Godly Student

Vol 6 Chapter 1821: hide!

"No! We have come a step late, they have already ran, I have no way now!" Cheng Yu shook his head and said.

But when he saw this scene, he had some doubts in his heart, but he did not say it because he himself still had some problems to understand!

Changzi looked at Cheng Yu as if he didn't mean to be false, and did not care. He nodded and said to others: "It is too late to say anything, but we still have to look around. If you can't find it. Then we can only go back to the real world first."

"Elders of Changchun, if we go so far, these ghosts have arranged a new transmission array, then we are not at a loss, and then I am afraid that there will be a lot of ghost repairs sent over!" Some people began to worry Said.

Many people also nod their heads, which is indeed the biggest problem now. Now these ghosts have taken away the Nether Crystal, and they are likely to come back at any time! And they have already left here, and the power developed at that time is not weaker than the 50,000 ghosts they have encountered before. It is really a disaster in the human world!

"Everyone has thought about it. Now the limelight is flourishing. These ghosts can't come out again during this time! So even if we have been here, it doesn't help. What's more, these ghosts can't be stupid enough to arrange new here. The transmission array, maybe they will find a safer place to re-arrange the transmission array!" Long Zizi shook his head and said.

Now that the Nether Crystal has reached the hands of the ghost repair, then all the initiative will come to them. They can take these secluded spar and go to any place to re-arrange the new transmission array, so they have no meaning to stay.

Are they still so stupid, will they take out the Nether Crystal at this time and arrange a transmission array here to let everyone destroy it? Obviously impossible!

"The elders of Changchun also said that it seems that we can only go home. It is only that we have achieved such an achievement. Now we have missed the last opportunity. It is a pity!" All the people said with sighs.

"Today's event, I hope that everyone present will not preach out!" At this time, Changzizi said solemnly.

"Why is this? Ghost repairs run away with the secluded spar, such a big thing, don't we let the monks of the world pay attention to their movements?" Some people wondered.

"Wrong! It is precisely because this matter matters, so we must be careful. If the people in the comprehension world know that the ghost king has escaped, and also took away the vital secluded spar, then the real world Not everyone is in danger, everyone will have to worry about living in the future?

This time, the ghosts have entered the human world and have been hit hard by us. Together with the ghost repairs that Cheng Shizhen had previously killed, the number has exceeded 150,000. Ghost repairs are not made for no reason, they also need to recharge their batteries, so in a short time these ghost repairs will not come out again.

So at this time we have nothing to happen. We continue to send people to investigate after the Promise Palace. If there is another ghost repair, we will not be late again! I don’t think everyone wants to change from a hero to a sinner. "The long scorpion speaks with a heavy heart."

In fact, this is only his superficial wording. Most importantly, he is worried that this event will affect the original contribution of the Promise.

Because of this last mistake, the outcome that was originally perfect was suddenly turned into a failure. If this matter is passed on, others will only think that the Promise Palace is just like this, and they will do things.

So he hopes to seal the mouths of these people, and can't let this happen. They only have killed all the ghosts.

"The elders of Changchun are justified." Everyone thought carefully, and many people seemed to understand a lot of truth.

Others are also old foxes, especially the last words of the long scorpion, everyone suddenly understands the mystery.

That's right, even though they killed so many ghosts, they even killed so many ghost kings. Originally it was a great achievement, but because of this last misstep, the remaining two ghost kings took the Nether Crystal, leaving a living path for the ghost repair, leaving a hidden danger to the human world.

If this matter is passed on, they will become the object of criticism. Originally they were heroes, but they suddenly became sinners, and they were a little embarrassed.

Thinking of this, everyone was shocked by a cold sweat, but fortunately there was a long elder elder reminder. Otherwise, they think about the big picture and think about the people in the world. However, people in the world do not necessarily understand them, especially those who are used by some people. They have not only failed, but have even become sinners in the world. Of course, they cannot be back!

"But, when everyone saw the two ghost kings ran away, and everyone saw the problem of the transmission array last night, how can we explain to them?" I remembered that there is still a team behind, and these People have gone through all the things, people are mixed, it is easy to spread things out.

"This is very easy to do, we said that we arrived in time, have killed these two ghost kings on the spot, and took back the Nether Crystal, everything is over!" said Chang Yunzi.

"Do you have someone to believe?" Someone worried.

"Of course! Isn't Cheng Shizhen also here? His personal skills have been seen by his own eyes. His extreme yang fire is the nemesis of ghost repair, and he is helping us, even the second-order ghost kings." Killed, not to mention the two defeated first-order ghost kings. Didn't the former teacher have easily killed four first-order ghost kings?" Chang Yunzi laughed.

"Yes! There are friends in the road, those people will not have any suspicions, let's just say that!" Everyone beats the thigh, Cheng Yu is now the best sign.

Because everyone saw the process of Yuda exhibition, using the extreme yang fire to help everyone kill a lot of ghost repair. And there are two masters of the mid-term of the Mahayana and Chang Yunzi ~www.ltnovel.com~ The rest are also the masters of the early Mahayana.

The two ghost kings met such a group of strong people, and they have no way to live?

"Cheng Shizhen, this matter also hopes that you can keep secret, this is very important for the Promise Palace!" Changzi said to Cheng Yu.

Now Cheng Yu is a vital person, and this matter is indeed very important to the Promise Palace, and it is easy to pass it. Otherwise, Kunlun or Xuan Tianzong, who has a festival with the Promise Palace, knows that it is not a good thing, they will definitely find a way to discredit the reputation of the Promise.

"Uncle Shi, rest assured, I know the importance of this matter. We are as you said, these ghost kings have been completely cleared by us. If there is another ghost repair in the future, then it is another matter!" Nodded and said.

He is not a fool. If he has nothing to do with the Promise, he does not care. However, this incident has a great impact on the Promise Palace, especially this is the first action of the Promise.

If people let them know that they let the ghost repair run with the crystal spar, others will only feel that the Promise Palace is too useless, and the reputation and influence must be greatly reduced. It is not a good thing for the cultivation of the real world and the Promise Palace!

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