Godly Student

Vol 5 Chapter 1211: Great!

Looking at the last of these Kunlun disciples all set a blood oath, joined the Cheng family, this battle also came to a close. Everyone in Zi Youge is embarrassed. Originally thought that Kunlun had come to the middle of the two masters of the match, Cheng Jia will inevitably be fierce.

However, everyone did not think that the unprecedented crisis of a family has been solved, and this battle is simply a one-sided situation.

They did not think that Cheng Yu not only succeeded in separating the Kunlun coalition forces, but even let these coalition forces fight against water, which became the root cause of the Kunlun defeat. Cheng Yu’s hand was really wonderful.

As a result of such a battle, although Cheng Yu’s people had some losses, Cheng Jia also joined more powerful people. This time, Cheng Jia did not lose money, and everyone also served.

The old ancestors did not lie to everyone: misfortunes, blessings. No one thought that Cheng Yu could turn a bad thing into a good thing. This method is really admirable.

Among the crowd, there were several black people who saw this scene and soon disappeared into the crowd.

"How are we losing?" Seeing the people below counted, Cheng Yu asked.

"We lost more than 30 distracted disciples! More than 80 injured." Qin Zhengyuan said.

Cheng Yu is silent, although he has already had such psychological preparations, as long as it is fighting, there will be people who will sacrifice. For the outsiders, the killing of more than 100 people in Kunlun has fallen, and the Cheng family has only sacrificed more than 30. This is already an extraordinary victory.

However, in Cheng Yu’s heart, there is only grief. These people can live well, only because Kunlun wants his own life. Just because of Kunlun’s selfishness, these innocent disciples are involved in their own personal grievances with Kunlun. among!

"Qin elders, after everything is over, you should take a good look at the identity of these deceased people and see if they have family members. If they are willing, they can send them to the 36 peaks, if they want to have a stable life. You will give them a pension!" Cheng Yu pondered for a while, said.

"The homeowner is relieved, I will arrange this matter properly!" Seeing Cheng Yu is so passionate and righteous, Qin Zhengyuan said with emotion, solemnly said.

"This time, Kunlun invaded my Cheng family, and my Cheng Jia heroic counterattack, although I got a great victory. But there are still brothers who left us. This is a misfortune for all of us. However, their sacrifice has created a more powerful process for us. Home, I will never forget their contribution to Cheng Jia.

Their family, my family will be responsible for the end, whether they want to go to Xiuxian Road, or willing to live a stable life, my family will give them the greatest help! Cheng Yu went to the battle platform and said to all Chengjia disciples.

When I heard Cheng Yu’s words, those disciples were moved and could follow such a homeowner. They are not worthy of this life. Even if you are really fighting, there is no worries!

Even those who are onlookers are moved by their hearts, and they are more envious. For a monk, there are too many people watching life and death.

No matter which martial art, some people will die, but they have never been valued. On one day, when they die, they are no different from a wild dog that died outside.

However, in Chengjia, they realized the feeling of being cherished, and saw many Cheng disciples even shed tears of their emotions, and their eyes were wet.

Those disciples who have just joined Cheng Jia, including the Kunlun disciples who have made a **** oath, have moved and rejoiced one by one. This is where they deserve to pay their lives.

With such a homeowner, why is there no better future?

"Don't be sad, we have passed this disaster, and we will usher in a better spring. Our Cheng family is bound to become a dazzling new star in the realm of comprehension!"

I have already said it very clearly before. Anyone who kills a Kunlun disciple will receive one hundred family contributions. One of the contributions of killing a fit is a thousand contributions. The contribution of the mid-sports is two thousand.

Now let me add a little more. All Chengjia disciples who participated in this battle will increase their contribution by 500, regardless of whether you kill the enemy. In addition, the injured more than 80 disciples, you add two hundred contributions, be regarded as some small compensation for you and the encouragement of heroic killing! However, the two hundred compensation contributions are not included in the total contribution of the enemy. Cheng Yu said loudly.

If this compensation contribution is added, some people may not have killed the enemy in order to contribute more people, so this part is only compensation, not counting the total contribution of the enemy to compete for the Horcrux.

As for the five hundred contributions, anyway, everyone has added, there is no such thing as adding or not to join the total contribution, anyway, it is the same.

Roar! When I heard Cheng Yu’s words, all Chengjia disciples were excited and shouted loudly! This homeowner is really too powerful. Some people are still upset about not killing a person?

Think about it, they have more than two hundred disciples of the disciples, and Kunlun has a total of more than one hundred people. How can they count that some people can't get the head?

Coupled with Cheng Yu's release of joint tasks, which attracted many foreign forces to join, then their heads are even less. It is good to be able to kill two enemies by one person!

Those disciples who did not get the head of the people thought that this time was a no-brainer. I didn’t expect the head of the family to release such heavy news again. Everyone added five hundred contributions. This is very much.

You know, even if you used to do the task ~www.ltnovel.com~ you won't be able to make five hundred contributions in a month. Usually, a task only has dozens of contributions, so these five hundred contributions can actually be changed in the family. When you have a lot of things, who will not be excited?

Especially those who are injured, this is a lot of balance in their hearts. Although they have been injured, they have received two hundred contributions. Although they do not count on the total contribution of the enemy, they can also exchange a lot of resources. ,made money.

When you are doing tasks outside, you will be injured, even more serious than this, but there is no subsidy, so the value of this injury!

"Home! The masters of the two mid-synthesis are killed by you, how can this contribution be calculated?" Suddenly someone shouted, this person is a heart!

He could be depressed, and he played for a long time. He finally managed to kill Wu Hongcai’s half-dead, and the result was leaked by Cheng Yu. This is not a happy heart!

"Yes! The owner, you are too unhappy to play. We worked hard to kill the enemy. As a result, you were robbed of the head. We didn't get anything, isn't it a loss?" Xin Yan also shouted.

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