Godly Student

Vol 6 Chapter 1654: Soul hidden!

Hey! Numerous dead air is like a long snake wrapped around Cheng Yu's body. Only Cheng Yu's body suddenly flashed golden light, and those dead air were suddenly dispelled.

Hey! At this time, Cheng Yu suddenly took out a white light on his hand, and the white light quickly rushed toward the black robe. The black robes saw the white light coming in, and they nodded directly from the 3721.

However, this white light turned a corner and chased him. At this time, he only saw what the white light was, and it turned out to be a rope.

Although there are not many magic weapons on the black robe, it is not an ignorant person. Naturally, this is a magic weapon. Look at this stuff, of course, he can't be easily wrapped up by this rope, or it must be very troublesome.

Cheng Yu took the opportunity to rush over, and a sword was thrown out. The black robe was caught off guard and was hit at once.

puff! The black robe spurted out of the blood. In the process of being knocked back, the rope did not give him a little bit of time, and he rushed over in an instant.

The black robe was shocked and did not dare to relax his vigilance. Seeing that the rope wanted to entangle himself, he gave the rope to fly with a knife.

The clue flew back and wrapped around Cheng Yu’s arm. Cheng Yu flew quickly and once again joined the black robe. Although the black robe was fighting with Cheng Yu, every time Cheng Yu swung his sword, he could see the rope wrapped around Cheng Yu’s arm, and he could not help but distract him.

Because he didn't know when Cheng Yu put this thing out again, so every time he shot, he was particularly distressed with the rope.

However, the more it is, the obvious is that some of the attention is not concentrated, and it is easy to be defeated by Cheng Yu.

puff! The black robe was once again attacked by Cheng Yu.

Hey! Cheng Yu deceived himself, and the long sword waved, forcing the black robe to retreat.

"Damn!" The black robes became more and more angry, and they changed the passive trend. They even took the initiative to attack Cheng Yu.

Seeing the attack of the black robe people is like a storm, and Cheng Yu sneered in his heart, and a sword blocked the other's broadsword. At this time, the bundle of celestial scorpions on his arm went along his long sword toward each other. The big knife is wrapped around the past!

The black robe was suddenly shocked, and quickly recovered his attack and forced the entangled bundle of celestial forces. However, because he suddenly withdrew his attack, Cheng Yu suddenly shot him, and a sword killed him again.

The black robes suddenly took the opportunity to take back their own yin, but they rushed to the distance regardless of their care.

The Yinling is his most powerful partner now, and he is impossible not to take away the Yinling.

When Cheng Yu saw the situation, he would easily escape. The law in his hand moved, and the bundle of celestial ropes quickly chased in the direction of the black robe!

The black robe did not think that Cheng Yu had so many means, so that he would die in Cheng Yu sooner or later, and he naturally could not fight with Cheng Yu again.

At this moment, he has no matter whether Cheng Yu can know his position, he has to leave quickly.

However, he has found that the **** rope has always been behind him! But he didn't dare to stop and entangle with this stuff. Compared to a magic weapon, it is still important to keep his life.

Originally, he thought that even if he was a soul, Cheng Yu could not kill himself. However, as far as the fighting situation was concerned, if he continued to fight like this, his injuries would become heavier and heavier, and he would not be able to fight slowly. The chance of being killed is also getting bigger.

Therefore, in this case, he chose to escape without saying anything!

Not unexpectedly, the rope went back after a while. His heart suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, but thought that Cheng Yu's guy seemed to be able to know his position, and his heart suddenly worried.

This guy doesn't know what to learn from the side door, he can find his position. If he doesn't want to get rid of the other person, he can't get rid of this guy if he hides in the end of the world.

Thinking of this, the heart of the black robe is more and more difficult!

"Do you want to use the soul? But this will only make your soul hurt more!" The black robe people are hesitant, Cheng Yu can find him, he naturally has a way to prevent Cheng Yu from finding, this method is the soul!

Soul is a hidden secret. After using blood, all the souls of the whole person are hidden. The whole person disappears with the air. No one can find out their existence, even if it is higher than himself. There is no way to discover the masters of the Mahayana period.

However, this soul is powerful, but it is not without side effects. The price paid for the display of the soul is to consume the power of the soul, but he has been wounded by the soul.

If you use Soul, then his soul will be hurt more and more, and it will be more difficult to cultivate afterwards.

"Or wait until you say, you must reconfirm whether the guy can really find himself. If he is found again, then he will use the soul again!" The black robe does not dare to use Soul.

Because the soul is not only consuming the power of the soul, but also an important side effect is that one month after the use of the soul will become very weak, and there is no way to restore combat power, which means that in a month can not be Fighted.

So he has to be careful, he does not want to use this means!

At this time, he couldn't manage that much. He only hoped to be as far away as possible from Cheng Yu. He went all day long and went to the night. www.ltnovel.com~ I found a place with a little bit more dead, and waited quietly for Cheng Yu. arrival.

As long as he enters his own range of sensing again, he must use the soul hidden, and can no longer meet with Cheng Yu, otherwise there may be no chance to get out of the next time.

Time is a little bit past, although there is only one day, but his heart is very anxious. Because of the urgent need to recover the injury, but he did not know when Cheng Yu arrived.

In the unlikely event that he enters, the kid will come. Doesn't he raise his own rock and lick his own feet?

"Damn, this guy really can find his position, no, I have to get out of here quickly." Just as the night of the next day is approaching, the black robe suddenly senses the atmosphere of Cheng Yu, and suddenly hates it. I know that I can't do anything, and I have to make Soul Hide to completely open Cheng Yu.

However, he did not use it immediately, because the side effects of using the soul are too great, he must first be away from Cheng Yu to be able to use, so that it is safe enough. If he was discovered when he used Soul, it would be dangerous.

So he sensed the atmosphere of Cheng Yu and ran again!

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