Godly Student

Vol 6 Chapter 1686: the truth!

"But it doesn't look like a sacrifice!" The man surnamed Zhao looked at it for a while, but he never looked at what they were doing there.

"Then let's take a look and see what they are doing here?" The man surnamed Huang also felt that he did not seem to be worshipping, and then said.

Time passed slowly, but the two did not understand why, what the four ghosts are doing! Just when the two were about to leave, it was a tight heart, and there was a team of ghost repair patrols coming to this side.

The two people are in a hurry and hurry to hide their breath as deep as possible.

The leader is a third-level ghost, leading a patrol of almost thirty ghosts. I saw him leading the patrol to stop not far from the two, and then went back.

call! The two could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

However, at this time, the third-level ghosts seemed to feel something. They suddenly looked back and looked at the direction of the two, but found nothing, so he walked again in the direction of the two. Even constantly looking towards the tree.

Just when the two were nervous, the third-level ghosts stopped under the third tree in front of them, and did not seem to find anything, so they left with their own patrol team.

This time, the two waited until the patrol left far away to slowly relax, and at this time, the two men were all cold sweat.

"Good insurance!" Huang surnamed a sigh of relief.

"Or do we still leave?" said the man surnamed Zhao.

They haven't seen it for a long time, so it's too dangerous to have a ghost to patrol at any time.

Although they did not understand what the ghosts were doing there, what they can be sure of was that the light was not from the treasures.

"Wait! Look!" However, at this time, the man surnamed Huang suddenly stopped him, only to see him staring at the green light.

The man surnamed Zhao looked down at his gaze and suddenly changed his face. He actually saw that there were three ghost repairs in the green light!

"That is" Zhao surnamed man saw this scene, shocked.

"Yes! That is the transmission array, the underworld is sending ghosts to the human world! It seems that we guessed it before, the underworld is really going to attack the human world!" Huang surnamed a man with a dignified face.

"What do we do now? Is it necessary to destroy this transmission or to repair the real world and tell everyone about this news?" The man surnamed Zhao also realized the seriousness of the problem.

"So many ghost repairs are not something we can solve, or we should first repair the real world!" Huang surnamed man thought about it and was ready to leave!

"Human?" But at this time, a third-order ghost who had just upgraded the transmission array suddenly discovered the existence of the two, and took a shot in the direction of the two.

"Not good! Found, go!" Huang's man's face changed, and the two quickly prepared to escape.


However, when he reacted, the other party’s palm print had arrived, and he directly hit the back of the man surnamed Huang. The man surnamed Huang immediately squirted a blood and was injured.

At this time, a group of ghost repairs have been chasing over here, Zhao surnamed a man grabbing Huang surnamed man to run!

boom! Seeing that these ghost repairs are going to be pursued, Zhao’s man also refuses to take care of his last few souls, and the aura is pouring in. When the blue flame is ignited, he will shoot out toward the ghost behind him.

call! Taking advantage of the fierce soul of a sea of ​​fire, he quickly ran with the man named Huang, and when the ghost repaired the fire, the two had disappeared!

"It is the abominable human! Damn!" A first-order ghost anger.


"There are four hours, why haven't they returned yet? Nothing will happen?" The rest of the team has stayed here for four hours, but they still haven't seen them coming back. Everyone is slowly changing. Get anxious.

"It shouldn't be. What they say is also a master of the fit period, plus a fierce soul. Even if it is really discovered by ghosts, getting out is not a problem."

"I hope so, but now four hours have passed. If they haven’t returned after one day, then we really can only repair the real world first!"

"Someone!" At this time, some people felt the sound coming from the trees in front of them, and everyone was waiting for it!

Everyone took out the weapon and was afraid that it was a ghost repair. If that was the case, then they would have no trouble.

"Yes brother and Zhao brother!" But when someone was ready to launch an attack, they saw two familiar figures, and they were very happy.

"Ah! Huang brother is injured!" The crowd saw the man surnamed Zhao holding the man named Huang, and his face was pale and shocked.

"Don't say so much, let's find a safe place first!" said the man surnamed Zhao, who supported the man named Huang.

"Is Huang brother injured? I know there is a cave in front of me, I found it when I went to find the prey!" one of them pointed in a direction not far away.

After half an hour, everyone hid in the cave, and the man surnamed Huang had swallowed the drug and began to recover from the injury.

"Zhao Xiong? What did you discover this time? What happened to Baoguang? Is it really a treasure? Are you not going to inquire about the situation? How can Huang Xiong be injured?" Seeing the Zhao brothers sitting down, everyone is curious. Asked a series of questions.

"Things are more serious than we think. This so-called Baoguang is not a treasure!" Zhao surnamed the man with a heavy face.

"Not Baoguang? What is that?" everyone was curious.

"That is the transmission array arranged by Ghost Reconstruction. Their ghost repairs in the underworld are now being transmitted from the underworld~www.ltnovel.com~ They seem to be really ready to attack the human world!"

"What? Transmission array? This vain world is crazy? How can it suddenly attack the human world?" The crowd was shocked.

"This is not something we can understand. Originally we wanted to destroy this transmission, but there are four third-order ghost guards. We have no way to get close. Just when we are ready to leave, we are still The four third-order ghosts were discovered. Fortunately, I have five fierce souls. Otherwise, we can't come back!" The man surnamed Zhao remembered the scene before, and now he still has a lingering fear.

Both of them are just the beginning of the match. The strength of the four ghosts is too strong. If they react slowly, they may not be able to go.

Although the last five fierce souls are also used, they have at least saved their lives!

"There are so many powerful ghosts, what should we do now?" The people were surprised that the third-order ghosts were not what they could deal with, and there were four.

"When the injury of Huang Xiong recovers, let's back up the real world. The things here are not something we can handle. We have to tell everyone this news!" Zhao surnamed the man with a dignified face!

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