Godly Student

Vol 6 Chapter 1810: 10 Cheng Yu!

One second to remember [Love to read the novel network], to provide you with a wonderful novel reading. The three were shot at the same time, and everyone was in a hurry. These three people are the most promising people to get rid of the bitter sea now. If the three of them are not the opponents of this ghost king, who else can subdue him?


The three men landed one after another, especially Cheng Yu, who was stopped by a tree and directly smashed the tree to the ground before falling to the ground.

At this moment, the entire battlefield time became extremely quiet. The ghosts that Cheng Yu had killed in the ghost repairs were ghosts and sorrows, and fled everywhere.

I thought that the arrival of Cheng Yu was the end of their ghost repair, but Cheng Yu was even more powerful, and it was not the opponent of their Jurassic. Suddenly, the ghosts of the entire battlefield cheered up!

"The great man is mighty!"

"The great man of the Jurassic is alive!"

"The hero of the world is invincible!"

Numerous ghosts are constantly cheering, and even the human monks are afraid to act rashly, fearing that they will attack again. This horrible ghost king will shoot them.

I saw the Ghost King slowly coming to the three, and the faint voice came from the dark hat: "I heard that my 150,000 ghost army has 100,000 deaths in your hands. I am already here. You have been around for a long time, and you have finally appeared, but you have only stopped here. It is your pleasure to die in my hands!"

Milo sneered, his right hand raised slightly, and his fingers stretched out, forming a black vortex in his palm. The strong dead air made everyone in the room feel cold and terrible.

All human monks have changed their faces, and this singer is going to kill Cheng Yu!

"Heart Yao Shimei! Calm down, you can't save Yu Shidi in this way!" In a corner, Xinyao couldn't stand it anymore, and wanted to rush to save Chengyu, but he was dragged by the heart of the river.

This time is not a joke. When I came here, Cheng Yu reminded them that they must manage Xinyao well and never let her move again.

"But I will not go, Cheng Yu is going to die!" Xin Yao said anxiously, the whole person would rush outside.

"Xin Yao Shimei, Yu Shidi has specially reminded us before, this time can no longer make you so impulsive anyway. You look at the company commander Uncle Shu and Chang Yun Shishu are injured, are you going to be two People still have to be powerful?" Xinhe, a few people who died in the heart, persuaded Xinyao to persuade.

"Do I have to watch Cheng Yu die in front of me?" Xin Yao said without compromise.

"But we can't watch you go to death, sisters, you should calm down first, maybe Yu Shidi, they still have hopes!" Xinhe comforted, but seeing such a situation, even he himself does not seem to To believe in your own words.

Xin Yao looked at Milo with a look of murder, but after all, he still listened to the advice of several people, rushing up without impulse.

And Luo seems to have felt the heart of this heart, and looked back, looked at Xinyao with his dark head, and sneered, the black vortex on his hand became bigger.

The dead air filled the entire battlefield, and all the human monks felt as if they had come to the underworld. There were faint screams in the ear, and it was horrible. Everyone became stunned and seemed to be horrified. It has been affected.

Many of the early monks who were trained to be weaker were rushing their heads hard, hoping to eliminate this horrible voice.

At this time, Cheng Yu can't manage so much. The realm of this guy is much higher than himself. The strength is far from the general second-order ghost king. The simple power is the opponent of the opponent.

Now, Long Yao can't be measured by power alone. Even if the strength is not as good as the other side, its suppression of ghost repair is still great. Otherwise, he can't be touched by the other side, but the injury is not heavy.

"100,000 ghosts are just repairing. This is just the beginning. You will soon discover that this is just the beginning of your ghostly nightmare. Although your realm far exceeds me, but unfortunately, even if you are strong, you will eventually Just a ghost repair, can never change the weakness of your soul!" Cheng Yu gave himself a drink of water, slowly stood up, watching the sneer king sneer, does not seem to be interfered by his powerful power.

"Yes? What is my weakness?" Luo Luo's words about Cheng Yu are simply dismissive.

Although Cheng Yu's extreme yang fire is really powerful and can even hurt him, but this alone is not enough to threaten his life safety.

This guy is arrogant and alarmist, but he wants to give himself some time, then he will let him linger for a while, let him know what is called despair!

"You will know soon!" Cheng Yu is really not to delay the time, but the time has not arrived, but there is also a red dragon-shaped flame on his palm, which is the dragon.

With the special nature of ghost repair, coupled with the strength of this ghost king is too strong, and now only able to withstand this blow is only the dragon.

"If this is the case, then you have no chance!" The Ghost King sneered, and he pointed the black vortex on his right hand to Cheng Yu. This black vortex exudes a strong black light as a source. Yu shot out.

Seeing this scene, everyone's heart seems to have mentioned the eyes of the blind, and the whole person is soaked with sweat. They can't believe that Cheng Yu is their last hope. If Cheng Yu's magic can't change their destiny, who else can save them?


Cheng Yu followed the other side at the same time, and the black light of the singer's ghost king came to the fore, and Cheng Yu's dragon's momentum was not lost to it, rushing toward the black light.


A burst of sound, one red and one black and two forces collided in one sound, and the explosion broke out again, and the people and ghosts around were constantly forced to retreat.

"Hey!" In this confrontation, Cheng Yu was obviously incomparable, and his mouth was sulking. His mouth was constantly bleeding and his body was slowly receding.

Changzizi and Changyunzi saw this situation. I wanted to stand behind Cheng Yu and help him.

However, ~www.ltnovel.com~ At this time, Cheng Yu’s body suddenly became golden, and slowly drove out the demise of the entire battlefield. Everyone felt so much better.

However, this is only a beginning. I only see that Jin Guang’s golden light is getting stronger and stronger, and it is getting more and more dazzling. Even if many people are already in the fit, this light is so strong that they can’t look straight.

At this point, there was a situation in the battlefield that was exactly the opposite. What I felt uncomfortable now was the ghosts.

And Cheng Yu’s body is finally no longer back, and the fixed stop is there!

But the next scene is to make everyone suddenly open their eyes and open their mouths!

I saw Cheng Yu as the starting point, and suddenly there appeared a golden shadow on his two sides. There were a total of nine roads, which lined up with Cheng Yu.

"That is ten Chengyu?" When everyone saw the nine golden shadows, it was discovered that the nine golden shadows were all Cheng Yu's appearance, adding to his body and becoming Ten Cheng Yu! Mobile users please visit makxs6 to read, a better reading experience comes from the love novel network.

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