Godly Student

Vol 6 Chapter 1798: Advance and retreat 2 difficult!

Changzizi feels that even if he goes to the underworld to steal, it is impossible to steal such an important thing. What's more, with the strength of his Mahayana period, it is very difficult to enter the underworld.

In other words, the strength of people who can enter the underworld is not high, so how can it be stolen to the baby who is so important to the underworld?

This is clearly an excuse for their violation of the human world!

"Hey! Do you think I will tell you?" Milo sneered.

The sacred object is the secret of the underworld, even in the yin world, there are only a few ghosts who know the sacred things. If they let humans know that this human being took the sacred objects of their vain world, then when they found this human being, even if they seized the holy things, they could not return them to the underworld.

Moreover, this matter spreads, isn't that all human beings know the sacred object of the underworld? He is even less likely to tell the news to them.

If you want to find this person, you must make them ghosts to find them. If you can let humans help them find them, why should they send so many ghosts?

"In this case, how do we believe what you said?" said the Chinese elder of Feiyan Valley.

"Oh, you seem to have made a mistake. Why should I let you believe it? Tell me so much, just want to make you die!" Milo sneered and looked at these humans with disdain.

"Damn, you dare to invade the human world, that is, you must die, do you think you can still live in the underworld?" Elder Hua said.

"Haha, if we can go back alive, you don't have to worry about it, but you definitely can't go back, everyone will give me, don't let any of them run away!"

More than 2,000 people in front of more than 50,000 ghosts are so insignificant. It is not a matter of course to eliminate these human beings.

Like the ghost kings of Jurassic, they naturally won't be easy to shoot, although they also have several masters of the Mahayana period, but they are not in a hurry, let's take a look.

"Is that human beings not appearing?" Milo looked at these humans as well, and said very disdainfully.

"Adult, that human being does not seem to be here! If he is there, our ghost warriors here can't stand him several attacks!" said the third-order ghost.

"Hey! Waiting to kill these people, I have to see what the kid has to do to kill me so many ghost warriors!" Luo Luo said coldly.

"Oh, there are adults, where the humans dare to be so crazy, when they will be scared by the adults, the third-order ghosts patted the flattering."

Although the two thousand human monks were surrounded by ghosts, they also came for the sake of ghost repairs, unlike those who had encountered ghosts in the past without any preparation.

Since they are dealing with ghost repairs, they are also prepared. I saw some people holding the plaques, and the smoldering flames smacked on the sword and the flames on the sword.

Although this kind of flame can't be as powerful as Cheng Yu's dragon scorpion, it makes the ghosts smother and smoke, but it is still very threatening to ghost repair. I saw a body-in-law monk stabbing the body of a ghost repair, and the ghost repaired it suddenly, and in a few cases killed a third-order ghost.

And some of them are weapons and magic weapons with yang attributes. They can also have great lethal effect on these ghosts without using the scorpion. They directly penetrate into the body of these ghosts, and a black smoke rises. Soon a ghost repair was killed.

However, although these ghosts have been killed by these humans at once, but after all, humans do not take any advantage in terms of quantity. In the face of tens of thousands of ghost repairs, they are also two fists and four rivals. Although a human being kills a ghost repair with a sword, it is also pierced by several ghosts at the same time. .

"There are too many ghosts to repair, let's get together as much as possible, don't be dismissed by them!" The long scorpion looked up and looked at it, all of them were ghosts, and they changed their minds and shouted loudly.

But with so many ghosts rushing in, how many people can hear his voice? All of this was disrupted by these ghosts, and many people were washed away.

With so many ghost repairs, once humans have placed orders, isn’t that a dead end? As a result, even if the human monk is strong, but the number of ghosts can not be repaired too much, one by one human monk began to fall down.

"Everyone rushed out together!" Changzi knew that the situation was wrong. In this case, there will be more human monks who will die here. At this time, they can only choose to retreat.

The masters of these Mahayana periods opened in the front, and the speed was naturally very fast. There was no ghost repairing at all, and a road was opened three or two times. The human monks saw it and all followed these Mahayana periods. Behind the master, prepare to rush out together.

"You go to stop these humans!" Milo looked at the battle on the field indifferently, not at all anxious, faintly said to the first-order ghost kings around him.

"Yes!" Eight first-order ghost kings respectfully replied, turned and killed in the battle.

Although there are also some masters among these human monks who are comparable to his realm, how can he be so easy to handle?

Besides, the strength of these eight ghost kings is not weak. Even if you can't kill the human master in the middle of the Mahayana, it is enough to stop him!

Although this human master constantly kills ghosts, he is not at all concerned. Where is the war, not dead? These ghosts are only a group of ants in his eyes, and some of them are in the vain world.

Besides, ~www.ltnovel.com~ When there is a master, he will shoot, what do you want to do? So even if these humans kill more, he will not easily shoot.

The human race has only seven masters of the Mahayana period. Now, the eight first-order ghost kings are out. The remaining two first-order ghost kings are on the same side of the long scorpion, but the long scorpion will not really have these two ghost kings for a while. Method.

The seven masters of the Mahayana were dragged by the ghost king, and the rest of the humans wanted to continue to rush out. All of them united and went out to kill.

However, there is no master of the Mahayana period to be a pioneer, and their strength is simply not enough to rush out, because they face the same strength and realm are not weaker than their ghosts, so all of them are blocked in one time, killing again Can't kill, go back and go back, it's just a dilemma.

"Everyone insists, our reinforcements will soon arrive!" Changzi saw that many human monks had already shown a desperate look, even if he had been dragged by two ghost kings, and did not forget to cheer everyone.

I believe that the abnormal changes in the transmission array last night also caused the attention of Cheng Yu and Chang Yunzi. As long as they can hold on, they will come to the rescue.

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