Godly Student

Vol 5 Chapter 1220: Collectively go!

"Nature is arithmetic, but for the moment, we only accept the group tricks above the 36 peaks. In addition to this, there is no plan for group recruitment!" Cheng Yu nodded.

"This is no problem!" said the man.

"So you are.......?" Cheng Yu asked.

"In Xia Xiayun, it is the head of Zixiamen. It is one of the sects above the 36th peak. Xia Mou is willing to send more than 320 people to join Cheng Jia, and hope that Cheng Jia can accept us. "Xia Yun stood up and held a fist, said to Cheng Yu.

"It turned out to be the summer head of Zixiamen. It is disrespectful and disrespectful. Since it is the person on our 36 peaks, I naturally will not refuse. Therefore, I agree, welcome the brothers of Zixiamen!" Cheng Yu loudly Said.

Roar! Roar! Roar! Get Cheng Yu's answer, Zixiamen's disciples cheered one by one.

Small sects like them, even their heads and several elders have reached the distraction period, basically the realm below the distraction period. If you don’t use the group recruitment method, you can’t enter the Cheng family!

They still envied others before, but now they didn't expect to be the protagonist if they were not careful. Happiness came too fast, and they just made them excited.

"I thought that I definitely didn't have the chance to join the exciting family like Cheng. I didn't expect our head to make such a decision at this time. It's so wise!"

"Yes, I have already inquired about it. Some of the sects who had joined Chengjia’s wearing cloud and other factions have gained a lot of benefits in Chengjia. Many disciples have already received a lot of contributions. Now they can change a lot of their needs. Resources!"

"I also heard that I knew a friend who wears a cloud. He exchanged a Chenghua Dan from Cheng Jia a few days ago. He has successfully broken through the Jindan period to the Yuan Ying period. It is really enviable. Ah!" said a disciple of Jin Dan later.

"Hey! I have been in the Jindan period for almost a hundred years, but I still have no ability to switch to a Huaying Dan. It has only been more than two months since people joined Chengjia. This gap is really not Generally, for a long time, I am equal to living in white!" Another Jindan disciple also said.

"Who isn't it? But now, we can finally join the Cheng family. I believe that it will not take long before we can use the contribution in exchange for Huaying Dan, and we will soon be able to break through the Yuan Ying period!" I have to say it.


"Look, they have joined Zicheng in Zixiamen. We don't know when we will join Cheng, but we don't know what we think about it." The disciples who watched Zixiamen were excited. The way it is, the disciples on other peaks are not envious.

"Oh! That is, everyone in the family said that they understand this. They only accept the sects on our 36 peaks. People are treating us as our own people. If we miss such a good opportunity, it would be a pity!" ”

"Would you like to ask the head!" The people thought for a while, and finally said.

"Good! If this is the case, then we will call the head of the master!" After everyone said it, they went to their own hands!

"What are you doing?" Ming Bang, the head of the Ming Dynasty, looked at the disciples under his door and walked all the way to him. He suddenly looked up and looked at him with a serious look.

"Head, please also join us on behalf of our Ming Gang!" Ming gang disciples all squat in front of the Minghai.

"Globe! Are you going to rebel?" The Minghai shouted.

On such an occasion, the disciple under his own door would like to force the palace. What makes him look at others in front of others after he has a head?

"Hey, we don't mean it. We just think that this is a great opportunity. We can't miss it anymore. Please also scream at the head!" Although everyone is worried, the more they are on such occasions, they have this. The courage, if it is private, they are even less courageous.

"Do you still need to tell me what to do with this head? Let me go down!" Minghai angered.

Originally, he was also considering whether Mingbang would join Chengjia with Zixiamen. After all, Chengjia is getting bigger and bigger. The sooner you join Cheng, the more you will be in Chengjia.

Like wearing a cloud, they wear Yunzi, although they only have a late distraction, but how to say it is also the elder of Chengjia. However, the Cheng family now recruits so many masters of the fit period, and the distraction period is a large number of additions to the Cheng family. The distraction period like him has no advantage at all.

Think about it this way, he really missed the best opportunity, but he also knows that the risk of joining Cheng family at that time is also great. However, today Cheng Jia will kill the Kunlun people, the captives of the captives, and the grievances of Kunlun can not be solved.

So he is also very entangled now, after all, Cheng Jia can provide them with what they can't provide. In addition, even so many strong people have joined the Cheng family, and there is really no worry about the small sects like them.

