Godly Student

Vol 6 Chapter 1842: It is only the saints that are to be destroyed!

"I know what you want to know!" said the sound of the simple and vicissitudes of the dream beast.

"So, can you tell me everything now?" Cheng Yu asked excitedly and nervously.

In this world, if anyone can know everything that the Holy City once had, fear that there will be only a dream beast. After all, I can survive from that era. At present, there is only a nightmare.

Therefore, the dream beast is Cheng Yu’s only hope.

"No!" A faint voice came and I couldn't hear any emotions.

"Why?" Cheng Yu was anxious, his fists clenched, and he risked his death to find a nightmare, and almost died in a dream.

Now it’s hard to struggle from life and death, and successfully passed the test of dreams, but the answer is not, how can Cheng Yu accept?

"Your strength is too weak! When you have enough strength, you will naturally know everything!"

"What kind of realm do I have to achieve to have enough strength?" Cheng Yu asked.

"When your ability is enough to protect the world, you will know everything!"

"What? Protect the world?" Cheng Yu did not understand.

“Yes, protecting a world is far more difficult than destroying a world!” the dream beast explained.

Cheng Yu's brow is deeply wrinkled. Of course he understands what strength he needs to destroy the world, but that strength does not exist in the human world. In other words, you must fly to the fairy world.

To protect the world, it is even more difficult than to become a common immortal.

"You are so weak, even if you know who the enemy is, how can you do it? You can't even fight with one finger!"

"You said they are people in the fairy world, right?" Cheng Yu asked.

"What you have to do now is to work hard to gain strength, not to seek what you call an enemy!" The dream beast did not give him an answer.

"But I need to know why they want to destroy the holy city?" Cheng Yu asked unwillingly.

He can temporarily not know the enemy's news, at least he has some answers in his heart. What he wants to know most now is why these guys want to destroy the holy city, and the holy city has hatred with them.

Even the enchanted fairyland and the devil world simultaneously shot to deal with the holy city?

"Between the heavens and the earth, life and death are commonplace. There are deaths in life. Why are there so many?"

"But there is always a reason for this. I don't believe they will kill the holy city for no reason?" Cheng Yu said reluctantly.

"If you want to say a reason, it is nothing more than a profit."

"Lee? What good can they get from destroying the holy city?" Cheng Yu did not understand.

The Holy City is only one of the forces of the human world. Compared with the fairy world and the devil world, the human world is only the lower bound. How can it be entangled with the fairy world and the devil world that belong to the upper bound?

"This is not something I can know, I don't need to know!" said the dream beast.

"You are the practicing beast of the Holy City. Don't you want to avenge the holy city?" Cheng Yu was a little angry and said loudly.

"My duty is only to practice my disciples. Regardless of the presence and absence of the Holy City, my duties have never changed. How can I take revenge?" However, the dream beast does not have any change in Cheng Yu’s mood, and the voice is still calm. Impermanence, like everything has nothing to do with him.

"If this is the case, then you will tell me about the destruction of the holy city that year, which is simple for you!" Cheng Yu said.

"The end of the past will be the past, and the future will come. After you know it, you will naturally know that you can't ask for it!" The dream beast said faintly.

"You really don't want to say?" Cheng Yu pinched his fists. If this guy is invisible and colorless, he really wants to drag this guy out to play.

It clearly knows what happened in the past, but it is death and will not tell yourself. Is it really like it said, when you should know it? When will it wait?

"You can't say it! But I want to remind you, don't expose your saint's identity. The danger may come again at any time! Instead of trying your best to find out the truth, it's better to seek enough power to save yourself." What they want to destroy is not the holy city, but the holy people, you can do it yourself!" After the last sentence of the dream beast, Cheng Yu found that there was another change around him, and everything around him finally recovered his original appearance. .

"Hey! Don't go! I haven't asked yet?" Cheng Yu changed his face when he heard the last sentence of the dream beast. He still wanted to ask again, but the dream beast had disappeared.

Looking at everything around him has returned to normal, Cheng Yu found that he had always been wrong. Just now, the Nightmare Beast tells the real reason for the destruction of the Holy Family, not because of the Holy City, but because of the Holy Family!

The reason why the holy city will be destroyed is because of their saints! This is incredible. But what does their saints have to do with the fairy world and the devil world? Are they going to destroy the saints?

Only now that the dream beast has disappeared, it is impossible for him to ask again.

Cheng Yu sighed deeply and suddenly felt that the road to the future was getting more and more confused.

"The Holy Family! What are the interests of our saints to make the fairy world and the devil world mapable? Is it because of the original fantasy?" Cheng Yu was puzzled. According to his speculation, the biggest difference between the saints is that they have Dadan. The gods can sculpt out the three Dandan Liu Dan and even like him, cultivate the nine Dan.

"Are they just for this?" Cheng Yu felt that this possibility is not without.

After all, if all the people in the fairy world can be like him, they will cultivate nine gods. Then in the fairy world, you can cultivate nine celestial elements. If this is the case, then the king can easily kill the fairy, and the fairy can easily kill the emperor.

If the emperor can have nine celestial cents ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ afraid that even if it can not be sanctified, the strength is not lost to the saint!

You must know that there is no saint in the fairy world, but the emperor has the strength of a saint. This is indeed extremely attractive. If the fairyland really kills the saints because of this, it also says the past.

"If this is the case, it seems that the dream beast is right, you must not expose the identity of the saints, or else it will inevitably attract the attention of these people, leading to the murder of their own. With their present strength, it is not immortal. Opponents. Although it is impossible for people in the fairy world to easily go down the border, it does not mean that they can't go down the border. As long as there is a way, the lower bound is naturally possible." Thinking of this, Cheng Yu was shocked and seemed to be more low-key in the future. .

Fortunately, Cheng Yu now knows that his nine gods have merged into one when they look inside the nine branches of the tree. It is no longer as swaying as before. This is a bit more fortunate.


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