Godly Student

Vol 6 Chapter 1808: How could this be?

"Hey!" Changzizi and Changyunzi naturally saw this scene. However, they saw that Changqingzi came and they did not like it. Zi Youge

The strength of this scorpion king is too strong, and now he is also hurt like Chang Yunzi. Changqingzi, they arrived this time, isn’t it coming to die?

This is also what he has been worried about, because this transmission array has an abnormal situation. Since Chang Yunzi saw that he would come to the rescue, Changqingzi would naturally come to the rescue.

But in the face of the strength of this ghost king is so strong, he naturally does not want Changqingzi to appear. What's more, there are two particularly important people among them, that is Xinyao and Cheng Yu.

Needless to say, Xinyao is the head of the family, and its identity is naturally noble. Cheng Yu is the only disciple of the Qing Emperor's brother. Not only does he have a good preference for him, but he also gives him a heart-to-heart. Even Tai Xuan and his uncles pay more attention to Cheng Yu. It is obvious that Cheng Yu’s importance is also Not low.

If the two of them died here, then the Promise Palace does not know what kind of reaction will be, but the head will certainly be furious and even affect the next development direction of the Promise Palace.

However, he knew that there was no way to do this and he could not change it. Whether they can live or not can only look at God's will.

"Kill!" Cheng Yu and others finally arrived at the battlefield. Faced with nearly 40,000 ghost repairs, many people have some scalp numbness.

It was too far away, although I only thought that it was a lot, but it was acceptable. However, when they actually reached the battlefield, it was felt that this densely crafted ghost repair was simply fearful.

However, at this time they did not have any retreat. When a Promise of the Promise Palace carried a sword with a dragon's sword and stabbed into a ghost repair, this ghost repair did not come and screamed. , it has already vanished!

"This" this Promise Palace disciple suddenly rejoiced, Cheng Yu's flame is really a ghost repairing nemesis, even can really let the ghosts and slashes between the smoldering!

At this time, other Wuji Palace disciples also realized this surprise, Cheng Yu did not lie to them, this flame is really so powerful.

However, when everyone looked up and saw Cheng Yu again, it was even more bloody!

I saw that Cheng Yu was surrounded by a fire dragon. Suddenly, for the dragon to fly out, it was turned into a sea of ​​fire, and a large number of ghosts were burned and burned.

If they didn't see each other, they couldn't even believe that there was a lot of ghost repairs there.

Of course, the most surprising thing is to count the human monks who have been fighting for two days, one night or one day. Originally they were surrounded by these ghosts, but it was just a blink of an eye. There was only one sea of ​​fire in front of them. All the ghosts were burned and burned. When Cheng Yu took this piece of fire again, There is no ghost in front of me.

"How is this possible?" Everyone can't believe it. Some people even used it repeatedly and repeatedly. When they saw that there was no ghost repair in front of them, they believed that these Ghost repair is really wiped out.

At this moment, they even have an urge to cry, they are finally saved. Since the beginning of the war, they have been surrounded by these ghosts, and they can't kill them. They thought they were going to die here. I didn't expect anyone to come to the rescue.

At this moment, they no longer feel that more than 100 people are coming to die. It is the people who really hope to save them, especially those who are in front of this shocking dragon, even more like the gods appear in front of them, it is simply worshipping.

"Who is this person?" Some people don't know Cheng Yu. Most of them were met by the Promise Palace when they met. There are many other martial art people who don't know that this person is Cheng Yu.

"You don't know this? This person is Cheng Yu, the first master of our younger generation of the Promise Palace!" said a Promise Palace disciple.

At this time, the blood in his body is constantly boiling, although he is already in the late stage of the fit, even two levels higher than the realm of Cheng Yu.

However, he has no doubt about the strength of Cheng Yu, this is the real strong! The elders of the company and the elders of Chang Yun did not make him so **** in front of him.

"This is Cheng Yu who has always had all kinds of rumors in the realm world. This strength is really shocking and unheard of, and it can kill so many ghost repairs. If he appears earlier, we will not The loss is so heavy, I am afraid that it will be cleaned up by him a few times!" These people saw Cheng Yu's constant release of the sea of ​​fire, and a large number of ghost repairs were killed by him. It felt like his own small universe had broken out. .

"Everyone raises the sword!" At this time, Cheng Yuru the king is generally standing in the middle of the battlefield, followed by a loud noise!

Everyone does not understand what Cheng Yu is doing. But at this time Cheng Yu was like a savior. Everyone obediently raised the sword in his hand.


Cheng Yu suddenly released a fire dragon. The fire dragon passed through the swords of all the human monks, and all the monks who had no dragons were attached to the dragons!

"Brothers! How did these ghosts kill our brothers before, we will kill them together now, and avenge the dead brothers!" Seeing that everyone has a dragon, Cheng Yu once again yelled!

"Kill!" At this moment, Cheng Yu's words are extremely powerful. Many people think that their own brothers have been buried here, and the anger in their hearts is instantly stimulated.

Coupled with the Dragon Dragon sent by Cheng Yu, after two days and one night fighting here, everyone finally launched the first real counterattack.

There are dragons in hand, all the monks seem to be born into the world, even if the number of ghost repairs is more, they will become without any advantage at all, and they will be extremely embarrassed by human monks!

"Brother, we are here!" On the other side, Chang Qingzi and Chang Ningzi yelled at Changzizi and Changyunzi!

"Hey! There is another group to die!" However, Changzizi and Changyunzi have not spoken yet, and the Ghost King over there has already sneered.

I grabbed the past with Chang Qingzi and Chang Ningzi!

"Be careful!" Changzi and Changyunzi were shocked~www.ltnovel.com~The strength of the Ghost King is deep, and both of them have been injured now. The more you come, the opponent of this guy.

He grasped the past, with the strength of Changqingzi and Changningzi, the two were critical!

The two scorpions and Chang Ningzi were indeed shocked. They did not expect that the scorpion king would suddenly attack the two.

Looking at the giant palm caught in front of me, the two have no choice but to shoot out with a sword!


However, what everyone expected was that this giant palm was originally intended to pinch the two directly to the palm of your hand. However, when the giant palm touched the flame on the two swords, it was instantly broken, and the scorpion king retracted his palm in an instant.

"How could this be!" The palm of the hand that the Ghost King looked at, he was stabbed by the guys in the early days of the two Mahayana!

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