to the sunset, chasing Xia Xia!" Zhu Hongsheng yelled!

I saw Zhu Hongsheng's speed became very fast, and suddenly disappeared in the same place. Cheng Yujing felt the existence of Zhu Hongsheng. He knew that his temptation was half successful, but this time he would have difficulty to follow each other. Moved.

Zhu Hongsheng seems to have become a Xiaguang, and he quickly rushed over to Cheng Yu. He felt Cheng Yu’s confusion and his heart sneered. He wanted to kill Cheng Yu with a blow!

Seeing that Zhu Hongsheng is going to be a boxing Zhong Chengyu, but at this critical moment, a figure flashed out from behind Cheng Yu.

boom! The two men were opposite each other and saw Zhu Hongsheng being knocked out at once!

puff! Zhu Hongsheng spewed out a blood, looking at the opposite person with an incredible look. A familiar old man is exactly the same as the previous five.

However, the realm of the old man on this day is not the beginning of the fit, but the mid-term of the fit.

"Who are you?" Zhu Hongsheng wiped the blood of his mouth with his right hand and looked at the other side.

"Oh, you bring so many people, isn't it for the old man? How? Now the old man is standing in front of you, but you don't know the old man!" The old man said with a smile.

Hey! Everyone suddenly got up.

"Is this the real old man?" Someone looked at the old man on this day and said with surprise.

"But how is this person in the middle of the fit?" Everyone can't believe it all, and Cheng Jia still hides a master in the middle of the fit.

"These ten are the real old days."

"In this case, why didn't he come out early and wait until now?" everyone questioned.

"Maybe he is breaking through the realm, and now the breakthrough is successful, so I waited until now. So, before Cheng Yu had been nonsense for so long, it is very likely that he was delaying the time for the elderly. This Cheng Yu is really too embarrassing. Someone thought about it.


"Home! You are all right!" The old man saw Cheng Yu’s mouth with blood, and his heart was moved and admired.

In fact, he is very clear that if Cheng Yu wants to protect his family, it is understandable to hand him over, but Cheng Yu did not do this, and even personally confronted the middle of the battle, how can this sincerity and courage not be admirable?

"Ha ha! Fortunately, you appeared in time, or else, I am afraid that I really have an accident!" Cheng Yu is very happy to say that the old man is a real mid-level master. Cheng Yu is very happy to say.

The strength of the family is constantly improving, which is the greatest fortunate for him. Moreover, I just handed over the masters in the middle of the fit, and I also have a relatively intuitive understanding of my own strength.

"Home, then give it to me!" said the old man confidently.

Although he broke through to the middle of the fit for hundreds of years, the accumulation of strength is not small. Together with the help of Cheng Yu, this strength has been able to advance by leaps and bounds.

Just now he and Zhu Hongsheng's fight, I feel that my strength is not weaker than him, which makes him more confident.

"Okay! I won't argue with you for this credit. This old boy is not small, you should be careful!" Cheng Yu nodded.

For him now, the strength of the mid-synthesis is still somewhat beyond his ability. Now that the old man is out, and he has the strength of the mid-fit, he naturally does not need to be so hard.

"The homeowner is relieved, the homeowner's kindness to my heaven, I will always remember it in my heart, and I will never forget it. As long as Cheng Jia uses it in my day, my day will definitely be painful for Cheng Jia!" Tian said sincerely. .

Cheng Yu was not only the first person to trust him for so many years, but Cheng Yu also promised to find out the real murder of the tragedy. Cheng Yu gave him a lot of resources to let him break through to the middle of the fit and keep him safe. These kind of feelings made him very moved.

"Being able to get your gratitude is the biggest reward for me, I believe in you!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

Hey! However, when Cheng Yu and the old man were very happy, Zhu Hongsheng had already attacked the two. Now that he has been injured, he can no longer let Cheng Yu take advantage of it. He must first kill Cheng Yu!

However, how can the elderly in the sky be alert and will make Zhu Hongsheng wish? One turned and rushed toward Zhu Hongsheng.

The battle between the two masters in the middle of the fit is not something that ordinary people can participate in. Others have avoided the two of them and fought against those who are in line with their own strength.

The appearance of the old man made the balance of the balance shift to Cheng Jia again, and immediately gave birth to the two masters of Shi Ji and Xin Ze, and they immediately transferred the target to Wu Hongcai.

Originally, Wu Hong was very embarrassed when faced with the three masters of heart, heart and heart. Now I have two early masters, which makes him more stressed.

Wu Hongcai hated his heart. He didn't know why these guys all attacked him. Is it because he looks bully?

For other people, several early masters have their own opponents, but because Kunlun has only four initials, and Qin Zhengyuan and Hu Sihai Hongfei have seven complexes in their initials, Kunlun is obviously in a weak position.

As for those disciples who are disciples~www.ltnovel.com~, it is even worse. Today, there are many distractions in the late stage of the distraction or in the late part of the distraction and even in the half-step period.

The release of Cheng Yu’s joint mission, coupled with the existing example of Hong Fei, no one is willing to miss this battle that won’t win.

Everyone launched an attack on Kunlun. Only part of it was watching the lively side. Although some of them wanted to play, but because they didn’t have enough strength, they could only stand and sigh, and at the same time they played the spirit of twelve points, hoping to have the opportunity to miss. When the Kunlun disciples dying, they suddenly attacked and killed them!


"This is a dangerous Kunlun!" Ji Yun looked at the one-sided battle, sighing.

"This Cheng Yu really has a means. He thought that he would encounter an insurmountable hurdle here, but he did not expect that he would be relieved by his ease. This time Kunlun was afraid that he would cry even tears!" Chen Hongyuan laughed.

"There is such a card in this guy who has beaten everyone. He is afraid that there are still many secrets we don't know!" Ji Yun said.

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