Just like this time, Cheng Jia only dispatched distracted disciples, and other disciples did not appear at all! And they are now in addition to their top executives, others are below the distraction period, if something really happened, it would not have much impact on them.

In his mind, in fact, he has decided to join the Cheng family, but now his disciples have to force him to the palace, how can he endure in front of so many people!

"Head!" But everyone is still unwilling.

"Go down!" Minghai angered.

The Ming dynasty disciples saw the anger of the head and seemed to be really angry. They really did not dare to stick to it. They had to stand up and retreat!

But when the people went on without a few steps, they heard their heads open again, but this time it was not what they said.

"Cheng Jiazhu, our Ming help has long been yearning for your family, so I hope that Cheng Jiazhu can also accept our Ming Gang!" Minghai walked to Cheng Yu, holding a fist.

Upon hearing this, the disciples of Ming Bang quickly turned around and looked at their heads with surprise. Finally, they put their gaze on Cheng Yu, very nervous, for fear that Cheng Yu would refuse.

"Ha ha! Since the Ming gang is part of the 36 peaks, I am very willing to accept you, very good. From today, Ming Bang is also a disciple of Cheng Jia!" Cheng Yu laughed loudly.

He now wants to get back to the site on the 36th peak, and naturally it is impossible to reject the application of the Minghai.

"Thank you for your family!" Minghai was overjoyed. Since it has already been decided, there is nothing to worry about. Anyway, Cheng Jia has a lot of masters.

There are so many masters who are going to have an accident. The most important thing is that he can get the resources of Cheng Jia. This is much more comfortable than if he had to prop up a martial art himself.

After all, it is too difficult to hold up a martial art with his strength. He can't even get the resources he needs. What's more, there are so many disciples under his hand. As a leader, he is really tired!

Roar! I got Cheng Yu’s affirmation, and the disciples of Ming Bang cheered up, and they finally became Cheng disciples!


"Cheng Jiazhu! We also want to join the Cheng family, and also ask Cheng Jiazhu to complete..."

"Cheng Jiazhu! We are also in Tianmen Mountain, please ask the owner to complete...."

"Cheng Jiazhu!......."

With Zixiamen and Mingbang heading in front, other martial arts finally couldn't help, and they began to apply to Cheng Yu to join Cheng. After all, they can be a sage and not a fool. Naturally, they can see the many benefits of joining Cheng.

"Very good! Since everyone agrees with me, I will accept all of them. I will arrange everyone well in the next period of time!" Cheng Yu saw more and more martial arts joined Cheng Jia. In the blink of an eye, a lot of land was recovered. This move is really wonderful.

In the past, it was forced to release so many places. First, they did not have the ability to station so many sites. Second, because the Tianshan School, the Lushan School and the Cangling School occupied too many sites, he wanted the three parties to put the site. Spit it out, so at that time he had to do that too.

Although his relationship with Tianshan was always good because of the relationship between Tianxue and Tianzhu, the thirty-six peaks were created by himself. Originally he wanted to make these 36 peaks integrated, but because With their intervention, it is difficult for him to take all the 36 peaks into his own hands.

Now that the Cheng family has been established, and the family has gradually entered the right track, he is fully capable of mastering the 36 peaks, so he must take back these sites.

However, the way to recover it can not be too radical. After all, Cheng Jia’s relationship with everyone is still to be harmonious. It can’t be a bad one. www.ltnovel.com~ Now there are more than a dozen applications for him. The son is equal to taking back the six or seven peaks, plus the previous seven peaks. At present, Cheng’s site has reached the fourteen peaks.

Although there are still many sites outside the fourteen peaks, he believes that with the continuous development of Chengjia, the strength of Chengjia continues to grow, and the resources that disciples receive are gradually sufficient, which will only attract More people are coming to join Cheng.

And he gave enough discounts to the 36 peaks, they will never miss this opportunity.

In the end, there were a total of fourteen martial arts sects, and each sect had about two hundred to four hundred. So the number of the next sub-houses suddenly doubled again, and the madness reached about 5,000.

The martial art of 5,000 people, even if it is already in the realm of comprehension, it is not a small martial art. No process is very clear, because a large number of disciples come from the group recruits, so there are not many masters above the distraction period, which is about five or six hundred people, and all others are below the distraction period.

Ps: This time is a bit messy, I am sorry that I can't get three chapters a day. I can only do my best to update it! Reading network

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