Godly Student

Vol 6 Chapter 1817: Clear!

However, when everyone saw the long scorpion and the long Yunzi appear peacefully, but the horrible Ghost King did not appear, all humans suddenly overjoyed!

"The ghost king's prince has been killed!" I don't know who it was, yelling in the battlefield, and everyone noticed Cheng Yu and the three of them.

Sure enough, the three were still very good, especially the long-handed and the long Yunzi, but they saw that they were both trapped in the magic weapon by Cheng Yu.

Now the elders of Changchun and Changyun have appeared, but they have no shadow of the ghost king. Everyone is overjoyed, and even the killing of the ghosts has become particularly powerful.

The reaction of those ghosts is quite the opposite.

"What! My Jura adult was killed? How is this possible?"

"No, the giants of Jurassic are the invincible existence of the third-order ghost king. How could they be killed by these weak humans?"

"But we really didn't see the big man, it's a bad thing, and the great man may have been really unexplained!"

The ghosts, including those first-order ghost kings, did not see the shadow of the Ghost King, and everyone became obviously confused. As a result, the combat power of these ghost repairs has once again fallen to a level, and the human monks will let this opportunity pass and begin to kill a lot of ghosts.

In particular, Cheng Yu did not have the interference of the Ghost King, and even more in the battlefield. However, this time he did not use the dragon scorpion, but directly used the fairy tower to **** these ghosts into it.

Changzizi and Changyunzi have already dealt with those ghosts, and there is time to pay attention to Cheng Yu. Because in his opinion, as long as it is not a master like the Ghost King, any ghost repair here will not be Cheng Yu’s opponent.

No process will not care about this at all. Under his strong suppression, a lot of ghost repairs were inhaled by him in the fairy tower. Where else would anyone know whether these ghost repairs were killed by Cheng Yu or only by him? Into the magic weapon.

They now treat Cheng Yu as a god. Because of his arrival, they have successfully achieved a counterattack. Most importantly, he even helped the elders of Changchun and Elder Chang Yun to kill the so powerful and so horrible Ghost King.

It can be said that the biggest hero of this action is Cheng Yu. So who dares to pick the thorns of Cheng Yu?

However, a Ghost King is obviously unable to satisfy Cheng Yu, and his goal is still the eight ghost kings. You must know that the ghost king is really rare. Usually, it is enough to meet so many ghost kings. Now that there are so many helpers to help him, would you be willing to miss this opportunity?

Therefore, he just kept a few ghosts in the ghost repair, and he kept paying attention to the movements of the remaining eight ghost kings, ready to shoot the ghost kings together.

When these ghost kings saw that the Ghost King did not appear again, they already knew that the situation was very bad, so they had already lost their battles.

The more there is no fighting spirit, the strength of the battle is getting weaker and weaker, and the human master is fierce and fiercer.

Several ghost kings were forced to flee, but Cheng Yu, who had been prepared for a long time, used the sound of the sacred magic tower to suppress it.

The remaining ghost kings see this type of frame, where they dare to continue fighting, their partners are getting fewer and fewer, and the number of enemies will be relatively more.

Coupled with the fact that there are two more masters in the middle of the Mahayana and a mysterious young man, they will only have a dead end.

Then the remaining ghost kings fled in all directions, even though these human Mahayana masters were prepared, it was still difficult to block a ghost king from wanting to escape.

However, the two scorpions were killed by Changzizi and Changyunzi, and Cheng Yu smashed and suppressed two ghost kings. The remaining two ghost kings did not stop and let them escape.

"Don't chase!" Just when the rest of the Mahayana masters still want to continue to chase, they were stopped by the long-handed.

"Long elders, this is two ghost kings, let them run away, afraid that it will bring great disaster to the human world!" The Chinese elders of Feiyan Valley said anxiously.

"It's useless, they have run far, and with their speed and strength, it's hard to catch them!" The long scorpion shook his head and said helplessly.

Just now he killed a ghost king here, and the ghost king was too far away. When he ran and chased, even he could not catch up, let alone the rest of them?

"How is that good?" everyone worried about it.

"If there is a chance to see it later, these two ghost kings will not be partial. As long as they have any movements anywhere, we can send experts to kill them, so everyone can rest assured!" Said.

Now that the two ghost kings are running, it is definitely impossible to chase them. They can only wait for them to come out. If they don't come out, it's better, they are all happy.

If they don't give up, they still have to come out and do it, then they can't blame them.

"Now it can only be like this!" Everyone knows that the situation is already the case, and there is no other way. I only hope that these ghost kings can recognize each other and stop coming out to harm others.

Since even the ghost kings were killed and fled, the remaining ghost repairs were already scared and daring, and they fled everywhere. However, these ghosts have a large number of repairs. Once they have all escaped, they are not good at chasing them. Therefore, the scattered forests have also allowed them to escape a lot.

However, in any case, these more than 50,000 ghost repairs and nine ghost kings have basically been cleared, and only a few have escaped.


The battle was finally over. The battle lasted for three days and two nights and everyone was tired. At the end of the battle, everyone was sitting on the ground.

This time, they didn't know how many lives and deaths they had experienced, but they managed to survive, but there were still many companions who finally stayed here.

However, ~www.ltnovel.com~ For those who survive, everything is not important, there is no sorrow, some are just the joy of living! They have seen too many lives and deaths in their lives. As long as they are not dead, they are the greatest luck.

However, when everyone looks at Cheng Yu again, countless eyes are full of heat.

This time, if it wasn't for Cheng Yu's timely appearance, it brought you a ghost repairing star like Long Yao, and helped Changzizi and Chang Yunzi to kill the Ghost King together. Perhaps they are now dead.

At this point, everyone thinks about the battle between Cheng Yu and the Ghost King. It is simply that these monks are full of blood. Although Cheng Yu's realm is still only in the early stage of the fit, no one dares to regard Cheng Yu as a kind of fit.

Even most people will feel that Cheng Yu's real strength is no less than that of the big master of the Mahayana and Chang Yunzi.

"Cheng Shizhen, this time we can achieve such a victory, it is thanks to you!" A thrilling battle is finally over, even if it is a battle-hardened master like Changzi, recalling this battle, It is also a slap in the face, and the appreciation and gratitude to Cheng Yu is also beyond words.

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