Godly Student

Vol 6 Chapter 1824: what sound?

"We just left this way. Those ghosts who have escaped will really not come back again?" On the way, Xinluo said with some concern.

Others don't know, don't they still know? These ghost repairs were not really destroyed by them, but escaped. And now they may be hiding somewhere in the forest, as long as they leave, these ghosts are afraid to come out and do evil.

"Do not worry, those ghost repairs will not be stupid than you, on the cusp of the cusp, they will not come out again!" Xinhe said without gas.

"That may not be, maybe because everyone thinks so, so we have just left, they may stay to arrange a new transmission array, we don't know when we are!" Xinluo does not care. Said.

"This is also easy to handle, then you can stay here alone, so that when the ghost is repaired, you can give us a letter!" said the heart and smiled.

"That's still okay, anyway, ghost repair is not my own, I just analyze and analyze with you. Since everyone is not on the mind, I still have something to worry about, kindly as a liver and lung!" Shaking his head said.

"Brothers, don't worry, these ghosts will not appear in a short period of time. This time they have almost killed more than 100,000 ghosts, and these ghosts are not in the shadow of the underworld.

In addition, all the transmission arrays have been destroyed. I believe that there is a problem in the human world, and it is impossible to prepare a large number of ghost repairs! Cheng Yu saw that Xin Luo was unhappy and explained with a smile.

"The words are like this, but no one can guarantee that they really can't come out!" said Xin Luo.

"Yes, we are really only an estimate, but we have no other way at the moment. It is impossible to really stay here. They will not be so stupid. They will take the crystallized spar and arrange the transmission array here. How dangerous?" They will naturally leave here with the Nether Crystal, and go to a safer place to arrange the transmission array!" Cheng Yu nodded.

"Okay! Right when you say it right!" Xinluo has nothing to say, theoretically, but nothing is 100%.

No one can guarantee that these ghosts will not go the other way, precisely because they think that humans think they will not arrange new transmission arrays here, and the result is the safest.

Along the way, there was no pressure to repair ghosts, and everyone felt relaxed. At this time, their purpose is to find the nightmare beast, anyway, has not yet entered the central area of ​​the dead forest, so Cheng Yu did not directly let them back to the mountain river map.

Watching everyone laugh and laugh, but Cheng Yu is quietly letting his **** into the fairy tower.

This time, Ghost Repair sent nearly 150,000 ghosts to enter the human world, but now there are 80,000 ghosts in an independent space in Cheng Yu's Xianmo Tower.

Looking at this densely crafted ghost repair, any one who is afraid will be shocked and unable to speak.

This time, the intrusion of ghost repairs, it can be said that the biggest gain is Cheng Yu, and more than half of the ghost army forces have now become his ghost repair army.

"Master!" Cheng Yuyi appeared, Ghost III, a few of them, the old-fashioned ghost repairs were respectfully guarded by Cheng Yu.

Ghost three, their current strength is only a third-order ghost, Cheng Yu has not yet integrated them with the ghost king, because the ghost king is indeed too precious, if they are obedient, then there is no need to merge.

Here, Cheng Yu gave Ghost Three enough power, so it would not be like the yin world, all relying on strength to speak. The ghosts here know that Ghost III is a confidant of Cheng Yu, who dares to offend them, that is, life is better than death.

Even these ghost kings, dare not give them a ghost three?

"Take me to see those ghost kings!" Cheng Yu nodded.

There is a lot of space inside, although it is impossible to be as comfortable as the yin world, but these ghosts have their own rest place here. In particular, these ghost kings, how to say that they are also heads and faces in the underworld, did not mix them with ordinary ghosts.

Along the way, those ghosts saw that Cheng Yu had some treacherous battles. Obviously, Cheng Yu’s power made them feel the fear. Ghost III is obviously their spokesperson, because those who do not obey the ghost repairs are ghosts. They are punished them, so they see Ghost III and Cheng Yu, they are very scared.

"Is those guys honest? Would you like to be loyal to me?" Cheng Yu asked.

"Master, these ghost kings are honorable in the underworld, fearing that they will not give in so easily. Especially the king of the sorcerer, it is the favorite of the reincarnation of the ghost king, he is one of the arms of the reincarnation of the ghost king, not even easier Surrender to the owner!" said Ghost III.

When Ghost 3 was caught by Cheng Yu, it was only a small ghost guard in the reincarnation of the ghost king's house. Not to mention the reincarnation of the ghost king. Even the scorpion ghost king rarely saw him.

But now, Ghost III has been continuously integrated by Cheng Yu and has become a third-order ghost. The strength has not increased by a single star. Of course, the most important thing is the growth of status.

Although he is only a confidant of Cheng Yu, the ghosts in this fairy tower are all controlled by him and the ghosts and ghosts. If this is the second vain world, then they are the masters of this second vain world.

Even if the identity of this Ghost King is much more noble than his honor, but now, they also have to look at their faces. Otherwise, he will make them very miserable!

So now Ghost Three can say that it is a spring breeze, and my heart is old.

In addition, in fact, they still have a small calculation in their hearts, how their strength comes, they are very clear. That is the way Cheng Yu uses fusion, and they are integrated with one master.

If these ghost kings are disobedient, maybe they have the opportunity to merge with these ghost kings, then they can become ghost kings and become the real masters here, not just the masters of authority, but also the masters of strength. .

So ~www.ltnovel.com~ From their heart, they hope that these ghost kings are best not to know the current affairs, and it is best not to listen to Cheng Yu's words, not to surrender to him.

In fact, these ghost kings do have their own pride, they naturally can not easily succumb to Cheng Yu.

"It seems that they have not figured out the current situation, but it doesn't matter, they will understand soon!" Cheng Yu sneered.

Into his fairy tower, as long as he does not let them out, they will never want to go out, even if they are ghosts, they are impossible.

This magic weapon does not know how many horrible arrays are arranged, even if the immortals are unable to go out, let alone a group of ghosts have been repaired!

boom! boom! boom!

"What is this sound?" When Cheng Yu approached the ghost king's residence, he heard a sound of a blast, Cheng Yu frowned and asked!

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