Godly Student

Vol 6 Chapter 1827: It is a foregone conclusion!

When the Ghost King said this, all the ghosts were shocked and looked at Cheng Yu incredulously. Even the Ghosts were shocked by the words of the Ghost King.

Looking at Cheng Yu's indifferent look, the master does not really want to attack the underworld? Or why should he cultivate so many ghosts?

"Take the gloom of the underworld? I have never thought about this issue, but it is very constructive. If one day, your vain world makes me unhappy, maybe I will really go to the underworld to not necessarily!" Cheng Yuxiao Said.

Eighty thousand ghosts want to attack the underworld? He doesn't have the courage. What's more, the Yin dynasty has no resentment with him. Why does he have so much power to deal with the underworld?

As for the underworld to attack the human world, it is not a matter of Cheng Yu alone. It is a matter of the whole human world. At most, he is only a force. He is not a saint, spending so much resources to attack the underworld.

The reason why he wants to build a ghost repair army is just to prepare for the unexpected. Because he is now very obvious, the fairy world has been involved in the destruction of the holy city. He will later find the enemies of the immortal world to avenge himself, but now is to accumulate strength.

Although these are just ghost repairs, but so many ghost repairs, the strength can not be underestimated. However, he believes that this is only the beginning. If the real world is really dare to come back to the world, he will not mind catching more ghosts and building a bigger ghost army.

"Since you don't attack the human world, why do you want to catch so many ghost warriors? Don't tell me, you want to use these ghost warriors to deal with humans? Unless you don't want to be in the human world!" Cheng Yu, obviously does not believe his words.

If it weren’t for these ghosts to deal with the underworld, would he dare to use these ghost army to deal with humans? Doesn't he want to be a public enemy? This guy can't be so stupid.

"You don't need to know these. You only have two choices to choose from. You can turn to me and become my slave. Or I will erase consciousness and integrate with them!" Cheng Yu did not have so much energy to talk nonsense with them, faint Said.

"You" Jurassic King is very angry at this time, but he does not have any means for Cheng Yu.

Even the four ghost kings behind him did not dare to be disrespectful to Cheng Yu at all. They were terrified in their hearts, for fear that they accidentally provoked Cheng Yu and directly wiped out their consciousness.

Looking at Cheng Yu, who was only at the beginning of the match, the spirit of the Ghost King was in the air. I want to see him in the gloom world, except for a few high-flying kings, which ghosts see that they are not respectful.

But at this time ~www.ltnovel.com~ he is a fish, Cheng Yu is a knife, he has no room for resistance. He has already checked it out. This space is closed. Except for Cheng Yu, no one can take them out.

Unless Cheng Yu is killed, but these four ghost kings have already tried, in this magic space, Cheng Yu as long as one idea is enough to make himself not as good as death, what can he do?

Being a slave, although whispering in front of Cheng Yu, but always returning to life, and this will have the opportunity to escape from here. But if you don't promise him, you really want to be erased by him, then everything is finished.

"Adults!" The four ghost kings saw that the Ghost King had not given an answer. They were a little anxious. They were afraid that Cheng Yu would be impatient, and even the last chance would run away. That would be terrible.

"If I promised, what good is it for me?" The Ghost King refused to let go, and said again.



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