Godly Student

Vol 6 Chapter 1854: Stone room!

Cheng Yu naturally did not know that they are already well-known in the realm of comprehension, and they are household names. I don't even know if Kunlun and Xuan Tianzong made new moves to him.

At this time, Cheng Yu still looked for the presence of a mirror or a holy city in the remains of the Holy City. However, the remains of this holy city are obviously much larger than they thought.

They found the sarcophagus of the open mirror before they found the main entrance of Kaitiancheng, so they had a certain understanding of the layout and direction of the open city, but they searched for a few kilometers, but did not find the location of the city.

Under no means, Lan Ya once again sucked away a few kilometers of the original loess, but they found the other end from the other, but still could not find the so-called city government, which made everyone unexpected.

"Yu Shidi, this is a bit wrong. From the stone we found in Kaitiancheng, it is almost ten kilometers or more, but there is no shadow of the city's capital. Isn't this distance still reaching the center of the city?" Xinluo stood in the same place. From the direction, the location of Shijie was the north gate of the city. They are now looking south, but it is obviously not the location of the south gate. There is still no distance to the south.

As a result, Lanya continued to **** away a few kilometers of loess in the south. As a result, it was almost a dozen kilometers from south to north. When they went south, after a few kilometers, they suddenly found the ruins disappeared.

"Nothing? How can it be gone?" When the people saw it further south, it was flat, indicating that the city was only so wide.

"It seems that this place is the location of the South Gate, but we actually went from the North Gate to the South Gate, but did not find the City House, will we miss it?" Xinhai said.

"Perhaps the city's main government is not in the center of the city, perhaps in other places!" said Xinhe.

"This can be troublesome. Do we really have to look through the entire city for a while?" Xinluo said depressedly.

Because they didn't want to miss any hope, they looked very carefully. As a result, they went from north to south for more than ten kilometers. They looked for more than half a month.

Since I have been looking for it along the center of the city, I can definitely find the city government. In that case, I might know some news about the mirror. But no one knows that this city capital is not in the center of the city. Now, this situation is afraid that it can only be searched throughout the city.

"From the distance between the north and the south, the distance between the city and the city is also more than ten kilometers. The younger brother of Lan Ya, I am afraid that it will be hard for you again." Xinhe said.

"It’s already been the case anyway. You, Lanya’s younger brother, simply cleaned up the remains of the entire city. I don’t believe it. I can’t find the location of the city’s capital in the entire city!” Xin Luo said.

"Or come on one side, if you find it here, then there is no need to spend that energy!" Cheng Yu thought about it.

"Okay!" Lanya nodded and began to clean up again to the remains of the east.

After half an hour, the remains of the east side have all been cleared, and everyone will continue to look east.

However, after three days, the entire eastern region also searched for more than half of the area, but everyone still found nothing.

"It seems that there is no drama here. Most of the city's main government is in the west!" said Xinhai, disappointed.

"When you finish looking for it, anyway, the city is only so big, we will find it after all." Although Cheng Yu is extremely disappointed and depressed, but in order to find something useful, it is also a fight.

Since everyone has come here and spent so much time, it naturally cannot be abandoned halfway.

Everyone feels very broken, but there is really no better way to find clues. Only continue to look for it.

In such a boring search, Xinluo flipped a large slate, and when he came and did not see if there was any useful thing below, he suddenly slammed and saw that he was all concave in front of him. All of them collapsed, and they were shocked.

"Look! Cave! There is a hole here!" Hearing this loud noise, everyone rushed over and suddenly saw a hole in front of Xinluo.

"Haha! I found out that I am really a lucky star? It seems that all the discoveries are what I found!" After the reaction, I suddenly reacted and suddenly laughed.

"Fast! Let's go down and see, maybe there is something we are looking for inside!" At this time, everyone can have no mood to care for Luo. After looking for it for so long, I finally found such a hole. It is obvious that everyone is I was attracted by this hole.

"Hey! This hole is what I found. You are not going to praise me for it?" Xinluo saw that everyone had already entered the hole, but only left him alone at the end, suddenly dissatisfied with the catch up. Cried.

The people walked down the steps all the way to the hole, and saw two stone doors faintly hidden, looking into the gap and looking inside, the inside was dark.

"Do we want to go in?" Xinhai asked with some expectation.

I finally found something interesting. He was very expecting in his heart. I really want to go in and see what is inside!

"We are not here to find the secret of the mirror. There may be something we are looking for, of course we have to go in!" Xin Luo said.

"This is the case, but it seems to be a bit sinister. It doesn't look like a good place. Is it afraid that it will be dangerous?" said the heart.

"There should be no problem. Look at this door. There should be no terrible existence in it, or else it will have already ran out!" Xinluo said with disapproval.

"No matter how ~www.ltnovel.com~ Everyone is still careful, I lead the way, everyone carefully keeps up!" Cheng Yu took out a luminous stone and slowly pushed the stone in.

Everyone also took out the luminous stones, and the whole cave was illuminated. What appeared in front of them was a long-distance martyrdom, which was about twenty or thirty feet long.

In addition to the thick spider web, there is a row of lamp holders on the wall of the ramp, but the energy stone above is gone, so there is no light.

In addition, there are no other decorations and embellishments on the wall of this ramp, even a mural.

When the people walked past the twenty-three-thousand-thirty martyrdom, two stone gates appeared in front of them, but one stone was still closed, and the other was open.

"Yu Shidi, be careful and cheat!" Xinhe reminded him behind.

Cheng Yu nodded and used the luminous stone to take photos in the door. He found that there was no danger in the empty space. He went ahead one by one. Others carefully took photos with the luminous stones and followed them.

This is a stone room!

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