Godly Student

Vol 6 Chapter 1680: There are no treasures there!

If it was before, he may have suppressed so many ghost repairs, but he still doesn't know how to cultivate it. But now it is different. He has two giant death veins. Even if he has one for the heart Yao, the other one is enough for him to cultivate a lot. Ghost repair.

Therefore, now Cheng Yu is worried that there is no way to cultivate ghost repairs, but how to conquer more ghosts to come in.

"Then we still have to continue to use this method to lure some ghosts to repair it?" asked Xinhai.

"No!" Cheng Yu shook his head and smiled.

"Why? Is there a better way for Yu Shidi?"

"No, because they have come by themselves!"

"They came over by themselves? Did they already discover us?"

"It should be that the movement here just alerted them. Now there are two ghosts, and there are six ghosts, but there are only two second-order ghosts!" Cheng Yu was a little excited.

He has seen the upcoming ghost repair reinforcements from the curved mirror, this time it is already a big deal for him. If you take this team of ghosts and killers, the number of their ghosts will be doubled in an instant.

"Is it only six ghosts? Should we have no problem?" Hearing only six ghosts, Xinluo began to flex his muscles.

If there are too many ghosts, they may not have a solution, but if there are only a few, then he is naturally not so scared.

"We are going to retreat for a while!" Cheng Yu said to everyone.

"Why is this? Are they not only six ghosts? Are we still afraid that they will not be?" said the sea.

"There are not many of these two hundred ghosts, but there are a lot of them. We can't kill these two ghosts at once, so this battle time may not be as fast. If it is a ghost repairer Found, then they will immediately send out reinforcements, then we do not want to be full of them is not so easy.

It is safer to retreat a distance. After all, we can find the enemy in such a long distance with a curved mirror. It is impossible for those ghosts to find us at a distance of ten kilometers. Cheng Yu said.

Although there are only two hundred ghosts to repair, there are still seven or eight hundred ghost repairs on the side of the transfer array. If they send some ghosts to come over, it is naturally difficult to clear these ghost repairs.

And after a certain distance, although it seems to be troublesome, but how much will be destroyed, not dragging the water. In this case, even if they have a thousand ghost repairs, this way several times, they do not need to take long to clear these ghosts!

"I don't know if there are already treasure hunters in other places. If they let them see the treasures they have dreamed of, they become a bunch of ghosts. I don't know what it would be like?" Xinluo said with a smile.

"This surprise is really a bit big. Even if we have a curved mirror in hand, wouldn't we be surprised when we discovered these ghosts? But can those guys eliminate these ghosts?" said Xin Hai.

"Ghost repair is indeed an inevitable thing for human monks, because he is not like other creatures, he can kill directly with weapons.

Whether it is weapons, exercises or even magic weapons, only the effect of yin and yang attributes will be more obvious, especially the positive attributes, the best results.

Many of these treasure hunters should also have such magic weapons or exercises! It’s just that there have been ghosts here. I don’t know if there are any masters in the fit period, otherwise they are afraid to suffer! Cheng Yu said.

"That's what they deserve. Who wants them to think about treasures?" said Xin Hai.

"If you can't say this, if these people are dead, I don't care too much. The problem is, if they can't stop these ghost repairs, let those ghosts continue to upgrade and strengthen the transmission array, then we want to clear them. It’s big!” Cheng Yu said.

"I think if they find the ghost repair, they may spread the news. At that time, there will naturally be many masters of the comprehension community coming in." Xinhe said.

"Even so, I am afraid that it will be half a year later!" Cheng Yu shook his head and said.

Nowadays, the array of the five major shrines has been opened, and Cheng Yu can't close these arrays now, so that everyone can go out quickly. Besides, even if he really wants to close, it is a matter of months before and after.

Moreover, after the opening of the five major shrines, it may become a buffer for ghosts to attack and attack the human world. Not to mention the five major shrines

In the hands of Cheng Yu, he may be able to eliminate these ghosts in five major areas, so there is no need to close the array.

"No matter what? If they are there, we don't have to run a special one, we can stay directly to solve these ghost repairs." Xinhe said.


Just when Cheng Yu waited for the two hundred ghosts to repair the army, there were already human monks who came over to them. This should be after seeing the green treasure, except for Cheng Yu, they were the first to catch up. Got the treasure hunter.

Cheng Yu naturally knows the arrival of this group of people. If he does not consider that the front is a ghost repair army, he will not appear in front of them.

And those treasure hunters saw that someone was in front of them, and suddenly they were a little surprised. Their speed was already very fast, and they didn't encounter any great Warcraft in the middle. This was the time they arrived here.

But I didn't think that this group of people was faster than them. Did they have been here before? However, the number of people in this group is not much ~www.ltnovel.com~ but the strength is really good, it is actually the master of the early stage of the fit, no wonder you can easily get here.

Seeing the strength of this group of people, they do not want to cause trouble, or first find the treasures, then they are prepared to bypass these dozens of people and continue to rush.

"I advise a few people not to go any further!" At this time, it was the only distraction in the team that spoke first.

"What do you mean by Daoyou?" The first person looked at Cheng Yu and frowned slightly. Are these guys trying to stop them from finding the treasure?

"The so-called Baoguang that you see is actually not the light emitted by the treasure. It is just the light emitted by the transmission array. Now there is a constant stream of ghosts from the underworld transmitting from there. Come over!" Cheng Yu said.

"Ghost repair? Haha, kid, you just want to swallow treasures, you don't have to find such a bad reason! Ghost repairs passed from the transmission array, are they going to attack the human world? Haha!" Someone looked at Cheng Yu disdained.

"We are all talking about the facts. Now there are more than two hundred ghosts coming over to us. I advise you not to act rashly!" Xinluo said.

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