Godly Student

Vol 6 Chapter 1814: Blind battle!

"How is it possible?" The Ghost King was retired by a long scorpion and a long cloud, which also shocked his heart.

At this time, I heard the laughter of Chang Yunzi, and his realm was suppressed. He was sober, and his power became so weak.

But he never thought about it anyway, how his own realm was suppressed!

"Is it the golden pagoda?" The sorcerer’s heart wondered indefinitely: "But what is that pagoda? How familiar is it? Is that kid really a reincarnation of the revenge that the ghost king said? That human?"

At this time, the Ghost King suddenly remembered the look of the pagoda, which seemed to be somewhat similar to the pagoda mentioned by the reincarnation of the ghost king. He was shocked by the fact that this mysterious human man was similar to the person in his mission to the reincarnation of the ghost king.

But he also wondered, the reincarnation of the ghost king said, the man is only the Golden Age, after a few years he should not be able to reach the fit period, what is going on?

Also, now that my own realm has been suppressed by the kid inexplicably, what can I do?

After coming to the human world, the Ghost King felt a panic for his future for the first time. For the first time, he felt that he could not control everything!

Changzizi and Changyunzi will not miss this opportunity again. Although they don’t know how Cheng Yu did all this, they finally understood what Cheng Yu said when he used the array method to suppress him. Meaning, now is the best verification of his words, the realm of this guy was actually suppressed by Cheng Yu.

But what makes them strange is that the three of them are together. Since the realm of the Ghost King is suppressed, why are they both okay? This makes them puzzling.

Where do they know that this fairy tower is not an ordinary magic weapon, although it seems to be just a Chinese soul device on the surface, but Cheng Yu is very clear.

This fairy demon tower is created by the old man of the celestial beings who devoted his life to the essence of his formation. It can be said that this fairy tower represents the strength of the old man.

That is the existence of even the emperor can be killed, this fairy tower will be simpler? It’s just that Cheng Yu can’t make the fairy tower become such a magic weapon.

This fairy tower can lock the air machine, and after entering its control range, it can lock all the people or things to be suppressed or killed, so they both enter the same place, but the long scorpion and Chang Yunzi did not have anything at all, but the realm of the Ghost King was suppressed.

However, although both Changzi and Changyunzi have many doubts in their hearts, they also know that this time is not to entangle this time, but to take the opportunity to kill Cheng Yu because they do not know this. How long will the state of repression last? If this guy returns to normal after a while? That's really no chance!

"Haha! What are you looking at now?" Chang Yunzi’s heart is big, before they were in the same realm, but he and the long-handed two were not the opponents of this guy, and they were very wrong.

Now this guy's realm has been suppressed by Cheng Yu, of course, this opportunity to kill the Ghost King.

"Hey! Just because of these two younger generations, even if the realm of the king is suppressed, you will not want to glory in front of the king!" The ghost king snorted.

What is jealous of him is whether Cheng Yu has any hidden murder in this dark space. It is just Yunzizi and Changzizi. He is really not in the heart.

Although he was repulsed by the two people just now, one was because he did not know that his realm was suppressed and he made a big move. Second, because his own realm has been suppressed, the power has changed. Before he was very casual, he was able to make a powerful force, but now it is not working.

However, now that he knows that his realm has been suppressed, they naturally cannot take such a cheaper.

"Hey! Then I will see how long you can be arrogant!" Chang Yunzi snorted and shot him again with his long scorpion.

Anyway, the realm of the other side has been suppressed, the two are also fighting, and the crazy attack on the Ghost King.

However, what shocked the two was that this guy actually blocked the attack of both of them.

"Where!" The two were panting, the face was incredible, was this guy not suppressed in the realm? Why is there such a powerful force?

The two of them couldn’t understand why this guy was obviously suppressed, and they could feel that the other’s strength was far stronger than before.

But even so, they still can't kill each other directly. Just after a fight, they just made a tie. You know, they have two people!

"Haha! Are you disappointed? It's a pity that you only suppressed the king's realm. Just one realm, you want to kill this king? You are not qualified enough!" The Ghost King is laughing, but he is himself. It’s also awkward to play, but they could have been hurt easily before, but now they can only be tied, and the heart is naturally very uncomfortable.

You must know that his previous realm is very close to the strength of the late Mahayana. Even if he is suppressed by a realm, his strength is still equivalent to the middle of the Mahayana.

This is the reason why the Ghost King can still fight with the two men. If he changed to another second-order ghost king, he would have been killed.


However, when Changzizi and Changyunzi were extremely depressed, they couldn’t see the Luolu at once.

"What happened?" The two men were anxious~www.ltnovel.com~ Didn't they have any accidents?

"The two divisions don't worry, he can't see you now. I will always tell you his direction. You can find a way to get rid of him. He is now five hundred steps away from your front!" At this time, Cheng Yu’s voice was once again remembered in the ears of the two.

When I heard the voice of Cheng Yu, the two men took a long sigh of relief, as long as Cheng Yu got it out. They are worried about what happened to Cheng Yu, and they are afraid of being the means of the King of the Ghosts.

With Cheng Yu's guidance, the two grasped the direction and slammed in the direction of the Ghost King!

At this time, the Ghost King is also wondering why he couldn’t see the two. He suddenly felt that two swordsmen had rushed over to him. When he reacted, the swordsman had already reached the front, and the sorcerer Wang panic. Blocked, it was knocked back in an instant.

However, the Ghost King is also a wise man, and the moment he was repelled even sent an attack to the sword.

"Uh huh!" His attack exudes a green scorpion, clearly seeing this green scorpion hit one of them, only to see the person making a sigh, and suddenly disappeared!

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