Godly Student

Vol 6 Chapter 1829: Send you back to the underworld!

"When are you in the dark world ready to launch two world wars?" Cheng Yu's face became very bad looking.

If there is a real war between the two worlds, then things are really big. There will definitely be a large number of human beings dying, and it may even be implicating the secular.

"Master, I really don't know this, but it should be early, we are just pioneers, come over and take care of some situations, and then do a good job. Because the reincarnation of the ghost king does not have the conditions to hit the world!" said the ghost king. .

"What does this mean?" Cheng Yu frowned.

"Because the reincarnation of the ghost king is fighting with the ghost kings, I guess there is no way to reincarnate the two kingdoms in such a tight time," said the ghost king.

The reincarnation of the ghost king wants to launch two world wars, at least the underworld must first be unified. Otherwise, when they are fighting against the human world, they let other ghost kings lick their knives in the back. Isn't that a bamboo basket?

"It turned out!" Cheng Yu nodded.

He remembered the lonely king and the ghost king. He fled with the sacred object, because he escaped into the lonely mountain and let him escape. Where he rescued Chen Hongyuan.

At the beginning, those ghost kings respected him for the sake of him, but now they seem to struggle with each other.

This is a good thing. As long as the ghost king does not fall, it is not so easy for the reincarnation of the ghost king to launch the two world wars. If the reincarnation of the ghost king is willing to go his own way, he must launch two world wars, and the lonely king will inevitably enter.

I believe that it is precisely because of this, the reincarnation of the ghost king wants to kill the lonely ghost king before launching the two world wars.

"How is the strength of the Lonely King and Ghost King?" Cheng Yu asked.

He does not want to be killed by the reincarnation of the ghost king without a few moments. If necessary, Cheng Yu can even go to the yin dynasty to give some support to the lonely ghost king, so that he is more intense with the reincarnation ghost king. .

"This Lonely Emperor King has been in the Lonely Mountain for thousands of years. It is not weaker than the reincarnation of the Ghost King, and he has a very close relationship with the Southern Ghost King and the Scorpio Ghost King. These years they often unite to confront the four ghost kings of the Hades. The four ghost kings who are engaged in it can't be how to treat them.

However, now that the Hades want to attack the human world and recruit more ghosts, they will find ways to remove the three ghost kings! After all, even if the three ghost kings are so powerful, they are not the opponents of the Hades who hold most of the resources of the underworld!

Therefore, it is only a matter of time to get rid of the three ghost kings and attack the human world. Everything has already become a foregone conclusion! "The Ghost King continued."

"Hey! I want to attack the human world, it's not that simple!" Cheng Yu snorted.

They want to make a robbery to complete the ghost patching of the underworld.

However, he will never let them get so easily, and they will not go to the gloom of the underworld to help the ghost king to attack the Hades. At that time, the ghosts of the Hades and the ghosts of the Kings and the Kings were both devastated, and they saw how they attacked the human world.

The Ghost King and the four ghost kings did not speak. This matter is not big, and it is not small. But now these are not the things they can intervene, even they themselves have become slaves of Cheng Yu, and everything is only for their sake.

Just, seeing Cheng Yu staring at their eyes, they have some hair in their hearts, and suddenly there is a bad feeling in their hearts.

"I need you to do something for me!" Just as the five ghost kings couldn't help it, Cheng Yu suddenly spoke.

"The owner please say!" Although they all thought that this would not be a good thing, but they still scalp their mouths open.

"I need you to return to the underworld!" Cheng Yu said faintly.

"What...what? Back... Back to the underworld?" The five ghost kings were suddenly amazed.

"Yes, I need you to go back to the underworld!" Cheng Yu nodded, and said affirmatively.

"Master, why is this?" The five ghost kings almost thought they were wrong.

Cheng Yu was not easy to conquer them, but they wanted to put them back to the underworld, which made them afraid. Is there such a good thing under the sun?

Although they have now become slaves of Cheng Yu, even the soul mark is controlled by Cheng Yu. But as long as they can return to the underworld, they feel that there is still hope, and it is better than staying in this inexplicable space.

Although it is said that there is pure deadness everywhere, they are still more open to the freedom of the underworld.

"You don't want to be happy too early. The reason why I put you back is to help you to help the ghost king!" Cheng Yu said faintly.

"What? Help the lonely king? This..." Hearing the purpose of Cheng Yu letting them go back, they were five happy.

They also have heads and faces in the underworld, and they have always been promoted by the reincarnation of the ghost king. Now they have to let them help the ghost king to deal with the reincarnation of the ghost king, which makes them do it? How do other ghosts see them?

"Master, this..." The five ghost kings are in trouble.

"Hey! It seems that you still can't figure out the current situation. You are no longer the reincarnation of the ghost king, but my slave. The reincarnation of the ghost king wants to attack the human world. I will let you go back now. Is it for you? Help him attack my world?" Cheng Yu said coldly.

"Master! We dare not!" Five ghost kings were scared by Cheng Yu's indifferent voice.

"Hey! I don't dare to forgive you! Don't think that you can go back, you can get rid of me. Your soul is imprinted on my hand, you can escape from the ends of the earth, and I want to take out my palm, as long as I am Idea ~www.ltnovel.com~ You have to give me a smog!

After you go back, you don’t need to directly renegade the reincarnation of the ghost king. You are still on the surface of the reincarnation of the ghost king, but in the dark help the ghost king!

In short, your task is to let the reincarnation of the ghost king have no way to attack the human world. It is best to let the war between them never end! understand? Cheng Yu shouted.

"Yes! Master! We know!" The five ghost kings were shivered by Cheng Yu's body, as if Cheng Yu's idea was really going to make them fly out.

"If it is done, then the Hades are yours, I can even help you sit in the position of the king of the king, control the entire underworld!" Cheng Yu looked at the five ghost kings.

"Thank you for your master!" For Cheng Yu, this sweet date, they are not happy.

It’s so easy to do it, and it’s hard to get rid of the power of the reincarnation, let alone control the Hades.

"But the master, we have no way to open the portal of the underworld, how do we go back?" asked the ghost king.

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